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thoughts and questions about daughters seizures

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I usually take the time to read all of the threads going on in here

to see what everyone is doing to help their loved ones that have been

affected by seizures. My daughter started having noticeable seizures

when she was 5 1/2 weeks old. There was no family history and she

was over medicated until I became very informed about seizures. Do

any of you feel like epilepsy is the wastebasket term for those that

are not diagnosed with anything in particular?? I know I do and I

know I have had too many people tell me " that is just how she is

going to be " about my daughter. To those of you in the same

boat...choose NOT to believe those doctors and people...as hard as

that is..I know...just keep believing that there has to be other ways

as most of you seem to do on there. You are all awesome advocates to

your children from most everything I have read on here!!!

First, I am very curious if anyone knows good naturopathic doctor and

neurological chiropractors (I would love to see what the

chiropractors can do, I have yet to try that path) here in San Diego.

I would also like to since I am treating my MS naturally. We just

moved and our Naturopath in Hawaii was excellent and has made a

difference for our daughter. We have the name of a good naturopath

in LA, but would like something a little closer to home to save as

much money as we can to pay for all her natural medical expenses.

My daughter is on the Ketogenic diet at s Hopkins and has been on

it for the last year. She still has seizures, but is off seizures

medications and doing much better that way, shorter postictal

periods, more alert and less seizures! She also takes supplements

and homeopathic meds that seem to be working very well and her

seizures are growing further apart just as our ND said they would.

I also am curious. Does anyone know of any foundations, non profits

or charities that deal with the research into natural remedies and

more research on how they affect people with seizures? I would like

to know because if there is not a big one..I would like to help them

and if not I want to start one and all the support here would be

great in doing that!

Has anyone tried craniosaccral therapy or acupuncture?? If so has it


Okay...about vaccinations. My daughter regressed in a MAJOR way..all

documented, after her year old vaccines (I would really like to chat

with those of you that have tried to treat this one with DAN docs).

I have chosen (I know this is not for all,especially those in certain

countries, or maybe just spreading them out more would be good for

some) to not have my other children vaccinated any further and in my

daughters case at all. Also, my daughters OT was guilted into

getting her son his year old vaccine when she was very skeptical of

them, right after he started having hundreds of seizures and passed

away. If that is not enough evidence that some children are

predisposed to having problems from vaccines or that there is

something wrong with some vaccines I don't know what is. My

daughter's naturopathic doctor also has three grown children that

range from high school to out of college age that have not been

vaccinated and have never taken any antibiotics and are very healthy

children; he swears by it. He also thinks the Heb B at birth can

cause neurological harm and is not needed in all cases only some.

There are also alternative homeopathic vaccinations you can get if

that makes you feel better about the whole thing.

My question is if most of us grew up without a lot of these vaccines

and are doing just fine, why do our kids need all these extra

vaccines that we never received?? I feel its paranoia of the public

and greed of the companies pushing the vaccines, but again, that is

just my opinion. I don't expect everyone to agree.

I have also found that if my daughter gets constipated there will be

seizures to follow. I guess what some say of the gut being your

second brain may be very true...lol...I mean toxins trapped in your

body can't be good. Has anyone found anybody doing any research into

this??? Her old Neurologist said he didn't know of any kind of

research on this subject.

So there are a few thoughts and questions. I can't wait to hear back

from you!!


Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy.

Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your

ability to work through it.

Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding,

patience, and renewed strength.

Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.

God Bless!

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Just curious about what supplements and homeopathic meds have seemed

to help with your daughter and so might help others on this list.

Also, there is a connection between magnesium deficiency and


Alot of kids, including mine, do not eat enough of green leafy vegetables and

don't get

enough magnesium. http://www.hoptechno.com/bookfoodsourcemg.htm

Magnesium helps to relax the muscles of the intestines and the blood vessels


bring more oxygen to the brain.

Take care,


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