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inflammed gallbladder - surgery immeidately coming weekend

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hi all,

i have inflammed gall bladder with a size of 6.7mm. according to members advice

it is very dangerous and can cause death.

i take a date of surgery of 26th jan. 2005, but if it is so dangerous should i

go immediately within a day or two ?



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It would appear that you read more into statements than is needed regarding a

thickened gallbladder. I explained to you that I too had one of which got healed

by diet, exercise, and varied treatment modalities. I also noted to you that two

of my friends died because of theirs breaking open, which led you having

something of a panic attack. One big difference in them, you, and me is that you

supposedly only have a recent inflammation of the gallbladder rather than a

thickening of it by disease as in their cases and mine. My doctor noted to me

that my gallbladder had probably not been working properly for the last ten

years. So, is this thickening of a recent nature or do you in fact have a long

standing diseased gallbladder?

It would also appear to me that you do have enough money to spend on getting an

ultrasound or have surgery when ever it is you want. I would think you could

also spend it on some colonics to help clean the bowels and stimulate the liver.

As for myself I would consider getting not only colonics, I would find a

colonist that also uses ozone of which is insufflated with the water during the

session.This will get healing oxygen to all of the organs by way of the Portal

vein of which is very prominent for all organs and especially the large

intestines. Or, starting from the other end you could spend it on a dietician to

help you with a specific dietary arrangement that will work towards a healthy

liver of which in turn makes for a healthy gallbladder. He/She could follow Dr,

Cabot's recipes and make great meals for you to eat and by which enhance your

attempt at getting back to having a healthy and happy body.

Oxygen will help liquefy gallstones. If you have ever had any out and exposed to

the air for any period of time you would see that oxidation causes them to melt

away. So, how do you get more oxygen into the body? Exercise, or by means of

ozone insufflations, which will be going to the various organs too. What helps

heal wounds? Oxygen. So, getting more oxygen is doing more than just providing

oxygen enriched blood to the gallbladder to oxidize the cholesterol type of

gallstones it is also going to the various organs and especially ones that are

diseased with what will help them heal, more oxygen.

If your thickening is of a recent nature and is nothing more than an

inflammation then chances are very good that you simply need to rely on a good

diet, exercise, and treatment modalities to help you get it back to being a

happy and healthy little organ in your body rather than a rotting piece of dead

flesh outside your body in a trashcan. So, to boil this to a conclusion, the

choice is yours to make as to whether to have your unhappy little gallbladder

removed or not. As for myself I was willing to do what ever it took to keep

mine, and I have! What have you been doing besides attempting to flush it out

these few times and writing these continuous pleadings to tell you what to do?

You have not at any stage of your postings here noted to anyone as to just what

you do other than saying you have done some flushes. Flushing is only one part

of the whole process of getting the liver and gallbladder cleared of the various

styles of stones. Like anything else in life flushing isn't the silver bullet

ticket to health by itself.


----- Original Message -----

From: Alok Kumar


Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:09 PM

Subject: inflammed gallbladder - surgery immeidately coming weekend

hi all,

i have inflammed gall bladder with a size of 6.7mm. according to members advice

it is very dangerous and can cause death.

i take a date of surgery of 26th jan. 2005, but if it is so dangerous should i

go immediately within a day or two ?


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hi all,


> i have inflamed gall bladder with a size of 6.7mm. according to members

> advice it is very dangerous and can cause death.


> i take a date of surgery of 26th jan. 2005, but if it is so dangerous

> should i go immediately within a day or two ?


>An inflamed gallbladder wall is compromised but having your gallbladder

>removed because of the possibility of rupture would be a knee jerk

>reaction. If you want to keep your gallbladder do so, it will take

>stepping out of your comfort zone, changing lifestyle habits, and diligent

>commitment and work. Unless it ruptures or has an unmanageable infection

>there is absolutely no need for surgery! Alok, you live in the land of

>Ayurveda, the curcuminoids in turmeric are more anti inflammatory than

>cortical steroids! Treat infection if it exists, reduce inflammation, hug

>your gallbladder gently. Always, in all ways, -Dave

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