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WOW this has been the longest day of my life. BUT well worth it!

We had to be to the appointment by 9:45am and didnt get out of there

until 12:30pm. The rhumy was very nice and took his time explaining

everything so Derrick understand everything. I went very well

prepared thanks to all of you that have helped by you postes here. I

had a detailed health history, detailed family history, and a very

detailed journal of the past month, and set of questions printed out

so i didnt forget to ask anything ALL in hand when we walked threw

the door.

They XRAY'd every joint in his body-- wrists, hands, knees, neck,

shoulders, back, hips, ankles, etc. They drew alot more blood.

Derrick wanted to know if they entend of giving that blood back when

they are done with it- 12 year boys ask the darnest things :) The

doctor reviewed the xrays with us prior to us leaving. He stated he

thaught we got him in early enough that there isnt much joint

deteriation, guess thats one good thing. Also he thaught it was very

important to get Derrick off the high doses of ibuprofen right away

and try to get him something that wont upset his stomach. I totally

agreed with that. He thaught given his syptoms, length of time, and

family history we are definitely dealing with arthritis. He strongly

recommended and intensive occupational therapy program and home

program for stretches and stregthening. Derrick has loss of

significant range of motion in his knees and back. Also he wants

Derrick to start the pool therapy today and thinks he will need that

for an extended time for strengthening. He said the school needs to

be supportive of Derrick if he needs frequent breaks, and the

tiredness is something he hopes will improve with getting him stable

in some medication. He did ask if Derrick had ever taken prednisone

for his asthma, and how he delt with taking it. I think that might

be something hes thinking of trying but he didnt as of yet. The new

med he put him on is an anti inflammatory called nabumetone 500mg

twice a day. He also did alot of labs to make sure we arnt dealing

with some sort of muscle disease we wont know about the labs for

about a week he said.

After the doctor we got a break until 3:45pm and then it was off to

pool therapy for an hour. Thank godness for my 17 and 18 year old

daughters who gave up their plans and babysat our 7 and 8 year old

and even made supper for me. Pool therapy went great. Derrick loved

the pool heated to 93 degrees. He said it took all the pain away

while he was in there. The pool therapist was really nice and tried

to make it fun for him.

Well its now 11:49pm and I am the last one still awake in this house

so I think I am going to go crash and finish all the housework


I would really like to thank all of you. I was much more prepared

for Derricks appointment and that really helped. You all helped me

to stay calm and though I still worry its nice to have people that

know what we are going threw. Thanks a million!

Christy and Derrick age 12 arthritis of some sort but getting help:)

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