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Don't knock the foot detox pads if you have not researched them properly!!

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These pads do work, and are not a gimmick, so please leave flippant remarks


Its understandable that initially they may sound rather way out.

The main ingredients that has the strong drawing out effect are



The toxins are drawn out via the lymphatic system from the feet. Feet carry

many toxins of an acid nature, the law of gravity for one, tends to allow t

oxins to get trapped in the feet. I believe that when you initially start

wearing these pads they do stimulate the whole body via the foot reflexes to

start detoxing more, when I was first using them, I had spots come out on my

body, where I had not had them for some time.

A laboratory somewhere in America has tested used foot pads from another company

and results show definate removal of heavy metals -PCB's from plastic, and

others, so why not try them for at least a month, and see what happens/

They have been used in Asia for some time, and have not been in the West quite

so long, but are catching on . I think you will find the price of Ethos's

pads very competitive!

Thanks Anne

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Thanks for the info on the foot pads, what I am working on right now

for myself, is mercury toxins, my biologically safe dentist has been

removing all

of my amalgram fillings, and when he is all finished I am going to be be

tested for

mercury levels and if they are too high I was considering the foot pads

as one of

the means to rid the mercury from my system. Do you think the foot pads

would work

for this?

I remember in High School we studied about how you can contract

parasites from

walking barefoot, and how in some countries they remove worms from people

on their feet.

Seems to me that the foot pads should work.

thanks, Dee


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