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Triglycerides & Cholesterol - I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! by rotgut

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Issue 145: Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Amoebic Dysentery, Crohn's

Disease, Plantar Wart, Constipation, Insomnia, Seizures, Mercury,

Eczema, Cancer...

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Triglycerides & Cholesterol - I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! by rotgut

I just got my lipid panel back - I am in shock.

As background, my 5/24/04 lipid panel had my total cholesterol at

253 and my triglyceride level at 1285. For a guy who just turned 36,

this obviously sucks. This was while I was on medication too; I've

taken Lipitor, Tricor, Gemfibrizol, Niaspan, etc. and watched my

triglyceride levels get progressively worse.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=447 & i=8391

Help, how to report serious reactions for child from flu shot by


I don't know where to go to find out about and report reactions from

the flu shot. I had my four year old given the flu shot on Friday.

He was one of the millions of kids who got really sick last year

with last years flu. Anyway about 24-36 hours after the flu shot

his face began to swell up. By Sunday morning his eye was nearly

swelled shut along with the whole left side of his head and splotchy

parts on the right side of his face.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=374 & i=36

5 year old diagnosed with hypercalciuria by slcc_98

Can you please tell me how to treat this naturally? Apparently, not

only does she develop kidney stones constantly, but it also affects

her bone density and intestines. She has gone through so much pain

since she was only a year old.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=179 & i=1177

Amoebic dysentery cure & Crohn's disease cure by kt

My children got amoebic dysentery in Mexico. We used Chaparral and

garlic to cure our family of it. The one child that went to the

hospital of our 7 (that was how we knew what it was for sure) the

doctor said that it was the most virulent strain he had ever seen.

The chaparral and garlic kicked it for the rest of my family who had

it to varying degrees, and was a real blessing for my 5 month old

who we were preparing to take to the hospital if he didn't show

improvement in the next day.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=321 & i=2308

My 20 years of pain. by #1130

I didn't realize how bad my depression and anxiety was as a kid. I

had a mentally (and sometimes physically) abusive father. I am 30

years old, and I know I have Depression, Anxiety, and ADD. I've had

them all for as long as I can remember. I just didn't have a name

for it all. All of these interfere with how I can function in

society. I bury it. I hide it, and I suffer every second I live.

My hubby doesn't even know how bad I really am.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=27 & i=2063

The castor oil worked! by nspeth

Wow, I am so amazed my wart is practically gone! I had a deep

plantar wart (I think that's what it's called?) on the bottom of my

foot for the longest time (years). I started applying the castor oil

at night before bed putting a band-aid over it back in July

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=402 & i=40

My Experience With Colonics by EagleDeb

After being deathly ill with RA I went radical. I did many things

with my nutrition and nutrients, but the most remarkable thing I did

was with the colonics. I bought a colonic board from a doctor in

CA. I bought many of her tapes and I jumped in with both feet (so to

speak, grin).

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=128 & i=1487

How I averted constipation and Insomnia problems by rod

I have been so happy lately with my biggest discover. Results that

since I started my cleaning campaigns 2 years ago I started to get

more and more constipated and with more insomnia.... the more liver

flushes, enemas, colonics, kidney cleanse, exercise, steam rooms,

chelation, water increase, the more constipated and the more

insomnia. On top of that I lost some weight periodically, if you

see all the cleanse has something in common.... water waste.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=447 & i=8331

Had many fillings replaced- sharing info. by healingnow

had mercury fillings in eight back molars (all four quadrants).

Some were tiny (should not have been filled in the first place) and

two of the teeth had the centers completely drilled out and were

filled entirely with mercury amalgam. The dentist that filled all

of the teeth called them 'silver fillings'. I had no idea they had

mercury in them.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=42 & i=1870

Ebay bans book about the Ephedra: " Why Is America So FAT? "

The controversial new book " Why Is America So FAT? " which criticizes

the pharmaceutical industry for causing the obesity epidemic has

been banned by online auction company eBay.com. Auctions listed for

the book by Internet retailer InterNutrition.com were repeatedly

cancelled by eBay with the only explanation being that the auctions

violated eBay's guidelines.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=364 & i=387

Re: Undiagnosed- See if you can help by aunty

Unfortunately because you've become so frustrated with the medical

system and the lack of success that you've had regarding diagnosis

and healing of the symptoms that have presented themselves to you;

by the time you come across those that could actually help you, you

may be turned off from possible suggestions for help and quickly

dismiss some things (like diet) to be a non-issue. I understand your

frustrations; however, I would hate to see you miss out on the very

thing or things that could bring your healing due to your previous


http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=7 & i=1325

Dental Cause of Seizures

Toxicity throughout the body resulting from mercury dental amalgams

can also be a major factor in many illnesses, including a condition

of temporary paralysis called akinesia, similar to PARKINSON's.

Martha, aged 40, could not walk, her body was rigid, she was subject

to grand mal seizures, and she could barely speak.

Dr. Rau's tests indicated she had mercury poisoning in her body.

Although her mercury fillings had all been removed, mercury had

leeched from her fillings into body tissues.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=266 & i=1086

Aspartame and seizures by NoASPforme

Just wanted to let everyone know that since I gave up aspartame on

3/10/99 I have progressively gotten better and better. I feel like a

much younger person with less pain and more energy.

I still occasionally have a seizure/panic attack but I find it is

usually due to unknowingly consuming aspartame in some form or

another. The most recent episode was last week when I came down with

bronchitis and was taking cough syrup.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=266 & i=1085

Trace, grand mal seizure

Our son Trace (Tr- " ace " ) had his first grand mal seizure on his

third birthday, February 11, 1996 (one year and three months ago).

The seizure lasted approximately 3 to 5 minutes and he was

unconscious for one and a half hours afterward. He was taken to

emergency and a Pediatric Neurologist was contacted. Since it was

Sunday the Neurologist didn't come in, instead he listened to

Trace's history over the phone and advised that he be started on

Dilantin. This was the start of our nightmare.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=266 & i=1087

Study shows dogs able to smell cancer

Researchers at Amersham Hospital in Buckinghamshire, England, and

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People set out to test whether dogs could be

trained to detect cancer. Trainers used urine from bladder cancer

patients and others to school their dogs to select the cancer-unique


Each dog had to sniff seven urine samples and lie down next to the

one from a bladder cancer patient.

The dogs correctly selected the right urine 41 percent of the time.

By chance alone, the rate would be 14 percent

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=254 & i=1572

Supplement Usage = Reduced Health Care Costs

You may have already heard about a new study just released that

links dietary supplements with improved health and reduced health

care costs by the billions of dollars. Too often, however, the

consumer news media sends a negative message or minimizes the good

news about the benefits of dietary supplements.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=237 & i=885

My family is aware that my brother molested me by #9687

My family is aware that my brother molested me, a cousin, and his

sister in law, but they don't believe it, and feel each of us did

something to make him act this way. Our fault? Not at all, and now I

don't deal with my family and I don't feel I have lost anything but

poisoned people. They are ashamed to have anyone know they have such

a problem in the family and therefore won't admit it.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=62 & i=466

Ovarian Cancer help

My cancer started as an ovarian cancer a year ago. I did chemo,

which did not help much (prior to that I had surgery and removed my

tumor, my uterus and ovaries). Now, I'm doing coffee enemas, liver

flushes and cleanses, zapper, ozonated olive oil, many different

herbs and things are not going so great. I've been passing some

different parasites during the cleanses! The cancer cells in my

body increased (two weeks ago I had a test done), my tumors

enlarged and new ones appeared!

What am I doing wrong???

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=254 & i=1566





Intimacy and marriage by Christianwife22

Now since I am sexually active I have a question about orgasms well

a few questions and I am hoping someone can help me.

Does a woman have a orgasm from intercourse?

What position brings a woman to orgasm?

How do you know if you have a orgasm?

How long should your partner last? (my husband maybe lasts about 3

minutes of penetration)

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=318 & i=2695

I'm on a similar journey

In January I found a lump in my breast. I let a doctor look at it.

He felt it was more likely to be cancer than not. He wanted me to go

the standard route of mammogram, surgeon consult, etc. When I prayed

about it, I had a sense that I would be healed if I avoided

contemporary medicine and its likely responses to my problems. When

I prayed about going the standard route, I saw and felt darkness and

cessation. So I decided to follow my prayerful instinct. It has

taken a long while for the few friends and family I've told about my

problem to see that I am choosing life rather than death.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=254 & i=1374

Frustrated with effects of the flush on my body by carolien

I did my umpteenth liver flush the weekend before last, and the next

day I felt great!! I even walked 7 miles and felt like nothing could

get me down. I got a colonic the day after that and a day or 2 later

I started going downhill. My digestion has not been bad, so that is

an improvement, but my body is so tired this last week. Before the

flush it was easy for me to get out of bed and exercise and feel

good, now I have the hardest time to not stick my head under the

pillow and stay right where I am.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=447 & i=8243

Inventing Diseases

The elite British Royal College of General Practitioners has come

out in the open and stated that drug companies invent or shape

disease categories that, by definition, require drug treatment.

In other words, the true masters are the drug companies.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=214 & i=171

Is Circumcision the right thing for a man to do?

I'm 30+ and have been circumcised! Was this the right thing to have


http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=318 & i=2686

Vaccine Ingredients

This is a representative, not a comprehensive, list of the various

types of vaccines

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=372 & i=43

Strange way that I got over my viral infection.. Need advice by


This started happening five years ago. Now whenever I get the flu or

any other kind of virus, I can feel ill for literally months.

I started getting ill again 1.5 months ago. I was stressing my body

a little bit too much, and eating too much junk and not resting

enough. I got ill, and my alternative MD told me it was a viral

infection that begins with a c. (cactii or something?) I cannot

remember the exact name, but he said it is almost a type of

pleomorphic organism.

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=362 & i=4457

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