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Re: For Cathy

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>>>I did a lot of research on it, and found other people on the Cure Zone

with the same problem, and once the gallstones are gone, so will the insomnia.

Liver cleanses will also rid the body of food allergies and candida.<<<

Hi ,

Thank you for your response. I can see the logic in all your points regarding

flushing. It's so important for each person to go with their own inner

wisdom on what they feel is right for themselves, but what I love about this


is the willingness to share personal successes and insight to further

everyone's knowledge. This is so valuable from a self-empowerment angle, which

in turn

goes a very long way towards self-healing. Besides, feeling well on a

particular flushing protocol can leave no room denying it's value to anyone and


sincerely wish you the best as your own personal healing journey brings you back

to full balance and health.

You mentioned that you'd had allergy testing " years ago " . My understanding,

from the allergist I saw, is that a person can be completely allergy-free for

most of their life, but at a certain point in life may suddenly and

inexplicably begin to experience them. Not saying this is your case, but it's a

possibility for anyone. There was no one more surprised than myself when I

discovered I

had certain food intolerances.

In my own case, taking a holistic approach to my health has been really

helpful and this has also included liver flushing. However, what I have noticed


that shifting hormones have definitely contributed to bouts of insomnia, GB

issues and IBS, now that I'm in my mid-40s. This is occurring for more and more

women, even earlier today than ever before, and sometimes as early as the 30s.

As " in Atlanta " recently mentioned, hormonal imbalances can also add to

a myriad of symptoms, including digestive issues, in women. Without the

protective benefits of the hormones of our youth, inflammatory processes are


likely (heart and vascular disease, GB issues, high cholesterol, diabetes, IBS,

cancers, etc). This isn't to exclude men, because hormonal imbalances can

also affect men in many ways, too. In more recent medical " awakenings " in the

news, there are now many proponents of " inflammation theory " , who say that

inflammation, triggered by whatever cause for an individual, is at the root of


illness and caused by a hyperactive immune system trying to find balance again

(but swinging wildly in the opposite direction with the body actually

attacking itself).

So, from what I understand, getting hormone levels checked and replacing with

good quality bio-identicals may well hold a lot of promise for women with

digestive issues (in addition to flushing, diet, exercise, supplementation,


While flushing will detoxify and cleanse and help inflammation, I'm not 100%

persuaded it will go to the source of hormonal imbalances, nor the natural

loss of hormones as we age. If anyone here has any further insight on this, I'd

be very grateful to learn more.

BTW, these aren't my opinions, merely what I've researched and discovered for

myself, as well, and I can't stake claim to being fully conversant in any of

it. I'm only a lay person finding personal empowerment in the seeking of

possible answers for my own health concerns. ;))

Peace and blessings, n

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It's not food allergies that are keeping me awake at night. Any food,

all food keeps me awake. I did a lot of research on it, and found other

people on the Cure Zone with the same problem, and once the gallstones

are gone, so will the insomnia. Liver cleanses will also rid the body

of food allergies and candida. I've found this to be really true.

I've also had allergy testing years ago with a holistic practioner.

I drink Willard Water all day long, and it alkalizes the body. It heals

both the inside and outside of the body, therefore there is no reason to

believe that the epsom salts would make my body acid if I was drinking

the WW all day long on the days that I'm not cleansing.


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i have one point in my mind that we drink lot of water, fruits and vegetables

meals etc and in the morning our stool is used to be very hard so may be in this

way olive oil and juice become so hard like a stones.

lightwalkercathy@... wrote:

It's not food allergies that are keeping me awake at night. Any food,

all food keeps me awake. I did a lot of research on it, and found other

people on the Cure Zone with the same problem, and once the gallstones

are gone, so will the insomnia. Liver cleanses will also rid the body

of food allergies and candida. I've found this to be really true.

I've also had allergy testing years ago with a holistic practioner.

I drink Willard Water all day long, and it alkalizes the body. It heals

both the inside and outside of the body, therefore there is no reason to

believe that the epsom salts would make my body acid if I was drinking

the WW all day long on the days that I'm not cleansing.


Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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