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Re: unbelieving husband

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I'm not surprised that your husband doesn't believe they are gallstones.

If you read through the archives in curezone.com you'll see that other

people have confronted their doctors with the stones with the same

reaction. However if your husband would be willing to read over the

main section on the Cure Zone about gallstones, you can see the photos.

They have said that the stones melt once they hit the air, though, and

some people have frozen them in their freezers. Some people have

speculated that the stones are really from the oil, etc. All of those

questions have been discussed in the Cure Zone. Try reading the Q & A's

in the Liver Cleanse section.


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Hi ,

Welcome to the list.

Let us know what the lab results are. There have a been a few people

in your rare situation (i.e. who actually had access to a lab without

needing their doctor to agree to the test). The few who have taken

their flushed stones to the lab all got the same results: bile mixed

with cholesterol, some with calcium, etc. None of them got results

that said " mixture of oils and juice " . Some have gotten the same

stones out after a fatty meal with no juice. Some have gotten the

stones out early in the flush before the oil. In other words, the labs

say they are gall stones.

There's a lot more information for you in our archives and our links pag.

See our links at:


The links page has links to pictures of surgically removed

gallbladders and livers with stones. You can compare the looks of

those to what you flushed out. The links page also has a link to Dr.

Cabot's site who deals very specifically with diet. She wrote

a book called " The Liver-Cleansing Diet " .

Is your husband doubting the possibility of the stones getting out of

the bile duct because of the diameter of the stones vs the duct? This

gives a lot of the more knowlegable types some problem. The less

knowledgable folk just realize that if women can have 10 pound babies

then our bodies obviously have some muscles that can stretch a lot.

The Epsoms is to allow the ducts to strech a lot (the magnesuim

relaxes smooth muscles), and the oil is to put a lot of pressure on

the gall bladder to constrict and push hard to expell the bile. In

pushing the bile out the stones are carried out too. The later doses

of epsoms are to clear out the bowel and stones before the stones are

reabsorbed into the body complete with their toxic load.

An executive summary of the diet to eliminate gallstones will be

woefully incomplete, but here's my attempt. Stop eating transfats

completely like margerine and most processed foods which contain them.

One of the biggest bang for the buck in any health improvement

regimin is to cut out all white sugar and flour. The store bought

" whole wheat " is not better. Fresh ground whole wheat is great.

Stevia is a great herbal sweetener which is actually good for us.

Start eating daily good oils which will keep the bile thin and flowing

such as extra virgin olive, raw coconut, flax seed oil, etc. Eat

lecithin supplements daily to keep the bile thin and high quality.

Don't overdo the animal fat at any one meal. The more raw foods the

better - not just fruits and veggies but nuts and other raw sources of

good fats. Dissolving existing stones is a gradual process, but you

can get malic acid in your diet (from Apple Juice or in supplement

form), Gold coin grass, Chanca Piedra, and other herbs. You can

support your liver with herbs like Milk Thistle Seed and Fennel seed.

This is just some of the things you can do.

Best Regards to you and your husband,



> Group: I became interested in cleansing after many,

> many health problems. I am working with a

> nutritionist and he has me on a very comprehensive

> candida/ leaky gut protocol. I did my first cleanse

> yesterday with astounding success. There were

> probably at least 200 stones of varyng sizes. I

> collected some of these and showed them to my husband

> who is a physician, and he says there is no way they

> can be gall stones. He doesn't know what they are,

> but knows they are not gall stones as he says there is

> no way they can get out of the gall bladder. I am an

> R.N. and am going to take some the lab and have them

> analyzed. Has anyone ever done this? Also, what

> kind of diet do you find most healthful? Michele

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About your diet, you might go to your local health food store that has

books. Some of the good stores have books that are open that you can

flip through and look up diseases with natural remedies and you could

look up Gallstones.

There are many different supplements that are recommended in addition to

diet and exercise. I suggest you take a holistic approach and see the

body as a whole rather than just one part.

A good diet would be one made up of whole foods, instead of the man made

foods which aren't complete. Such as fresh fruit instead of just bottled

juice. That would mean, fresh fruit, fresh veggies both raw and cooked

but not over cooked. Lean meats, cutting back on your meat portions and

substituting fish and legumes, maybe eating meat once a week. Whole

grain bread (I look for extra fiber in the bread), oat bran to lower

cholesterol. Adding flax seed oil daily, a low fat diet (meaning eat

good fats like adding olive oil and coconut oil) not sugary high fat

desserts and snacks. Drink lots of water to keep everything moving.

You basically want to add fiber, water, fresh foods, organic when

possible. Salads with dark greens, the darker the more nutrients.

Think green. Anything green heals the liver, such as green veggies,

green drinks.

Cut out snacks that are high fat with all the additives. Stick to the

aisles around the outside wall in the grocery store, rather than the

aisles in the inside area which is where all the boxed fake, dried food

is shelved with all the preservatives.

Read labels before you buy it. I check for fat content and carbs,

sodium too.

Your local health food store is a treasure of edible delights that I

enjoy trying new items. Though you still have to read labels there too.

I substitue Braggs Liquid Aminos for soy sauce. It's low in sodium and

is healthy. Though the local grocery stores are really getting on the

band wagon, hurray! Annie's Naturals in the health section is a great

salad dressing with natural ingredients and tastes good too.

I love baby raw carrots with Hummus as a snack. I substitute margarine

and butter and use Organic Coconut oil instead. Get off of milk

products with all the antibiotics they have in them. Either substitute

with soy or try the dairy products made without antibiotics. I use

extra Virgin olive oil for cooking.

In other words, do your liver a favor and help it get well. All drugs

and chemicals get filtered through the liver. I mention the liver here

because the liver and gallbladder work together and helping one, helps

the other. Reduce or eliminate alcohol in the diet.


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