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The Mystery of the Walking Splints in the Night

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*So this is the entry in my livejournal today and thought I would share it

with you all since I know it would be understood on one level or another. If

anyone has any ideas .. .well that would be great too... haha*


*Issadora *



*I'm sure you're sitting there behind your screening wondering " What is it

that she could be talking about " and maybe some can come up with a few

guesses or so. Whatever the case, I can tell you the tale that has given me

one of those off the beaten path adventures over the last couple nights.

It all started with the incessant hand/wrist pain of this ever so chronic

disease of Arthritis. Everyone knows the term most associated with little

bent over old ladies on a cane or even worse, those horrid commericals on

televison proclaming that someone took one or two of whatever and they are

suddenly fine and wonderful!

If you couldn't already tell, I despise those commercials but once again, I

digress. My wrists, especialy my right one has developed quite a bit of

swelling in it and on top of that a nasty myofascial knot is in the arm that

is causing pain along the hand below a couple of the fingers. I have found

the exact points of these knots and one in particular and ttried to work

them out. Quite painfully I must say... to no avail. As quickly as the pain

subsides, it returns. The primary difficulty is that any time I move my

wrist downwards, I feel pulling pain in my hand and any pressure on my arm

just triggers the pain in my hand as well. Just to add to that is the

swelling issue which comes from the JRA and this whole 'tendonitis " mess I

suppose which has my palm area quite puffy and the veins are rather bluish

showing themselves through my skin. My left hand is having some of the

similar palmar issues but not quite to the same severity of the right hand.

It does make typing rather tricky.

In order to allow my hands to have rest, I have taken up wearing my wrist

splints once again. In reality, I am supposed to be using resting splints

for my JRA from long ago and I used to use the wretched things long ago

particularly in my Cello playing days however I quit all of that for many

years. Now I use splints on an occasional basis when my wrists are 'acting

up' a bit and need some help however, in general, they don't persist in this

sort of behavior.. until now...

So Out comes the splints. They are these breathable neoprene blue inside,

black on the outside velcro strapped contraptions that really aren't

uncomfortable. Once they are on, I hardly notice they are there until I try

and do something like.. type.. scratch my head or anywhere else for that

matter.. still in sleep... they are just there and keep me from bending my

wrists in some awful position and adding to the pain they are already

causing me.

That's when it happened... I strap them on and the next day.... they are


So far, I have found them under the bed near the foot.... under my pillow..

on the floor.... in the covers... under the bed closer to me... and such

places like that.... but never do I seem to find them where I left them..

that is.. strapped securely to my wrists. The most logical explanation is

that I'm removing them in my sleep but HOW... that is what I want to know!

Just HOW am I taking off these things without realizing it.... they aren't

exactly difficult to remove but they do take some coordination.... two

rather noisy straps of velcro attatched along several different sticky

points along with sliding the splint off of my wrists. Oh yeh... strangely

too is that when I find the splints.... they don't look like they were

really altered much. What I mean is that... yes, they look like maybe the

velcro was moved some but all in all. they aare pretty much together in

their form.. just not ON....

If I had a video camera, it might be funny to have it on just to find out

exactly HOW i manage to do this in my sleep... and how the splints travel

about from one end of the bed to the other....

Anyways.. that is the mystery and while I have partially solved it.. the

proof has not yet been furnished..



" Life- Like the flutter of wings... feel your hollow wings rushing... " (AFI-

Silver and Cold).

my Flight in life is a metamorphosis of growth and this flutter of wings is

within me awaiting to find a space to find it's flow...

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