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Re: Helen & all

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We see the girls lawyer that was asigned to them this coming Tues. I just Hope and Pray that she Listens to the girls!!! They will tell her where they want to be. Their Father has already drilled it into their heads that they are to say they want to live with them, but they were crying last weekend that they want to come home, no matter what he said!!!

How long will it take to find out your tests results??? I have been canceling my appt. and shuffleing them to later in Oct. Hopefully this Nightmare will be over with by then...

Glad you are back. Keep us posted.

{{{ Special Hugs }}}


Oh Helen! I know you must be panicked, but dont youworry, no sane judge would give this man custody of achild! What a shame that he has been allowed to hurtthem like this. Doesnt seem to even know what love is,much less what a child needs! 3mo girlfriend isntgoing to help him in court either. And the night hetook them should be called abuse! You hang in there,they will be coming home.The drs appt was probably another waste of time, butat least this time she took some blood & urine(negthat day of course, but at least she finally took itseriously-at least 10yrs of hematuria). She is stillhesitant to send me to the nephrologist, maybeurologist to see if it is interstitial cystitis. Ileft not knowing what to do or when to come back, justdepends on labs, I guess. I dont deal well with drsanymore, I'm so disgusted with the wholemedical/insurance poo. I'm from the old school, youknow, when we just tried to help people- that was ourjobs. No CYA 1st, no check with what ins allows, youdid whatever had to be done. I'm sure they pay themnot to give referrals, not to cost them $! And I'msick of specialists anyway, they dont see the bigpicture, only thier specialty. I want my old countrydr back! At least he kept me working. This one thinksthat cortisone is the devil or something, and you'venever seen anyone more stingy with meds. And I stilldont have a "firm diagnosis", even tho every dr forover a decade has said it is probably lupus, & nowfibro too. but she still didnt do a pressure pointtest! Sorry, didnt mean to go on a tyrade. I'mlearning, albeit the hard way, what I can & cannot getaway with. But it sure would be nice to find thatmagic wand!Thank you so much for all the info & links you allsend! Has probably kept me from losing it more than afew times. I know the answers are out there, some ofus just have to figure it out ourselves.You all hang in there,

A ONLINE 6.0\IDB\spool.ind

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 6 years later...
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As soon as I know where we are going, I will certainly let everyone know. Does

anyone know if Mayo would do genetics testing at an initial visit? Mayo is much

closer for us, but won't necessarily influence our final decision.

Beth & Hannah, 11, unspecified arthritis; asthma; gerd; migraines

Sending prayers & happy thoughts,

Beth :-)



I really hope you get some answers soon. Im sorry to read ( trying to

catch up!) that Hannah is struggling.

I'm VERY interested to hear what you find out if you go to Cinny.

hugs Helen and (10,systemic)

> > >

> > > Hi everyone:

> > > Yes, we are still here. It's been a crazy 10 days with Hannah's

> > performances. She did 7 shows over 4 days, plus a full week of

> > rehearsals. Most nights we got home after 10:30, some nights


> > 12:00. Hannah is exhausted and I had to let her stay home today.

> > She was flaring before last week and is much worse today. She


> > wore her knee brace or an ace wrap for all her shows. She could

> > barely walk today and when she moves her joints are cracking and

> > popping. I can't believe how stiff she is. She certainly was not

> > like this after her holiday shows.

> > >

> > > Here is my question: On Saturday morning she woke up and the


> > of her right hand was very swollen (even her brother noticed).


> > said it felt like pins & needles, but not like it was asleep, it

> was

> > painful. The pins and needles feeling was gone by early


> > but she had lots of pain the rest of the day (made holding a

> > microphone for singing quite challenging) . Yesterday & today,

> still

> > a little swollen, but not as much and just as painful. Is it


> > to have swelling on the palm side of your hand? She has not had


> > injury to her hand.

> > >

> > > As a side note, I think the Celebrex for myself is kicking in.


> > feel so much better joint wise. Haven't been online much lately

> > though, cuz I have the crud going around. I totally lost my voice

> on

> > Friday and am still very hoarse. The sore throat lasted almost 5

> > days and I'm still coughing my head off. Finally got an


> > today because I'm on day 9 of being sick. Hope none of you have


> > to deal with this.

> > >

> > > Beth & Hannah, 11, unspecified arthritis; asthma; gerd;


> > >

> > > Sending prayers & happy thoughts,

> > > Beth :-)

> > >

> > >

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