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NEW and confused

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>My chiropractor is also a Kinesiologist, but hasn't really treated this

>condition before...

Yes, but has he treated multiple chemical sensitivities of chronic fatigue

syndrome? I think the treatments are similar for these...

>Do you know of any devices that can " clean up " a large space like my

>4000 suare foot warehouse?

The " Quantum Pro " should clean up a space that large, but you could call

them up and ask them to confirm (and verify their money back guarantee

policy if it doesn't help):


Also, another strategy is to merely protect an area a few feet around your

body, by wearing something on you, like a Springlife Polarizer pendant:


I've found that both these product lines are particularly helpful for me,

and they even can be combined for added benefit (as they don't seem to do

the same thing)

>I borrowed a meter and will measure everything tomorrow..

Note that the meter may be tuned to read a certain set of frequencies, and

the lights may be putting out an entirely different set of frequencies that

are bothering you. I've never found much correlation between my symptoms

and any meter readings...

>I am also not able to go out in the sun at all without burning.

Are you taking any medications which are known to cause sun-sensitivity?

Also note that easy burning in the sun could be a sign of reduced

antioxidants in the system. I've had good luck with some of my skin

symptoms by using a skin cream that's high in carrot oil (made by " Burt's

Bees " ).

Also, you said that you are taking supplements, but I was wondering if you

were taking anything that contains Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) -- for

example, evening primrose oil, borage oil, or black current seed oil. Also,

this is contained in oats/oatmeal. I've noticed that this seems to help my

tolerance a noticeable amount... and would explain why I like to eat

oatmeal raisin cookies! :-)


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Hello Lachlan,

in my opinion, even in large warehouses, where the ceilings are relatively

high, electrosensibles *feel* the lamps after about 15 minutes and have to

leave the warehouse.

A 100 nT (= 1 mG) can be devastating to them.

The SBM-2003 on my website are also in english downloadable.



member Verband Baubiologie


checked by Norton Antivirus

RE: Re: new and confused

> Hi

> I didn't realise you were in a warehouse. I would say that the lamps you


> are as bad as fluoros, from my experience with them, although the good

thing is

> that you are not close to them as I imagine they're high in the ceiling,


> pretty much rules out the possibility that their EM field is affecting you

> much. If the flickering light that these lamps emit is causing you


> as seems to be the case for some, it would seem that all you'd have to do


> create yourself a little enclosed office that then uses only incandescent


> natural lighting and that way you could also isolate your atmospheric

> environment fairly easily and cheaply with a small filter. Not sure how

> practical any of this is for you, not having a plan for your warehouse,


> if you were to do this, you could easily use a couple of meters to find


> area in the warehouse with the least electromagnetic activity (electric


> magnetic fields and EM radiation). Anyway, I hope this helps

> Lachlan







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  • 1 month later...

Dear Diane,

I’m terribly sorry to hear about the problems you have. Here you have a late


I suggest you (and everybody also on this list!) to read the book “The

invisible disease” by Gunni Nordstrom.

ISBN 1-903816-71-8 http://www.o-books.net/currentaffairs.htm

It is about“ The dangers of environmental illnesses caused by

electromagnetic fields and chemical emissions. - The evidence that VDUs,

mobile phones, electric lights and other modern appliances can make you


I act as an international contact person for FEB in Sweden. In USA I have

the following contacts to recommend:

Dr. Gunnar Heuser, NeuroMed and NeuroTox Associates Medical Group;

Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at U.C.L.A. School of Medicine.

E-mail: gheuser@...

His mailing address as of 1998: 17366 Sunset Boulevard #101B, Pacific

Palisades, CA 90272.

In an affidavit of 11:06:98 he wrote, " As a clinician, I can state that

electrical sensitivity is a real medical disease. My more than twenty

electrically sensitive patients and all other electrically sensitive

patients are in urgent need of relief. Exposure to any radio frequency

radiation should be avoided in these patients. "

Dr. Hooshang Hooshmand. Neurological Associates, 1255 37th suite, Suite B,

Vero Beach, Florida 32960. Tels: 561 770 9339

e-mail: hoosh@...

Dr. Hooshmand has treated electrically injured patients for decades. He has

written and lectured widely on the subject. One of his specialised

interests is the treatment of stray voltage victims.

Dr. Rea, Environmental Health Center, 8345 Walnut Hill Lane, #205.

Dallas, Texas 75231. Tel: 214 368 4132

E-mail: wjr@...

Dr. Rea has treated many with the condition, at his Texan Clinic.

He is described as " likely the pre-eminent environmental medicine

practitioner in the United States.

Website information on his Dallas Environmental Health Clinic (plus his

other clinics) is at: www.ehcd.com/center/ From there you can access

various features of the clinics.

Also worth accessing is the website for proceedings of conferences held on

environmental medicine. A great conference right on electrosensitivity took

place in 1997. The abstracts are online. You could trace lots of

specialists from these abstracts.

To access this: www.aehf.com/articles . Then scroll forward to 1997

Also Dr. Becker and Marino, Ph.D. would be worth contacting

for information on current specialists in ES (electrosensitivity). A

transcript of Moulton Howe's May 14, 2000 " British Cell Phone Alert

and An Interview with O. Becker, M.D. " can be reached at

www.earthfiles.com/earth134.htm. She would know his current address. He

was/is professionally affiliated with Dep. of Orthopedic Surgery, State U of

New York, Upstate Med. Center, but as he qualified in medicine way back in

1948 perhaps he has retired now.

I hope this can be of some help to you


>From: diane nazarenko <diane@...>



>Subject: Re: new and confused

>Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 11:30:07 -0400


>Gruendg@... wrote:


> > Hallo Diane,

> > for me as a medical doctor your story clearly shows, that the trauma

> > of the

> > surgery was after all too much for your system. There is the

> > anaethesia, which

> > is actually an intoxication with some aftereffects. There are the

> > scars, that

> > irritate the acupuncture meridians and the energy flow in the body.

> > Usually

> > there are given injections of procain or lidocain into the area of the

> > scars.

> > Naturopathic doctors know how to do this. This might already be enough


> > significantly decrease the complaints. You might also have a electrosmog

> > neutralizing device with you. Some are mentioned here in this list. I

> > have been using

> > BioProtect for my patients with good results (www.bioprotect.de.vu).

> > Also taking

> > antioxydants is helpful, but does not actually resolve the situation,

> > its a

> > good compensation.

> > Don`t do all at once, for then you will not know what actually helped.

> > Start

> > with the things, that you easily can change.

> > Greetings

> > Dietrich

> >

>Thank you for your reply. It does seem to me that the surgery was just

>too much for me on top of the yr of heavy bleeding and the move into

>this new building. I was also given a large blood transfusion, could

>that have an effect as well?

>I am hoping to find a doctor here that is understanding of this

>condition, so far my doctors have looked at me like I'm crazy. Do you

>know anyone in the US that specializes in this?

>Thanks again




Auktioner: Tjäna en hacka på gamla prylar http://tradera.msn.se

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  • 5 weeks later...

How do you know this will reduce it below stage 1? We've not gotten

hep-c to zero yet, as far as I know unless peg-int and ribavirin

were used with this. The later, more deadly hep-c stages we seem to

be able to reduce a bit and keep under control to avoid liver

failure, optimistically. I've not heard a lot back from hep-c

people which leads me to believe they have not done spectacularly

well. These were people who wanted to avoid the drugs, too. I

can't help thinking maybe some would be well by now.

We have zero percent that got cured, medicine has about 50 percent

that got cured. (those odds don't favor us) The side effects are

severe, that is true, and if it does not work, it's a real waste.

But if it does work, it's one shot and gone. Your call, I wish you

the very best of luck.




> Hi I'm new to the group and posted a couple of days ago but the

> message apprently did not go through.


> I'm 57 and found out in May of this year that I'm HCV positive.


> had this since 1972. Although my liver enzymes are in the normal

> range and my liver bioposy came back stage 1, I want to get rid of

> this without resorting to the conventional chemo.


> I've been reading about zapping on the CureZone site and that's

how I

> found this group. My problem is I am totally electro-tech


> I really don't understand a lot that's talked about.


> Are there people in this group who are HCV positive and have used

> zapping to help erradicate the virus? I sure would like to talk


> you.


> Can you reccommend a zapper that I can buy that will help me? I'm

> pretty confused about frenquencies, voltage, times etc.


> Thank you,

> Diane

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First, for clarification purposes, you must learn the terminology. Zapping

is what the devise does. It is a " Zapper " . Our Godzilla, zills. It is

a " Ziller " , and the Beck BEs, it is a blood electrifier. Actually Godzilla

also electrifies the blood, only in a slower mode.

In addition to the names, they are other electrical differences, which I

won't go into now. There was an explanation of the different devices in our

Files pages, unless they were deleted when Bob cleaned things up.

Anyway, our experimenting has determined, so far, that the Godzilla is the

most effective for treating bacterial and viral infections, as well as pain

relief for certain problems. They are very simple and cheap to build, but

there are those on board that will build one for a reasonable price.

Good luck with your problem. My opinion is that you could get good results

with the simple lantern battery design that is shown on the home page of our



New and confused




> Hi I'm new to the group and posted a couple of days ago but the

> message apprently did not go through.


> I'm 57 and found out in May of this year that I'm HCV positive. I've

> had this since 1972. Although my liver enzymes are in the normal

> range and my liver bioposy came back stage 1, I want to get rid of

> this without resorting to the conventional chemo.


> I've been reading about zapping on the CureZone site and that's how I

> found this group. My problem is I am totally electro-tech illiterate.

> I really don't understand a lot that's talked about.


> Are there people in this group who are HCV positive and have used

> zapping to help erradicate the virus? I sure would like to talk with

> you.


> Can you reccommend a zapper that I can buy that will help me? I'm

> pretty confused about frenquencies, voltage, times etc.


> Thank you,

> Diane










> The group's main page has a menu to the left, with photos of Godzilla

> devices and info. This is a discussion, free speech forum, not medical

> advice. All info is free to members. Membership is free, but by joing,

> you agree to hold harmless the posters, including moderator, from damages

> from anything you find here whether jointly, severally, or individually.

> We are interested in your results, but cannot say anything about

> repeatability, or whether this might have medical benefits. Thanks, for

> your understanding, good luck researching. --bG


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  • 2 weeks later...


The principles involved with a this " Godzilla " device are quite

simple. I am also a novice, but I figured it out fine. Please look

at the following webpages;

How to solder:


Series vs parallel circuits:



Now, your're ready to make electronics stuff! Please look at

the " Files " and " Photos " section to the left for schematics and

pictures. I mean, it's so easy. All you have to do is to attach 2

wires to a battery. Then, one of the wires is attached to a

resistor. That's it!

The most important stuff, though are the files regarding safety in

the " Files " folder.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask any one of us and

we'll help you to the best of our ability.



> Hi I'm new to the group and posted a couple of days ago but the

> message apprently did not go through.


> I'm 57 and found out in May of this year that I'm HCV positive.


> had this since 1972. Although my liver enzymes are in the normal

> range and my liver bioposy came back stage 1, I want to get rid of

> this without resorting to the conventional chemo.


> I've been reading about zapping on the CureZone site and that's

how I

> found this group. My problem is I am totally electro-tech


> I really don't understand a lot that's talked about.


> Are there people in this group who are HCV positive and have used

> zapping to help erradicate the virus? I sure would like to talk


> you.


> Can you reccommend a zapper that I can buy that will help me? I'm

> pretty confused about frenquencies, voltage, times etc.


> Thank you,

> Diane

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  • 4 months later...


While you are waiting for the book the following sites have oodles of good information


I highly recommend the book advertised here (you can buy it elsewhere too)

and you could even order a Hair analysis from Doctors Data in the USA. YOu don;t need a Dr to do this if you order the test through www.directlabs.com. You can use the test to determine the likelihood of toxicity in your child which in turn will help you prioritise your learning - saves you having your head explode with information overload :)

There is info here under the heading 'how to test hair' thats explains why, how and what to do after


Good luck, keep asking questions - thast show we are all learning!

Mandi in UK

thank you so much !I have ordered the book , It will be good startNext step will be to find a good and understanding Doctor.

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Welcome to the " Europe force " .

I know it is not easy at the beginning to synthesise all the

information, but you need to start by reading some old posts, DAN!

Publications http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/index.html

, Books (like McCandless's book children with starving brains).

If you want a good " on line " summarise of this entire staff, you can

subscribe to the ARI on line conference that is steel running until

March 15. It is 60 dollars, but a lot lot of videotaped good



For your question about hg poisoning: there are some different

points of view in this area, but almost all involved doctors (in the

biomedical approach) agreed that there is a very strong connection

autism/mercury if not 100% then 90%…

Intoxication can be in vitro (mother's amalgams, mother eating

fish…) and aggravate by vaccines, or others environmental factors.

I am living in France, we have our DAN doctor and some of the

analyses available, we are working now for have more of the analysis

available (thanks, Loren!).

It is not an easy way, it is harder in Europe, you have to fight

against walls sometimes, that's why you should educate yourself

about all of this, and you can't count on mainstream doctors to

support you.

You can't just bay this staff and start chelation, you need tests to

be run before and wile chelating. You can look at the Buttar's TD-

DMPS protocol in the files of this group.

I can't help you a lot, because I am starting the TD DMPS

application in 3 days! I hope I will have some good things to

reports, but from others parents reports it seams that it is a long

way with some regressions in the way to the victory!

Good luck

Liora from France


> Hello group

> I was directed this way (celatingkids2) by JD Handley . I

questioned who he could be so

> sure that ALL KIDS on the spectrum was- in fact -h2 poisioned ?

> I dont know anything about this Transdermal treatment. I dont even

know where to start

> since we dont have anything like DAN docs in Sweden. Not that I

know of...any swedes

> who does ? ?


> So, how do you start ? Any good doctors in Europe to contact. I

guess you dont just buy

> this bottle for 160 Euros and start by yourself ?


> Thanks for your time

> /Fredrik , Sweden

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thank you so much !

I have ordered the book , It will be good start

Next step will be to find a good and understanding Doctor.

best of luck with the treatment!

2005-02-24 kl. 19.38 skrev Liora Crespin:



> Welcome to the " Europe force " .


> I know it is not easy at the beginning to synthesise all the

> information, but you need to start by reading some old posts, DAN!

> Publications http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/index.html

> , Books (like McCandless's book children with starving brains).

> If you want a good " on line " summarise of this entire staff, you can

> subscribe to the ARI on line conference that is steel running until

> March 15. It is 60 dollars, but a lot lot of videotaped good

> information.

> www.ariwebconference.com



> For your question about hg poisoning: there are some different

> points of view in this area, but almost all involved doctors (in the

> biomedical approach) agreed that there is a very strong connection

> autism/mercury if not 100% then 90%…

> Intoxication can be in vitro (mother's amalgams, mother eating

> fish…) and aggravate by vaccines, or others environmental factors.


> I am living in France, we have our DAN doctor and some of the

> analyses available, we are working now for have more of the analysis

> available (thanks, Loren!).


> It is not an easy way, it is harder in Europe, you have to fight

> against walls sometimes, that's why you should educate yourself

> about all of this, and you can't count on mainstream doctors to

> support you.


> You can't just bay this staff and start chelation, you need tests to

> be run before and wile chelating. You can look at the Buttar's TD-

> DMPS protocol in the files of this group.


> I can't help you a lot, because I am starting the TD DMPS

> application in 3 days! I hope I will have some good things to

> reports, but from others parents reports it seams that it is a long

> way with some regressions in the way to the victory!


> Good luck

> Liora from France





>> Hello group

>> I was directed this way (celatingkids2) by JD Handley . I

> questioned who he could be so

>> sure that ALL KIDS on the spectrum was- in fact -h2 poisioned ?

>> I dont know anything about this Transdermal treatment. I dont even

> know where to start

>> since we dont have anything like DAN docs in Sweden. Not that I

> know of...any swedes

>> who does ? ?


>> So, how do you start ? Any good doctors in Europe to contact. I

> guess you dont just buy

>> this bottle for 160 Euros and start by yourself ?


>> Thanks for your time

>> /Fredrik , Sweden









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If you find " a good and understanding Doctor " in Sweden, he can work

directly with Dr Buttar. (He can call his office, or contact the AMT

pharmacy that is making that cream). Dr Buttar is willing to give

others doctors his protocol, so every doctor can see what are the

tests to follow.

But he should be really a " good and understanding Doctor " as you



> >>

> >> Hello group

> >> I was directed this way (celatingkids2) by JD Handley . I

> > questioned who he could be so

> >> sure that ALL KIDS on the spectrum was- in fact -h2 poisioned ?

> >> I dont know anything about this Transdermal treatment. I dont


> > know where to start

> >> since we dont have anything like DAN docs in Sweden. Not that I

> > know of...any swedes

> >> who does ? ?

> >>

> >> So, how do you start ? Any good doctors in Europe to contact. I

> > guess you dont just buy

> >> this bottle for 160 Euros and start by yourself ?

> >>

> >> Thanks for your time

> >> /Fredrik , Sweden

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Kristan

welcome to group

Its ok to be scared I was at first

took time but having the support here made it easier

was dx last nov started treatment feb

cleared at 4 months and completed this journey last week

am rechecked this week

again in feb



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Well Congrats i am happy for you, thanks for the reply, i am just

worried about my future and when I am going to get to take treatment,

I would like to start right away but I am new to the area and have no

insurance. I am not sure of a good doc yet so if anyone knows of a

good one in the tacoma, wa area let me know please. It would help

alot. Well once again congrats okseven.....


> Hi Kristan

> welcome to group

> Its ok to be scared I was at first

> took time but having the support here made it easier

> was dx last nov started treatment feb

> cleared at 4 months and completed this journey last week

> am rechecked this week

> again in feb















> okseven_7


> __________________________________________________


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I am grateful for my accomplisments

I fought hard through my treatment wanted to give up many times but toughed it


Hang in there. it will get easier

Sometimes the makers of these treatments will help financially.

roche and sherring are the two makers

check out www.americanliverfoundation.com, www.hepnet.com are a few

any thing in regards to hep

or liver

may i was able to give ya more info



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Dear Kristan:

I am glade you are here, we all went trough this.

I thought I was given a death sentince at first, then I did some

research, I found out that I can get better and the drug company will

pay for everything, I am in a research program that I fond on

American liver foundations web site.

Talk with others and see what they think about this route, it can

take some time to find one thats right for you, it toke me 2.5 years

to find the one that I am in.

Good luck, and my your god be with you.

D,J, Parenteau jr.

> Hi,


> My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of


> I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad,


> lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> had already left and we don't keep in contact.


> I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> help please do.


> Thanks in advance,

> Kristan

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Dear Kristan:

I am glade you are here, we all went trough this.

I thought I was given a death sentince at first, then I did some

research, I found out that I can get better and the drug company will

pay for everything, I am in a research program that I fond on

American liver foundations web site.

Talk with others and see what they think about this route, it can

take some time to find one thats right for you, it toke me 2.5 years

to find the one that I am in.

Good luck, and my your god be with you.

D,J, Parenteau jr.

> Hi,


> My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of


> I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad,


> lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> had already left and we don't keep in contact.


> I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> help please do.


> Thanks in advance,

> Kristan

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Guest guest

-I also suggested that site

It seems ok-- In Hepatitis C , " Dudley

Parenteau jr " <dparenteaujr@y...> wrote:

> Dear Kristan:

> I am glade you are here, we all went trough this.


> I thought I was given a death sentince at first, then I did some

> research, I found out that I can get better and the drug company


> pay for everything, I am in a research program that I fond on

> American liver foundations web site.


> Talk with others and see what they think about this route, it can

> take some time to find one thats right for you, it toke me 2.5


> to find the one that I am in.


> Good luck, and my your god be with you.


> D,J, Parenteau jr.

> Kristan I know it nun my biz but can i ask how ya got it you will

not hurt my feelings with a no answer

It hurt bad when i saw this very young person looking back at me

yes i referring to you

It touched my heart and so have you



> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I


> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid


> it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My


> who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished

after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one


> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

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Guest guest

-I also suggested that site

It seems ok-- In Hepatitis C , " Dudley

Parenteau jr " <dparenteaujr@y...> wrote:

> Dear Kristan:

> I am glade you are here, we all went trough this.


> I thought I was given a death sentince at first, then I did some

> research, I found out that I can get better and the drug company


> pay for everything, I am in a research program that I fond on

> American liver foundations web site.


> Talk with others and see what they think about this route, it can

> take some time to find one thats right for you, it toke me 2.5


> to find the one that I am in.


> Good luck, and my your god be with you.


> D,J, Parenteau jr.

> Kristan I know it nun my biz but can i ask how ya got it you will

not hurt my feelings with a no answer

It hurt bad when i saw this very young person looking back at me

yes i referring to you

It touched my heart and so have you



> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I


> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid


> it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My


> who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished

after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one


> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

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Well I supposedly gotten it from my mother during

birth. When I first found out that I had it, she got

tested. She tested positive, she said the next day she

tested again and it came out Neg.. She has been

getting tested every other month for it. My dad has

it as well and has taken therapy.

Thanks so much for the support....


--- okseven_7 <okseven_7@...> wrote:

> -I also suggested that site

> It seems ok-- In

> Hepatitis C , " Dudley

> Parenteau jr " <dparenteaujr@y...> wrote:

> > Dear Kristan:

> > I am glade you are here, we all went trough this.

> >

> > I thought I was given a death sentince at first,

> then I did some

> > research, I found out that I can get better and

> the drug company

> will

> > pay for everything, I am in a research program

> that I fond on

> > American liver foundations web site.

> >

> > Talk with others and see what they think about

> this route, it can

> > take some time to find one thats right for you, it

> toke me 2.5

> years

> > to find the one that I am in.

> >

> > Good luck, and my your god be with you.

> >

> > D,J, Parenteau jr.

> > Kristan I know it nun my biz but can i ask how ya

> got it you will

> not hurt my feelings with a no answer

> It hurt bad when i saw this very young person

> looking back at me

> yes i referring to you

> It touched my heart and so have you


> >

> >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that

> I had Hep C. I

> was

> > > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing

> to try and rid

> of

> > it.

> > > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have

> anyone here. My

> dad,

> > who

> > > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments

> he finished

> after I

> > > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> > >

> > > I am really scared and I don't really know what

> to do if any one

> can

> > > help please do.

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance,

> > > Kristan





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Girl Im in your shoes too. I have to decided to call my dr after the

summer and be honest. I need more info and support from him. Sitting

and nodding my head isnt working. I need to be proactive.

And telling someone close to that will support YOUR DECISONS is a must

i decided not to tell my mother who has liver disease and had a liver

transplant its too stressful, to tell her i know how she will react.

At this time im looking into natural approaches to healing trying to

get a better paying job so i can afford them. But you still have to

deal with your Dr. Im goin to ask someone to come with me, so i can

finally have an out with him. I wrote a bunch of questions i want to

ask, you should do the same.

how far did you go with your tests?

Acting like it never happen doesnt work we have to face it.

Blessing and Good Luck

> Hi,


> My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> had already left and we don't keep in contact.


> I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> help please do.


> Thanks in advance,

> Kristan

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Well I got my biopsy, there was no damage, had blood tests taken not

sure of the names though, found out what my viral load is and I dont

remember what it was but I know that it was high. It is just hard for

me to go to the dr. I cry everytime that i go in there cause I hate

the fact that I have it. Not that anyone like it or anything. I just

start thinking that my life couldn't possibly get any worse, although

I know that it can, the Hep C can start damaging my liver so I know

that I need to do something about it before it does.

Thanks for the help.....


> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

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Honey I know that it is a big shock to find out you have Hep C. But

I am going to share with you okay.

Alot of people have hepatitis C for years and never know they have

it. Some never develope symptoms. Some do.

But the thing is that you think in the positive. Get you a battle

plan on how you want to attack this disease.

Make a list of questions to talk to your doctor about.

What are your treatment opinions? What is your genotype(that helps

to know). If you don't have insurance then contact the drug

companies compassionate care. Both Scherling and Roche have

programs. If you qualify then they will send you the drugs,free of

charge or at a very,very minimal charge.

Most important as your liver has no damage,take care of it.

Avoid all forms of alchohol.

Have good nutritional plan for your diet. The healthier you are

going into treatment, well lets put it this way. First round of

treatment I was not very healthy. Wasn't eating right. and so forth.

This round of treatment, I had upped my exercise, had a better diet

plan and had a healthier outlook on life.

And I am doing really well.

Exercise,is important to keep the enegry levels up. Yup is true.

You can take things like Milk thistle and that will improve your

liver enzymes I have been told. Some of the member here swear by it.

But as I say to all the members here. It is important to keep your

sense of humor,because laughter is the best medicine. I mean it.

When the depression hits, I find jokes to read or watch a funny

program and I find the fog lifts.

Lots of love and Hugs,


> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C.

I was

> > > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid

of it.

> > > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My

dad, who

> > > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished

after I

> > > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> > >

> > > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any

one can

> > > help please do.

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance,

> > > Kristan

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*BIGHUGS* Kristan. Sometimes it feels like life really sucks doesn't it?

Try to take life one day at a time for now. Try not to look too far into the

future. I know that's hard but looking too far ahead is what can be very

overwhelming and upsetting. Focus on what you can deal with immediately and let

the future be for a little while.

Knowledge about this disease is important but seek it is small, manageable

parcels so you avoid being overwhelmed. Let your curiousity guide you. Perhaps

you could start by getting back to your doctor and asking for copies of all your

test results. If you feel comfortable, share them with us so we can help you.

Above all, do not be hard on yourself. Now is the time to learn to be kind to

yourself and take care of yourself.

We'll always be here for you



Re: New and Confused

Well I got my biopsy, there was no damage, had blood tests taken not

sure of the names though, found out what my viral load is and I dont

remember what it was but I know that it was high. It is just hard for

me to go to the dr. I cry everytime that i go in there cause I hate

the fact that I have it. Not that anyone like it or anything. I just

start thinking that my life couldn't possibly get any worse, although

I know that it can, the Hep C can start damaging my liver so I know

that I need to do something about it before it does.

Thanks for the help.....


> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found

the support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just

click the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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*BIGHUGS* Kristan. Sometimes it feels like life really sucks doesn't it?

Try to take life one day at a time for now. Try not to look too far into the

future. I know that's hard but looking too far ahead is what can be very

overwhelming and upsetting. Focus on what you can deal with immediately and let

the future be for a little while.

Knowledge about this disease is important but seek it is small, manageable

parcels so you avoid being overwhelmed. Let your curiousity guide you. Perhaps

you could start by getting back to your doctor and asking for copies of all your

test results. If you feel comfortable, share them with us so we can help you.

Above all, do not be hard on yourself. Now is the time to learn to be kind to

yourself and take care of yourself.

We'll always be here for you



Re: New and Confused

Well I got my biopsy, there was no damage, had blood tests taken not

sure of the names though, found out what my viral load is and I dont

remember what it was but I know that it was high. It is just hard for

me to go to the dr. I cry everytime that i go in there cause I hate

the fact that I have it. Not that anyone like it or anything. I just

start thinking that my life couldn't possibly get any worse, although

I know that it can, the Hep C can start damaging my liver so I know

that I need to do something about it before it does.

Thanks for the help.....


> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found

the support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just

click the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Well that IS awesome news,, now what is your genotype or do you know that yet?

was your VL over 2 million? that is the cutoff point to where the vl leaves the

" low " levels,, so if you are under that 2 mil,, you have low vl and that can

work in your favor too!

Kristan <kristancurtis@...> wrote:Well I got my biopsy, there was no

damage, had blood tests taken not

sure of the names though, found out what my viral load is and I dont

remember what it was but I know that it was high. It is just hard for

me to go to the dr. I cry everytime that i go in there cause I hate

the fact that I have it. Not that anyone like it or anything. I just

start thinking that my life couldn't possibly get any worse, although

I know that it can, the Hep C can start damaging my liver so I know

that I need to do something about it before it does.

Thanks for the help.....


> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Well that IS awesome news,, now what is your genotype or do you know that yet?

was your VL over 2 million? that is the cutoff point to where the vl leaves the

" low " levels,, so if you are under that 2 mil,, you have low vl and that can

work in your favor too!

Kristan <kristancurtis@...> wrote:Well I got my biopsy, there was no

damage, had blood tests taken not

sure of the names though, found out what my viral load is and I dont

remember what it was but I know that it was high. It is just hard for

me to go to the dr. I cry everytime that i go in there cause I hate

the fact that I have it. Not that anyone like it or anything. I just

start thinking that my life couldn't possibly get any worse, although

I know that it can, the Hep C can start damaging my liver so I know

that I need to do something about it before it does.

Thanks for the help.....


> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Kristan and I found out in 2003 that I had Hep C. I was

> > 18, I am now 20 almost 21 and have done nothing to try and rid of it.

> > I just moved to Wa and I don't really have anyone here. My dad, who

> > lives in Tn, has it and has take the treatments he finished after I

> > had already left and we don't keep in contact.

> >

> > I am really scared and I don't really know what to do if any one can

> > help please do.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> > Kristan

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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