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I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

suffered a fracture.  Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

10/22).  While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

with certain movements.  We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9.  Is this

normal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back?  Hannah is very

athletic so this pain still concerns me.  She has restrictions from the ortho

doctor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday.  She is also

still wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

They also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

plate in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

1/20/11).  Does a growth plate close just like that?



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.  ~ Reagan

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Hi Beth

My daughter, Jackie, broke her femur in 2004. She has syst poly JRA and her hips

and knees are among the worst damaged joints. She was casted from her ribcage

and past both hips to the knee on one leg and to the ancle on the second leg.

She was in the cast for 8 weeks. When she got out off the cast she could not

move her hips or knees. I took her to PT for 6 months. They thought the hip and

knee joints had froozen but they were just very stiff and painful to move.

I think the critical thing with a fracture and JRA is to move the joints and not

have them still while the fracture is healing. Jackies fracture healed normaly

but still today she can not walk . She was casted as if she was sitting and her

joints want to be in that position. We are now going to start a long

rehabilitation where we use sprints to try and straighten out the joints.

I would do small soft and gentle movements to your daughters ancle and let time

help to get the normal movement back. It took 6 months of PT to straighten out

my daughters knees from a sever contraction. The ligamenst get stiffer with JRA

in think.

Good luck

From: aokmom67@...

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 09:21:54 -0800

Subject: Fractures

I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

suffered a fracture. Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

10/22). While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

with certain movements. We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9. Is this

normal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back? Hannah is very

athletic so this pain still concerns me. She has restrictions from the ortho

doctor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday. She is also

still wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

They also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

plate in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

1/20/11). Does a growth plate close just like that?



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. ~ Reagan

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Why did they cast her like that? That does not make sense to me but they must

have had a reason. How old is Jackie now?

Veri & Jaye 17 poly

RE: Fractures

i Beth

y daughter, Jackie, broke her femur in 2004. She has syst poly JRA and her hips

nd knees are among the worst damaged joints. She was casted from her ribcage

nd past both hips to the knee on one leg and to the ancle on the second leg.

he was in the cast for 8 weeks. When she got out off the cast she could not

ove her hips or knees. I took her to PT for 6 months. They thought the hip and

nee joints had froozen but they were just very stiff and painful to move.

think the critical thing with a fracture and JRA is to move the joints and not

ave them still while the fracture is healing. Jackies fracture healed normaly

ut still today she can not walk . She was casted as if she was sitting and her

oints want to be in that position. We are now going to start a long

ehabilitation where we use sprints to try and straighten out the joints.

would do small soft and gentle movements to your daughters ancle and let time

elp to get the normal movement back. It took 6 months of PT to straighten out

y daughters knees from a sever contraction. The ligamenst get stiffer with JRA

n think.

ood luck



rom: aokmom67@...

ate: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 09:21:54 -0800

ubject: Fractures

I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

uffered a fracture. Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

0/22). While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

ith certain movements. We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9. Is this

ormal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back? Hannah is very

athletic so this pain still concerns me. She has restrictions from the ortho

octor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday. She is also

till wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

They also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

late in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

/20/11). Does a growth plate close just like that?



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. ~ Reagan

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Hi Veri

they told me they casted her that way so she would not be able to move her hips.

The fracture was very high up on the femur, almost by the femur head. It was a

slice fracture that went about 3 ince down from the femur head. The doctors did

not dear to put pins and screws in to her bone because of low bone density, they


Jackie is 14 today and a freshman in High school. I feel like taking her out off

school and only train her all day untill she walks again. The complicated thing

is that her hip and knee joints are so damaged so they told us when she was 4

that she would need hip and knee replacements. In Norway we were told to wait

with rehabilitation untill after they have replaced her joints, but here we have

been told to get her up and moving now otherwise her general condition and

movment will be to poor to benefit from jointreplacements.

Does this make sence. I don't know what to believe.

From: veristroud@...

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:03:43 -0500

Subject: Re: Fractures


Why did they cast her like that? That does not make sense to me but they must

have had a reason. How old is Jackie now?

Veri & Jaye 17 poly

RE: Fractures

i Beth

y daughter, Jackie, broke her femur in 2004. She has syst poly JRA and her hips

nd knees are among the worst damaged joints. She was casted from her ribcage

nd past both hips to the knee on one leg and to the ancle on the second leg.

he was in the cast for 8 weeks. When she got out off the cast she could not

ove her hips or knees. I took her to PT for 6 months. They thought the hip and

nee joints had froozen but they were just very stiff and painful to move.

think the critical thing with a fracture and JRA is to move the joints and not

ave them still while the fracture is healing. Jackies fracture healed normaly

ut still today she can not walk . She was casted as if she was sitting and her

oints want to be in that position. We are now going to start a long

ehabilitation where we use sprints to try and straighten out the joints.

would do small soft and gentle movements to your daughters ancle and let time

elp to get the normal movement back. It took 6 months of PT to straighten out

y daughters knees from a sever contraction. The ligamenst get stiffer with JRA

n think.

ood luck



rom: aokmom67@...

ate: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 09:21:54 -0800

ubject: Fractures

I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

uffered a fracture. Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

0/22). While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

ith certain movements. We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9. Is this

ormal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back? Hannah is very

athletic so this pain still concerns me. She has restrictions from the ortho

octor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday. She is also

till wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

They also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

late in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

/20/11). Does a growth plate close just like that?



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. ~ Reagan

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So where are you guys now? Scandinavia? Wow, I can not believe they told you to

not get her up and about after that. I guess they were protecting her joints

from deteriorating then but if they are not used do you even know if they are

deteriorating. I understand you wanting to just work with her and get her to

move. But the mom in you also knows how important an education is. Are you

home with her where you can home school her and spend a good amount of time with

PT? I would think that aggressive PT is the only thing that is going to help her

get up and about but I am not a doctor, just a mom. I remember chatting with

you several years ago I think but did not realize then that Jackie was wheel

chair bound, or at least I do not remember that part. Do you know when they

intend todo the knee and hip relplacement? If they are so bad already why have

they not done them yet? Maybe I have missed this converstation if you hae shared

this with us and I appoligize. I am so sorry that Jackie has had to miss out on

being child that can run and play and skip. I am sure that she is a beautiful

child and you have made up for much of what she missed out on with other things,

but it breaks my heart to see and hear about this. Do you have good health

insurance? I hope you do not mind me asking these questions, I do not mean to be

just nosy.

Veri & Jaye 17 poly

RE: Fractures

i Veri

hey told me they casted her that way so she would not be able to move her hips.

he fracture was very high up on the femur, almost by the femur head. It was a

lice fracture that went about 3 ince down from the femur head. The doctors did

ot dear to put pins and screws in to her bone because of low bone density, they


ackie is 14 today and a freshman in High school. I feel like taking her out off

chool and only train her all day untill she walks again. The complicated thing

s that her hip and knee joints are so damaged so they told us when she was 4

hat she would need hip and knee replacements. In Norway we were told to wait

ith rehabilitation untill after they have replaced her joints, but here we have

een told to get her up and moving now otherwise her general condition and

ovment will be to poor to benefit from jointreplacements.

oes this make sence. I don't know what to believe.



rom: veristroud@...

ate: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:03:43 -0500

ubject: Re: Fractures


Why did they cast her like that? That does not make sense to me but they must

ave had a reason. How old is Jackie now?

Veri & Jaye 17 poly

-----Original Message-----

rom: Gentile <scandinavia_today@...>

o: < >

ent: Tue, Feb 8, 2011 1:08 pm

ubject: RE: Fractures

i Beth

y daughter, Jackie, broke her femur in 2004. She has syst poly JRA and her hips

d knees are among the worst damaged joints. She was casted from her ribcage

d past both hips to the knee on one leg and to the ancle on the second leg.

e was in the cast for 8 weeks. When she got out off the cast she could not

ve her hips or knees. I took her to PT for 6 months. They thought the hip and

ee joints had froozen but they were just very stiff and painful to move.

hink the critical thing with a fracture and JRA is to move the joints and not

ve them still while the fracture is healing. Jackies fracture healed normaly

t still today she can not walk . She was casted as if she was sitting and her

ints want to be in that position. We are now going to start a long

habilitation where we use sprints to try and straighten out the joints.

ould do small soft and gentle movements to your daughters ancle and let time

lp to get the normal movement back. It took 6 months of PT to straighten out

daughters knees from a sever contraction. The ligamenst get stiffer with JRA


ood luck



om: aokmom67@...

te: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 09:21:54 -0800

bject: Fractures

I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

ffered a fracture. Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

/22). While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

th certain movements. We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9. Is this

rmal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back? Hannah is very

thletic so this pain still concerns me. She has restrictions from the ortho

ctor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday. She is also

ill wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

hey also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

ate in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

20/11). Does a growth plate close just like that?



ife is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. ~ Reagan

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