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Hi again!

Oh yeah, I have eaten anything I wanted for the last 13 or 14 years

since curing myself on Crook's suggested diet. All breads, cakes,

candy, cookies, not a single problem. What's funny though, is because

I know about systemic candida and how it effects sinuses, I can tell

when I have had one too many fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Too much sugar or carbs and i get a little stuffy. Easy to correct,

and never turns into anything that gets out of control for me.

Knowledge is a powerful tool!!!

take care!


On Feb 22, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Carol wrote:

> Hi Amy. I'm so happy that you have found a good doctor. I lived in So

> Calif till I was 11 and my parents divorced. We lived in La Crecenta

> and my father had a gift shop in Montrose (back in the 50's). I

> currently live in Sonora (3 hours east of the Bay Area in the

> foothills of the Sierra Nevada). I'm sitting here with at least 6

> inches of wet snow out side and wishing for summer. LOL It is

> beautiful to look at though. Another thing I didn't mention in my

> other post was S.A.D. I remember sleeping 12 hours a night in the

> winter and sitting around all day wrapped in a blanket. Talk about a

> BEAR. LOL I'm not quite as bad these days but still prefer sunshine. I

> can be sitting in misery and all of a sudden I will get up and start

> doing dishes. Then I realize the sun is trying to come out. HMM. Even

> if I can't keep it up. Full spectrum lighting is on my wish list.

> A friend of mine called a while back and asked if I was still looking

> for a doctor (she works at the hospital). I told her no. He is a new

> D.O. I believe in the county and I may change my mind and go see him.

> Esp if he takes Blue Cross. haven't decided yet. If the candida is

> truly what's wrong I can do that on my own. I might try iodine but not

> till I have more info. Carol B


> P.S. As to yeast and candida, Crook himself said before passing away

> that one DIDN'T need to avoid yeast UNLESS you had a problem with it.

> There's so much controversy over how to treat this.




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How long did it take you? And exactly WHAT diet did you do? Were you

on antifungals? Just curious as there is so much controversy out

there. Sure would be wonderful if this works. I have a LOT of

catching up on life to do. :-) Carol B


> Hi again!


> Oh yeah, I have eaten anything I wanted for the last 13 or 14 years

> since curing myself on Crook's suggested diet. All breads, cakes,

> candy, cookies, not a single problem. What's funny though, is because

> I know about systemic candida and how it effects sinuses, I can tell

> when I have had one too many fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.

> Too much sugar or carbs and i get a little stuffy. Easy to correct,

> and never turns into anything that gets out of control for me.

> Knowledge is a powerful tool!!!


> take care!


> amy



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Honestly Carol, it only took me around 2 months on the diet to be

cured. I did the yeast-free diet from the " Yeast Connection " book.

Which easiest way to put that is, organic meat only from red meats to

poultry's to eggs. Wild fish. Vegetables, except potatoes and corn.

And grains that had no yeast, and were only organic. Oatmeal, quinoa,

amaranth... and Water. And that's it. Now, I have to be completely

honest I think it cleared up so fast because, I never once cheated in

the slightest!!! Also, I think the diet although incredibly difficult,

was easier for me because, I was not taking any kind of medicine, I am

not a coffee, soda, or wine drinker, and I have never smoked. So, I

could start diet whenever I wanted, and not have to worry about any

kind of withdrawals. I also, took teh vitamin supplements, lemon seed

extract in water, flax oil and used F.O.S. to sweeten that gaggy plain

oatmeal. Another thing I did was, I rotated a 4 day menu meal plan.

Because you are not supposed to eat the same thing twice in a 4 day

period. It was hard, but I managed, and found teh 4 day plan was a

good short cut for me at least. I did not take any antifungals, even

though I worked at Pfizer at that time and Diflucan was our drug! And

for me, I planned to do the diet, while there were no holidays for a

while. I did not even know how long it would take. I knew I was

absolutely going to cheat on Easter, and when I woke up the day after,

I had no symptoms still...nothing wrong. I still did teh diet teh next

week, but then started to introduce more foods, wait to see if there

was any reaction, and I was fine. If I had a big piece of cake, the

next day I would cool it and focus on veggies and protein. I have

never had any of those symptoms ever again even...like not being able

to pull my head off of teh pillow even with 9 hours of sleep!!!

restless leg syndrome, god that one would drive me nuts!!! The sinus

problems, I felt great again, like I was restored!!! The only time I

had another problem was when i had to take anitbiotics because I got an

infection behind my wisdom tooth, and I had to take them for 6 weeks.

Well, I hope that helps, maybe even inspires, and if you need anythign

or have any other questions I am here!

Takce care!


On Feb 22, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Carol wrote:

> How long did it take you? And exactly WHAT diet did you do? Were you

> on antifungals? Just curious as there is so much controversy out

> there. Sure would be wonderful if this works. I have a LOT of

> catching up on life to do. :-) Carol B



> >

> > Hi again!

> >

> > Oh yeah, I have eaten anything I wanted for the last 13 or 14 years

> > since curing myself on Crook's suggested diet. All breads, cakes,

> > candy, cookies, not a single problem. What's funny though, is

> because

> > I know about systemic candida and how it effects sinuses, I can tell

> > when I have had one too many fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.

> > Too much sugar or carbs and i get a little stuffy. Easy to correct,

> > and never turns into anything that gets out of control for me.

> > Knowledge is a powerful tool!!!

> >

> > take care!

> >

> > amy

> >

> >




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Thanks Amy. How long were you sick? It will probably take longer for

me and I will need to tighten up some although maybe not if this Three

Lac works. I am a coffee drinker unfortunately. Went off of it twice

for 2 months and since there was NO difference I went back on it. Sort

of like comfort food to me. So why are you in this group if you are

completely well? Curious! :-) Carol B

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No, my systemic yeast is gone. I only went to the Doc's for

preconception care, and found a goiter. I have no symptoms from the

goiter, except I believe my occasional heart palp's are related, and i

have lost my libido, of which I would like to find it again...so would

my husband!!! So, during a guided meditation about my health, I heard

the words Iodine deficiency. And I gave no thought to that at all, and

didn't even remember it until I came back from Doc's a week later with

the results that I have a goiter, and looked up how you get one... it

said...Iodine Deficiency. I was covered in chills, and have been

investigating this ever since. So, once I get my urine test done, and

back, I will finally know if my " little voice " was right!

So, I had yeast related illnesses for 7 years. If you do teh yeast

diet, bite the bullet and do it all the way!!! Even if you have to

give up coffee for a year, in the scheme of things, wouldn't that be

worth your health, and also, you can have coffee again, everyday even.

It's just with the yeast thing, you have to get things back on track.

Once your system is back in working order, you are totally good again.

I use to be lactose intolerant even, after the yeast diet, I could have

milk and cereal for breakfast, a cheese plate for lunch and fondue for

dinner, with a side of ice cream for dessert and no problems. Glad to

have dairy back in my life!

take care!


On Feb 22, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Carol wrote:

> Thanks Amy. How long were you sick? It will probably take longer for

> me and I will need to tighten up some although maybe not if this Three

> Lac works. I am a coffee drinker unfortunately. Went off of it twice

> for 2 months and since there was NO difference I went back on it. Sort

> of like comfort food to me. So why are you in this group if you are

> completely well? Curious! :-) Carol B




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Thanks for the info Amy. Well, I did a stricter diet than Crooks (with

the exception of one cup of weak coffee a day (down from before) for 3

months and still wasn't well. I now wonder though if it was die off

and NOT mercury. In that case I should have kept going but I had to do

what I did so I would know. Hind site is crystal clear as they say.

Since my problems began at birth it will certainly take longer. You

are the FIRST person I have run across who got COMPLETELY well with

only 2 months diet and no antifungals. All the rest claim that when

they give up the diet their symptoms come back. I plan on sticking

with the Three Lac for now and deciding whether or not to try iodine.

I do remember my latest doctor doing the patch test. It was in the

early after noon and by the next morning it was GONE. Don't remember

if he had me try any iodine though or not. That was probably 6 years

ago or so. I had Crooks cook book a few years ago but was suprised to

see potatoes and carrots in it. Off back to the yeast connection site

for their current diet info. I may not have to do that with the Three

Lac but then again, it might help. I'm already being careful what I

eat but not as strict as I was 3 years ago. Thanks again and good luck

with the iodine. Carol B

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Im sure there is a whole lot more stuff out there now, I don't know

what Three lac is even. I did this in 1994, and in the medical world

13 years is a loooooong time. I will say though, of the only other two

people I personally who followed teh diet to the letter (from the first

edition mind you) one cousin cured her fibromyalgia, and the other

cured her chronic sinusitis and debilitating migraine headaches. And

they have been fine almost equally long, enjoying any foods they want.

But too, they both say that they can tell when teh are feeling a little

too yeasty, and back off those foods for a bit. Ya know, don't forget

about molds too. You could have the the strictest diet in teh world,

but if you are unknowingly living with molds, your candida health

issues will never go away.

take care you!


On Feb 22, 2007, at 9:49 PM, Carol wrote:

> Thanks for the info Amy. Well, I did a stricter diet than Crooks (with

> the exception of one cup of weak coffee a day (down from before) for 3

> months and still wasn't well. I now wonder though if it was die off

> and NOT mercury. In that case I should have kept going but I had to do

> what I did so I would know. Hind site is crystal clear as they say.

> Since my problems began at birth it will certainly take longer. You

> are the FIRST person I have run across who got COMPLETELY well with

> only 2 months diet and no antifungals. All the rest claim that when

> they give up the diet their symptoms come back. I plan on sticking

> with the Three Lac for now and deciding whether or not to try iodine.

> I do remember my latest doctor doing the patch test. It was in the

> early after noon and by the next morning it was GONE. Don't remember

> if he had me try any iodine though or not. That was probably 6 years

> ago or so. I had Crooks cook book a few years ago but was suprised to

> see potatoes and carrots in it. Off back to the yeast connection site

> for their current diet info. I may not have to do that with the Three

> Lac but then again, it might help. I'm already being careful what I

> eat but not as strict as I was 3 years ago. Thanks again and good luck

> with the iodine. Carol B




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I just started the threelac program plus the diet for yeast. I cannot give up the morning coffee though and hope that it won't interfere too much. My yeast is systemic and SERIOUS. I am very ill from it.

Re: Re: Intro

No, my systemic yeast is gone. I only went to the Doc's for preconception care, and found a goiter. I have no symptoms from the goiter, except I believe my occasional heart palp's are related, and i have lost my libido, of which I would like to find it again...so would my husband!!! So, during a guided meditation about my health, I heard the words Iodine deficiency. And I gave no thought to that at all, and didn't even remember it until I came back from Doc's a week later with the results that I have a goiter, and looked up how you get one... it said...Iodine Deficiency. I was covered in chills, and have been investigating this ever since. So, once I get my urine test done, and back, I will finally know if my "little voice" was right!So, I had yeast related illnesses for 7 years. If you do teh yeast diet, bite the bullet and do it all the way!!! Even if you have to give up coffee for a year, in the scheme of things, wouldn't that be worth your health, and also, you can have coffee again, everyday even. It's just with the yeast thing, you have to get things back on track. Once your system is back in working order, you are totally good again. I use to be lactose intolerant even, after the yeast diet, I could have milk and cereal for breakfast, a cheese plate for lunch and fondue for dinner, with a side of ice cream for dessert and no problems. Glad to have dairy back in my life! take care!amyOn Feb 22, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Carol wrote:

Thanks Amy. How long were you sick? It will probably take longer forme and I will need to tighten up some although maybe not if this ThreeLac works. I am a coffee drinker unfortunately. Went off of it twicefor 2 months and since there was NO difference I went back on it. Sortof like comfort food to me. So why are you in this group if you arecompletely well? Curious! :-) Carol B

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Well that's incredible Amy as well as encouraging. Yes, even Crook

changed his diet over the years. Three Lac is powerful probiotics plus

(not like what you find in the health food store) that is

encapsylated. It CROWDS out the bad yeast supposedly. I have talked to

people that claimed it did WONDERS for them while diet alone did not.

Did you have any die off reactions during the two months on the diet?

Thanks for the encouragement. Carol B

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Guest guest


> Hi all!


> My name is , my three month old daughter Kendra is profoundly

> deaf in both ears, we are trying to get her implanted at 7 months,

> pending our insurances approval.


> Kendra has LVAS and a mild case of Mondini.


> Any one with similar hearing loss causes?


> I am so very worried because of her mild Mondini the implant may not go

> in or work very well.


> Any advice, guidance.. anything would be helpful...

> This is all so new, and very scary.


> Thank you all so much!!


According to this <a

href= " about.com/cs/featurescauses/a/mondinisyndrome.htm " >site</a>,

implants are very common with mondini patients.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ! I'm Katina from ville, so I'm really close to you. I had

lumbar surgery, not cervical, but wanted to wish you the best in your



jason price wrote:


> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if so

> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay



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Guest guest

Hi ! I'm Katina from ville, so I'm really close to you. I had

lumbar surgery, not cervical, but wanted to wish you the best in your



jason price wrote:


> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if so

> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay



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Katina , Thank you . I am not going to rush this , and wont .The worse part is

having car keys and my car close by , and knowing not to drive untill at least

next friday . Thank you agin,

Re: Intro

Hi ! I'm Katina from ville, so I'm really close to you. I had

lumbar surgery, not cervical, but wanted to wish you the best in your



jason price wrote:


> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if so

> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay




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Guest guest

Katina , Thank you . I am not going to rush this , and wont .The worse part is

having car keys and my car close by , and knowing not to drive untill at least

next friday . Thank you agin,

Re: Intro

Hi ! I'm Katina from ville, so I'm really close to you. I had

lumbar surgery, not cervical, but wanted to wish you the best in your



jason price wrote:


> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if so

> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay




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Guest guest

-Hi welcome to the group. Sounds like you have been thru the

surgery round too. I ended up with screws in my fusion instead of the

rods and cages. Just a year ago I had a double layer one in my lower

back L4 L5 and L5 S1. A few years ago I had a fusion done in my neck,

first back surgery two days after that one. Neck surgery worked pretty

well back one not as well. But my sciatic nerve was so squished I am

afraid the damage to it is permanent after being that way for 6 yrs

waiting for dr's to fix it right. Take it easy on your healing, I can

see you already know how important that time is, hard as it is to sit

still and do nothing when you do start feeling up to it. There are lots

of links with different info in the links section when you have time to

check it out. Again welcome to the group, good luck with your healing

from your surgery. Sharon Group Owner

- In neck pain , " jason price " <jrp1042000@...>



> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if


> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay


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Guest guest

-Hi welcome to the group. Sounds like you have been thru the

surgery round too. I ended up with screws in my fusion instead of the

rods and cages. Just a year ago I had a double layer one in my lower

back L4 L5 and L5 S1. A few years ago I had a fusion done in my neck,

first back surgery two days after that one. Neck surgery worked pretty

well back one not as well. But my sciatic nerve was so squished I am

afraid the damage to it is permanent after being that way for 6 yrs

waiting for dr's to fix it right. Take it easy on your healing, I can

see you already know how important that time is, hard as it is to sit

still and do nothing when you do start feeling up to it. There are lots

of links with different info in the links section when you have time to

check it out. Again welcome to the group, good luck with your healing

from your surgery. Sharon Group Owner

- In neck pain , " jason price " <jrp1042000@...>



> Hi , I am 33 years old . I live in town Tn about 40 miles

> north/east of Knonxville . Well lets see the reason i am glad to find

> this group is, I have had one lower back sugery two or three years

> ago. About a year ago my Dr took out a bulged disk and put a titaum

> cage in ,On the 30th of this past month , i just have had the same

> surgery ,but on the disk below the first cage . At this time i am

> trying to recover with 2 titaum rods and cages in my neck. Just

> warndering if anyone else has had the same type of surgery ? And if


> how did it do for you ? Thank you for reading ,Jay


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  • 6 months later...

Debbie wrote:


> Hi everyone! I am new to the group. I joined to get info and support.


Debbie, I had to be convinced (by seeing the x-rays) that I needed

right knee replacement. None of my other joints hurt, so I didn't think

the problem was arthritis. I was ready to blame it on a long-ago

injury. It was several weeks post-surgery before I got to the point

where I was glad I had the surgery. Five months later, I'm doing more

things, walking more confidently, and I now realize how incapacitated I

had become, without knowing it. I hope that as the months pass after

your surgery, you'll be able to do things you quit doing several years


Peg Nichols

I Kneeded It

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The first month or so will be difficult but I was able to walk through two airports and a big hotel at two months out from my TKR. Now at 10 months out, I'm so happy I had this done. And though recovery was not pleasant, if I was told I needed my left one done now, I wouldn't hesitate. So far, it doesn't hurt like the right one did.

-----Original Message-----From: Joint Replacement [mailto:Joint Replacement ]On Behalf Of Debbie Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 9:48 AMJoint Replacement Subject: Intro

Hi everyone! I am new to the group. I joined to get info and support.My name is Debbie and I live in GA with my husband and 3 girls. I am 46yo and am scheduled for my first knee replacement on Dec 3 (Merry Christmas to me..LOL!). I have been told that my left knee will need to be replaced in the future too, although this was new to me! I knew about my right knee as I was told at 18yo that I had osteoarthritis and had a football players knee.I am a little nervous about having the surgery for fear that it will be worse instead of better, but I know that I definitely need it done.I look forward to gaining info and results from others.Debbie

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Were your x-rays standing or laying on the x-ray table?


From: Joint Replacement [mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Peg Nichols

Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007

7:12 PM

Joint Replacement


Re: Intro

Debbie wrote:


> Hi everyone! I am new to the group. I joined to get info and support.


Debbie, I had to be convinced (by seeing the x-rays) that I needed

right knee replacement. None of my other joints hurt, so I didn't think

the problem was arthritis. I was ready to blame it on a long-ago

injury. It was several weeks post-surgery before I got to the point

where I was glad I had the surgery. Five months later, I'm doing more

things, walking more confidently, and I now realize how incapacitated I

had become, without knowing it. I hope that as the months pass after

your surgery, you'll be able to do things you quit doing several years


Peg Nichols

I Kneeded It

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome , I hope we can give you all the help and support you need.> Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of > hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor) > some "interesting symptoms" and been left in a kind of limboland.> > Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet & > symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.

Make an appointment with your doctor and take with you a list of ALL your symptoms and signs. Go to our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and click on "Hypothyroidism" and a sub Menu will come up showiong "Signs and Symptoms". Cross off how many you have.

Take your temperature for 4/5 days first thing in the morning BEFORE you get out of bed and before you drink anything. A normal temperature is 98.4. If yours is 97.8 (or it could be very much less) your metabolism is low and you could now be hypothyroid. List these on your symptoms list to show the doc.

Ask him for a FULL thyroid function test. This includes Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Free thyroxine (FT4), Free triiodothyronine (FT3) and also, a test to see if you have antibodies to your thyroid. Once you have the results, post them here together with the laboratory reference range for each test. Your GP will give you these as patients now have a right to all their results.

Hope this helps.

Luv - Sheila

> > Regards to all> > >

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Hi ,

Welcome to the list. Are you on any thyroid replacement therapy

at present such as thyroxine?

New member

Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of

hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor)

some " interesting symptoms " and been left in a kind of limboland.

Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet &

symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.

Regards to all

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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Should add that it may or may not be the case that the thyroid goitre

for which I received the I131 could have been secondary to the low



the other way round.

It was a number of years ago & I'm not totally clear, actually my GP

is not clear either. Nevertheless I still get the occasional Goitre,

but I never again suffered the massive weight loss that hapened the

first time.





> Welcome , I hope we can give you all the help and support you

> need.


> > Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of

> > hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor)

> > some " interesting symptoms " and been left in a kind of limboland.

> >

> > Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet &

> > symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.


> Make an appointment with your doctor and take with you a list of ALL

> your symptoms and signs. Go to our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk

> <http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk> and click on " Hypothyroidism " and a sub


> will come up showiong " Signs and Symptoms " . Cross off how many you



> Take your temperature for 4/5 days first thing in the morning


> get out of bed and before you drink anything. A normal temperature


> 98.4. If yours is 97.8 (or it could be very much less) your


> is low and you could now be hypothyroid. List these on your symptoms

> list to show the doc.


> Ask him for a FULL thyroid function test. This includes Thyroid

> Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Free thyroxine (FT4), Free


> (FT3) and also, a test to see if you have antibodies to your


> Once you have the results, post them here together with the


> reference range for each test. Your GP will give you these as


> now have a right to all their results.


> Hope this helps.


> Luv - Sheila



> >

> > Regards to all

> >

> >

> >


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No, I'm not on any thyroid medication at present.

I was tested fairly recently and note a LOW T3, but one that is close

to lower reference range


high thyroid stimulating hormone, above upper reference range

T4 normalish

However though my GP is willing to prescribe T3 he wont do so unless

therapy is initiated in a hospital outpatients clinic. When I saw the

endocrinologist, I got the old " well your not far enough outside the

reference ranges for us to consider you as a treatment candidate "

Whilst at the endocrinologist I was tested, without my knowledge for

Testosterone. I was never told the result for that. It was only when

I requested my notes that I discovered serum Tetosterone well below

the lower reference range.

& thx for your welcome


> Hi ,

> Welcome to the list. Are you on any thyroid replacement


> at present such as thyroxine?



> New member


> Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of

> hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor)

> some " interesting symptoms " and been left in a kind of limboland.


> Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet &

> symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.


> Regards to all






> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.


> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing



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Hi ,

It's the old, must go by the numbers thing and to hell with how

the patient feels. I get that with my GP. She is willing to do the tests,

but not to prescribe the Armour and only some of the T3 I need.

I had to go private for that, I suggest you do the same, see the list of

docs on the website.

No, I'm not on any thyroid medication at present.

I was tested fairly recently and note a LOW T3, but one that is close

to lower reference range


high thyroid stimulating hormone, above upper reference range

T4 normalish

However though my GP is willing to prescribe T3 he wont do so unless

therapy is initiated in a hospital outpatients clinic. When I saw the

endocrinologist, I got the old " well your not far enough outside the

reference ranges for us to consider you as a treatment candidate "

Whilst at the endocrinologist I was tested, without my knowledge for

Testosterone. I was never told the result for that. It was only when

I requested my notes that I discovered serum Tetosterone well below

the lower reference range.

& thx for your welcome


> Hi ,

> Welcome to the list. Are you on any thyroid replacement


> at present such as thyroxine?



> New member


> Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of

> hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor)

> some " interesting symptoms " and been left in a kind of limboland.


> Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet &

> symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.


> Regards to all






> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.


> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing



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Are there any (suitable) docs either in N Ireland or S Ireland ?

> >

> > Hi ,

> > Welcome to the list. Are you on any thyroid


> therapy

> > at present such as thyroxine?

> >

> >

> > New member

> >

> > Treated many years ago with Radioactive I 131 for symptoms of

> > hyperthyroidism. Have since developed (in the words of my doctor)

> > some " interesting symptoms " and been left in a kind of limboland.

> >

> > Low testosterone & some type of hyperkeratosis on soles of feet &

> > symptoms of neuropathy in all limbs.

> >

> > Regards to all

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.

> Always

> > consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing

> medication.

> >

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