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Hi Salem, I have problems eating most sugar free candies. The sugar alcohols in them gives me the runs big time, and Nutra Sweet makes me sick. I drink water and I do eat regular ice cream and such. I just don't eat so much. You will have to be very careful doing some things after the surgery. Falls are double dangerous for those of us with replacement joints. Water skiing may be totally out. Yes, it's water, but if you hit your knees at the speed some boats will pull you, it's like hitting concrete. I've never done it but I have jumped off a diving board and hit wrong, on my knees. It hurts. I won't do that again. I won't go rafting either, bad back, and I'm not that good a swimmer if there'd be an accident. Anything like tennis is hard on the knees as is roller/ice skating, especially if you'd fall on your knees. Being diabetic is easier if you can eat some of the stuff and like the rest. I'll manage, though. Salem Saglime <salem3p@...> wrote: , I did those athletic things before all these problems. I may be having wishful thinking. I am type 2 Diabetic also. Thank God for Splenda. EEEEHHHAAAHHH!!! Also sugar-free Stover. (In one end and out the other, hahahaha). Sugar-free candy doesn't have the time to stick to your stomach/hips. I also like fat-free/sugar free ice-cream. Its actually not bad. The Metformin has helped me control my sugar and weight. Thank heaven because I LOVE good food and BBQ. Except for some fat around my lower abdomen (my Grammie called it an apron) from my c-section and hyster. I am rock solid. Great upper strength and rock legs. It helped me pull myself up after my surgeries. My OS said more

muscular people are easier to heal. He forgot to tell mine that thou. No, actually it will take me a little longer to heal because I had so many knee surgeries in such little time. I gave up on my Physical therapist because they were screwing up, plus it cost me $25.00 a visit co-pay-3 times a week. It got expensive , so I joined a gym and am doing it myself and doing rather well. It is only $38.00 a month for 3 times a week, plus both me AND my hubby can go. I want to play tennis again real bad. My OS says it will have to be doubles. DRAT!! I want to roller/ice skate again but my OS looked at me like I was insane and said "Not with my knees"... He thinks their his now that he fixed them. hahaha! My Son wants me to do white water rafting. My OS said that might be possible. Not water skiing. That is so wrong. Its not like I am going to fall on cement. Its

water. Also Try the Russel Stover carmel drops. yum! They are these little choc over carmel balls. I freeze them like milky ways. They are sugar-free. Walgreens has been having great buys on their sugar-free candy lately. I try to stock up for the holidays but it doesn't make it thru the week. hehehe! Splenda has brown sugar now too. I wish they would come out with powdered sugar now. I made these wonderful cinnamin rolls. Plus really great brown sugar baked beans. Watch the baked beans you start out with. Bush has vegaterian style baked beans and it is the lowest in reg. sugar. I drain most of the juice off anyway before I add the splenda brown sugar and a little Mrs. Butterworth Sugar-free maple syrup, a touch of yellow mustard and a

touch of sugar-free Heinz ketchup. Then bake it for a while. The Mrs. Butterworth is awesome. It tastes even better than the original. OK, now that I have rambled on here. It is so much easier now a days being diabetic. I'm fixin to go out and sneak that last bag of carmel drops. I just got myself hungrey for them little buggers! Believe it or not, the weight is coming off even with my nasty munchies . Best wishes, Salem from TexasBill and Canter <cindyj4652@...> wrote: Sigrid, Only one side of my knee was really bad, plus the back of my kneecap and the end of the femur. My doctor said that a total would be better for me in the long

run. I'm glad I did it. I did it for most of the reasons you have and I'm not athletic either. I love just being able to push my little granddaughter down the street in her stroller, and not have to stop every few feet to rest my knee. Standing in line at the store is much easier, too. I hope you can get the help you need if you decide on a partial and not have problems with it like Salem did. God bless her, she's really had problems. Are you diabetic? Just curious, because I have to watch my intake of sugar and starches too, and I don't drink alcohol either. I'm a type 2 diabetic myself and I'm working on losing some weight. Take care, Sigrid Macdonald <fontgirl2002@...> wrote: Salem,Unfortunately, I can't eat sugar, bread, starch, fruit or most carbohydrates, or drink alcohol, so

that keeps my weight down. I've actually gained 15 pounds in the last few years by going on Atkins and bulking up on high-fat foods.It's true that the doctor works for me but I'm trying to trust his judgment. Both he and two other surgeons said that if I have the TKR now, I run the risk of ending up in a wheelchair by the age of 70, since knee revisions aren't as good as the primary replacement. Doesn't that worry you at your age, especially because you're so active?No, I'm not physical like that. I have fibromyalgia and low blood sugar. On a good day, I'm exhausted! I would collapse on the tennis court. What I want from knee surgery is the ability to stand in line at the grocery store or pharmacy, walk 2 to 3 miles a day and work out on the stationary bike at the Y. And I want a reduction in pain. That's it. I'm definitely not athletic because of my other

medical problems.What the doctor told me was that there's a certain selection criteria for the partial people and if that's used correctly, it can be highly successful. If the wrong people are selected -- doesn't sound as though you were a good candidate to begin with -- then the probability of success declines. I think I might be a good candidate because it's only the left side of my knee that's completely collapsed, I'm of average weight and there's no way that I'm going to be water rafting! Plus, I'm really scared about the prospect of a wheelchair down the road. I already had my hip replaced two years ago, so it'll need a revision in another 12-15 years and I'll be under 70 at that time.I have great reservations about telling the doctor that I want the TKR since I'm not sure that I want a TKR. I just want the pain to go down and be able to walk around and get my stuff

done.Thanks :) Sigrid>> Sigrid, God bless you! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less PersonalsSingle? There's someone we'd like you to meet.Lots of someones, actually. Personals

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Salem and ,

Salem -- you were making me hungry, talking about all those sugar-

free desserts! Like , I can't touch them. Splenda, sucralose

or mannitol all convert to sugar in my system. So does fruit. I

avoid anything sweet but I miss it like crazy!


> >

> > Sigrid,




> ---------------------------------







> God bless you!

> ---------------------------------

> DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or





> ---------------------------------

> Personals

> Single? There's someone we'd like you to meet.

> Lots of someones, actually. Personals



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Kim for the suggestion. We have been doing nasal irrigations

for years. They do help clear some of junk out, but when it starts

getting bad she can't stand to do the irrigations because they hurt her

head so bad, because the mucus gets so thick and it creates terrible

presure. Many of the people on the group I am on for her disease have

much better luck with the irrigations, they make a huge differnce for

them. Thanks again, we hope things turn around soon.


> ,


> Has your daughter ever tried irrigating her sinuses? A big

> part of keeping my daughter's sinuses clear is irrigating with


> saline using a Rhinoflow maching several times a day. If you haven't

> tried it, you might want to ask her doc about it. I hope things

> improve for her soon.


> Kim, mom to , CVID


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Thanks Kim for the suggestion. We have been doing nasal irrigations

for years. They do help clear some of junk out, but when it starts

getting bad she can't stand to do the irrigations because they hurt her

head so bad, because the mucus gets so thick and it creates terrible

presure. Many of the people on the group I am on for her disease have

much better luck with the irrigations, they make a huge differnce for

them. Thanks again, we hope things turn around soon.


> ,


> Has your daughter ever tried irrigating her sinuses? A big

> part of keeping my daughter's sinuses clear is irrigating with


> saline using a Rhinoflow maching several times a day. If you haven't

> tried it, you might want to ask her doc about it. I hope things

> improve for her soon.


> Kim, mom to , CVID


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

HI ,

Thanks so much for asking.

My son is much better. It's like night and day. That small amount of prozac

has almost taken the fears completely away. It's amazing! He is still saying

some bizzare things, but nothing like yesterday . I really thought I was losing

him for a few days!

His behavior is horrible, (must be from the med ) but I'll take that any day

over that nightmare!!!!!!!!

You guys really helped me from losing my mind!



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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

How old were you when the dentist messed up your neck? And have

you every seen an orthopedist or spine surgeon?



> Hi Rochelle it's cindy. I am an odd case.i have seen 6 chiro's for

> exams, had xrays all the tests and stuff. My neck doesn't hurt,

but it

> is so severe out of alignment, the bone that holds my skull on the

> Atlas. See the dentist almost killed me by forcing the neck so far


> of alignment, like a severe car crash,he dislocated my face too.I


> so sick they say i screamed for two years,I don't remember it.i


> the girls at the chiro's..... i have two 5 inch folders, that we


> to BILL that dentist for everyone of those sheets of paper!!!!


> the bones shift so bad that they change the jaw bones, shift into


> inner ear,and stuff like that. My neck can't be helped by a Pt

yet, not

> untill it can stay in place. Then maybe it would be a big help to


> some exercises, i do a few when it is out to try a strenghten the


> up. my neck is so bad that vacumming the floor will make it go

out, or

> even washing my hair will do it. I have the hardest time washing


> hair.love cindy


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Hi ,

How old were you when the dentist messed up your neck? And have

you every seen an orthopedist or spine surgeon?



> Hi Rochelle it's cindy. I am an odd case.i have seen 6 chiro's for

> exams, had xrays all the tests and stuff. My neck doesn't hurt,

but it

> is so severe out of alignment, the bone that holds my skull on the

> Atlas. See the dentist almost killed me by forcing the neck so far


> of alignment, like a severe car crash,he dislocated my face too.I


> so sick they say i screamed for two years,I don't remember it.i


> the girls at the chiro's..... i have two 5 inch folders, that we


> to BILL that dentist for everyone of those sheets of paper!!!!


> the bones shift so bad that they change the jaw bones, shift into


> inner ear,and stuff like that. My neck can't be helped by a Pt

yet, not

> untill it can stay in place. Then maybe it would be a big help to


> some exercises, i do a few when it is out to try a strenghten the


> up. my neck is so bad that vacumming the floor will make it go

out, or

> even washing my hair will do it. I have the hardest time washing


> hair.love cindy


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Hi Rochelle, I was 39, i am 45 now. it isn't anything that happened

years ago, like when i was a kid. no i haven't seen a spine surgeon,

that scares me!!!! YIKES. it's by my brain stem EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i

am afraid i'd end up a vegetable,they (the docs) did enough damage!!


> >

> > Hi Rochelle it's cindy. I am an odd case.i have seen 6 chiro's


> > exams, had xrays all the tests and stuff. My neck doesn't hurt,

> but it

> > is so severe out of alignment, the bone that holds my skull on


> > Atlas. See the dentist almost killed me by forcing the neck so


> out

> > of alignment, like a severe car crash,he dislocated my face


> was

> > so sick they say i screamed for two years,I don't remember it.i

> told

> > the girls at the chiro's..... i have two 5 inch folders, that we

> ought

> > to BILL that dentist for everyone of those sheets of paper!!!!

> Anyway

> > the bones shift so bad that they change the jaw bones, shift


> my

> > inner ear,and stuff like that. My neck can't be helped by a Pt

> yet, not

> > untill it can stay in place. Then maybe it would be a big help


> do

> > some exercises, i do a few when it is out to try a strenghten


> neck

> > up. my neck is so bad that vacumming the floor will make it go

> out, or

> > even washing my hair will do it. I have the hardest time washing

> my

> > hair.love cindy

> >


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Hi Rochelle, I was 39, i am 45 now. it isn't anything that happened

years ago, like when i was a kid. no i haven't seen a spine surgeon,

that scares me!!!! YIKES. it's by my brain stem EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i

am afraid i'd end up a vegetable,they (the docs) did enough damage!!


> >

> > Hi Rochelle it's cindy. I am an odd case.i have seen 6 chiro's


> > exams, had xrays all the tests and stuff. My neck doesn't hurt,

> but it

> > is so severe out of alignment, the bone that holds my skull on


> > Atlas. See the dentist almost killed me by forcing the neck so


> out

> > of alignment, like a severe car crash,he dislocated my face


> was

> > so sick they say i screamed for two years,I don't remember it.i

> told

> > the girls at the chiro's..... i have two 5 inch folders, that we

> ought

> > to BILL that dentist for everyone of those sheets of paper!!!!

> Anyway

> > the bones shift so bad that they change the jaw bones, shift


> my

> > inner ear,and stuff like that. My neck can't be helped by a Pt

> yet, not

> > untill it can stay in place. Then maybe it would be a big help


> do

> > some exercises, i do a few when it is out to try a strenghten


> neck

> > up. my neck is so bad that vacumming the floor will make it go

> out, or

> > even washing my hair will do it. I have the hardest time washing

> my

> > hair.love cindy

> >


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Hi ,

I have not had neck surgery, but probably one of these days I will

need it.

I have been very ill the past 8 monthes with a stomach problem

that caused heartburn, inability to eat normal food, weight loss and

lack of sleep. I think part of my worsened neck is due to that

illness. I've been trying to get as good nutrition as I can. But I

can't eat anything with fiber like vegetables or salad. I take a

chewable children's vitamin, drink Ensure and eat scrambled eggs and

baby food vegetables, ground up chicken and soggy banana muffins. I

think your chiropractors are right about the nutrition.


-- In neck pain , " grasshopperx_10 "

<woody10@...> wrote:


> Rochelle, that sounds like a good idea to try acupucture too!!!


> you had any neck surgery? you know what the chiros told me, i am

> going to load up on vitamins, i figure that can't hurt. they want


> to take the b's to build and repair nerves, carrot juice,alot of

> vitamin c and a few other things that i think i am not gonna do

> like hydrochloric acid.but anyway they say my muscles are weak and

> need strength thru nutrition. the problem with medicines that docs

> give is it effects me too much i am sensitive to medicines, messes

> up my vision stuff like that.cindy

> >

> > Hi ,

> > I've been thinking about chiropractic. I will ask my spine

> surgeon.

> > He has told me to go to accupuncture. I went once and it was


> for

> > my neck but terrible for my back because you have to lay on your

> > stomach a lot. I'm trying accupunture again next week with


> > person. I told her about my back. She treats bad backs and uses

> > pillows to make patients more comfortable.

> > Rochelle

> >

> >

> >

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Oh, who needs all those extra problems with your stomach HUH? boy

heartburn can be bad too!!!!!!! you must feel like a mess!!!! i know

i am getting extremely upset lately, i think an illness starts

wearing a person down, even emotionally. I try not to get upset but

i do.ensure is a good idea, i was thinking of getting that.least it

tastes good right? love cindy

> > >

> > > Hi ,

> > > I've been thinking about chiropractic. I will ask my spine

> > surgeon.

> > > He has told me to go to accupuncture. I went once and it was

> good

> > for

> > > my neck but terrible for my back because you have to lay on


> > > stomach a lot. I'm trying accupunture again next week with

> another

> > > person. I told her about my back. She treats bad backs and


> > > pillows to make patients more comfortable.

> > > Rochelle

> > >

> > >

> > >


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  • 1 month later...


SIB is just shorthand for self injury behavior. never did well on the anti-psychotic meds such as Zyprexa, Seraquil or Abilify. Risperdal helped him for the first month or two that he was taking it, but then back to the severe behaviors. This was even after a dose of 6 grams per day and was just six or seven years old at the time. The anti-depressants like Zoloft that was on and now Prozac have been far more helpful, but remember that each case can be different

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SIB is just shorthand for self injury behavior. never did well on the anti-psychotic meds such as Zyprexa, Seraquil or Abilify. Risperdal helped him for the first month or two that he was taking it, but then back to the severe behaviors. This was even after a dose of 6 grams per day and was just six or seven years old at the time. The anti-depressants like Zoloft that was on and now Prozac have been far more helpful, but remember that each case can be different

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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

Thanks so much for the tip. I should try that myself. I too have panic disorder,

but usually only when I'm driving with my kids in the car. I know it's weird,

but I just can't do it. I take klonopin, and it doesn't help with the driving.

I wonder if my daughter could take it with her zoloft and clonidine.

Thanks again,



c ward <cward_ri@...> wrote: Judy,

I know that magnesium/calcium supplements help tremendously with panic

attacks. I myself get them and have been taking supplements and I, who will not

drive at night because of panic, have been driving (even a little on the

highway). My stress level is so much less. I know you are very educated on

medications, but if your doctor will not give you what you want, and you are

desperate, you may want to try it. Your poor little daughter ... my heart goes

out to both of you.

Kindest Regards,

jchabot <jchabot@...> wrote:

Hi all,,

My daughter (10) has been having horrible panic attacks lately.She won't even

go into the bathroom alone. She is afraid someone is standing behind her, and

her doctor will not prescribe a benzo for her.

The zoloft is just not cutting it. Could anyone tell me if their doctors have

prescribed benzos for their kids? I take klonopin for my panic attacks, but

seeing my daughter is only 10, the doctor is afraid of a paradoxal reaction.

Any suggestions?



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My son uses Ativan for panic attacks with success. At one time he

was taking a little Ativan before school for about a week to help him

get over his morning anxiety. He takes 0.5mg and can take it up to 3

times per day, but we have not had to give that much.


> Hi all,,


> My daughter (10) has been having horrible panic attacks lately.She

won't even go into the bathroom alone. She is afraid someone is

standing behind her, and her doctor will not prescribe a benzo for


> The zoloft is just not cutting it. Could anyone tell me if their

doctors have prescribed benzos for their kids? I take klonopin for my

panic attacks, but seeing my daughter is only 10, the doctor is

afraid of a paradoxal reaction.

> Any suggestions?

> hugs

> Judy



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Is the " Purecalm " another form of " Calms " ?? Maybe " Calms " is a generic form of

it or something.

I had purchased some last year at the healthfood store for my son before he was

on any meds to help him to sleep.I never tried it with my dd though because she

has been on meds for so long, and I was afraid to give both.



c ward <cward_ri@...> wrote: Judy,

For situational anxiety (specific panic attacks, etc) I give my daughter

Purecalm by Native Remedies (www.nativeremedies.com). I believe you can take

that while on SSRIs/antipsychotic medication, but you can email them and ask

specifically with the list of your daughter's medications - and I guess you

could double check with your pharmacy. It works in about a minute - calms my

daughter down so quickly. You may also want to check that out.

I'll be curious to see your daughter's blood test results. I'm thinking of

getting my children's tested now while asymptomatic to see if there is a

difference if things get worse, especially around an illness.

jchabot <jchabot@...> wrote:

I am going to try the calcium/magnesium for all three of my kids.They

all have anxiety. Can't hurt!



" Trabulsy, " <mario.trabulsy@...> wrote: my kid also takes Ca/ Mg

as a regular vitamin daily. I don't give it

specifically at the time of a panic attack, but use it daily to prevent/

calm/ etc


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No, it is formulated by a clinical psychologist, Michele Carlisle, or her last

name is something like that. Anyway, I have only the best things to say about

it, but if you go to the website and " ask a question " , your question will be

answered by Michele and she is very thorough and very honest. She can tell you

if you can mix with meds if you let her know what your daughter is one. She

errs more on the side of caution. My daughter this evening was kind of raging

with her homework and started getting kind of out of control and I made her take

it (drops in a drink) and within 5 minutes she was completing her homework and

laughing, writing secret messages with my other daughter.

jchabot <jchabot@...> wrote:


Is the " Purecalm " another form of " Calms " ?? Maybe " Calms " is a generic form of it

or something.

I had purchased some last year at the healthfood store for my son before he was

on any meds to help him to sleep.I never tried it with my dd though because she

has been on meds for so long, and I was afraid to give both.



c ward <cward_ri@...> wrote: Judy,

For situational anxiety (specific panic attacks, etc) I give my daughter

Purecalm by Native Remedies (www.nativeremedies.com). I believe you can take

that while on SSRIs/antipsychotic medication, but you can email them and ask

specifically with the list of your daughter's medications - and I guess you

could double check with your pharmacy. It works in about a minute - calms my

daughter down so quickly. You may also want to check that out.

I'll be curious to see your daughter's blood test results. I'm thinking of

getting my children's tested now while asymptomatic to see if there is a

difference if things get worse, especially around an illness.

jchabot <jchabot@...> wrote:

I am going to try the calcium/magnesium for all three of my kids.They all have

anxiety. Can't hurt!



" Trabulsy, " <mario.trabulsy@...> wrote: my kid also takes Ca/ Mg

as a regular vitamin daily. I don't give it

specifically at the time of a panic attack, but use it daily to prevent/

calm/ etc


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Thanks !

That sounds great!



c ward <cward_ri@...> wrote: No, it is

formulated by a clinical psychologist, Michele Carlisle, or her last name is

something like that. Anyway, I have only the best things to say about it, but

if you go to the website and " ask a question " , your question will be answered by

Michele and she is very thorough and very honest. She can tell you if you can

mix with meds if you let her know what your daughter is one. She errs more on

the side of caution. My daughter this evening was kind of raging with her

homework and started getting kind of out of control and I made her take it

(drops in a drink) and within 5 minutes she was completing her homework and

laughing, writing secret messages with my other daughter.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...

- I don't know the reason for this reaction. I haven't been following this thread -- only a couple of posts. I am just reacting to something I read -- not YOU as a person, advocate, parent or whatever. Please don't think that is what is going on.Rox Re:More about AutismSpeaks in Pittsburgh

Oh for the love of........For people who want to get their children

vaccinated for the flu, or whatever, without mercury.

(a) It's not a medical facility, it's a pharmacy that does

compounding, carries Kirkman products, nutritional and supplement

advice and counseling, and offers mercury free vaccinations FOR THOSE


(B) The woman who runs said pharmacy was mercury poisoned as a child

and knows all about chelation, etc.

What's the problem? Just because we "OFFER" something doesn't mean

that we say it's the ONLY way. We're not running around saying

"vaccinate." We're saying, "if you choose to vaccinate, here's an

alternative. " Parents have choices. They're not stupid, they can

make up their own minds.


> > > > >


> > > > > Uhm, hello? AutismLink is based in Pittsburgh?? I'm the one


> > who


> > > > > wrote the letter to the editor??


> > > > >


> > > > > We do everything free for families, we have events, we donate to


> > > > > public libraries, so I'm not sure what you mean by "do


> > something great


> > > > > for Pittsburgh."


> > > > >


> > > > > We gave away 16 project lifesaver bracelets to needy families,


> > we


> > > > > finance support groups, we have halloween, xmas and summer


> > picnics


> > > > > completely free of charge, we give away tickets to local events


> > free


> > > > > of charge.


> > > > >


> > > > > What the heck are you talking about?


> > > > >


> > > > > W.


> > > > >


> > > >


> > >


> >















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I'm not, relax. I just don't think anyone here agrees on one mantra.

(In fact, the autism community doesn't agree on a whole lot of

anything!) Except maybe that vaccines and mercury have something to

do with autism. I'm just saying that as an organization, we're just

offering parents a choice. Usually if you go to your pediatrician and

say, I don't want my child to be vaccinated because of mercury, they

look at you like you have 3 heads.

We're just offering an alternative. The other alternative is to not

vaccinate at all. (That's the option I personally chose.)

Basically, in a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is -- we are just

offering parents choices. They can choose what they want to do. We

just want to make sure they have options and it seemed like teaming up

with this pharmacy was a good thing to do because they seem to " get

it. "

No worries here.

-- In EOHarm , kelly reedy <novacmama@...> wrote:


> - I don't know the reason for this reaction. I haven't been

following this thread -- only a couple of posts. I am just reacting

to something I read -- not YOU as a person, advocate, parent or

whatever. Please don't think that is what is going on.


> Rox


> Re:More about AutismSpeaks in Pittsburgh















> Oh for the love of........For people who want to get

their children


> vaccinated for the flu, or whatever, without mercury.




> (a) It's not a medical facility, it's a pharmacy that does


> compounding, carries Kirkman products, nutritional and supplement


> advice and counseling, and offers mercury free vaccinations FOR THOSE






> (B) The woman who runs said pharmacy was mercury poisoned as a child


> and knows all about chelation, etc.




> What's the problem? Just because we " OFFER " something doesn't mean


> that we say it's the ONLY way. We're not running around saying


> " vaccinate. " We're saying, " if you choose to vaccinate, here's an


> alternative. " Parents have choices. They're not stupid, they can


> make up their own minds.










> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > Uhm, hello? AutismLink is based in Pittsburgh?? I'm the one


> >


> > > who


> >


> > > > > > wrote the letter to the editor??


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > We do everything free for families, we have events, we

donate to


> >


> > > > > > public libraries, so I'm not sure what you mean by " do


> >


> > > something great


> >


> > > > > > for Pittsburgh. "


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > We gave away 16 project lifesaver bracelets to needy



> >


> > > we


> >


> > > > > > finance support groups, we have halloween, xmas and summer


> >


> > > picnics


> >


> > > > > > completely free of charge, we give away tickets to local



> >


> > > free


> >


> > > > > > of charge.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > What the heck are you talking about?


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > W.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > >


> >


> >


> >


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> >


> >


> >


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> > Find them fast with Search.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi - I am using this venue because I think your email may have booted my personal email to you.Another mom and I were wondering if you had any time available if you are going to the Rally on June 4. We are staying from the 3rd through noon on the fifth.Email me offlist. thanksRox

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hey ,

Yes, I remember very well. I am so sorry to hear that happened. I sure am glad

that he is ok though. I hate those pills.

Can you take them away? I know that its not always possible to just take

something away like that, but I certainly would if there is any way that you


What did the doctors say was wrong with him when he was in the hospital?



The Pets Pal


-------------- Original message from " grasshopperx_10 " <woody10@...>:


> ? remember me cindy ,and the father 80 on oxy's? remember???

> guess what? you were right!!! i sware those pills put him in the

> hospital!!! In for the hospital 4 days, going downhill fast. now he

> has stabilised for a few days is back home, guess what? he's taking

> them again! i expect a re peat. we shall see.cindy

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > Sorry to hear that your having such a hard time.

> > I wish I could help, but I've never had a lower back surgery.

> >

> > I CAN tell you that 3 wks is not long at all. Hang in there.

> > I hope that someone else will answer soon that can give better

> advice.

> > I just wanted to wish you well.

> > ((hugs))

> > Liz

> >

> > The Pets Pal

> > http://360./petspal2003

> > -------------- Original message from " kjmacmason "

> : --------------

> >

> >

> > > hello all

> > > i had surgey L5-S1 its been 3 weeks and my leg is still numb

> the pain

> > > meds dont really work and sleeping is becoming a issue. the pain

> is

> > > worse in the morning getting out of bed and sitting isnt very

> > > comfortable either. Is there hope yet. My husband has been home

> with

> > > me to take care of the kids 2yr and a 7yr old. still cant drive

> or

> > > lift, I feel so helpless and useless.

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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