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Ear Infection

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, I just mainly let them run their course, as they have been shown to

clear up just as quickly without antibiotics. But if I want to speed up the

healing, I also give megadoses of vitamin C. Personally, I have not found

vitamin C much use, unless in megadoses. Used that way, it is more effective

than any antibiotic, in my experience.


Ear infection

So, I took my son to the doctor and it turns out he has sinus issues

and an ear infection. Of course the doctor prescribed him an

antibiotic. I thought I had heard they were urging doctors to stop

prescribing them so quickly for ear infections because they can clear

up without them (guess my doctors didn't get that memo). Anyway, after

much thought I decided to get the antibiotic, but after giving him the

first dose he threw it all up. What can I give him that would be more

natural? Should I call the doctor and see what else I need to do? I'm

sure this has probably been a topic on here before, so sorry about the


Thank you so much to everyone who responded about strep throat.

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Vitamin C is great, be careful with large doses though, if your child gets

diarrhea cut back a little on the C. Again, Garlic oil in the ears will help

fight the infection, as well putting garlic oil or juice (from the jar of

minced or chopped garlic) in all their food, just enough that they can't

tell it is there. My daughter,at 1 yr. had and Eand we gave her garlic oil

as recommended by my midwife and she never needed antibiotics and never had

an infectionagain. You can get a blend of garlic oil with echinacea which is

also good for the immune system. I breast fed laying down too. My kids

rarely even get the sniffles, and I am on my 3rd child, she is 4 now and my

oldest is 10. Check out your local Health/Vitamin supply store.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Fieldman <lisafieldman@...>


> , I just mainly let them run their course, as they have been

> shown to clear up just as quickly without antibiotics. But if I want to

> speed up the healing, I also give megadoses of vitamin C. Personally, I have

> not found vitamin C much use, unless in megadoses. Used that way, it is more

> effective than any antibiotic, in my experience.


> Fieldman


> Ear infection


> So, I took my son to the doctor and it turns out he has sinus issues

> and an ear infection. Of course the doctor prescribed him an

> antibiotic. I thought I had heard they were urging doctors to stop

> prescribing them so quickly for ear infections because they can clear

> up without them (guess my doctors didn't get that memo). Anyway, after

> much thought I decided to get the antibiotic, but after giving him the

> first dose he threw it all up. What can I give him that would be more

> natural? Should I call the doctor and see what else I need to do? I'm

> sure this has probably been a topic on here before, so sorry about the

> repeat.


> Thank you so much to everyone who responded about strep throat.





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One of my sons, who never got ear infections, once had both ears terribly

inflamed to the point where even my naturopath said I might need to get him

antibiotics. But first we made sure he was off all of the usual suspects--dairy,

food dyes, sugars, etc. and to give him homeopathic belladonna, and probably C,

quercetin (this was years ago). Worked like a charm.

I would now also use Larix--use it for all infections. It comes in a powder you

mix in juice but good luck giving it to a baby. It tastes a little bitter



Ear infection

> >

> > So, I took my son to the doctor and it turns out he has sinus issues

> > and an ear infection. Of course the doctor prescribed him an

> > antibiotic. I thought I had heard they were urging doctors to stop

> > prescribing them so quickly for ear infections because they

> can clear

> > up without them (guess my doctors didn't get that memo).

> Anyway, after

> > much thought I decided to get the antibiotic, but after giving

> him the

> > first dose he threw it all up. What can I give him that would

> be more

> > natural? Should I call the doctor and see what else I need to

> do? I'm

> > sure this has probably been a topic on here before, so sorry

> about the

> > repeat.

> >

> > Thank you so much to everyone who responded about strep throat.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...

You may want to have her mom check into food allergies. Gluten and dairy are heavily tied to chronic ear infections. My children have not had one ear infection this year - we have been gluten free for a year. Also chiropractic adjustments can help keep them at bay and avoid antibiotics. She probably also needs some probiotics because she has probably been loaded down with antibiotics. 70% of the immune system is in the gut.


ear infection

My niece has an ear infection again, she gets them quite often. I think I read something awhile back about using iodine to treat ear infections but I've not been able to find it in the archives. Does anybody know about this or have experience using the iodine to treat ear infections? The iodine I have is the Lugols 5% that I got from JCrows.I really appreciate any help on this.Thanks,a

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  • 1 year later...
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I still have an ear infection and now I'm on a 2nd antibiotic. I'm slowly getting better I think but maybe i should also use the Godzilla and place the electrodes in my teeth should do it. Anyone ever try this? Ed

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Off Beck topic - I'm 76 and have 16 great grand kids so

this is well proven. Mix half & half white vinegar & alcohol. Dip a Q-Tip in this and clean ears. This is especially useful used after swimming in public pools.

From: Ed <ejones880@...> Sent: Thu, May 12, 2011 8:43:23 AMSubject: Ear Infection

I still have an ear infection and now I'm on a 2nd antibiotic. I'm slowly getting better I think but maybe i should also use the Godzilla and place the electrodes in my teeth should do it. Anyone ever try this? Ed

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files on group has ear infection results. one person

used it for an hour or so, but next day it appeared worse, so he used it at

higher power for something like 8 hours on the ear, next day it looked really

awful, so went to the ER. they said they found no evidence of infection, just

some peculiar burns around the outer ear! :)



> I still have an ear infection and now I'm on a 2nd antibiotic.I'm slowly

getting better I think but maybe i should also use the Godzilla and place the

electrodes in my teeth should do it.

> Anyone ever try this?

> Ed


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So far its no better, I used the Godzilla once for 30 minutes with one connector in my ear the other in my upper gums on the same side Would using it only on my wrists help?   Re: Ear Infection files on group has ear infection results. one person used it for an hour or so, but next day it appeared worse, so he used it at higher power for something like 8 hours on the ear, next day it looked really awful, so went to the ER. they said they found no evidence of infection, just some peculiar burns around the outer ear! :) bG > > I still have an ear infection and now I'm on a 2nd antibiotic.I'm slowly getting better I think but maybe i should also use the Godzilla and place the electrodes in my teeth should do it. > Anyone ever try this? > Ed >  

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