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>From: " Cliff Beckwith " <spinner@...>

>Reply-cures for canceregroups

>One thing it is proving for certain is that the Flax oil does not cause the

>chemo to be effective if it is otherwise.




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Hi Cliff,My father-in-law ,83 just beat 'terminal' colon cancer with a shot

gun herbal approach.You are mixing your flax with lowfat cottage

cheese,right ?the sulphurated protien in the cottage cheese makes the flax

water- soluble and be assimilated better instead of most of it passing

though the digestive system.good luck...Mell

>From: " Cliff Beckwith " <spinner@...>

>Reply-cures for canceregroups

><Undisclosed Recipients>

>Subject: Bill

>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:08:13 -0500




>I just recieved word today from my friend Bill who has pancreatic cancer.


>He had a setback recently when something plugged a Bile duct and he had to

>have a stint put in.


>For awhile he couldn't eat much and the count went up. Now it is coming

>down again and he told me he feels fine. The cancer that had gotten into

>the liver appears to be gone.


>One thing it is proving for certain is that the Flax oil does not cause the

>chemo to be effective if it is otherwise.


>Bill has now made it a month more than the doctor at first thought


>and it looks good for the future. Time will tell.






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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...
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Look at the invention not at the inventor

look at the teaching not at the teacher

Einstein was manic depressif and looked at as a mad man

still his inventions are impressive maybe even because of that he reached those highs

I believe Bill reaches his highs because he works with both brains the female and the non female

the credits should be what the QX is doing and you write you already know it works

so what is the problem?



I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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You must separate the wheat from the shaft. I too have had several people back out of therapies after seeing quackwatch site. Cancer patients mostly with severe negativity disorders. You know the QX is effective and not a scam and that is what is real. The fact that Bill but the QX into reality still blows my mind everytime I use it! So I would focus on open souls that welcome the help.

May your thoughts become your reality



I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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The Integrity of those behind quackwatch has been proven to be faulty. "What's-his-name", the belligerent doctor running Quackwatch from his basement, has been successfully stopped from his bitter attack on the alternative health fields. If you are interested in the drama leading to "what's-his-name's" demise, you can go to the QXCI-English site and run a search for "quackwatch" and read the postings. They should be from about 1-2 months ago. Hope this helps, Gage


I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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....when you sit down and think, you can answer the question yourself....



I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am

getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very

sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a

con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details

that defnitly refute theses claims.

I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinking

A. that I am making money out of a scam!

B. That this grear invention is a just a con.


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I am a QXCI practioner also and love it and Bill

's work/mind/heart immensely. I must admit,

however, that when I initially was investigating the

QXCI to purchase and go into practice, I found his

name come up on Quackwatch also. I have come to learn

that any person who has done some brilliant work and

is courageous in sharing it will end up on Quackwatch

because I believe that Quackwatch is supported by the

AMA and pharmaceutical industry to discredit these

individuals. This is all fear and greed based

publicity. I do feel strongly that the QXCI, Bill

, Hulda and others' findings/research will

and is reaching the audience it was intended through

grass roots efforts and will prevail.

Priscilla Simpson


--- Mark Butzler <m.butzler@...> wrote:

> You must separate the wheat from the shaft. I too

> have had several people back out of therapies after

> seeing quackwatch site. Cancer patients mostly with

> severe negativity disorders. You know the QX is

> effective and not a scam and that is what is real.

> The fact that Bill but the QX into reality still

> blows my mind everytime I use it! So I would focus

> on open souls that welcome the help.


> May your thoughts become your reality

> ~Mark

> Bill



> I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the

> results that I am

> getting as are my clients. However one of my

> clients who was very

> sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill

> is just a

> con artist with no qualifications. Please can

> anyone give me details

> that defnitly refute theses claims.

> I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of

> someone thinking

> A. that I am making money out of a scam!

> B. That this grear invention is a just a con.





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Dear Caradon27 and all group members,

This kind of attack is only what every scientific pioneer can expect, who breaks out of the reigning paradigm into a whole new dimension of insight and understanding. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake by the Catholic Inquisition for his heretic scientific insights. An established paradigm will always defend its strict boundaries against the threat of an expanding horizon, but if there were no people like Bill , Humanity would never make any progress at all.

When the accusation is made that he is not qualified, the assumption is that only those indoctrinated by the stronghold institutions of the old paradigm are "properly qualified". Qualified for what? For passing expensive death sentences to sick people who have "incurable" diseases? Certainly not for the new technology that the "qualified" scientists claim does not exist, or has no relevance for medicine, yet cures where the old paradigm "experts" are powerless.

So someone who has been blazing new trails into new territory with dazzling results is not qualified, just because he has not taken a certain standard exam and promised to abide by a series of prejudices imposed on everybody and presented as immutable facts?

The fact is that ours is a new science, for which as yet no "officially qualified and qualifying" institution exists. But new, private universities for distance learning are coming into existence all over the planet, where the science of the new paradigm is gradually being introduced, supported and explored. Bill will soon be one of their heroes. Life Expansion University is one such virtual crusader for the Aquarian paradigm and the science of the future, where holistic practitioners can be awarded high quality doctorates for contributions to energy medicine and its technology.

All we really have to do, is to let the results speak for themselves. In your situation I would consider offering patients who bring up this kind of arguments the option to pay only after they see the results of the treatment. In addition they could be told to determine themselves what the result was worth to them. Could anything be fairer? If they then don´t pay you a reasonable fee, ask them to consider, as their benchmark, the real cost and the results of conventional orthodox treatment.

This reminds me of an experience I had in Malaysia many years ago, where I was seing patients after a seminar I gave there. When I asked my hosts what fees would be appropriate to charge, I was told that the local custom was for the patients to leave a closed envelope with the amount of money they felt the consultation or treatment was worth to them, and that they were comfortable with. This system seemed to work to the satisfaction of both parties, which speaks well of the integrity of the patients and of the caring attitude and lack of greed of the practitioners. I have to admit that I doubt it would work as well in our Western culture.

Best wishes,

Jens Jerndal


I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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Remeber: the QXCI is not for mediocre minds, to satisfy everyone and control their thinking is not ouer task. We have different lifepatterns and different things to learn every life - take this things as a lesson to greater understanding of what life is about. Where we put ouer energi - there is ouer life.


I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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I would get your client to point you to that exact site so you could share it with us. I have looked for such a site with no success. :))Hälsomedicinska_kliniken_Ruth <medicinkvinnan@...> wrote:

Remeber: the QXCI is not for mediocre minds, to satisfy everyone and control their thinking is not ouer task. We have different lifepatterns and different things to learn every life - take this things as a lesson to greater understanding of what life is about. Where we put ouer energi - there is ouer life.


I am a new QXCI user and am very pleased with the results that I am getting as are my clients. However one of my clients who was very sceptical found a net site that implies that Bill is just a con artist with no qualifications. Please can anyone give me details that defnitly refute theses claims.I know thw QXCI works but don't like the idea of someone thinkingA. that I am making money out of a scam!B. That this grear invention is a just a con.............................................

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  • 1 year later...

Well actually I can but I can not put my finger on the study right now but

will post as soon as possible

The Holiest Place on earth is where

an ancient hatred has become a present love.

O Lugar mais Santo em terra é onde

um ódio antigo se tornou um amor presente.


From: Gomer0912@... [mailto:Gomer0912@...]

Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:25 PM

Hepatitis C

Subject: Bill

Hi Bill. Can you please tell me where you got your facts from? Please thank


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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the info, Bill.

I think you will find that this is a generally conservative group, and we

like to stall just a little on TX. So hard to say when to do something! Your

numbers and symptoms do not seem horrible.

In the old days, people did watch and wait for years. Now, the art of taking

prognostic indicators (FISH test, ZAP 70 test) has become popular, checking

your genes, chromosomes, etc. Then the hematologist can " predict " (and I stress

the word, because his prediction will be based on statistics, and we are all

different) how aggressive your case is likely to be. So, some hematologists

have take to doing these prognostics, and they let the results influence their

decision as to how long the patient should " wait " .

This is a tough call!!! I guess it depends on how much faith you have in your

local guy. You could probably get to Houston (MD ) for a solid

opinion. My personal problem with MDA is they tend to be just a bit

aggressive......Rituxan alone might be a good therapy for you, you seem more

" lymphatic " than

" leukemic " . Are your red counts OK?

As for the squamous, I've had three removed in the last two months. It comes

with the territory. There is nothing to worry about, they grow slowly. You do

need to see a competent dermatologist, often. Some now use the MOHS method,

where a technician can evaluate whether the doctor got it all while you're still

in the chair. That way you can leave his office knowing you're clean.

Try to chill out.....And I know that's not easy......


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Thanks Your comments are very helpful.

My rbc's and platlet counts are ok. I believe you are

correct I am more in the lymphatic condition area than

the other. I am going to my Onc. for a check up

tomorrow but I don't anticipate any major issues.

After all I've read on the decision of when to treat

cll I am in aggreement it is better to be

conservative. My current plan is to get check-ups (my

onc., and dermatologist)and take it easy as long as I

feel ok etc.

Thanks again and thanks to all for listening.


--- jb50192@... wrote:

> Thanks for the info, Bill.


> I think you will find that this is a generally

> conservative group, and we

> like to stall just a little on TX. So hard to say

> when to do something! Your

> numbers and symptoms do not seem horrible.


> In the old days, people did watch and wait for

> years. Now, the art of taking

> prognostic indicators (FISH test, ZAP 70 test) has

> become popular, checking

> your genes, chromosomes, etc. Then the hematologist

> can " predict " (and I stress

> the word, because his prediction will be based on

> statistics, and we are all

> different) how aggressive your case is likely to be.

> So, some hematologists

> have take to doing these prognostics, and they let

> the results influence their

> decision as to how long the patient should " wait " .


> This is a tough call!!! I guess it depends on how

> much faith you have in your

> local guy. You could probably get to Houston (MD

> ) for a solid

> opinion. My personal problem with MDA is they tend

> to be just a bit

> aggressive......Rituxan alone might be a good

> therapy for you, you seem more " lymphatic " than

> " leukemic " . Are your red counts OK?


> As for the squamous, I've had three removed in the

> last two months. It comes

> with the territory. There is nothing to worry about,

> they grow slowly. You do

> need to see a competent dermatologist, often. Some

> now use the MOHS method,

> where a technician can evaluate whether the doctor

> got it all while you're still

> in the chair. That way you can leave his office

> knowing you're clean.


> Try to chill out.....And I know that's not

> easy......


> Best,



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 1 year later...


Sorry for my behavior. After 5 weeks of search of fleas, I come

across the term " birdmite " from my pco (even though he said the bites

on my body looked like acne). Then I come to read www.birdmites.org

and was totally in shock. After various trial and error (tickling in

the ear and soothing feeling once dehumidifier is turned on), yesterday

I have reache the conclusion and was totally in shock. This morning

with Listerine on head the situation finally got better. Thanks for pp

who have suggested Listerine.

I know everyone here's been under great ordeal and spent a fortune.

Let's keep doing experiments and come up with a good strategy to

eliminate the mites.


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  • 3 years later...

Followup of Bill's Cold under Colds, Flu, Respiratory, posted on July 25 2011.

This is the latest, and final, on this saga. My cold stubbornly ran its course

and settled in my chest resulting in a tickle which caused severe coughing

spells. Doctor threatened hospital if no improvement. Use of Godzilla front to

back and side to side on my chest, effective at first, was not working any more,

which was puzzling. All tests for infection came back negative, probably because

of use of Godzilla. The doctor recommended a pulmonologist but I held out, not

wanting numerous tests and antibiotics. I began to suspect mold allergy while

inside the house, maybe from the AC? When I went outside of the house my

coughing stopped. So I had an ultraviolet light installed in the AC air handler

in the attic. A day later, I could stay all day in the house without coughing. I

figured Godzilla became ineffective because the cold symptoms apparently

morphed into a mold allergy. I could find no way " zill " the allergy. Night

congestion and cough less every day.

Some observations about the use of godzilla. I notice that typically current

starts at about .6 ma and slowly increases to 1ma and above. Reversing current,

it spikes to over 1.2 to 1.5 ma, slowly settling down depending on the pressure

I apply to the sponges. I feel a little twinge but no discomfort. Rarely do I

have to back off the resistor, it is usually at max (0 resistance). Also,

current being dependent on pressure on the sponges, my hands often get tired

holding the sponges. Sponges are about 3 inches square.

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It's a fascinating report, Bill. Shows how to track something down by

observation. Shame your doctor did NOT spend the time and take the interest in

you to simply ask when/where the coughing starts and stops. Instead, proposing

to treat what turns out to be an environmental condition with internal medicine.

I will repeat this story over and over, starting with my own medical friend who

would have asked you these simple questions in the first place, who does believe

in the sleuthing part of diagnosis. She will not be a bit surprised. Her own

sister died because no one listened to her. Jeez, Bill, object lesson here for

us all! ASK THE TIME, PLACE, EVENT. I would love it if doctors and nurses

would carry a little pad like a detective, put on a deer stalker's cap, remind

themselves they need to BE good detectives first. What the hell they do so much

paperwork AFTER the appointment, why not get some done ahead? :)



> Followup of Bill's Cold under Colds, Flu, Respiratory, posted on July 25 2011.


> This is the latest, and final, on this saga. My cold stubbornly ran its course

and settled in my chest resulting in a tickle which caused severe coughing

spells. Doctor threatened hospital if no improvement. Use of Godzilla front to

back and side to side on my chest, effective at first, was not working any more,

which was puzzling. All tests for infection came back negative, probably because

of use of Godzilla. The doctor recommended a pulmonologist but I held out, not

wanting numerous tests and antibiotics. I began to suspect mold allergy while

inside the house, maybe from the AC? When I went outside of the house my

coughing stopped. So I had an ultraviolet light installed in the AC air handler

in the attic. A day later, I could stay all day in the house without coughing. I

figured Godzilla became ineffective because the cold symptoms apparently

morphed into a mold allergy. I could find no way " zill " the allergy. Night

congestion and cough less every day.


> Some observations about the use of godzilla. I notice that typically current

starts at about .6 ma and slowly increases to 1ma and above. Reversing current,

it spikes to over 1.2 to 1.5 ma, slowly settling down depending on the pressure

I apply to the sponges. I feel a little twinge but no discomfort. Rarely do I

have to back off the resistor, it is usually at max (0 resistance). Also,

current being dependent on pressure on the sponges, my hands often get tired

holding the sponges. Sponges are about 3 inches square.


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Needless to say, most patients in the area ask to see " her " .

This is not to put doctors down. But to point out that you should sit down with

SOMEONE, and at LEAST write out the details of the time, place, form and events

around what's going on. That, too, is " history " even if it's right now.

Earlier stuff may also play a role. But in 10 minute office visits this will

NOT likely get done. So DO IT, then walk in the office for your 2 minute

mistaken diagnosis. At least you will something to compare. A second opinion

from the UNIVERSE would be nice.


> > >

> > > Followup of Bill's Cold under Colds, Flu, Respiratory, posted on July 25


> > >

> > > This is the latest, and final, on this saga. My cold stubbornly ran its

course and settled in my chest resulting in a tickle which caused severe

coughing spells. Doctor threatened hospital if no improvement. Use of Godzilla

front to back and side to side on my chest, effective at first, was not working

any more, which was puzzling. All tests for infection came back negative,

probably because of use of Godzilla. The doctor recommended a pulmonologist but

I held out, not wanting numerous tests and antibiotics. I began to suspect mold

allergy while inside the house, maybe from the AC? When I went outside of the

house my coughing stopped. So I had an ultraviolet light installed in the AC air

handler in the attic. A day later, I could stay all day in the house without

coughing. I figured Godzilla became ineffective because the cold symptoms

apparently morphed into a mold allergy. I could find no way " zill " the allergy.

Night congestion and cough less every day.

> > >

> > > Some observations about the use of godzilla. I notice that typically

current starts at about .6 ma and slowly increases to 1ma and above. Reversing

current, it spikes to over 1.2 to 1.5 ma, slowly settling down depending on the

pressure I apply to the sponges. I feel a little twinge but no discomfort.

Rarely do I have to back off the resistor, it is usually at max (0 resistance).

Also, current being dependent on pressure on the sponges, my hands often get

tired holding the sponges. Sponges are about 3 inches square.

> > >

> >


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  • 2 months later...

Cecilia-Do you llive near the coast in Sweden?AandrayaOn Nov 6, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi, Bill!Thanks for your e-mail! I can understand you had a great conference call. It would have been great hearing your voices!I will try the skype.com, but don´t you need a computer camera for the skype, or you can make calls without it?I would love to join, if just the time would be possible (can´t call at night, then I wake my kids up).How are you Bill?I am quite ok. My small one is being treated with hydrocortison and is much better. My 8 year old has some lesions but very small and we don´t know at all what it is. So far no lesions on me or husband for a long time (hardly dare to say it..)Take care!CeciliaFrom: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 4:33 AMSubject: Re: Aggi

Hi Cecelia

How are you , wish you guys were at the confrence call. Maybe try this www.skype.com is only a $ 10.00 deposit to join which is applied to your minutes (100 for $10.00 ), it is aproximately .10 cents per minute to talk , if that much.

I hope everything is getting better

God Bless you Cecelia ,



good story :

This gives you goose bumps

An Angel Walked the Beat Tonight

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile

They said had run the light

That caused the six-car pileup

On 109 that night.

When broken bodies lay about

And blood was everywhere,

The sirens screamed out elegies,

For death was in the air.

mother, trapped inside her car,

Was heard above the noise;

Her plaintive plea near split the air:

"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"

She fought to loose her pinned hands;

She struggled to get free

But mangled metal held her fast

In grim captivity.

Her frightened eyes then focused

On where the back seat once had been,

But all she saw was broken glass and

Two children's seats crushed in.

Her twins were nowhere to be seen;

She did not hear them cry,

And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,

"Oh, God, don't let them die!"

Then firemen came and cut her loose

But when they searched the back,

They found therein no little boys,

But the seat belts were intact.

They thought the woman had gone mad

And was traveling alone,

But when they turned to question her,

They discovered she was gone.

Policemen saw her running wild

And screaming above the noise

In beseeching supplication,

"Please help me find my boys!

They're four years old and wear blue shirts;

Their jeans are blue to match."

One cop spoke up, "They're in my car,

And they don't have a scratch.

They said their daddy put them there

And gave them each a cone,

Then told them both to wait for Mom

To come and take them home.

I've searched the area high and low,

But I can't find their dad.

He must have fled the scene,

I guess, and that is very bad."

The mother hugged the twins and said,

While wiping at a tear,

"He could not flee the scene, you see

For he's been dead a year."

The cop just looked confused and asked,

"Now, how can that be true?"

The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came

And left a kiss for you.

He told us not to worry

And that you would be all right,

And then he put us in this car with

The pretty, flashing light.

We wanted him to stay with us,

Because we miss him so,

But Mommy, he just hugged us tight

And said he had to go.

He said someday we'd understand

And told us not to fuss,

And he said to tell you, Mommy,

He's watching over us."

The mother knew without a doubt

That what they spoke was true,

For she recalled their dad's last words,

"I will watch over you."

The firemen's notes could not explain

The twisted, mangled car,

And how the three of them escaped

Without a single scar.

But on the cop's report was scribed,

In print so very fine,

An angel walked the beat tonight

On Highway 109.

"He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare ."

On Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 2:00 AM EDT Cecilia Borg wrote:>THanks, Aandraya!>It seems like you had a great group-conversation the other day:)>Cecilia>>>________________________________>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:09 AM>Subject: Re: Aggi>>> >Cecilia->I believe iHerb.com sells those products. >Aandraya>>>>>On Oct 16, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>> >>Where do I find that?>>>>>>KR>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>________________________________>>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:27 PM>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>Try Banderol and Samento tinctures from the Cowden

protocol, these work for Lyme and Bartonella. Lyme and Bart usually are seen together.>>>>Aandraya>>>>On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Cecilia Borg

<ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>Thanks !>>>It probably is something internal as well, but it is so hard to know what it is and how to deal with it.>>>At least it doesn´t seem to be mites anymore. We don´t get the itching and other mite-problems anymore.>>>So Bartonella could excist without lyme..didn´t know. Unfortunately they won´t test for lyme, and what I understand you cant test for Bartonella or Babesia- it is only clinical- is that right?>>>Thanks for caring LInda. I really hope you feel better now.>>>Hugs>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:05 PM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>I just wish I knew the answer to that Cecilia. I think this stuff on your daughter is not just external, but internal as well, but I don't know the source of it. I pray that she and

your family do not have Lyme... just wondering myself. There was a study recently that said that even some dust mites can carry Bartonella, but I had Lyme Disease pre-existing birdmites. It may be that when we got the infestation that we got the Bartonella later because my symptoms changed after exposure to the mites. (I am just speculating here)... so it is possible to have just Bartonella without the Lyme. Cats carry Bartonella, but I've also heard that some "bacteria and fungi" are jumping species. Maybe Krys can answer why they are jumping species, or maybe they have always done that to some extent.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:04:47 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>>No, we didn´t. They are not intereted in doing that, unfortunately.>>>Thanks for asking. >>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>(do you think it

could be something like that for us as well?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:06 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>Cecilia,>>>>>>>>>Did you or your family get tested for Lyme Disease or coinfections? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:18:50 AM>>>Subject: Aggi>>>>>> >>>Hi ,Aggi!>>>Great to hear a report from you. >>>Here is even colder around 5degrees C, but a clear fine day:)>>>I am really glad to year you´re so well and are not bothered by the mites anymore. Superb!>>>My 8-year old has some staph-lesions on and off, but they are only small blisters and heal quickly with the bleach-baths.

>>>Otherwise she is healthy now. My 2 year

old has a starnge skin after all this and sometimes gets small blisters as well, but that doesn´t seem to be staph. >>>They disappear normally after a week. >>>She is also healthy otherwise, so I´m really glad about it.>>>I don´t get much bothered anymore either. Occasional itching at the scalp, but that is I guess normal and I guess a leftover from the times when it was a lot from the mites. It keeps getting better and I haven´t had any bites for months (crossing my fingers).>>>Take care Aggi!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:57 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Guys,>>> >>>Just felt like sending you all a big, warm hug, because here in Germany the temperature has dropped down to 13° C and today it has just been dreadful outside, raining cats and dogs ;-) Have been missing you, but haven't

got much to report. Just keep taking the Itraconazole patiently and watch myself getting better. I do not get bothered much by mites anymore, some occasional bites still, but they are not that much attracted to me any longer. I am so grateful for having my life back, it feels odd now, sitting somewhere and not getting attacked by the monsters or going to bed without the usual preparation rituals.>>> >>>I so much hope you will all be able to find your "magic bullet", keep crossing my fingers !!>>> >>>My boyfriend just had his nose done... no beauty op, but polyps removed :-) After 3 hours he could leave the hospital already and that after having been knocked out. I found that extremely remarkable plus he is healing really, really well. The only thing is that they could grow back quickly, so let's hope for the best.>>> >>>P.S. Still keep up cleaning and washing procedures, just in case ...>>>

>>> >>>>>>>>>Von: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>>>>An:

"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Gesendet: 21:12 Sonntag, 9.Oktober 2011 >>>Betreff: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi, !>>>Happy to hear it´s getting better with the crawling sensations. Bleach baths wouldn´t take care of that, but it really has helped us to lessen the staph, so if that´s what you have I would give it a try. 3 times a week one 3/4 tub of water with 1 cup of clorine.>>>Take care!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 5:43 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia, >>>>>>>>>Yes, it is a beautiful thing that Krys's mum is getting support from her hubbie... that is so right... we say here in our marriage vows,"for better or for worse" and I do believe that. I'm still getting little sores too still and I've got the biofilm - I wonder how much of it is staph

and how much is other stuff, other bacterias, etc. I haven't tried the bleach baths as I've been too busy trying to figure out what I'm doing with all the Lyme treatment, but the crawling sensations are quite a bit less than they were. It is diminishing and it has only been 2 weeks on the meds. >>>>>>>>>It is just good to hear all of your "voices" - you all are always in my thoughts.>>>>>>>>>Aggi: I so wish I were in Germany right now... everything is so beautiful there with the autumn right around the corner. It is a sight to behold. Sigh...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 10:04:45 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>> >>>Hi, Krys!>>>I´m glad it´s not too bad for your mum. I hope she get´s the house sold soon. Also great that your stepfather is "on the track" helping with the spraying. >>>My daughter is not completely healed and some

of us other family members gets a small staff-lesion once in a while, but it´s nott too bad. Only small blisters and not big lesions. We keep going with bleach-baths and it sort of keeps it down, even if it hasn´t cured it totally.>>>It sometimes gets to my head: Can it be mites anyway, but we don´t feel crawlings and bitings, so it just shouldn´t be. I guess after having to deal with the mites for a long time, they stay "in your brain" for a while...>>>Thanks for answering and say hello to your mum.>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 3:12

AM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia,>>>>>>Kind of you to ask after my mum. Thank you. >>>Things with my mother are currently not too bad, but my stepfather is spraying heavily on a regular basis. I think they're more like holding their own rather than really solving the problem.>>>The house

hasn't sold as yet; I'm surprised really because it is in quite a saleable area being countryish, yet within easy commuting distance of London. >>>How is your daughter's staph infection? I hope the doctors have managed to get rid of it for her.>>>Take care,>>>Krys>>>>>>On 5 October 2011 04:22, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>>Hi, Krys!>>>>Just wanted to know how your mum is doing? Has she succeeded in selling her house?>>>>Send her my warm thoughts!>>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>>bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 4:15 AM>>>>Subject: Re: Roofers and more tiny mites Need HELP ASAP>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>The bird mites D. gallinae or O. Sylvarium are visible to the naked eye, even the nymphs, albeit very small & kind of transparent/skin colour, are visible if you get them in the right light; the adults are about the size of a grain of salt; they

look like tiny specks which move. Mites, ticks etc. are acarids; beetles, collembola etc. are insects.>>>>>>>>If the specks move they could be mites, if they do not move they are probably something else, possibly fungal related.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On 4 October 2011 18:37, Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>>>>>>>> Sandy- >>>>>The mites are microscopic. The specks you are seeing are not insects, more likely fungal in nature or biproducts of an infection or infestation. Are you being treated internally? The cleaning and heating will calm the symptoms temporarily, but you also need to treat chronic infections. The bugs are attracted to you.>>>>>Aandraya>>>>>>>>>>>>>I

keep six honest serving-men>>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>>Their names are What and Why and When>>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-- >>>>>>I keep six honest serving-men>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>Their names are What and Why and

When>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Hi Aandraya!Thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I do I live just 1 km from the coast in the south.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Aandraya <aandraya@...>"bird mites " <bird mites >Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 9:56 PMSubject: Re: Bill

Cecilia-Do you llive near the coast in Sweden?AandrayaOn Nov 6, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi, Bill!Thanks for your e-mail! I can understand you had a great conference call. It would have been great hearing your voices!I will try the skype.com, but don´t you need a computer camera for the skype, or you can make calls without it?I would love to join, if just the time would be possible (can´t call at night, then I wake my kids up).How are you Bill?I am quite ok. My small one is being treated with hydrocortison and is much better. My 8 year old has some lesions but very small and we don´t know at all what it is. So far no lesions on me or husband for a long time (hardly dare to say it..)Take care!CeciliaFrom: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 4:33 AMSubject: Re: Aggi

Hi Cecelia

How are you , wish you guys were at the confrence call. Maybe try this www.skype.com is only a $ 10.00 deposit to join which is applied to your minutes (100 for $10.00 ), it is aproximately .10 cents per minute to talk , if that much.

I hope everything is getting better

God Bless you Cecelia ,



good story :

This gives you goose bumps

An Angel Walked the Beat Tonight

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile

They said had run the light

That caused the six-car pileup

On 109 that night.

When broken bodies lay about

And blood was everywhere,

The sirens screamed out elegies,

For death was in the air.

mother, trapped inside her car,

Was heard above the noise;

Her plaintive plea near split the air:

"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"

She fought to loose her pinned hands;

She struggled to get free

But mangled metal held her fast

In grim captivity.

Her frightened eyes then focused

On where the back seat once had been,

But all she saw was broken glass and

Two children's seats crushed in.

Her twins were nowhere to be seen;

She did not hear them cry,

And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,

"Oh, God, don't let them die!"

Then firemen came and cut her loose

But when they searched the back,

They found therein no little boys,

But the seat belts were intact.

They thought the woman had gone mad

And was traveling alone,

But when they turned to question her,

They discovered she was gone.

Policemen saw her running wild

And screaming above the noise

In beseeching supplication,

"Please help me find my boys!

They're four years old and wear blue shirts;

Their jeans are blue to match."

One cop spoke up, "They're in my car,

And they don't have a scratch.

They said their daddy put them there

And gave them each a cone,

Then told them both to wait for Mom

To come and take them home.

I've searched the area high and low,

But I can't find their dad.

He must have fled the scene,

I guess, and that is very bad."

The mother hugged the twins and said,

While wiping at a tear,

"He could not flee the scene, you see

For he's been dead a year."

The cop just looked confused and asked,

"Now, how can that be true?"

The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came

And left a kiss for you.

He told us not to worry

And that you would be all right,

And then he put us in this car with

The pretty, flashing light.

We wanted him to stay with us,

Because we miss him so,

But Mommy, he just hugged us tight

And said he had to go.

He said someday we'd understand

And told us not to fuss,

And he said to tell you, Mommy,

He's watching over us."

The mother knew without a doubt

That what they spoke was true,

For she recalled their dad's last words,

"I will watch over you."

The firemen's notes could not explain

The twisted, mangled car,

And how the three of them escaped

Without a single scar.

But on the cop's report was scribed,

In print so very fine,

An angel walked the beat tonight

On Highway 109.

"He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare ."

On Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 2:00 AM EDT Cecilia Borg wrote:>THanks, Aandraya!>It seems like you had a great group-conversation the other day:)>Cecilia>>>________________________________>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:09 AM>Subject: Re: Aggi>>> >Cecilia->I believe iHerb.com sells those products. >Aandraya>>>>>On Oct 16, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>> >>Where do I find that?>>>>>>KR>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>________________________________>>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:27 PM>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>Try Banderol and Samento tinctures from the Cowden

protocol, these work for Lyme and Bartonella. Lyme and Bart usually are seen together.>>>>Aandraya>>>>On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Cecilia Borg

<ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>Thanks !>>>It probably is something internal as well, but it is so hard to know what it is and how to deal with it.>>>At least it doesn´t seem to be mites anymore. We don´t get the itching and other mite-problems anymore.>>>So Bartonella could excist without lyme..didn´t know. Unfortunately they won´t test for lyme, and what I understand you cant test for Bartonella or Babesia- it is only clinical- is that right?>>>Thanks for caring LInda. I really hope you feel better now.>>>Hugs>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:05 PM>>>Subject: Re:

Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>I just wish I knew the answer to that Cecilia. I think this stuff on your daughter is not just external, but internal as well, but I don't know the source of it. I pray that she and

your family do not have Lyme... just wondering myself. There was a study recently that said that even some dust mites can carry Bartonella, but I had Lyme Disease pre-existing birdmites. It may be that when we got the infestation that we got the Bartonella later because my symptoms changed after exposure to the mites. (I am just speculating here)... so it is possible to have just Bartonella without the Lyme. Cats carry Bartonella, but I've also heard that some "bacteria and fungi" are jumping species. Maybe Krys can answer why they are jumping species, or maybe they have always done that to some extent.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:04:47 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>>No, we didn´t. They are not intereted in doing that, unfortunately.>>>Thanks for asking. >>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>(do you think it

could be something like that for us as well?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:06 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>Cecilia,>>>>>>>>>Did you or your family get tested for Lyme Disease or coinfections? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:18:50 AM>>>Subject: Aggi>>>>>> >>>Hi ,Aggi!>>>Great to hear a report from you. >>>Here is even colder around 5degrees C, but a clear fine

day:)>>>I am really glad to year you´re so well and are not bothered by the mites anymore. Superb!>>>My 8-year old has some staph-lesions on and off, but they are only small blisters and heal quickly with the bleach-baths.

>>>Otherwise she is healthy now. My 2 year

old has a starnge skin after all this and sometimes gets small blisters as well, but that doesn´t seem to be staph. >>>They disappear normally after a week. >>>She is also healthy otherwise, so I´m really glad about it.>>>I don´t get much bothered anymore either. Occasional itching at the scalp, but that is I guess normal and I guess a leftover from the times when it was a lot from the mites. It keeps getting better and I haven´t had any bites for months (crossing my fingers).>>>Take care Aggi!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:57 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Guys,>>> >>>Just felt like sending you all a big, warm hug, because here in Germany the temperature has dropped down to 13° C and today it has just been dreadful outside, raining cats and dogs ;-) Have been missing you, but haven't

got much to report. Just keep taking the Itraconazole patiently and watch myself getting better. I do not get bothered much by mites anymore, some occasional bites still, but they are not that much attracted to me any longer. I am so grateful for having my life back, it feels odd now, sitting somewhere and not getting attacked by the monsters or going to bed without the usual preparation rituals.>>> >>>I so much hope you will all be able to find your "magic bullet", keep crossing my fingers !!>>> >>>My boyfriend just had his nose done... no beauty op, but polyps removed :-) After 3 hours he could leave the hospital already and that after having been knocked out. I found that extremely remarkable plus he is healing really, really well. The only thing is that they could grow back quickly, so let's hope for the best.>>> >>>P.S. Still keep up cleaning and washing procedures, just in case ...>>>

>>> >>>>>>>>>Von: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>>>>An:

"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Gesendet: 21:12 Sonntag, 9.Oktober 2011 >>>Betreff: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi, !>>>Happy to hear it´s getting better with the crawling sensations. Bleach baths wouldn´t take care of that, but it really has helped us to lessen the staph, so if that´s what you have I would give it a try. 3

times a week one 3/4 tub of water with 1 cup of clorine.>>>Take care!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 5:43 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia, >>>>>>>>>Yes, it is a beautiful thing that Krys's mum is getting support from her hubbie... that is so right... we say here in our marriage vows,"for better or for worse" and I do believe that. I'm still getting little sores too still and I've got the biofilm - I wonder how much of it is staph

and how much is other stuff, other bacterias, etc. I haven't tried the bleach baths as I've been too busy trying to figure out what I'm doing with all the Lyme treatment, but the crawling sensations are quite a bit less than they were. It is diminishing and it has only been 2 weeks on the meds. >>>>>>>>>It is just good to hear all of your "voices" - you all are always in my thoughts.>>>>>>>>>Aggi: I so wish I were in Germany right now... everything is so beautiful there with the autumn right around the corner. It is a sight to behold. Sigh...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 10:04:45 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>> >>>Hi, Krys!>>>I´m glad it´s not too bad for your mum. I hope she get´s the house sold soon. Also great that your stepfather is "on the track" helping with the spraying. >>>My daughter is not completely healed and some

of us other family members gets a small staff-lesion once in a while, but it´s nott too bad. Only small blisters and not big lesions. We keep going with bleach-baths and it sort of keeps it down, even if it hasn´t cured it totally.>>>It sometimes gets to my head: Can it be mites anyway, but we don´t feel crawlings and bitings, so it just shouldn´t be. I guess after having to deal with the mites for a long time, they stay "in your brain" for a while...>>>Thanks for answering and say hello to your mum.>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 3:12

AM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia,>>>>>>Kind of you to ask after my mum. Thank you. >>>Things with my mother are currently not too bad, but my stepfather is spraying heavily on a regular basis. I think they're more like holding their own rather than really solving the problem.>>>The house

hasn't sold as yet; I'm surprised really because it is in quite a saleable area being countryish, yet within easy commuting distance of London. >>>How is your daughter's staph infection? I hope the doctors have managed to get rid of it for her.>>>Take care,>>>Krys>>>>>>On 5 October 2011 04:22, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>>Hi, Krys!>>>>Just wanted to know how your mum is doing? Has she succeeded in selling her house?>>>>Send her my warm thoughts!>>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>>bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 4:15 AM>>>>Subject: Re: Roofers and more tiny mites Need HELP ASAP>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>The bird mites D. gallinae or O. Sylvarium are visible to the naked eye, even the nymphs, albeit very small & kind of transparent/skin colour, are visible if you get them in the right light; the adults are about the size

of a grain of salt; they

look like tiny specks which move. Mites, ticks etc. are acarids; beetles, collembola etc. are insects.>>>>>>>>If the specks move they could be mites, if they do not move they are probably something else, possibly fungal related.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On 4 October 2011 18:37, Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>>>>>>>> Sandy- >>>>>The mites are microscopic. The specks you are seeing are not insects, more likely fungal in nature or biproducts of an infection or infestation. Are you being treated internally? The cleaning and heating will calm the symptoms temporarily, but you also need to treat chronic infections. The bugs

are attracted to you.>>>>>Aandraya>>>>>>>>>>>>>I

keep six honest serving-men>>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>>Their names are What and Why and When>>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-- >>>>>>I keep six honest serving-men>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>Their names are What and Why and

When>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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I just saw a presentation about a study in Sweden that showed high rates of people getting Lyme that followed a pattern which they lived close to the coast.Aandraya On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi Aandraya!Thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I do I live just 1 km from the coast in the south.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Aandraya <aandraya@...>"bird mites " <bird mites >Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 9:56 PMSubject: Re: Bill

Cecilia-Do you llive near the coast in Sweden?AandrayaOn Nov 6, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi, Bill!Thanks for your e-mail! I can understand you had a great conference call. It would have been great hearing your voices!I will try the skype.com, but don´t you need a computer camera for the skype, or you can make calls without it?I would love to join, if just the time would be possible (can´t call at night, then I wake my kids up).How are you Bill?I am quite ok. My small one is being treated with hydrocortison and is much better. My 8 year old has some lesions but very small and we don´t know at all what it is. So far no lesions on me or husband for a long time (hardly dare to say it..)Take care!CeciliaFrom: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 4:33 AMSubject: Re: Aggi

Hi Cecelia

How are you , wish you guys were at the confrence call. Maybe try this www.skype.com is only a $ 10.00 deposit to join which is applied to your minutes (100 for $10.00 ), it is aproximately .10 cents per minute to talk , if that much.

I hope everything is getting better

God Bless you Cecelia ,



good story :

This gives you goose bumps

An Angel Walked the Beat Tonight

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile

They said had run the light

That caused the six-car pileup

On 109 that night.

When broken bodies lay about

And blood was everywhere,

The sirens screamed out elegies,

For death was in the air.

mother, trapped inside her car,

Was heard above the noise;

Her plaintive plea near split the air:

"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"

She fought to loose her pinned hands;

She struggled to get free

But mangled metal held her fast

In grim captivity.

Her frightened eyes then focused

On where the back seat once had been,

But all she saw was broken glass and

Two children's seats crushed in.

Her twins were nowhere to be seen;

She did not hear them cry,

And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,

"Oh, God, don't let them die!"

Then firemen came and cut her loose

But when they searched the back,

They found therein no little boys,

But the seat belts were intact.

They thought the woman had gone mad

And was traveling alone,

But when they turned to question her,

They discovered she was gone.

Policemen saw her running wild

And screaming above the noise

In beseeching supplication,

"Please help me find my boys!

They're four years old and wear blue shirts;

Their jeans are blue to match."

One cop spoke up, "They're in my car,

And they don't have a scratch.

They said their daddy put them there

And gave them each a cone,

Then told them both to wait for Mom

To come and take them home.

I've searched the area high and low,

But I can't find their dad.

He must have fled the scene,

I guess, and that is very bad."

The mother hugged the twins and said,

While wiping at a tear,

"He could not flee the scene, you see

For he's been dead a year."

The cop just looked confused and asked,

"Now, how can that be true?"

The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came

And left a kiss for you.

He told us not to worry

And that you would be all right,

And then he put us in this car with

The pretty, flashing light.

We wanted him to stay with us,

Because we miss him so,

But Mommy, he just hugged us tight

And said he had to go.

He said someday we'd understand

And told us not to fuss,

And he said to tell you, Mommy,

He's watching over us."

The mother knew without a doubt

That what they spoke was true,

For she recalled their dad's last words,

"I will watch over you."

The firemen's notes could not explain

The twisted, mangled car,

And how the three of them escaped

Without a single scar.

But on the cop's report was scribed,

In print so very fine,

An angel walked the beat tonight

On Highway 109.

"He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare ."

On Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 2:00 AM EDT Cecilia Borg wrote:>THanks, Aandraya!>It seems like you had a great group-conversation the other day:)>Cecilia>>>________________________________>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:09 AM>Subject: Re: Aggi>>> >Cecilia->I believe iHerb.com sells those products. >Aandraya>>>>>On Oct 16, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>> >>Where do I find that?>>>>>>KR>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>________________________________>>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:27 PM>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>Try Banderol and Samento tinctures from the Cowden

protocol, these work for Lyme and Bartonella. Lyme and Bart usually are seen together.>>>>Aandraya>>>>On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Cecilia Borg

<ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>Thanks !>>>It probably is something internal as well, but it is so hard to know what it is and how to deal with it.>>>At least it doesn´t seem to be mites anymore. We don´t get the itching and other mite-problems anymore.>>>So Bartonella could excist without lyme..didn´t know. Unfortunately they won´t test for lyme, and what I understand you cant test for Bartonella or Babesia- it is only clinical- is that right?>>>Thanks for caring LInda. I really hope you feel better now.>>>Hugs>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:05 PM>>>Subject: Re:

Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>I just wish I knew the answer to that Cecilia. I think this stuff on your daughter is not just external, but internal as well, but I don't know the source of it. I pray that she and

your family do not have Lyme... just wondering myself. There was a study recently that said that even some dust mites can carry Bartonella, but I had Lyme Disease pre-existing birdmites. It may be that when we got the infestation that we got the Bartonella later because my symptoms changed after exposure to the mites. (I am just speculating here)... so it is possible to have just Bartonella without the Lyme. Cats carry Bartonella, but I've also heard that some "bacteria and fungi" are jumping species. Maybe Krys can answer why they are jumping species, or maybe they have always done that to some extent.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:04:47 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>>No, we didn´t. They are not intereted in doing that, unfortunately.>>>Thanks for asking. >>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>(do you think it

could be something like that for us as well?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:06 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>Cecilia,>>>>>>>>>Did you or your family get tested for Lyme Disease or coinfections? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:18:50 AM>>>Subject: Aggi>>>>>> >>>Hi ,Aggi!>>>Great to hear a report from you. >>>Here is even colder around 5degrees C, but a clear fine

day:)>>>I am really glad to year you´re so well and are not bothered by the mites anymore. Superb!>>>My 8-year old has some staph-lesions on and off, but they are only small blisters and heal quickly with the bleach-baths.

>>>Otherwise she is healthy now. My 2 year

old has a starnge skin after all this and sometimes gets small blisters as well, but that doesn´t seem to be staph. >>>They disappear normally after a week. >>>She is also healthy otherwise, so I´m really glad about it.>>>I don´t get much bothered anymore either. Occasional itching at the scalp, but that is I guess normal and I guess a leftover from the times when it was a lot from the mites. It keeps getting better and I haven´t had any bites for months (crossing my fingers).>>>Take care Aggi!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:57 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Guys,>>> >>>Just felt like sending you all a big, warm hug, because here in Germany the temperature has dropped down to 13° C and today it has just been dreadful outside, raining cats and dogs ;-) Have been missing you, but haven't

got much to report. Just keep taking the Itraconazole patiently and watch myself getting better. I do not get bothered much by mites anymore, some occasional bites still, but they are not that much attracted to me any longer. I am so grateful for having my life back, it feels odd now, sitting somewhere and not getting attacked by the monsters or going to bed without the usual preparation rituals.>>> >>>I so much hope you will all be able to find your "magic bullet", keep crossing my fingers !!>>> >>>My boyfriend just had his nose done... no beauty op, but polyps removed :-) After 3 hours he could leave the hospital already and that after having been knocked out. I found that extremely remarkable plus he is healing really, really well. The only thing is that they could grow back quickly, so let's hope for the best.>>> >>>P.S. Still keep up cleaning and washing procedures, just in case ...>>>

>>> >>>>>>>>>Von: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>>>>An:

"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Gesendet: 21:12 Sonntag, 9.Oktober 2011 >>>Betreff: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi, !>>>Happy to hear it´s getting better with the crawling sensations. Bleach baths wouldn´t take care of that, but it really has helped us to lessen the staph, so if that´s what you have I would give it a try. 3

times a week one 3/4 tub of water with 1 cup of clorine.>>>Take care!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 5:43 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia, >>>>>>>>>Yes, it is a beautiful thing that Krys's mum is getting support from her hubbie... that is so right... we say here in our marriage vows,"for better or for worse" and I do believe that. I'm still getting little sores too still and I've got the biofilm - I wonder how much of it is staph

and how much is other stuff, other bacterias, etc. I haven't tried the bleach baths as I've been too busy trying to figure out what I'm doing with all the Lyme treatment, but the crawling sensations are quite a bit less than they were. It is diminishing and it has only been 2 weeks on the meds. >>>>>>>>>It is just good to hear all of your "voices" - you all are always in my thoughts.>>>>>>>>>Aggi: I so wish I were in Germany right now... everything is so beautiful there with the autumn right around the corner. It is a sight to behold. Sigh...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 10:04:45 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>> >>>Hi, Krys!>>>I´m glad it´s not too bad for your mum. I hope she get´s the house sold soon. Also great that your stepfather is "on the track" helping with the spraying. >>>My daughter is not completely healed and some

of us other family members gets a small staff-lesion once in a while, but it´s nott too bad. Only small blisters and not big lesions. We keep going with bleach-baths and it sort of keeps it down, even if it hasn´t cured it totally.>>>It sometimes gets to my head: Can it be mites anyway, but we don´t feel crawlings and bitings, so it just shouldn´t be. I guess after having to deal with the mites for a long time, they stay "in your brain" for a while...>>>Thanks for answering and say hello to your mum.>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 3:12

AM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia,>>>>>>Kind of you to ask after my mum. Thank you. >>>Things with my mother are currently not too bad, but my stepfather is spraying heavily on a regular basis. I think they're more like holding their own rather than really solving the problem.>>>The house

hasn't sold as yet; I'm surprised really because it is in quite a saleable area being countryish, yet within easy commuting distance of London. >>>How is your daughter's staph infection? I hope the doctors have managed to get rid of it for her.>>>Take care,>>>Krys>>>>>>On 5 October 2011 04:22, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>>Hi, Krys!>>>>Just wanted to know how your mum is doing? Has she succeeded in selling her house?>>>>Send her my warm thoughts!>>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>>bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 4:15 AM>>>>Subject: Re: Roofers and more tiny mites Need HELP ASAP>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>The bird mites D. gallinae or O. Sylvarium are visible to the naked eye, even the nymphs, albeit very small & kind of transparent/skin colour, are visible if you get them in the right light; the adults are about the size

of a grain of salt; they

look like tiny specks which move. Mites, ticks etc. are acarids; beetles, collembola etc. are insects.>>>>>>>>If the specks move they could be mites, if they do not move they are probably something else, possibly fungal related.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On 4 October 2011 18:37, Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>>>>>>>> Sandy- >>>>>The mites are microscopic. The specks you are seeing are not insects, more likely fungal in nature or biproducts of an infection or infestation. Are you being treated internally? The cleaning and heating will calm the symptoms temporarily, but you also need to treat chronic infections. The bugs

are attracted to you.>>>>>Aandraya>>>>>>>>>>>>>I

keep six honest serving-men>>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>>Their names are What and Why and When>>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-- >>>>>>I keep six honest serving-men>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>Their names are What and Why and

When>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Interesting, do you know where in Sweden that was?



From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>"bird mites " <bird mites >Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 3:42 PMSubject: Re: Bill

I just saw a presentation about a study in Sweden that showed high rates of people getting Lyme that followed a pattern which they lived close to the coast.


On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi Aandraya!

Thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I do I live just 1 km from the coast in the south.

Take care!Cecilia

From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>"bird mites " <bird mites >Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 9:56

PMSubject: Re: Bill


Do you llive near the coast in Sweden?


On Nov 6, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

Hi, Bill!Thanks for your e-mail! I can understand you had a great conference call. It would have been great hearing your voices!

I will try the skype.com, but don´t you need a computer camera for the skype, or you can make calls without it?

I would love to join, if just the time would be possible (can´t call at night, then I wake my kids up).

How are you Bill?

I am quite ok. My small one is being treated with hydrocortison and is much better. My 8 year old has some lesions but very small and we don´t know at all what it is. So far no lesions on me or husband for a long time (hardly dare to say it..)

Take care!Cecilia

From: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 4:33 AMSubject: Re: Aggi

Hi CeceliaHow are you , wish you guys were at the confrence call. Maybe try this www.skype.com is only a $ 10.00 deposit to join which is applied to your minutes (100 for $10.00 ), it is aproximately .10 cents per minute to talk , if that much.I hope everything is getting better God Bless you Cecelia , Bill ps good story : This gives you goose bumpsAn Angel Walked the Beat TonightA drunk man in an OldsmobileThey said had run the lightThat caused the six-car pileupOn 109 that night.When broken bodies lay aboutAnd blood was everywhere,The sirens screamed out elegies,For death was in the air.mother, trapped inside her car,Was heard above the noise;Her plaintive

plea near split the air:"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"She fought to loose her pinned hands;She struggled to get freeBut mangled metal held her fastIn grim captivity.Her frightened eyes then focusedOn where the back seat once had been,But all she saw was broken glass andTwo children's seats crushed in.Her twins were nowhere to be seen;She did not hear them cry,And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,"Oh, God, don't let them die!"Then firemen came and cut her looseBut when they searched the back,They found therein no little boys,But the seat belts were intact.They thought the woman had gone madAnd was traveling alone,But when they turned to question her,They discovered she was gone.Policemen saw her running wildAnd screaming above the noiseIn beseeching supplication,"Please help me find my boys!They're four years old and wear blue shirts;Their

jeans are blue to match."One cop spoke up, "They're in my car,And they don't have a scratch.They said their daddy put them thereAnd gave them each a cone,Then told them both to wait for MomTo come and take them home.I've searched the area high and low,But I can't find their dad.He must have fled the scene,I guess, and that is very bad."The mother hugged the twins and said,While wiping at a tear,"He could not flee the scene, you seeFor he's been dead a year."The cop just looked confused and asked,"Now, how can that be true?"The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy cameAnd left a kiss for you.He told us not to worryAnd that you would be all right,And then he put us in this car withThe pretty, flashing light.We wanted him to stay with us,Because we miss him so,But Mommy, he just hugged us tightAnd said he had to go.He said someday we'd understandAnd told us

not to fuss,And he said to tell you, Mommy,He's watching over us."The mother knew without a doubtThat what they spoke was true,For she recalled their dad's last words,"I will watch over you."The firemen's notes could not explainThe twisted, mangled car,And how the three of them escapedWithout a single scar.But on the cop's report was scribed,In print so very fine,An angel walked the beat tonightOn Highway 109."He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare ."On Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 2:00 AM EDT Cecilia Borg wrote:>THanks, Aandraya!>It seems like you had a great group-conversation the other day:)>Cecilia>>>________________________________>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>Sent: Thursday,

October 20, 2011 2:09 AM>Subject: Re: Aggi>>> >Cecilia->I believe iHerb.com sells those products. >Aandraya>>>>>On Oct 16, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>> >>Where do I find that?>>>>>>KR>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>________________________________>>From: Aandraya <aandraya@...>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:27 PM>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>Try Banderol and Samento tinctures from the Cowden protocol, these work for Lyme and Bartonella. Lyme and Bart usually are seen together.>>>>Aandraya>>>>On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Cecilia Borg<ceciliaborg@...> wrote:>>>>>> >>>Thanks !>>>It probably is something internal as

well, but it is so hard to know what it is and how to deal with it.>>>At least it doesn´t seem to be mites anymore. We don´t get the itching and other mite-problems anymore.>>>So Bartonella could excist without lyme..didn´t know. Unfortunately they won´t test for lyme, and what I understand you cant test for Bartonella or Babesia- it is only clinical- is that right?>>>Thanks for caring LInda. I really hope you feel better now.>>>Hugs>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:05 PM>>>Subject: Re:

Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>I just wish I knew the answer to that Cecilia. I think this stuff on your daughter is not just external, but internal as well, but I don't know the source of it. I pray that she andyour family do not have Lyme... just wondering myself. There was a study recently that said that even some dust mites can carry Bartonella, but I had Lyme Disease pre-existing birdmites. It may be that when we got the infestation that we got the Bartonella later because my symptoms changed after exposure to the mites. (I am just speculating here)... so it is possible to have just Bartonella without the Lyme. Cats carry Bartonella, but I've also heard that some "bacteria and fungi" are jumping species. Maybe Krys can answer why they are jumping species, or maybe they have always done that to some

extent.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011

1:04:47 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>> >>>No, we didn´t. They are not intereted in doing that, unfortunately.>>>Thanks for asking. >>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>(do you think itcould be something like that for us as well?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:06 AM>>>Subject: Re: Aggi>>>>>>>>> >>>Cecilia,>>>>>>>>>Did you or your family get tested for Lyme Disease or coinfections?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________________________________>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:18:50

AM>>>Subject: Aggi>>>>>> >>>Hi ,Aggi!>>>Great to hear a report from you. >>>Here is even colder around 5degrees C, but a clear fine day:)>>>I am really glad to year you´re so well and are not bothered by the mites anymore. Superb!>>>My 8-year old has some staph-lesions on and off, but they are only small blisters and heal quickly with the bleach-baths. >>>Otherwise she is healthy now. My 2 yearold has a starnge skin after all this and sometimes gets small blisters as well, but that doesn´t seem to be staph. >>>They disappear normally after a week. >>>She is also healthy otherwise, so I´m really glad about it.>>>I don´t get much bothered anymore either. Occasional itching at the scalp, but that is I guess normal and I guess a leftover from the times when it was a lot from the mites. It keeps getting better and I haven´t had

any bites for months (crossing my fingers).>>>Take care Aggi!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>>>>"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:57 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Guys,>>> >>>Just felt like sending you all a big, warm hug, because here in Germany the temperature has dropped down to 13° C and today it has just been dreadful outside, raining cats and dogs ;-) Have been missing you, but haven'tgot much to report. Just keep taking the Itraconazole patiently and watch myself getting better. I do not get bothered much by mites anymore, some occasional

bites still, but they are not that much attracted to me any longer. I am so grateful for having my life back, it feels odd now, sitting somewhere and not getting attacked by the monsters or going to bed without the usual preparation rituals.>>> >>>I so much hope you will all be able to find your "magic bullet", keep crossing my fingers !!>>> >>>My boyfriend just had his nose done... no beauty op, but polyps removed :-) After 3 hours he could leave the hospital already and that after having been knocked out. I found that extremely remarkable plus he is healing really, really well. The only thing is that they could grow back quickly, so let's hope for the best.>>> >>>P.S. Still keep up cleaning and washing procedures, just in case ...>>> >>> >>>>>>>>>Von: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>>>>An:"bird mites " <bird mites >>>>Gesendet: 21:12 Sonntag, 9.Oktober 2011 >>>Betreff: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi, !>>>Happy to hear it´s getting better with the crawling sensations. Bleach baths wouldn´t take care of that, but it really has helped us to lessen the staph, so if that´s what you have I would give it a try. 3 times a week one 3/4 tub of water with 1 cup of clorine.>>>Take care!>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 5:43

PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia, >>>>>>>>>Yes, it is a beautiful thing that Krys's mum is getting support from her hubbie... that is so right... we say here in our marriage vows,"for better or for worse" and I do believe that. I'm still getting little sores too still and I've got the biofilm - I wonder how much of it is staphand how much is other stuff, other bacterias, etc. I haven't tried the bleach baths as I've been too busy trying to figure out what I'm doing with all the Lyme treatment, but the crawling sensations are quite a bit less than they were. It is diminishing and it has only been 2 weeks on the meds. >>>>>>>>>It is just good to hear all of your "voices" - you all are always in my thoughts.>>>>>>>>>Aggi: I so wish I were in Germany right now... everything is so beautiful there

with the autumn right around the corner. It is a sight to behold. Sigh...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Thursday,

October 6, 2011 10:04:45 PM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>> >>>Hi, Krys!>>>I´m glad it´s not too bad for your mum. I hope she get´s the house sold soon. Also great that your stepfather is "on the track" helping with the spraying. >>>My daughter is not completely healed and someof us other family members gets a small staff-lesion once in a while, but it´s nott too bad. Only small blisters and not big lesions. We keep going with bleach-baths and it sort of keeps it down, even if it hasn´t cured it totally.>>>It sometimes gets to my head: Can it be mites anyway, but we don´t feel crawlings and bitings, so it just shouldn´t be. I guess after having to deal with the mites for a long time, they stay "in your brain" for a while...>>>Thanks for answering and say hello to your mum.>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>bird mites >>>Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 3:12 AM>>>Subject: Re: To Krys!>>>>>>>>> >>>Hi Cecilia,>>>>>>Kind of you to ask after my

mum. Thank you. >>>Things with my mother are currently not too bad, but my stepfather is spraying heavily on a regular basis. I think they're more like holding their own rather than really solving the problem.>>>The househasn't sold as yet; I'm surprised really because it is in quite a saleable area being countryish, yet within easy commuting distance of London. >>>How is your daughter's staph infection? I hope the doctors have managed to get rid of it for her.>>>Take care,>>>Krys>>>>>>On 5 October 2011 04:22, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

wrote:>>>>>> >>>>Hi, Krys!>>>>Just wanted to know how your mum is doing? Has she succeeded in selling her house?>>>>Send her my warm thoughts!>>>>Cecilia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>>>>>bird mites >>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 4:15 AM>>>>Subject: Re: Roofers and more tiny mites Need HELP ASAP>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>The bird mites D. gallinae or O. Sylvarium are visible to the naked eye, even the nymphs, albeit very small & kind of transparent/skin colour, are visible if you get them in the right light; the adults are about the size of a grain of salt; theylook like tiny specks which move. Mites, ticks etc. are acarids; beetles, collembola etc. are insects.>>>>>>>>If the specks move they could be mites, if they do not move they are probably something else, possibly fungal related.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On 4 October 2011

18:37, Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>>>>>>>> Sandy- >>>>>The mites are microscopic. The specks you are seeing are not insects, more likely fungal in nature or biproducts of an infection or infestation. Are you being treated internally? The cleaning and heating will calm the symptoms temporarily, but you also need to treat chronic infections. The bugs are attracted to you.>>>>>Aandraya>>>>>>>>>>>>>I keep six honest serving-men>>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>>Their names are What and Why and When>>>> And How and Where

and Who.>>>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-- >>>>>>I keep six honest serving-men>>> (They taught me all I knew);>>>Their names are What and Why andWhen>>> And How and Where and Who.>>>>>>Rudyard Kipling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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