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I would be very much in agreement with this. I joined this list for a more

open discussion of cocunut oil information, frustrated with what to me

seemed the over-moderation on the other list. However, this list seemed to

turn into a " dump on " space for a time here, and it offends me, not

because I'm a huge fan of , but because I'm a fan of treating people

like people. I began to appreciate why there might be a need for more

moderation, even if I wouldn't myself do it in the same way that is

happening on the other list. I would very much appreciate having rude,

offensive, or irrelevant posts deleted. Yes, we are grown-ups and we can do

our own deleting, but I for one would prefer not to get rude or derogatory

posts in my box. Just my preference. Joy

..> A few of the emails of late I deem rather unnecessary and fairly rude, it

would not be a detriment to have them deleted. And we could still have open

interaction and conversation without the " cutting down " of other members or


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>You know, I did not like the TT group for it's over moderation and

>strictness, but I don't think there would be anything wrong with a

>little moderation on this group. A few of the emails of late I deem

>rather unnecessary and fairly rude, it would not be a detriment to

>have them deleted. And we could still have open interaction and

>conversation without the " cutting down " of other members or people.

>I have had my problems with TT and too, but I don't feel it

>necessary to go beyond saying just that much there. I don't

>know...this is just my opinion. What do you other members feel about

>a little moderation? --Caitlin Lorraine

I don't feel strongly at this point, but I do cringe when people are

sometimes rude, critical, or looking to take offense at any perceived

slight. Maybe if we just try to behave ourselves...? <g> We do pretty

well most of the time. Who would do the moderating?



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We do have a moderator and she is doing a great job. No need for more

AW: Moderation

I would prefer no moderation except to extinguish real rudeness. So far I

didn`t detect any.

Thank you.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Caitlin Lorraine [mailto:secretariat88@...]

Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2003 22:57

An: Coconut Oil

Betreff: Moderation

You know, I did not like the TT group for it's over moderation and

strictness, but I don't think there would be anything wrong with a little

moderation on this group. A few of the emails of late I deem rather

unnecessary and fairly rude, it would not be a detriment to have them

deleted. And we could still have open interaction and conversation without

the " cutting down " of other members or people. I have had my problems with

TT and too, but I don't feel it necessary to go beyond saying jus t

that much there. I don't know...this is just my opinion. What do you other

members feel about a little moderation? --Caitlin Lorraine

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-Thanks, I try to step in before the real rudeness starts.Now, where should=

I send the 20 dollars I promised you.:)


-- In Coconut Oil , " dasha " <dasha48@e...> wrote:=

> We do have a moderator and she is doing a great job. No need for more

> AW: Moderation



> I would prefer no moderation except to extinguish real rudeness. So far=


> didn`t detect any.

> Thank you.

> vconado

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

> Von: Caitlin Lorraine [mailto:secretariat88@i...]

> Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2003 22:57

> An: Coconut Oil

> Betreff: Moderation




> You know, I did not like the TT group for it's over moderation and

> strictness, but I don't think there would be anything wrong with a litt=


> moderation on this group. A few of the emails of late I deem rather

> unnecessary and fairly rude, it would not be a detriment to have them

> deleted. And we could still have open interaction and conversation with=


> the " cutting down " of other members or people. I have had my problems w=


> TT and too, but I don't feel it necessary to go beyond saying jus=


> that much there. I don't know...this is just my opinion. What do you ot=


> members feel about a little moderation? --Caitlin Lorraine



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20.???????? I thought you said 50.00.....

AW: Moderation



> I would prefer no moderation except to extinguish real rudeness. So far=


> didn`t detect any.

> Thank you.

> vconado

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

> Von: Caitlin Lorraine [mailto:secretariat88@i...]

> Gesendet: Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2003 22:57

> An: Coconut Oil

> Betreff: Moderation




> You know, I did not like the TT group for it's over moderation and

> strictness, but I don't think there would be anything wrong with a litt=


> moderation on this group. A few of the emails of late I deem rather

> unnecessary and fairly rude, it would not be a detriment to have them

> deleted. And we could still have open interaction and conversation with=


> the " cutting down " of other members or people. I have had my problems w=


> TT and too, but I don't feel it necessary to go beyond saying jus=


> that much there. I don't know...this is just my opinion. What do you ot=


> members feel about a little moderation? --Caitlin Lorraine



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Is it just me, or have there been no messages to this group this this

one below??

I even went directly onto the web site and this is the last message

posted. I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

since Tuesday???




> > We do have a moderator and she is doing a great job. No need

for more

> > AW: Moderation

> >

> >

> > I would prefer no moderation except to extinguish real

rudeness. So far=

> I

> > didn`t detect any.

> > Thank you.

> > vconado


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-Janice , there are times we do little talking here for several weeks at a

time.I guess sometimes we dont have that much to say.

but if you are bored, there are a bunch of good articles at the alternative

medicine forum. some good ones about transfats , Hydrogenated fats and fish

oils. hHave fun!



-- In Coconut Oil , " janicesp11 " <janicesp11@j...>


> Is it just me, or have there been no messages to this group this this

> one below??


> I even went directly onto the web site and this is the last message

> posted. I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

> since Tuesday???


> Janice


> =

> >

> > > We do have a moderator and she is doing a great job. No need

> for more

> > > AW: Moderation

> > >

> > >

> > > I would prefer no moderation except to extinguish real

> rudeness. So far=

> > I

> > > didn`t detect any.

> > > Thank you.

> > > vconado

> ]

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>Is it just me, or have there been no messages to this group this this

>one below??


>I even went directly onto the web site and this is the last message

>posted. I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

>since Tuesday???



Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?


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OMG Caitlin I am so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family

Re: Re: Moderation

I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

>since Tuesday???



Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?


For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just can't think

of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine

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So sorry for you. Nobody should have to go through this. I have lived

something close to you and it was horrible. Please keep faith in live, it

shoudl resume itself and I am sure he will be next to you all the time.



----Original Message Follows----

From: " Caitlin Lorraine " <secretariat88@...>

Reply-Coconut Oil

<Coconut Oil >

Subject: Re: Re: Moderation

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 15:18:42 -0800

I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

>since Tuesday???



Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?


For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just can't

think of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine

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I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

>since Tuesday???



Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?


For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just can't think

of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine

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Oh Caitllin!!!How horrible!!! I had a baby girl who died at birth 8 years ago so

I know the pain you are experiencing.It was the Saddest time in My life.You and

your family will be in my prayers.Feel free to email me privately if you need to

talk.Montemomma2002(without the space)


-- In Coconut Oil , " Caitlin Lorraine "

<secretariat88@i...> wrote:


> I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

> >since Tuesday???

> >

> >Janice


> Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?

> Jeanmarie



> For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just can't

think of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine



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Re: Re: Moderation


> For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just

can't think of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine


I am sorry to hear of your loss. I never know what to say in

situations such as yours even if I know the person well. My

thoughts are with you.


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I know of no words that could ease the pain you feel. Please accept

my sympathies and condolences.


> I just thought that was strange, no messages from anyone

> >since Tuesday???

> >

> >Janice


> Things seemed to suddenly slow way down. Maybe some are on vacation?

> Jeanmarie



> For me my sweet little baby boy died from the flu Wednesday...just

can't think of much to say after that. Caitlin Lorraine



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Good Job Dan! Maybe this will make people think before they post personal

attacks and unnecessary rude comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but

being rude to someone, because you dont see eye to eye about something, isnt

going to help change anyone's mind.


AIM: actcoolgal

<<<I just switched a member of this list to moderated status, so that person

will no longer be able to post without pre-approval. Reason: personal


Don't let this happen to you!

Dan Kennedy


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Bayard,

Thank you for your response explaining the process involved with the

mailing list, and for the very flattering offer to help moderate. I really

can't say yes to that right now, but thank you for the vote of confidence.

with love,


At 04:19 PM 5/27/2004 +0000, you wrote:

>My response:


>This is produced -- moderated -- by a team of valiant volunteers who,

>with the Wisdom of -- which can actually be acquired through

>training -- evaluate each e-mail.


>For what? To cause or add to an enormous tide of immunics that will

>generate world sweeps on all viral-based diseases and cancers,

>eradicating them from the planet.


>To create a Cure Drive.


>These Immuners, all of whom have cured things themselves, each have

>their own set time to come in during the day and do this, so they

>don't get each other's way; they all do it seven days a week.


>You obviously have no idea how much e-mail comes in each day, or how

>difficult it can be to choose among the wonderful e-mails that we

>receive -- they can't all be put through because, as you said, we

>can't allow too many e-mails to be posted to the list. We currently

>post about a third of what we get. I oversee the whole thing.


>What are we trying to do, overall?


>We want to create a " classroom on the Web " where people see what

>immunics looks like in nature, so they can do it more readily.


>We want the kind of classroom Luther King would have run, if

>he ran classrooms. Well, in a way he did run classrooms. All his

>public addresses were an enormous " classroom " -- we want to show

>the " dream " happening, because it is happening, in all of the people

>who write in to us; or more precisely, a different aspect of the

>dream happens at each one of them. And we feel that at least some of

>their voices must be heard. We're trying to SHOW immunics, the way

>you would have to show an elephant to someone if they were in a dark

>room and couldn't see it -- they would have to run their hands over

>the entire elephant, and do it over and over again, until they truly

>understood that they were dealing with.


>And we advise all of you to delete everything that you're not going

>to immediately use -- there will always be more! As one of the

>moderators, Deanya, said to me last night over the telephone, " it's

>like making potato chips. They just keep coming out. And no matter

>how many people eat, they will always want to eat more. "


>It's obvious to me that with your insight into this situation you

>would be an excellent person to have on our moderating team for this

>list. How about it? Your love and skill can really make a

>difference here.


>Together, we'll keep the list " moderate. " Together, we are global



>Your comrade-in-arms,





>The e-mail:


>I actually like it when the immunics core group receives the email


>and cuts/pastes what they want to use/address. I actually prefer


>the option of not sifting through " all the stuff " and having it


>and furthered for me in a single email. I feel safer, frankly, given


>nature of what we talking about, knowing that there's some

>gatekeeping and

>preparation occurring. And, I am extremely busy making a living and


>in a rock band, and am a highly sensitive person-- I find it


>to read all the stuff and deal with all the personalities.

>Consequently i

>have less time to really think about using immunics. I would have no

>problem moving to a list that was the refined version.


>That's just me.










>Please forward these e-mails because they find their way around the Web,

>into the right hands -- you'll save somebody's life.

>To subscribe go to: immunics



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Mimi,

Your not on moderation, you did nothing wrong. It is Don,

(henderhouse) who is on moderation. You have nothing to worry about

you are fine.

Take care,




> Well I am 37 but suddenly I feel like I am 6 again. I had reposted

> someone elses post on the site. I guess I am not very good at it

> because they must look like my words. I don't recall doing much

> cursing in my posts. I have never been thought of as an avid foul

> mothed person and I don't even say bad words out of print. I am not

> sure, how this has been assigned to me I am a bit hurt. I posted


> that, attempting to strive for something(graduate school) is


> more scary than failing. That was the gist of my post. I reposted


> post I answered because it was so angry and defiant, and I was as

> afraid to attempt to make something real for myself, because I might


> attacked. I guess I was right mimi


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Hi Mimi,

Your not on moderation, you did nothing wrong. It is Don,

(henderhouse) who is on moderation. You have nothing to worry about

you are fine.

Take care,




> Well I am 37 but suddenly I feel like I am 6 again. I had reposted

> someone elses post on the site. I guess I am not very good at it

> because they must look like my words. I don't recall doing much

> cursing in my posts. I have never been thought of as an avid foul

> mothed person and I don't even say bad words out of print. I am not

> sure, how this has been assigned to me I am a bit hurt. I posted


> that, attempting to strive for something(graduate school) is


> more scary than failing. That was the gist of my post. I reposted


> post I answered because it was so angry and defiant, and I was as

> afraid to attempt to make something real for myself, because I might


> attacked. I guess I was right mimi


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thank-you I am having a rough few days, I just realized I have been

boxed in by my own personal situations and I am feeling a bit hopeless

and defenceless. I am sure all of us feel that fighting although a way

of life is depleting tiring and frustrating. People that hurt never

seen to grow a conscience, and in my case they seem to to only have the

energy to hurt(ah family :)) I lose my mind with having to be strong

all the time because I see others that seem to skate. I don't want to

skate but at some point isn't this supposed to be more synergistic?

Just ruminating on all the fun the holidays bring. I really am just so

tired thanks mimi

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Hi Mimi, I think the holidays are rough for everyone. I have been noticing lately that more and more people are hurting each other, aspies included. This is more apparent in families, I am starting to see that the old adage is right, ( you always hurt the ones you love), the closer you are to people the more you take them for granet. Some people seem to think that the "rules" don't apply to them, ( drivers that do this make me crazy, people in the stores, its okay to hold a door for them but they wouldn't think of holding it for the next person). Plain and simple inconsideration, especially of each others feelings, no one acknowledges feelings anymore, people tromp on each others feelings with out a thought or a care especially at holiday time. Its very depressing, and very tiring. What ever happened to treating people the way you want to be treated? The only place I find any of this these

days is with a few close friends and my husband and child. I am going through a particularly rough time right now. I find myself disagreeing with a close friends behavior, he is doing most of the above things, and others, and Im not sure how to ask him what is going on, I don't know if he is in trouble, or having a hard time dealing or just being contrary and a pita. There is a flock of feral cats outside of our house, a mom cat had a litter and we are trying to catch and spay them. In the mean time the favorite cat Double D, the one my child fell in love with and wanted to keep got hit by a car and killed, the same woman the killed him also hit a dog on our street 3 months prior, (stupid mom yes there were children in the car, on her cell phone, not caring about anyone else but her self). She didn't even stop either time, drove away even faster. Next time its gonna be a

kid. I am trying to get a picture of her car, to photo copy and send to all of the neighbors telling them to keep there children off of the streets on Saturday morning because of her, I also want to take it to the police. In addition to that we had a "recovering" addict living with us for 2 1/2 months, I threw him out the Thursday before thanksgiving. My husband is a recovering alcoholic, I had no idea how much worse addicts are than alcoholics. He was our nephews exbest friend, he came to our wedding thats how close the kids were. No one else would help him so I took him in thinking I knew what I was doing. Well he stole my prescription medicine, lied to us about visiting his dying step father and ransacked my bedroom. The last was what made me throw him out, I set a trap and he fell into it head first and I tossed him, with my husbands help ( thank G-d) I have found out through my brother in law

that he went back into rehab and is now on the streets. So now I have to worry about him breaking into my house. Something good did come of this though, now my husband knows what I have gone through with him, he is much more easy to get along with, he talks to me now, he lets me know how he is feeling and what is is doing, and he understands when I worry or get conserned about him. On top of all of this, its my depression time of year. Since the age of 21 when my daddy died, I am 41 now. I have lost 1 or more relatives or close friend between thanksgiving and the first day of spring. I wait every year for the phone call, every time my phone rings my heart stops beating. One of these years that phone call wont come, I hope its before I die. I need a year like that, where someone doesn't die between those dates, just one year. I don't think Im asking for much. I understand exactly what you mean when you say you can't be strong anymore, Im not sure how strong I can be, I try and try but sometimes I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers up and hide from the world. Your not alone Mimi, hopefully I can help you find strenght in numbers. Any more of us out there speak up. Beth Co-administrator miminm <mnmimi@...> wrote: thank-you I am having a rough few days,

I just realized I have been boxed in by my own personal situations and I am feeling a bit hopeless and defenceless. I am sure all of us feel that fighting although a way of life is depleting tiring and frustrating. People that hurt never seen to grow a conscience, and in my case they seem to to only have the energy to hurt(ah family :)) I lose my mind with having to be strong all the time because I see others that seem to skate. I don't want to skate but at some point isn't this supposed to be more synergistic? Just ruminating on all the fun the holidays bring. I really am just so tired thanks mimi

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Hi Mimi, I think the holidays are rough for everyone. I have been noticing lately that more and more people are hurting each other, aspies included. This is more apparent in families, I am starting to see that the old adage is right, ( you always hurt the ones you love), the closer you are to people the more you take them for granet. Some people seem to think that the "rules" don't apply to them, ( drivers that do this make me crazy, people in the stores, its okay to hold a door for them but they wouldn't think of holding it for the next person). Plain and simple inconsideration, especially of each others feelings, no one acknowledges feelings anymore, people tromp on each others feelings with out a thought or a care especially at holiday time. Its very depressing, and very tiring. What ever happened to treating people the way you want to be treated? The only place I find any of this these

days is with a few close friends and my husband and child. I am going through a particularly rough time right now. I find myself disagreeing with a close friends behavior, he is doing most of the above things, and others, and Im not sure how to ask him what is going on, I don't know if he is in trouble, or having a hard time dealing or just being contrary and a pita. There is a flock of feral cats outside of our house, a mom cat had a litter and we are trying to catch and spay them. In the mean time the favorite cat Double D, the one my child fell in love with and wanted to keep got hit by a car and killed, the same woman the killed him also hit a dog on our street 3 months prior, (stupid mom yes there were children in the car, on her cell phone, not caring about anyone else but her self). She didn't even stop either time, drove away even faster. Next time its gonna be a

kid. I am trying to get a picture of her car, to photo copy and send to all of the neighbors telling them to keep there children off of the streets on Saturday morning because of her, I also want to take it to the police. In addition to that we had a "recovering" addict living with us for 2 1/2 months, I threw him out the Thursday before thanksgiving. My husband is a recovering alcoholic, I had no idea how much worse addicts are than alcoholics. He was our nephews exbest friend, he came to our wedding thats how close the kids were. No one else would help him so I took him in thinking I knew what I was doing. Well he stole my prescription medicine, lied to us about visiting his dying step father and ransacked my bedroom. The last was what made me throw him out, I set a trap and he fell into it head first and I tossed him, with my husbands help ( thank G-d) I have found out through my brother in law

that he went back into rehab and is now on the streets. So now I have to worry about him breaking into my house. Something good did come of this though, now my husband knows what I have gone through with him, he is much more easy to get along with, he talks to me now, he lets me know how he is feeling and what is is doing, and he understands when I worry or get conserned about him. On top of all of this, its my depression time of year. Since the age of 21 when my daddy died, I am 41 now. I have lost 1 or more relatives or close friend between thanksgiving and the first day of spring. I wait every year for the phone call, every time my phone rings my heart stops beating. One of these years that phone call wont come, I hope its before I die. I need a year like that, where someone doesn't die between those dates, just one year. I don't think Im asking for much. I understand exactly what you mean when you say you can't be strong anymore, Im not sure how strong I can be, I try and try but sometimes I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers up and hide from the world. Your not alone Mimi, hopefully I can help you find strenght in numbers. Any more of us out there speak up. Beth Co-administrator miminm <mnmimi@...> wrote: thank-you I am having a rough few days,

I just realized I have been boxed in by my own personal situations and I am feeling a bit hopeless and defenceless. I am sure all of us feel that fighting although a way of life is depleting tiring and frustrating. People that hurt never seen to grow a conscience, and in my case they seem to to only have the energy to hurt(ah family :)) I lose my mind with having to be strong all the time because I see others that seem to skate. I don't want to skate but at some point isn't this supposed to be more synergistic? Just ruminating on all the fun the holidays bring. I really am just so tired thanks mimi

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In a message dated 11/29/2006 4:41:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

I find that treating people the way you want to be treated works if you don't expect anything in return. I say this because I used to treat people with kindness and consideration and got nothing for it and resented that fact.Now if I do something for someone else, or treat them kindly, I do not expect anything in return, and so I am seldom annoyed if I persoannly mistreated by people I have treated well.TomAdministrator

I try not to take it personally either if someone is rude. However, there are limits to how much one should be willing to take. I think this was done here. Don was getting out of hand and so was called on it. He didn't take the warnings and so is on moderation.

I see this as a symptom of the times. People are all about the "right" of free speech but like to ignore that that right includes the responsibility to use it wisely. One of the Founding Fathers put it this way: "My right to wave my fist ends at the tip of your nose." I would actually extend this a little farther to include waving your fist in someone's face. These days though, many people seem to think that clipping someone's nose is perfectly acceptable, but do it back to them and they pitch a fit.

There is a lot of this on the web these days as well as in general society. More's the pity.

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Thank-you Numbers do help. I agree with your assessment of trends. I

have to tread very lightly, and work double and triple time. I have

found some safety and comfort by the group, other ASD mom's that are

starting to see that their children are fine the world is messed up.

It is hard to grow up now. For some reason society expects that the

adults get consessions and children should suck it up??? When did that

happen. Maybe cell phones make a bigger mess than we thought :) The

woman you mention obviously can't think beyond her own nose. Life is

to be protected, your childs life doubly so because you made the

promise. I am sure your husband forgets that you get frazzled because

you do care. If you didn't, you would just take out an insurace

policy. Caring is a hard job. I see many in the group Taxed because

they care. Nervy bunch aren't we to care for people so willy nilly and

without concern to our wallets or convience. So inconvient this whole

love feelings consideration thing. Beth I hope the people you care

about, feel it. I do thank-you. Got to love those roller coaster days

woooooooo hooooo barf ;)

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Thank-you Numbers do help. I agree with your assessment of trends. I

have to tread very lightly, and work double and triple time. I have

found some safety and comfort by the group, other ASD mom's that are

starting to see that their children are fine the world is messed up.

It is hard to grow up now. For some reason society expects that the

adults get consessions and children should suck it up??? When did that

happen. Maybe cell phones make a bigger mess than we thought :) The

woman you mention obviously can't think beyond her own nose. Life is

to be protected, your childs life doubly so because you made the

promise. I am sure your husband forgets that you get frazzled because

you do care. If you didn't, you would just take out an insurace

policy. Caring is a hard job. I see many in the group Taxed because

they care. Nervy bunch aren't we to care for people so willy nilly and

without concern to our wallets or convience. So inconvient this whole

love feelings consideration thing. Beth I hope the people you care

about, feel it. I do thank-you. Got to love those roller coaster days

woooooooo hooooo barf ;)

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In a message dated 11/29/2006 8:19:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, mnmimi@... writes:

There is no consequence to cheating lying and many times stealing. Just look at the last election, and as a society we have accepted that this is the way things are. That extends to our private lives. If people were made to suffer consequences of their actions, in that it effected them in a material way, they might be willing to be more respectful. I have to patiently explain adult desires do not equate to childrens needs. This of course is simply an example that people misplace their needs as desires and desires as needs

It is sadly true that there is little consequence for lying, cheating and stealing and so on. Politics is just one example. I really think that people are going to be even more upset with the new Congress than they were with the old if they put through the new, higher taxes and the other things they are promising to put through. The results of this talk are already being seen in the fall in the value of the dollar. Investors are worried that this Congress will push through higher taxes and other things that will hurt business, so they are looking at China, Eastern Europe and even the EU for better returns. The trade deficit isn't helping either. The signs are there that if the new Congress fulfills its promises that the dollar will tank and take the economy with it.

Most people these days can't separate needs from wants. A person needs food, clothing and shelter. Those needs can be filled in a very basic way: Simple food, simple but durable clothes and a functional house or apartment. Wants, on the other hand, are things like fancy food, designer clothes or great big houses. Furthermore, people consider most wants to be needs. These are things like the latest toys, the biggest cars, etc. People don't "need" a PS3 to survive. They won't die if they don't get one.

If people could get this straight, society would probably run a little more smoothly.

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