Guest guest Posted November 6, 2001 Report Share Posted November 6, 2001 Well, thanks to you, too, Sara. I feel better already. (Although I still would like to understand why those of you who don't use it are not doing so.) Sandy Re: Sandy In a message dated 11/6/01 6:45:00 PM GTB Standard Time, wolfkty@... writes: << I use your website quite a bit. I know I'll always find some link to an answer I'm looking for there. Your time and effort is appreciated. >> Ditto what says.I don't find it difficult at all to use.In fact the hardest thing for me is finding it in my links section since I have so many pages saved! Thank you for your efforts in making a great site. sara Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 21, 2001 Report Share Posted December 21, 2001 WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Shakespeare would say - " Out damned cyst! Out! " (ok I changed a word...:-P) LOL! Sue SAHM dd Ruby 2.6 yrs Wales, UK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 16, 2002 Report Share Posted February 16, 2002 hi sandy, ask the drs to give you a reminder call the day before appointments AND the day of the appointment. shrinks especially will understand this request. then set an alarm clock, allowing enough extra time. having a set bedtime seems to help me. if I get off track I start staying up real late and then mess up my circadian rhythms. amy >From: " vegus4legs " <sandytor@...> >Reply- > >Subject: Bacteria >Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 13:03:28 -0000 > > > >Hi Guys, > >You can't imagine how uncool I feel. Would you please tell me how to >look up " <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< " . Thanks > >Is there anyone who has bacteria of the face or are you all closet >bacteria carriers of the face? If there are any further tips anyone >would care to share before I RIP my face off, please let me know. >Didn't mean to capitalise ?that. I SPIlled a coke (shuuu) on my key >board today. > >Thank God for the latest info. on our brains. The last 3 years just >keep on getting more & more horrible for me. I can't get anywhere on >time. I tried to get a shrink but I missed 3 appointments with him >so I let him be free of me. He tried hard. I think he thought I was >cute. My parents wouldn't let me come to dinner anymore because I was >always late, & one night I was an hour late. last Pain Management I >missed because I was just too fat though, and it took 3 costumes >before I was ready & but that doesn't count. Nevertheless, it seams >I am now missing more appointments than I make. Oh God I need a >shrink really bad. The fact that we can get lost and think in 2 >places instead of one is sort of a relief or it explains my problem >unless I'm really confused. Now, hopefully everyone will quit >screaming at me. Gezz, I " D THROW IN THE rag in a minute but it's >just not couth in my family. You have to suffer forever and ever. >NOBody really cares, Kinda like the black olives on a pizza. > >I'm having a harder and harder time getting to bed. That's probably >because I don't care, but is anyone else having this prob. all of a >sudden? Well, actually I do care because my husband won't quit >screaming at me. I don't do anything on purpose. I just get slower >as each minute passes by. > >Guess, honestly speaking, I really dam these Drs. & them pushing >antibiotics on us to kill the bacteria. How in the world could they >be so ignorant? In my case I wasn't offered anything in addition to >the antibiotic. It's like they steal my minutes and weeks and months >as though I hand them out for free to be abused. Now that this >garbage has finally spread to my hands and feet, maybe I can get some >attention. I always looked nice when I went to the Dr. From now on >I'm going as a grub worm. I hope this has been educational & not off >topic. I can't recall any discussions on what bacteria is really like >and I left out the teeth part. Onless anyone is really interested >though, that's getting really gross. Getting depressed - Sandy > _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 28, 2002 Report Share Posted May 28, 2002 I am over weight also. I feel into the habit of eating when I was so gave me a bit of energy when actually I needed rest.I've never heard of anyone else being told to lose weight first.maybe someone else will have something to tell us about that..The doctor may also be thinking you have enough time to lose weight first but what a hell of a way to tell you. 500 calorie diet would just make the hepatitis worse.think I would be changing doctors.. And no you're not crazy!...hugs.judy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 28, 2002 Report Share Posted May 28, 2002 I am over weight also. I feel into the habit of eating when I was so gave me a bit of energy when actually I needed rest.I've never heard of anyone else being told to lose weight first.maybe someone else will have something to tell us about that..The doctor may also be thinking you have enough time to lose weight first but what a hell of a way to tell you. 500 calorie diet would just make the hepatitis worse.think I would be changing doctors.. And no you're not crazy!...hugs.judy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 3, 2002 Report Share Posted July 3, 2002 Thanks, . It was me and I'll find it and re-send it as soon as I get a chance. Sandy Sandy Sandy, was it you that made the comment to other day about hot lots of vaccines? It was such a good quote that I wanted to put it on my website and I have lost it!!! Can you please resend if it was you? It went something like hot lots are recalled if they are hot and none have ever been recalled so none are hot...something like that...I want to put it on my favorite quotes!!! If anyone else remembers please repost! Thanks /fl Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 14, 2002 Report Share Posted July 14, 2002 Kathy!!!!! You are a GEM! I have just opened ALL the info you sent me and I do think I will need all of it! THANK YOU SO MUCH... do I sound like I'm yelling at you? LOL I'm sorry, don't mean to but wow.... you have really gone above and beyond..... bless you! I am in CA as you have know now lol and in San Diego specifically. I am still finding some difficulty in finding private schools here but am hopeful some of the stuff you send will help me get wherever it is we're going..... It seems like northern california has many more schools for those w special needs/disabilities/autism. Hrm. The IEP(ssssss lol) seemed like *such* a waste of time after all was said and done and they proposed *that* placement... not willing to compromise at all, even on the ABA. And mine is only 21 pages. Hee... Anyway, I cannot thank you enough and I'm going to write more to you later. Sandy Sandy Sandy We are still working on s Triennial. . . so far -- 3 days adding up to a total of 9 hours and we are on page 47 of the IEP and I told them that I am halfway done. Certainly takes a lot of effort and hard work . . . Sandy -- what state do you live in?? Kathy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2002 Report Share Posted July 18, 2002 Sara - lolololol Your idea sounds GREAT to me! At this point, I've given up all hope that my district can even provide an appropriate placement. Three years of this wears on a mom and I need to let Gabby go to school knowing she is being well taken care of and educated! I need to be here for my son, too, and for my husband and for myself. Not to say I send her to school and wash my hands of my role... not at all.... just that I can feel *good* during the hours of 9-2 weekdays instead of queasy. Not so much to ask, I think. Oh and about the timing... most schools in my daughter's district are year-round. Their school yr begins this coming Tuesday so that's why we're talking about placement on such a rushed timeline. Thx again. Sandy mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... Sandy It is summer time! Aren't you having a due process hearing before school begins? It isn't mandatory to go to summer school. You might want to do some research on VERY EXPENSIVE boarding schools (residential schools) far away. Not because you plan to send your child there, but because your SD might want to get a smack of what can happen if you are forced to find another placment that is more appropriate. The last time I had to check, Cardinal Cushing in Massachusetts is over $85,000/yr. My son's day school at son School at Elwyn is around $40,000. I am sure you can find out what Melmark costs. With a dx of ASD, an autism program has been found to be effective with returns that end up costing the SD less in the long run. And ABA can teach functional skills. The reason schools do not like ti is that it is hard work. One actually has to look at the child and plot a baseline of behavior. Sara - Choose to make lemonade, not complain about the lemons. _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2002 Report Share Posted July 18, 2002 In a message dated 7/18/02 10:50:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, rickvargas1@... writes: << No kidding!!! Hey, I was really thinking that they would have a little celebration and do a little dance when I told them they didn't have to deal with us until due process..... OH WELL! lol It's funny how they scrambled to come up with some random placement that they *swear* I would approve of. *rolling eyes* Are you homeschooling or looking for alternative placement, too, Gail? Sandy mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... >> Sandy...I have no idea what we are going to do yet. He would get no therapy if I kept him home, but I could send him to his home school district for all of his therapies, then do the rest at home. Right now our district is in hot water with the state, so if I make waves, it's likely that they would bend...a lot I'm told. But, I don't know if I want to have anything to do with them. I'm still trying to figure out what *I* want and trying to decide if it's the best thing for Seth. It's so confusing. I told the district he was staying home, so I guess that's where I'm headed right now. LOL The 2 classes they want me to look at AGAIN, have moved for the summer. They won't be in the same building this fall, different teachers and class makeup, so why bother looking? LOL They drive me NUTS!!!! Even if I weren't Seth's Mom, I have enough sense to know he can't be put in a 12-1-1 class with medically fragile kids! Good grief! The other class is a 6-1-1, but is made up of LARGE six to nine year old kids with social behavior problems. My 40 pound defenseless kid is NOT going in that room. One boy in there masturbates, so they just put up a screen and let him go to town...whenever he wants. I don't want Seth thinking he can do that! LOL It's hard enough dealing with that problem now. I can't imagine if he's ALLOWED to do it all day. LOL I made my lists of pros and cons about public and home schooling and they came out even. LOL Figures, can't even make it easy on myself! LOL I hope all works out for Gabby. I admire you for going to due process. I don't have the intelligence or the energy to attempt it. Gail :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2002 Report Share Posted July 18, 2002 Sandy Gads Sandy! Sounds just like my district! You're right, it is I gave up. LOL Guess the CSE chair doesn't believe me so she wants me to go look at 2 more classrooms that Seth would NEVER make out in. I've already seen them, but she wants me to look again. They are even exhausting when you tell them that you quit. LOL Gail :-) No kidding!!! Hey, I was really thinking that they would have a little celebration and do a little dance when I told them they didn't have to deal with us until due process..... OH WELL! lol It's funny how they scrambled to come up with some random placement that they *swear* I would approve of. *rolling eyes* Are you homeschooling or looking for alternative placement, too, Gail? Sandy mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2002 Report Share Posted July 19, 2002 In a message dated 7/19/02 2:49:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, smilinggail@... writes: > I don't want Seth thinking he can do that! LOL It's hard enough > dealing with that problem now. I can't imagine if he's ALLOWED to do it > all > day. LOL I made my lists of pros and cons about public and home schooling > and they came out even. LOL Figures, can't even make it easy on myself! > LOL I hope all works out for Gabby. I admire you for going to due > process. > I don't have the intelligence or the energy to attempt it. > Oh yes you do Gail. Don't underestimate yourself. I don't blame you for one nano-second for keeping Seth home.....the people in your district are just disgraceful....the only word I can think of!!!! And glad to hear Jo is ok. I agree that our kids need to do less dangerous activities.....LOLOL Course, Miss Maddie is probably the most adventuresome...;-) {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} Donna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2002 Report Share Posted July 19, 2002 In a message dated 7/19/02 12:00:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, duffey48@... writes: << Oh yes you do Gail. Don't underestimate yourself. I don't blame you for one nano-second for keeping Seth home.....the people in your district are just disgraceful....the only word I can think of!!!! And glad to hear Jo is ok. I agree that our kids need to do less dangerous activities.....LOLOL Course, Miss Maddie is probably the most adventuresome...;-) {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} Donna >> Nope Donna, I don't have the intelligence to fight this district. If they played fair, I could give them a run for their money though! LOL Yep, I agree. Miss Maddie is the queen of danger. LOL My kids have never done the *roof balancing act*.......YET!!!!!! LOL Gail :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2002 Report Share Posted July 19, 2002 Re: Sandy I'm still trying to figure out what *I* want and trying to decide if it's the best thing for Seth. It's so confusing. Oh, I hear you! Completely. I am trying to lean on some friends right now and in trying to talk it out, I get even more confused. My head is spinning a lot in recent days. Even if I weren't Seth's Mom, I have enough sense to know he can't be put in a 12-1-1 class with medically fragile kids! Good grief! The other class is a 6-1-1, but is made up of LARGE six to nine year old kids with social behavior problems. My 40 pound defenseless kid is NOT going in that room. This is the same thing with OUR school, Gail! Our districts really do sound alike.... unfortunately. They don't seem to understand that us MOMS know our kids better than they do and know instinctively what will not work with them. I just wish for one second they would stop being so bull-headed and listen to me. But... they won't.... and this last attempt to make it all better just proved to me that they do not care what environment Gabby is in. I made my lists of pros and cons about public and home schooling and they came out even. LOL Figures, can't even make it easy on myself! Hey, at least you made a list!!! I am operating from a place where I just *know* they will not be educating Gabby next year. I won't subject my family to the stress anymore. I joined a list on groups for parents w/ kids w special needs who are homeschooling. I could send you the link if you'd think it might help you understand that option better. I actually haven't had the chance to write them yet but they seem very supportive. LOL I hope all works out for Gabby. I admire you for going to due process. I don't have the intelligence or the energy to attempt it. Gail :-) Gail - stop it! I read your posts all the time and you aren't fooling me with your " not intelligent " comment! Quite contrary, I would say! As for the energy, I am with you. They tend to wear us out to the point where we can't do anything, eh? I had an advocate last yr who was great and I think she saw something in my district that unfortunately I didn't see at the time. She was very pro-due-process and it kinda turned me off and scared me bc I felt I could work it out with them. It seems like it's taken *this* long for it to sink into my head that it's an impossible situation to keep her in public so I see exactly where you're coming from. But know that *I* believe in you and Seth believes in you, too..... in whatever choice you make!!!!! (((hugs))) It makes me so angry that school districts can do this. Sandy mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 27, 2002 Report Share Posted July 27, 2002 In a message dated 7/27/2002 7:13:10 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: << I am trying so hard not to just fall into a shut down mode, which is something I do often. It's tough. I have hit a tough spot right now and don't know my next step... gonna take the weekend and think things through. I have connected with parents in my area with autistic kids. The DSA here has always been for a couple get togethers during the year (summer, easter) and that's it! LOL If that, even. Anyway, thanks for listening. Hopefully all will work itself out soon - Gabby will keep her ABA and I will find a private placement option for them to fund... and y'know... find a lawyer. The people I really want to connect with right now are the parents of the kids who got my district to pay for their childs private placement at the school we looked at but I am certain cannot happen due to confidentiality. It's alright. I'll figure something out. In the meantime it's " la-la-la.... hate this district.... la-la-la.... " humming as I go through my day :-) Sandy mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) >> I agree with Irma to get hooked up with any local or even state level autism groups. Our local ds group has meeting in the evenings and everyone brings their kids. Well, that wasn't going to work with so I've never really hooked up with the group. Our state autism society has its office located here in town so I've really got access. They also have a very thorough annual conference with lots of info on assistive technology, medical issues, behavioral issues, etc. Good luck, Karyn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2002 Report Share Posted August 1, 2002 Sandy, What would be a Regional Center? I am asking because even thoguh the school district is paying for DTT during the summer, I think they will give me a hard time at the IEP meeting when I ask for it to continue. Also they were only paying for 4 hours a week. Wow! You got 10 hours a week. When I suggested 10 hours they thoguht I was crazy!!!!! They also picked who they wanted to do it. I wanted someone else but I guess their pick was better than nothing. Pam mom to identical twins Hannah (DS) and (DS-ASD) age 7 Sandy Coronilla wrote:, Have you gotten hooked up with your local Regional center or the like? They are paying for a home based ABA program for us - 10 hours a week which isn't much but much better than nothing and compliments very well the 10 hours she got at school, thru the school district. I know that regional centers do this, check into it if it's available to you. I'm sure that there are people on this list recieving home based services thru the school district but just who skips my mind LOL Pam for , perhaps? Good luck with that. Also, I would definitely go for the quality aide 2/3rds of the day personally! Sandy Mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... home based programming in addition to school/aide and attendant Hi all, I wanted to put this out as a separate post. Does anyone with children at the preschool/kindergarten level get home based therapy (ABA or the like) in addition to services at school?? If so, how did you convince the school system to pay for home based programming?? I really believe that my son will need some type of in home programming to complement what they are doing at school but am so new to all of this, I am not sure how to support my argument AND get them to pay. Any suggestions would be helpful. Secondly I would like to throw out one more question. Last year Timmy had an attendant (1-1) and just by some miracle she ended up falling in love with him and really taking an interest in everything she was teaching/helping him with. I had all his therapists and teachers say they had never had such carryover with an aid as they did with her....she implemented every single thing that was suggested to her. Anyway, as we all know all good things must come to an end and before the school year was out she had to leave to take a higher paying job at the school. It just so happens that they hired her on to be Tim's aid for ESY this summer. It ended today and she told me that she has told the school she will be available if they need a sub for Tim every day from 9-11. I am thinking to ask the school to hire her on as his full- time aid as he would only be missing out on her from 8:45 to 9 and then from 11 to 11:45. I don't think it would be unreasonable for the teacher to pick up the time she isn't there....there are usually under 10 children in the room with a minimum of 1 teacher, a teacher asst and anyone else's aides....any thoughts on this for me....My main question is would it be better to have a very high quality for 2/3rds of the day rather than someone not so great for the entire time???? I would appreciate any thoughts on this.. Thanks much Mom to twins Teddy and Timmy(DS/ASD) 4 1/2, 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2002 Report Share Posted August 1, 2002 Hey, If it's appropriate for the summer, you'd think it would be appropriate for the entire school year, y'know? Then again, school districts rarely make sense. LOL Our sd had a program already in place for kids w autism called PACE so thats where her ABA was delivered. I never had a choice in who delivered the therapy to Gabby either. Our RC's offer support to families and individuals with disabilities such as respite, therapies (like ABA), etc. What state are you in? With your doctor's recommendations (esp. if he/she " overestimates " , heehee, the need for ABA), that should be enough to convince them that NEEDS this. We had a few doctors reports, all with excellent recommendations. They were not having more than 10 hrs though... they were like, ask the RC for more. Which the RC did without a fuss thankfully. If not, I would've gone back tot he district for more hours. Sandy Mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2) rickvargas1@... Re: Sandy Sandy, What would be a Regional Center? I am asking because even thoguh the school district is paying for DTT during the summer, I think they will give me a hard time at the IEP meeting when I ask for it to continue. Also they were only paying for 4 hours a week. Wow! You got 10 hours a week. When I suggested 10 hours they thoguht I was crazy!!!!! They also picked who they wanted to do it. I wanted someone else but I guess their pick was better than nothing. Pam mom to identical twins Hannah (DS) and (DS-ASD) age 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2002 Report Share Posted August 19, 2002 Gosh, I found West Virginia in the second link: State Laws and Exemption Information: orma.htm Please try again. Sandy from Alaska ALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HERE IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION WHETHER OR NOT TO VACCINATE IS AN IMPORTANT AND COMPLEX ISSUE AND SHOULD BE MADE BY YOU, AND YOU ALONE, IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. Sandy The exemption page you sent me had nothing in West Virginia...any other suggestions? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2002 Report Share Posted August 19, 2002 Sandy, What can this woman do? There are no exemptions in West Virginia? West Virginia Immunization Requirements (Updated February 1994) Authority: Public Health, WV Code §16-3-4. (AR references are to WVC §16-3-4) General Rule: All children entering school for the first time in this state shall have been immunized against the designated diseases. No child or person shall be admitted or received in any of the schools of the state until he or she has been immunized. Persons enrolling from schools outside of the state may be provisionally enrolled under minimum criteria established by the director of the department of health so that the person's immunization may be completed while missing a minimum amount of school: Provided, however, that no person shall be allowed to enter school without at least one dose of each required vaccine. Penalty: Any parent or guardian who refuses to permit his or her child to be immunized against the designated diseases, and cannot meet the medical exemption or show sufficient reason why not, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and except as herein otherwise provided, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Exception: There is not an express religious exception in West Virginia, though the one codified is interesting because it might be interpreted as one medical, or a medical and a parent's opinion. A certificate from a reputable physician showing than an immunization for any or all designated diseases, is impossible or improper or sufficient reason why any or all immunizations should not be done. Certificate: If any physician shall give any person a false certificate of immunization, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not less that twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. Procedure: Any teacher having information concerning any person who attempts to enter school for the first time without having been immunized, shall report the names of all such persons to the county health officer. It shall be the duty of the health officer in counties having a full-time health officer to see that such persons are immunized before entering school. Designated Diseases: Diphtheria, polio, rubeola, tetanus and whooping cough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2002 Report Share Posted August 19, 2002 Or move! By God if I'd allow myself to be dictated to in such a way. Yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna figure out there is only a medical exemption in WV. LOL I believe the only other backward state is Mississippi - nothing but medical exemption. Besides, the silver lining in this cloud is if she doesn't want to move, she SHOULD homeschool. Damn public schools ain't worth attending. And before anyone says, " but I work " , I've heard of someone who homeschooled even though they were a single parent. Ain't easy, but nothing worthwhile is. :-) Kathleen There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation. ~ Herbert Spencer <A HREF= " " >http://www.freeyurko.bizl\</A> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2002 Report Share Posted August 19, 2002 Boy, I'm no expert on this, but she may have to home school. She should contact NVIC - Sandy from Alaska ALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HERE IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION WHETHER OR NOT TO VACCINATE IS AN IMPORTANT AND COMPLEX ISSUE AND SHOULD BE MADE BY YOU, AND YOU ALONE, IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. Re: Sandy Sandy, What can this woman do? There are no exemptions in West Virginia? West Virginia Immunization Requirements (Updated February 1994) Authority: Public Health, WV Code §16-3-4. (AR references are to WVC §16-3-4) General Rule: All children entering school for the first time in this state shall have been immunized against the designated diseases. No child or person shall be admitted or received in any of the schools of the state until he or she has been immunized. Persons enrolling from schools outside of the state may be provisionally enrolled under minimum criteria established by the director of the department of health so that the person's immunization may be completed while missing a minimum amount of school: Provided, however, that no person shall be allowed to enter school without at least one dose of each required vaccine. Penalty: Any parent or guardian who refuses to permit his or her child to be immunized against the designated diseases, and cannot meet the medical exemption or show sufficient reason why not, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and except as herein otherwise provided, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Exception: There is not an express religious exception in West Virginia, though the one codified is interesting because it might be interpreted as one medical, or a medical and a parent's opinion. A certificate from a reputable physician showing than an immunization for any or all designated diseases, is impossible or improper or sufficient reason why any or all immunizations should not be done. Certificate: If any physician shall give any person a false certificate of immunization, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not less that twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. Procedure: Any teacher having information concerning any person who attempts to enter school for the first time without having been immunized, shall report the names of all such persons to the county health officer. It shall be the duty of the health officer in counties having a full-time health officer to see that such persons are immunized before entering school. Designated Diseases: Diphtheria, polio, rubeola, tetanus and whooping cough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2002 Report Share Posted September 4, 2002 Sandy, Have not been myself lately, trying to catch up on post. Sorry you have been down. I did not know you were going through a custody problem. Wish you the best. Wow! Taking on a grandchild full time. That is tough. God Bless You.. Dana Sandy Booton wrote:Thank you for todays was needed...I finally got custody of my granddaughter and I am having a difficult time keeping up, so any humor is very much appreciated. God Bless Sandy __________________________________________________ --------------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2002 Report Share Posted September 4, 2002 Sandy, Have not been myself lately, trying to catch up on post. Sorry you have been down. I did not know you were going through a custody problem. Wish you the best. Wow! Taking on a grandchild full time. That is tough. God Bless You.. Dana Sandy Booton wrote:Thank you for todays was needed...I finally got custody of my granddaughter and I am having a difficult time keeping up, so any humor is very much appreciated. God Bless Sandy __________________________________________________ --------------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2002 Report Share Posted December 15, 2002 Hi , I appreciate your taking the time to so respectfully address my concerns. But I also must respectfully disagree. It is my opinion that these postings are short on fact and long on innuendo and are only going to result in dividing us. I also believe it is a mistake to engage in these kinds of discussions on a vaccination board. And that it is an even bigger mistake for those of us who don't agree with these views and are working so hard on this issue to be associated with controversial views which we we do not share but which will undermine our credibility and, potentially, as a result, our effectiveness. So it creates a real dilemma for me, whether or not to stick around. All the best, Sandy Sandy Mintz " Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " - Wendell (1811-1884), paraphrasing Philpot Curran (1808) ALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HERE IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION WHETHER OR NOT TO VACCINATE IS AN IMPORTANT AND COMPLEX ISSUE AND SHOULD BE MADE BY YOU, AND YOU ALONE, IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. IN ADDITION, THE FACT THAT THIS EMAIL HAS BEEN FORWARDED IN NO WAY NECESSARILY IMPLIES ENDORSEMENT OF THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE AUTHOR OR AUTHORS OF THE ARTICLE OR EMAIL. Sandy We appreciate so much your hard work, and I understand your feelings on postings that point a finger of guilt at certain parties. Our vaccinations list is first and foremost for the freedom of choice in vaccines. We advocate abolishing mandatory vaccinations to stay in the spirit of our Declaration of Independence and our individual rights. When we post on the new laws being passed that usurp our freedoms of choice, that go the other direction than the direction we are wanting to go, it is certainly within the perimeters of our discussion on this list. Truth is stranger than fiction, and if enough Americans know the truth, we might be able to change things for the better. If we stay in the dark, like they would like us to, we are going to forfeit what we hold dear. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2002 Report Share Posted December 15, 2002 Occasionally things get off topic, especially with things the way they are right now in US. We get off topic about other things too. So, let's get back to the subject of vaccinations. Tons of new people on the list...........encourage those who are new to introduce themselves. And if you see a post you don't want to read, just delete it. It only divides us if we let it. We all have opinions and insight and knowledge and none of us can know it all. My trash can on my email program gets lots of use. Use it to delete. Sheri At 05:11 PM 12/15/2002 -0900, you wrote: >Hi , > >I appreciate your taking the time to so respectfully address my >concerns. > >But I also must respectfully disagree. It is my opinion that these >postings are short on fact and long on innuendo and are only going to >result in dividing us. > >I also believe it is a mistake to engage in these kinds of discussions >on a vaccination board. And that it is an even bigger mistake for those >of us who don't agree with these views and are working so hard on this >issue to be associated with controversial views which we we do not share >but which will undermine our credibility and, potentially, as a result, >our effectiveness. > >So it creates a real dilemma for me, whether or not to stick around. > >All the best, >Sandy > >Sandy Mintz > > > > " Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " - Wendell >(1811-1884), paraphrasing Philpot Curran (1808) > > > > >ALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED >HERE IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED >AS REFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO >BE CONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE >DECISION WHETHER OR NOT TO VACCINATE IS AN IMPORTANT AND COMPLEX ISSUE >AND SHOULD BE MADE BY YOU, AND YOU ALONE, IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR >HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. > >IN ADDITION, THE FACT THAT THIS EMAIL HAS BEEN FORWARDED IN NO WAY >NECESSARILY IMPLIES ENDORSEMENT OF THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE AUTHOR OR >AUTHORS OF THE ARTICLE OR EMAIL. > > > > Sandy > > >We appreciate so much your hard work, and I understand your feelings on >postings that point a finger of guilt at certain parties. Our >vaccinations list is first and foremost for the freedom of choice in >vaccines. We advocate abolishing mandatory vaccinations to stay in the >spirit of our Declaration of Independence and our individual rights. >When we post on the new laws being passed that usurp our freedoms of >choice, that go the other direction than the direction we are wanting to >go, it is certainly within the perimeters of our discussion on this >list. Truth is stranger than fiction, and if enough Americans know the >truth, we might be able to change things for the better. If we stay in >the dark, like they would like us to, we are going to forfeit what we >hold dear. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 12, 2003 Report Share Posted March 12, 2003 Hi Shaye! Yeah, it is nice to be back outside again. Last night the tree frogs were even croaking. I told Deb that I planted two rose bushes yesterday. She replied with some not so nice words!! LOL ;> Soon, it will be warming up that way too. Sometimes it is so hard to believe that it is still winter in many places. Sandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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