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Re: pain behind the shoulderblade

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That might have been pleurisy...my doc thought that's what this was

originally. But when it didn't go away and didn't respond to anti

inflammatories or antibiotics, he became comcerned. And since he doesn't get

rattled very easily and he thought that I should spend another day at the

county clinic to get it checked, I became concerned. Course the country

clinic only allows you 10 minutes with a doctor and what can a doctor do in

10 minutes. I do have an appointment with the GI Clinic at county on the

29th that was set up months ago when I did go to the clinic. But all I keep

thinking is how this is what Connie did and following surgery she got

peritonitis and then she died, I'm really not sure I want the county

operating on me if that's what this is. Hopefully my accupuncture will keep

it under control...but I need to know what will happen if it goes untreated

and it is my gallbladder.


pain behind the shoulderblade

> Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very local

pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a week it

went away by itself..




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I often have a pain behind the shoulder blade. I figure it comes from my

back. I am an artist, and when I paint, I get that pain from the position I

am in sometimes. I get it when I walk for exercise, and only time helps me

to work it out. My daughter is a physical therapist and she is a life saver.

I also get it when I work in the garden. It may not be the same thing you

have, but I have lived with it a very long time, unless I do absolutely

nothing to strain my back in any area. I wouldn't worry too much. Hope this

helps a little. Meghan

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No can do the chiro...remember, I don't have insurance and am unemployed

again with only partial unemployment benefits this time. And the pain

doesn't radiate down the arm...it just stays behind my right shoulder blade.

I have the free accupuncture clinic which helps some but whatever this is,

it isn't going away and keeps getting worse.

Anyone have any other ideas?


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Hi Tatezi

I don't know what it could be....but it for sure isn't pleurisy. I had that

once and thought I was having a heart attack....while my shoulder hurt real bad,

it was the fact that I couldn't breathe....had to take small shallow breaths.

The pain was from the shoulder right through to my chest. Doesn't sound like

your pain at all. Pleurisy is inflammation of the membrane surrounding your

lungs (or close to that). I'm praying you have nothing serious and keep us

posted ok.



pain behind the shoulderblade

> Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very local

pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a week it

went away by itself..




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Carol...that's exactly what it is...I have to take shallow breaths because a

deep breath causes excruciating pain...and it goes from behind my should

blade to my chest. But we've tried anti inflammatories and then

antibiotics...and it's been four weeks now. How long did your's last?


pain behind the shoulderblade



> > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very


> pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a week


> went away by itself..

> >

> >

> >

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Ok Tatezi....that sounds like it alright.....I guess I didn't read all your

posts. Mine lasted for about a month to 6 weeks....I can't remember if he gave

me antibiotics. Just told me to stay in bed until it goes away. It was my 38th

birthday when I had it (many eons ago) but I do remember that I was very

sick....and staying in bed seemed like the thing to do. I went to a clinic doc,

one who was very strict about painkillers, and he gave me Tylenol 3s, had me

xrayed for pneumonia and warned me I might have to go to the hospital if the

xrays showed pneumonia. Tats, if you've had this for 4 weeks, I think you

should be xrayed for pneumonia....do you have a temperature? Are you coughing a

lot? Do you have a lot of chest congestion? Is there any way you could see a

county doc about this? I don't think pleurisy is life threatening, just

painful, but pneumonia is life threatening.....however, you've already been on

antibiotics so that should have cleared any pneumonia.

I don't know how you can even be sitting at your computer, unless you have a

laptop in bed with you....gotta figure out a way to get an xray. Unless Doc has

something to add to this. But this isn't what Connie had I don't think.

Please Tats, try and see a doc....I know how hard it is for you....and the way

you feel, you're not up to running around clinics....talk to your own doc and

tell him what I said ok? Let me know how it goes, now I'm very worried about




pain behind the shoulderblade



> > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very


> pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a week


> went away by itself..

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks, Carol...you explained it much better than I did. It hurts to

breathe, I can't reach out with my right arm without severe pain...but I'm

not coughing and don't have any lung congestion. I do sneeze on ocassion and

that is really awful.

But I have found one thing that is helping with the pain. You know how I'm

into all sorts of alternative things. Well, crystals, stones and minerals

are one of those things. I got a stone called infinite a year or two ago

that has the property of drawing out pain. It's helped me with many things

over time, including headaches. Well, I picked another one up today and my

neighbor taped them along the edge of my shoulder blade tonight. I know this

sounds nuts to tape stones to your back, but believe it or not, they have

relieved a lot fo the pain. Unfortunately my neighbor is leaving on vacation

tomorrow morning and I have to remove them in the morning so that I can

cleanse them and clear them of what they have drawn out of me before I can

use them again. So I decided I'd take my tape and stones when I go to

accupuncture tomorrow and ask them to tape them on for me after my

treatment. But this is only a temporary thing because I have a bad skin

reaction to any type of tape.

So yours lasted 4-6 weeks, eh. A friend of mine who has had pleurisy several

times swears that is what I " m experiencing...but his has never lasted more

than 2 weeks and I'm into the 4th week.

I can sit at my computer because I don't have my computer on a desk. I have

everything set up on a table I made out of an old typewriter stand with

wheels. I added a shelf where one's legs would normally go for my tower and

scanner. The monitor and printer sit on top. It lives by my lazy boy chair

so I kick back, put my feet up and the keyboard in on my lap. Much more

comfortable than sitting at a desk. <g> But I do have a laptop if I need to


Missed the call from my MD tonight...it was crazy busy at the accupuncture

clinic today and I didn't get home until arfter 8:00. I'll try to connect

with him again tomorrow to let him know that the anti inflammatories and the

antibiotics didn't help. But he's going to tell me just what you said...that

there is no more he can do over the phone and that it's time to endure that

awful all day at the county clinic so I can get a lung xray. Now that will

be miserable...it's pretty awful without having severe pain behind my

shoulder blade in those upright chairs they use at the clinic.

I'll give accupunture a little more time. When I went to the clinic back in

the winter, they set up an appointment with the GI clinic and that's on the

29th. Hopefully they will order the xrays for me so I don't have to do a

second trip.

Thanks for your support Carol...and thanks for finding the right words to

explain what I'm experiencing. But don't worry....it it gets totally

unbearable and accupuncture doesn't ease the pain, I'll do the 12 hour wait

for my 10 minutes with a doctor and get a lung xray.

Hey, you are in Canada, aren't you? All over the news is the terrible

problem they are having in Toronto with SARS. Are you having that problem

where you live>


Tatezi who is off to bed to see if I can sleep with rocks taped to my back


pain behind the shoulderblade

> >

> >

> > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very

> local

> > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a


> it

> > went away by itself..

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi Tat.Mabye it sounds very very very stupid but I think the pain behind your

right shoulderblade is a cold you catched during the night or a draught when you

were rescueing that bird in the chicago-lake.I had excactly the same and it

turned out to be,I think,a cold a catched during the night I switch off my

heating during the night and that.s what it caused it.Blanket slipped away.If

you hve a dollar to spare go to the sauna and have it sweated out.Liefs .

pain behind the shoulderblade



> > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very


> pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a week


> went away by itself..

> >

> >

> >

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Yes good,it.s muscle-related and not the galbladder.When I had this pain it was

also in the back.My GP looked funny at me when I told him that it might be

related to my galbladder because I also had that faint feeling near the

galbladder region.Gone now..

Re: pain behind the shoulderblade

I often have a pain behind the shoulder blade. I figure it comes from my

back. I am an artist, and when I paint, I get that pain from the position I

am in sometimes. I get it when I walk for exercise, and only time helps me

to work it out. My daughter is a physical therapist and she is a life saver.

I also get it when I work in the garden. It may not be the same thing you

have, but I have lived with it a very long time, unless I do absolutely

nothing to strain my back in any area. I wouldn't worry too much. Hope this

helps a little. Meghan

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I too suffered from pain behind the right shoulder area. Had been told for

years caused by stress. Done excercises like rolling my shoulders back then

forward slowly, this relaxes the muscle that we make tense and dont know it

Hope this eases the pain for a while.


-- Re: pain behind the shoulderblade

No can do the chiro...remember, I don't have insurance and am unemployed

again with only partial unemployment benefits this time. And the pain

doesn't radiate down the arm...it just stays behind my right shoulder blade.

I have the free accupuncture clinic which helps some but whatever this is,

it isn't going away and keeps getting worse.

Anyone have any other ideas?


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I too suffered from pain behind the right shoulder area. Had been told for

years caused by stress. Done excercises like rolling my shoulders back then

forward slowly, this relaxes the muscle that we make tense and dont know it

Hope this eases the pain for a while.


-- Re: pain behind the shoulderblade

No can do the chiro...remember, I don't have insurance and am unemployed

again with only partial unemployment benefits this time. And the pain

doesn't radiate down the arm...it just stays behind my right shoulder blade.

I have the free accupuncture clinic which helps some but whatever this is,

it isn't going away and keeps getting worse.

Anyone have any other ideas?


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Could you sleep? I don't have any suggestions for you, just hope you get

over it soon.


-----Original Message-----

From: Tatezi [mailto:tatezi@...]


Tatezi who is off to bed to see if I can sleep with rocks taped to my back


pain behind the shoulderblade

> >

> >

> > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very

> local

> > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a


> it

> > went away by itself..

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Could you sleep? I don't have any suggestions for you, just hope you get

over it soon.


-----Original Message-----

From: Tatezi [mailto:tatezi@...]


Tatezi who is off to bed to see if I can sleep with rocks taped to my back


pain behind the shoulderblade

> >

> >

> > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very

> local

> > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a


> it

> > went away by itself..

> > >

> > >

> > >

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A sauna is a wonderful idea, but no dollars to spend on something like that.

Don't laugh now, but I do a lot of work with crystals and have a couple

pieces of Infinite which draws out pain. Last night I had my neighbor tape

them to my back along the edge of my shoulder blade and it really relieved

the pain. But I am very sensitive to tape and when I took it off today to

cleanse the stones (they don't work if they are full of whatever it has

drawn out), I was covered with a rash where the tape had been. So can't do

that again until the rash heals. But at least it gave me a good night's


Yesterday at accupuncture they did a general tonifying treatment because of

all the stress I've been under with my mothers quadruple bypass and that

controlling and abusive brother in law of mine cutting me out of the line of

communication. Sometimes stress can set into that area. Today we'll go back

to working on my backside and focusing on the small intestine, spleen and


Sweating it out is a good thought. I may make a steam room out of my

bathroom and give that a try. I just want it to go away...it is really

inconveniencing my lifestyle. <g>



pain behind the shoulderblade

> >

> >

> > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very

> local

> > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a


> it

> > went away by itself..

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

A sauna is a wonderful idea, but no dollars to spend on something like that.

Don't laugh now, but I do a lot of work with crystals and have a couple

pieces of Infinite which draws out pain. Last night I had my neighbor tape

them to my back along the edge of my shoulder blade and it really relieved

the pain. But I am very sensitive to tape and when I took it off today to

cleanse the stones (they don't work if they are full of whatever it has

drawn out), I was covered with a rash where the tape had been. So can't do

that again until the rash heals. But at least it gave me a good night's


Yesterday at accupuncture they did a general tonifying treatment because of

all the stress I've been under with my mothers quadruple bypass and that

controlling and abusive brother in law of mine cutting me out of the line of

communication. Sometimes stress can set into that area. Today we'll go back

to working on my backside and focusing on the small intestine, spleen and


Sweating it out is a good thought. I may make a steam room out of my

bathroom and give that a try. I just want it to go away...it is really

inconveniencing my lifestyle. <g>



pain behind the shoulderblade

> >

> >

> > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp very

> local

> > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a


> it

> > went away by itself..

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Thanks, Meghan...

I've tried to think of anything I could have done to pull a muscle back

there but haven't come up with any ideas. I also walk for exercise but

haven't noticed any relief from the pain when walking. I've started doing

some stretches designed to open up your back and hope they will help...and I

keep going to accupuncture because it does help for about 24 hours. I wasn't

concerned about this for a while, but now that I'm in my fourth week of

dealing with it, I need to find out what is going on. Wish I knew someone

who was a physical therapist to come up with some specific exercises for me.


I often have a pain behind the shoulder blade. I figure it comes from my

back. I am an artist, and when I paint, I get that pain from the position I

am in sometimes. I get it when I walk for exercise, and only time helps me

to work it out. My daughter is a physical therapist and she is a life


I also get it when I work in the garden. It may not be the same thing you

have, but I have lived with it a very long time, unless I do absolutely

nothing to strain my back in any area. I wouldn't worry too much. Hope


helps a little. Meghan

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I'll try rolling my shoulders...and have been doing circles with my arms

extended but that hasn't seemed to help. I do hope it is only stress...and

I've been going through an incredibly stressful period so it is certainly a


How is your hubby doing...haven't heard from you in a while.



Re: pain behind the shoulderblade


> No can do the chiro...remember, I don't have insurance and am unemployed

> again with only partial unemployment benefits this time. And the pain

> doesn't radiate down the arm...it just stays behind my right shoulder



> I have the free accupuncture clinic which helps some but whatever this is,

> it isn't going away and keeps getting worse.


> Anyone have any other ideas?


> Tatezi




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I'll try rolling my shoulders...and have been doing circles with my arms

extended but that hasn't seemed to help. I do hope it is only stress...and

I've been going through an incredibly stressful period so it is certainly a


How is your hubby doing...haven't heard from you in a while.



Re: pain behind the shoulderblade


> No can do the chiro...remember, I don't have insurance and am unemployed

> again with only partial unemployment benefits this time. And the pain

> doesn't radiate down the arm...it just stays behind my right shoulder



> I have the free accupuncture clinic which helps some but whatever this is,

> it isn't going away and keeps getting worse.


> Anyone have any other ideas?


> Tatezi




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I'm sleeping but I imagine that's thanks to the amitriptyline....

pain behind the shoulderblade

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp


> > local

> > > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a

> week

> > it

> > > went away by itself..

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I'm sleeping but I imagine that's thanks to the amitriptyline....

pain behind the shoulderblade

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp


> > local

> > > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a

> week

> > it

> > > went away by itself..

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I'm sleeping but I imagine that's thanks to the amitriptyline....

pain behind the shoulderblade

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp


> > local

> > > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a

> week

> > it

> > > went away by itself..

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I'm sleeping but I imagine that's thanks to the amitriptyline....

pain behind the shoulderblade

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi Tat.That.s a coincidence.Some weeks ago I had a very sharp


> > local

> > > pain behind,yes,the right shoulderblade.Very uncomfortable.After a

> week

> > it

> > > went away by itself..

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Have you been checked for bursitis? I have been going through a bout of it and

it is extremely painful in the shoulder & arm. When it is acute, I can't lift my

arm, sleep or get comfortable except in the tub when it is submerged.


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Guest guest

Have you been checked for bursitis? I have been going through a bout of it and

it is extremely painful in the shoulder & arm. When it is acute, I can't lift my

arm, sleep or get comfortable except in the tub when it is submerged.


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Guest guest

Have you been checked for bursitis? I have been going through a bout of it and

it is extremely painful in the shoulder & arm. When it is acute, I can't lift my

arm, sleep or get comfortable except in the tub when it is submerged.


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