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Thanks for the inspiration...it's good to hear positive things about post

treatment. We all need to know that there is life after treatment! Too much

negativity is not healthy...and sure doesn't lead to healing either physically

or emotionally.



Re: tatezi

HI.Thanks Tat for being so nice with me.I feel a hell of a lot better after

treatment and not only because I.am madly in love,I feel like I.am twenty

again.The faint feeling which I always had around the liver area has

gone,sometimes I wonder if I hve a liver at all.My energy has gone up a 100

%.Depressiondips also disappeared.I have start working again almost fulltime,not

because I need the money (not really) but I like to work,what started as a

joke,helping a friend doing some renovation in his house has become a fulltime

occupation because people liked what I did and I move from one job to the

next,paid this time.Yes,I still can.t sleep for seven or six hours straight.If

that.s the price I hve to pay for feeling somuch better,so be it.Tat you know

that you.re going to be a sustained responder(you already are) and you.re going

also feel a lot better but it takes I think a year or so to experience the full

result of treatment.(In my case anyway)I.am not so clever as some on the group

who know soomuch about drugs,supplements etc.and I rarely comment on it.I just

give the group the stupid unscientific things of how I feel ,a joke once in a

while and try to give the impression that we should not make live to

complicated,love and support each other.Willem.

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In a message dated 7/6/2004 5:39:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, csean@...


I don't regret doing treatment the second time around...it was much easier

with pegasys than with the rebetron. But the biggest difference is that I

responded to the pegasys and didn't respond to rebetron. Now if I can sustain



I remember your stories about round 1. They sounded very much like mine.

enough to make you wish you'd never done treatment. You and others have said

the same about the peglyiated Interferon. I'm game. Carol, we'll scream at

each other.


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In a message dated 7/7/2004 3:20:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

lands142@... writes:

In my case anyway)I.am not so clever as some on the group who know soomuch

about drugs,supplements etc.and I rarely comment on it.I just give the group

the stupid unscientific things of how I feel ,a joke once in a while and try to

give the impression that we should not make live to complicated,love and

support each

Dear Willem,

GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, how would you like to come over

here. We could sure use you. In fact the town we live in could keep you busy

for years. Congrats!!!!!!! again!!!! Anne

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Even what I call the " riba rage " (but it isn't really rage...it's just my little

catchy phrase for the crankiness...please don't anyone misunderstand the

expression) was minimal on Pegasys...as soon as I realized it had started we

increased my antidepressant and within a month, poof, it was gone.

I had awful problems with the crankiness (what I call Riba Rage) during the year

I spent on rebetron. But the doctor I had back then didn't make the connection

between the crankiness and the effect of treatment on the neurotransmitters.

My biggest problem (other than platelets and RBC) was that my tongue felt like

sandpaper had been used on it for a couple months (and it went away) and my

taste buds were trashed ... everything tasted awful to me.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the difference in the two treatments...the

doctors at county explained it to me this way...with the rebetron your body was

up and down all the time because the interferon only lasted 24 hours and you did

a shot every other day...but the Pegs last longer so your body settles in

because you don't have the ups and downs.


Re: tatezi

I'm game. Carol, we'll scream at each other.Anne

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  • 1 year later...

HI all.Tat,long time member of this goup who helped many of us with her advise

and wit(soapbox)p,now of mail,is in trouble.I hve regular contact with her but

suddenly she went of line,I think she could.nt pay the provider.She is

unemployed at the momentin a depression and facing homelessness,she is not

entitled to unemployement benefits because of her past; details I don.t know.She

is chronic sick,HCV and lung problems.If anybody knows her adress or a

phonenumber pse let me know.Willem.

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Dear Willem,

I've been thinking about Tat for the last several days. I thought she had

gotten a job, so didn't think all that much about her lack of posts. If I were

trying to work, I'd be sleeping all the other hours of the day.

I don't have her address, but if you have her real name, I can find her for you.

We don't have a lot, but we can share what we've got.

Let me know what's up.



HI all.Tat,long time member of this goup who helped many of us with her advise

and wit(soapbox)p,now of mail,is in trouble.I hve regular contact with her but

suddenly she went of line,I think she could.nt pay the provider.She is

unemployed at the momentin a depression and facing homelessness,she is not

entitled to unemployement benefits because of her past; details I don.t know.She

is chronic sick,HCV and lung problems.If anybody knows her adress or a

phonenumber pse let me know.Willem.

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