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Re: Delayed pain from a fall and sudden increase in BP

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Generally an increase in pain can cause blood pressure to rise.  Has any of the

doctors suggested this may be the cause?

What do you think, has your pain increased since the fall to a level higher than

your normal pain level? 

I am treated for high blood pressure but if my pain grows more severe and my

pain medication isn't helping that increase, my blood pressure rises till I get

the pain back under control, then my medication works well and the pressure is

normal again.



>From: Dave & Laurie Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

>neck pain

>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 12:01 AM

>Subject: Delayed pain from a fall and sudden increase in

BP Have any of you ever experienced a sudden change in vital


>signs? I see my Doctor next Tuesday, thats the earliest he could see

>me. He's great and normally would take me right in, but he got put

>on Jury duty all this week. So that's what's been up with Dave. I

>feel like I hit 50 and I'm falling apart.






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Hi Dave,

It's a good sign that the swelling in your legs went down. It may take longer

for your blood pressure because the pressure sensors in your neck arteries and

heart adjust to that higher blood pressure after a couple weeks, and it takes a

couple weeks of lower blood pressure to get that set point to come back down.

The extra pain from falling and the worry doesn't help either.



> My wife and I were vacationing last week in a rented condo in Ocean

> City MD. I was going from the bedroom to the downstairs to get an

> Ice bag for my back pain. It was not quite light yet, being about 5

> am and I slipped and fell down the stairs. It was a split level

> stair case so I only fell a couple of stairs to the first

> landing. My immediate pain was I thought I broke 2 toes on my left

> foot. They were very black and blue,bloody and swollen, and

> painful. I also cursed a bit. But My back didn't hurt. A couple of

> days later we were home and I was cutting up some boxes for recycling

> when I bent slightly and got extreme pain at my beltline. I called

> my medical massage therapist and got in ASAP. He asked me what I

> did, I told him I bent slightly and wham. He said no What did you do

> before that. I told him I fell down some steps. He gave me a good

> massage, but it still hurt the next day. What did seem to help was a

> heating pad and bed rest. I told him that I was still hurting and he

> asked what I was doing. He told me to STOP the heat that I was

> inflamed and that only aggravates the pain. He also told me to lay

> low. So today I laid low and used Ice on it. Tonight it feels much

> better. I plan on doing the same tomorrow. I was really angry about

> it. My arm still hurts from Tennis elbow. I'm just tired of

> pain. Also while we were away I had another medical emergency. I

> always have very good blood pressure. Never and issue in my

> life. At the shore I was wearing sandals and my wife said look at

> your feet. They were swollen very much. As were my ankles and lower

> legs. We called her sister who is a PA at a cardiologist. She told

> me to go out and check my Blood pressure right away. It was 155 /

> 95. I'm usually like 115 / 78. We ran through some scenarios as to

> why. She though it was from the Naproxen I'm taking for my arm

> pain. So I stopped that and no change. The swelling went down, but

> not the blood pressure. so I called my Doctor he thought it was a

> change in diet, but there wasn't. I don't put salt on anything and

> ate the same things there I do at home. He too suspected the

> Naproxen. So now almost 1.5 weeks later no Naproxen and the BP is

> still up. Have any of you ever experienced a sudden change in vital

> signs? I see my Doctor next Tuesday, thats the earliest he could see

> me. He's great and normally would take me right in, but he got put

> on Jury duty all this week. So that's what's been up with Dave. I

> feel like I hit 50 and I'm falling apart.


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At 03:51 AM 9/24/2011, you wrote:




>Hey Dave It is true that an increase in pain level can cause your b.p.

>to go up Hope that you will ok and not have any new problems from the

>fall.Take care and be safe,Larry

The Blood pressure being up started before the fall and extra

pain. I laid very low yesterday all day and used Ice Packs on my

back and my pain level has been reduced a good bit.

Thanks for your replies, Dave

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