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IAC Express #927 - Table of Contents

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IAC Express

Immunization news from the Immunization Action Coalition

More than 42,000 subscribers read IAC Express.

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A web page version of this issue is available at


The April 2011 issue of Needle Tips, including Ask the

Experts, is now online. Visit http://www.immunize.org/nt

Laminated child/teen and adult CDC Immunization

Schedules. Place one in every exam room. Order at



Issue Number 927

May 2, 2011


1. New: April 2011 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online

2. Reminder: April 2011 issue of Needle Tips available


3. IAC updates its " Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and

Handling " and temperature logs for refrigerators and

freezers in Fahrenheit and Celsius

4. IAC updates online " Ask the Experts " Q & A sections related

to diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, meningococcal, hepatitis

B, and combination vaccines

5. IAC updates its standing orders for administering

meningococcal vaccine to children/teens and to adults

6. Spotlight on immunize.org: Access the archive of IAC's

" Ask the Experts " vaccine Q & As

7. IAC's " Immunizations for Babies " now available in Spanish

and six other languages

8. CDC publishes surveillance summary on county-level trends

in vaccination coverage among U.S. children ages 19-35

months during 1995-2008

9. Correction: Link IAC Express gave to Pediatrics' May 2011

supplement on vaccine safety has expired; new active link

now available

10. IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S.

immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply

for your workplace today!

11. IAC's Video of the Week features a mother's account of

her infant son's pertussis death

12. Award-winning DVD! " Immunization Techniques: Best

Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults " --from the

California Department of Public Health, Immunization


13. CDC publishes report on global rotavirus surveillance

14. Many of PKIDs' May and June webinars focus on using

social media to communicate immunization information

15. Meeting on vaccines and immunotherapy for nosocomial

infections is planned for September 26-28 in Annecy,


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