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The Use of Combination Vaccines in International Travelers Visiting Countries with High Endemic Rate

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American Journal of Infectious Diseases 4 (2): 104-108, 2008

ISSN 1553-6203

© 2008 Science Publications

Corresponding Author: Bradley A. Connor, Division of Gastroenterology and


The Weill Medical College of Cornell University and The New York Center for


Tropical Medicine. New York, NY 10021, United States


The Use of Combination Vaccines in International Travelers Visiting Countries


High Endemic Rates of Hepatitis A and/or Hepatitis B

1Bradley A. Connor, 2 and 3 Steffen

1Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Weill Medical College of

Cornell University,

The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, New York, NY 10021, United


2Division of Infectious Disease and Geographic Medicine,

Stanford University School of Medicine, Fremont, California 94538, United States

3University of Zurich Travel Health Center, WHO Collaborating Center for

Travelers' Health,

Zurich CH-8006, Switzerland

Abstract: Hepatitis A and B represent a significant threat to international

travelers. Both diseases are

preventable through vaccination, though fewer than half of at-risk visitors in

endemic regions are

protected. Current vaccination recommendations should be revised to ensure

adequate immunity for all

international travelers against hepatitis A and B, as both diseases pose

comparable danger. Since

exposure to the viruses cannot be predicted, vaccination should be offered to

all individuals visiting

destinations with intermediate or high endemicities of hepatitis A and/or B,

regardless of length of stay

and standard of accommodation. Risk groups and endemicity of hepatitis A and B

overlap, therefore, a

combination vaccine against both forms is beneficial.

FULL TEXT: http://www.scipub.org/fulltext/ajid/ajid42104-108.pdf


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