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The following poll is now closed. Here are the

final results:

POLL QUESTION: This month's poll is about how your

Significant Other helps or doesn't help

you with your CMT needs. By Significant

Other we are including spouse, partner,

soulmate, boyfriend, girlfriend, close

friend, etc. There are also statements

for Single People. Voting is completely

anonymous and this poll closes March 23.

Thank you for your participation.

My Significant Other:


- feels glad to help, 9 votes, 8.26%

- feels it is good for me to be independent, so helps make adaptions (like

shower grab bars), 7 votes, 6.42%

- knows I need to rest so is not demanding about meals, cleaning, laundry, 6

votes, 5.50%

- walks at a slower pace so I can keep up, 7 votes, 6.42%

- loves me for what and who I am, including my CMT, 10 votes, 9.17%

- tries to keep my stress down by helping with housework, disciplining children,

caring for pets, etc., 6 votes, 5.50%

- is willing to attend Dr. appointments with me, 9 votes, 8.26%

- makes financial arrangements in case of preceeding me in death, 5 votes, 4.59%

- stays nearby at malls, sports or cultural events, in case I fall or loose my

balance, 7 votes, 6.42%

- is sometimes overprotective; reminds me often to rest, 2 votes, 1.83%

- is clueless about CMT despite literature I have presented., 5 votes, 4.59%

- would like to attend a seminar on " Caring for One with CMT " and also to

connect with others to form a e-discussion group, 2 votes, 1.83%

- is in total denial, does not believe I have CMT, will not go to Dr. appts.

with me, 1 votes, 0.92%

- belongs to " CMT Watchdogs " - doesn't give me enough personal space to see what

I CAN do, 1 votes, 0.92%

- does everything for me, acts like I am fragile, 1 votes, 0.92%

- hates to see me in pain, 8 votes, 7.34%

- proudly wears the Awareness Ribbon and tells others about CMT, 1 votes,


- I am single; my close friends understand my CMT and help me alot, 2 votes,


- I feel the for CMT Campaign should include a special section for

Significant Others on the new website, 4 votes, 3.67%

- I would like my family, close friends, and co-workers to wear the

Awareness Ribbons to show they care about me AND for Awareness., 1 votes, 0.92%

- What? Wear Ribbons? Help around the house? Dream on!, 3 votes, 2.75%

- I need more help that my Significant Other gives or knows I need and I have a

hard time asking for help, 5 votes, 4.59%

- I would like some ideas on how to talk to my Significant Other about CMT and

what I need, 3 votes, 2.75%

- I will post my personal experiences on this topic to the list, 4 votes, 3.67%

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