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Problems I'm experiencing--long

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Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

As you know, my life has been extremely stressful since I got laid off over a

year ago and got this miserable little job with a dysfunctional family with a

coke head for a boss...well, I don't know if she is a coke head, but if she

isn't she's definitely bi-polar or psychotic or something.

For the last 4-6 months I've had some physical things developing:

a.. No memory...tell me something and I've already forgotten it

b.. Extreme joint pain in all joints...sometimes the joint pain will flare up

almost instantly followed by chills...I actually shiver and have to use my

heating pad to wrap around my joints one at a time until the shivers go away.

c.. Muscle aches....they ache all the way to the bone...feels like I've over

extended myself physically

d.. Tender/sore spots in several areas of my body....don't hurt unless I apply

pressure to them.

e.. No energy....legs feel like they are filled with lead

f.. Fatigue like I've not experienced before and can barely function by


g.. Brain fog but not like with tx....this is different, it's like my brain is

on vacation

h.. Not sleeping well, I go to sleep but never seem to really fall

asleep....always aware of being in bed and any sounds. Don't wake up enough to

open my eyes, just don't seem to be able to fall all the way asleep

i.. Either constipated or have diarrhea

j.. Something is very wrong with my coordination...I keep falling and weave

when I walk

k.. Blurry vision

l.. Look about 5-6 months pregnant...not gaining weight anywhere else so don't

know if this is fat or ascites.

m.. Tingling and numbness in my hands has greatly worsened

n.. Those spider thingies we get on our chest that are a sign of hep c....they

are now also all over my face.

Okay, no insurance because this civilized country doesn't really give a hoot

about the health of the poor. So after talking with my pcp whom I can't afford

to see without insurance and telling him what I've been experiencing, he said I

had to see a doctor....that there were several things that could be happening to

me....and of course the stress I've been under could be the underlying factor.

Today went to the clinic at the country hospital. Did the all day waiting thing

to get an idiot " god type " doctor who spent all of 10 minutes with me. He

ordered a complete kidney blood panel for my hep c. Dah, wrong organ, moron. And

then sent me to the clinic shrink because I am obviously a hypochrondriac (is

that the right word...when people think/say they are sick but aren't) because

what I said I am experiencing is impossible. He didn't listen to anything I said

because when I read my copy of the report it said that I had not been taking my

synthroid for a year....I'd said I'd been getting my synthroid from Canada for a

year because I couldn't afford US prices. It also stated that I said I was

hyperthyroid, not hypo which is what I am and what synthroid is for. So he

didn't listen to what I was saying....just seemed to pick and choose from my

words to make it be what he wanted it to be....psychosomatic (in my head).

This memory thing and the fact that I can't seem to make my brain function is

very frightening to me. I can't read...can't focus or concentrate. Even when I

watch tv I couldn't tell you what I just watched. Sure a lot of these things

could be depression, but I'm on prozac (thanks to the Lily Cares Program that my

pcp got me in) so I don't buy that one. Prozac has been my mainstay for a very

long time.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or are

these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of those

lovely things we are prone to?

Anyone got any ideas? I will do the county clinic thing again next week and try

for a different doctor. But doctors always stick together and don't contradict

one another. I did finally get this guy to order the LFTs....but only after a

huge fight where I informed him that I'd forgotten more about hep c than he

obviously knew and anything starting with hep has to do with the liver while

renal has to do with the kidney. He didn't accept that he had made a mistake

when filling out the lab request well....and we didn't part on good terms.

Course, I am not the best of patients and I have *no* tolerance for doctors who

think they are god.

Obviously it was a very frustrating day for me and I really don't think I " m

losing my mind. I am experiencing these things and they are scaring me. And it

really scares me that I go to a county clinic and get someone who obviously is

more concerned about being god than finding out what is going on.



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From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Hi Donna...

I'm 53 and I do try to read. I've always been a reader. But within a paragraph

or so my mind just seems to drift off into no where land.

I'm frightened by what I'm experiencing and so terribly discouraged after

spending the day at the county health facility. That was my last resort.

I am not adjusting well to being poor and uninsured.....

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your mind.

There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision is

goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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Hi Donna...

I'm 53 and I do try to read. I've always been a reader. But within a paragraph

or so my mind just seems to drift off into no where land.

I'm frightened by what I'm experiencing and so terribly discouraged after

spending the day at the county health facility. That was my last resort.

I am not adjusting well to being poor and uninsured.....

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your mind.

There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision is

goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been buying a

malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with 600mg malic

acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs daily.

And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules daily

along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have kept

me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and I've

been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read seems

to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is though.

When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters and

had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I am

experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me onto

those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it and

don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain work

again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been buying a

malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with 600mg malic

acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs daily.

And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules daily

along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have kept

me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and I've

been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read seems

to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is though.

When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters and

had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I am

experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me onto

those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it and

don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain work

again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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Hi Tatezi

So sorry to hear how you're feeling. The only suggestion I have is to make sure

the synthroid dose is the same here in Canada as in the USA. We have the metric

system which screws me right up.

As Gail says, a lot of your symptoms do remind me of CFIDS/fibro. But you'll

get no answers from a Doctor who orders tests on your renal system for

HepC...duhh. And no, it's not in your head and you're not a hypocondriac....and

I don't like Drs. who think we are.



Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Hi Tatezi

So sorry to hear how you're feeling. The only suggestion I have is to make sure

the synthroid dose is the same here in Canada as in the USA. We have the metric

system which screws me right up.

As Gail says, a lot of your symptoms do remind me of CFIDS/fibro. But you'll

get no answers from a Doctor who orders tests on your renal system for

HepC...duhh. And no, it's not in your head and you're not a hypocondriac....and

I don't like Drs. who think we are.



Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Hi Carol....

Since drugs are in miligrams, isn't that metric system? Strange that the US is

the only country in the world that still hasn't converted to the metric

system...this is such a pompous, arrogant nation.

I would love to have this be something as simple as my thyroid...but when this

all started I did get my thyroid tested and my tsh was 1.5...and that was only

several months ago.

Tomorrow night after work I have to go back to the county clinic for my lab

results...in the dark I get to go wandering around the ghetto...I'm such a lucky

person. But maybe I'll get some answers....and maybe depending on the test

results I can get accepted into the gastro clinic instead of this walk in

clinic. Course since I've always had normal ALTs and ASTs and have considerable

liver damage, I will probably be told that I don't have hep c. Guess I should go

find a site with kidney test results so I can atleast be knowledgeable about

those results.

I think part of the problem is that the county clinic basically deals with

homeless and destitute people and don't like someone with a little intelligence

to come in telling them their business....they are gods in their own eyes. And

imagine them having to deal with a patient that knows the difference between the

liver and the kidneys.


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Hi Carol....

Since drugs are in miligrams, isn't that metric system? Strange that the US is

the only country in the world that still hasn't converted to the metric

system...this is such a pompous, arrogant nation.

I would love to have this be something as simple as my thyroid...but when this

all started I did get my thyroid tested and my tsh was 1.5...and that was only

several months ago.

Tomorrow night after work I have to go back to the county clinic for my lab

results...in the dark I get to go wandering around the ghetto...I'm such a lucky

person. But maybe I'll get some answers....and maybe depending on the test

results I can get accepted into the gastro clinic instead of this walk in

clinic. Course since I've always had normal ALTs and ASTs and have considerable

liver damage, I will probably be told that I don't have hep c. Guess I should go

find a site with kidney test results so I can atleast be knowledgeable about

those results.

I think part of the problem is that the county clinic basically deals with

homeless and destitute people and don't like someone with a little intelligence

to come in telling them their business....they are gods in their own eyes. And

imagine them having to deal with a patient that knows the difference between the

liver and the kidneys.


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind or

are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the

Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog, lack

of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry vision

is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel (or

you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through Immunesuport.com)

is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would have

to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not alone,

and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Tats....I read somewhere that a higher dose of MSM can keep you from sleeping.

I think it was on another forum, not this one. I've been meaning to get some

MSM but always forget (brain dead). My sleep is terrible too...but I have the

luxury of sleeping all day if I want (disability which keeps me poor). I wake

up every hour and have a hard time getting back to sleep....I really feel it the

next day and usually nap, which repeats the cycle. Can't win for losing hey?


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been buying

a malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with 600mg

malic acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs daily.

And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules

daily along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have

kept me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and I've

been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read seems

to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is though.

When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters and

had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I am

experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me onto

those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it and

don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain work

again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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Tats....I read somewhere that a higher dose of MSM can keep you from sleeping.

I think it was on another forum, not this one. I've been meaning to get some

MSM but always forget (brain dead). My sleep is terrible too...but I have the

luxury of sleeping all day if I want (disability which keeps me poor). I wake

up every hour and have a hard time getting back to sleep....I really feel it the

next day and usually nap, which repeats the cycle. Can't win for losing hey?


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been buying

a malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with 600mg

malic acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs daily.

And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules

daily along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have

kept me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and I've

been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read seems

to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is though.

When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters and

had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I am

experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me onto

those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it and

don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain work

again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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I've not read that about MSM but have a couple books on it and will look through

them again. Its a natural sulfer, the same sulfer your body creates, and what it

doesn't use is expelled in your urine and sweat. It only stays in your system a

max of 12 hours so I'll cut out my evening dose and see if that makes any


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been

buying a malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with

600mg malic acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs


And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules

daily along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have

kept me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and

I've been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read

seems to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is


When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters

and had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I

am experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me

onto those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it

and don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain

work again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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I've not read that about MSM but have a couple books on it and will look through

them again. Its a natural sulfer, the same sulfer your body creates, and what it

doesn't use is expelled in your urine and sweat. It only stays in your system a

max of 12 hours so I'll cut out my evening dose and see if that makes any


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Thanks, Gail...

You turned me onto malic acid about a year ago and since then I've been

buying a malic acid-magnesium supplement. I take Ethical Nutriants brand with

600mg malic acid, 150mg Magnesium, 50mg Thiamin and 50mg B6 and take two tabs


And although I do eat ground flax seeds I also take flax seed oil capsules

daily along with fish oils. I actually take a lot of supplements...and they have

kept me stable for so long.

One of the other folks on the list has sent me some links about fibro and

I've been reading them...when I can concentrate long enough. And what I've read

seems to fit with some of what I'm experiencing. I have no clue what CFIDS is


When the memory and brain fog thing started, I actually saved my quarters

and had my doc run a thyroid test for me about 3 months ago thinking this was

thyroid. It was fine...TSH at 1.5 just where I like to keep it because that's

when I used to feel best. Ofcourse the extreme stress I am under at this

miserable excuse for a job that kept me from becoming homeless could have

altered things. Stress does such awful things to us. So the thyroid test will

answer that and they did run thyroid tests.

IBS would make sense because of the stress I'm under. I hadn't thought about

that ... guess cause I'm so busy just trying to survive hour by hour and day by


I just feel like I'm losing my mind with all these things happening and then

doing the last resort with the county clinic and having them ignore everything I

told them. And the doctor I saw totally ignored everything I told him about hep

c and the various things that can accompany it ... just chalked it all up to

being in my head. I am so sick of our ignorant medical profession that doesn't

want to hear what we say...and then if we are a womyn it's all in our heads.

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not losing my mind...that these things I

am experiencing can be and are real. I'll try eyedrops again...you turned me

onto those a year ago too...but maybe you are right, I've just gotten used to it

and don't realize that I still have dry eyes. Now if I could just make my brain

work again...I've upped my MSM but that hasn't helped.



You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus hypo thyroid to me. ....The

CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of the Hep C. ...The

diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot like IBS (irritable bowel synrome)

which often goes hand in hand with


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HI.When I was on TX my Doc. would.nt prescribe any medication for the

side-effects.After a lot of bargaining he once gave me 8 5mgr. valium.Just to

get rid of me I suppose.He was and is good at other things like getting

treatment for the uninsured,homeless etc.So I had to find alternative ways.One

thing which really help me was the sauna.I went there once a week and really

took a beating.Staying in long enough untill your organs started to sweat out

the shit,cold and hot showers.It relaxed my muscles and general well

being.Loneliness could also be a problem but I don.t think this is the kind of

forum to discuss this.What I do know is that people who hve what you people

call a Hubby experiencing less problems then the loners.Hep people are

sentimental,emotional people,generally speaking.The virus is doing something to

your brain.Docs are getting more understanding of the unknown side of Hep.C.I

educated my Doc. by giving him many print-outs I got from this forum.Some of

them he actually read and commented on it.The best thing for you is getting a

satisfactory job and complete check- over finding out what the physical problems


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your mind.

There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision is

goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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HI.When I was on TX my Doc. would.nt prescribe any medication for the

side-effects.After a lot of bargaining he once gave me 8 5mgr. valium.Just to

get rid of me I suppose.He was and is good at other things like getting

treatment for the uninsured,homeless etc.So I had to find alternative ways.One

thing which really help me was the sauna.I went there once a week and really

took a beating.Staying in long enough untill your organs started to sweat out

the shit,cold and hot showers.It relaxed my muscles and general well

being.Loneliness could also be a problem but I don.t think this is the kind of

forum to discuss this.What I do know is that people who hve what you people

call a Hubby experiencing less problems then the loners.Hep people are

sentimental,emotional people,generally speaking.The virus is doing something to

your brain.Docs are getting more understanding of the unknown side of Hep.C.I

educated my Doc. by giving him many print-outs I got from this forum.Some of

them he actually read and commented on it.The best thing for you is getting a

satisfactory job and complete check- over finding out what the physical problems


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your mind.

There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision is

goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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HI Tatezi and Claudine

Yes, duhhh I forgot....once again. Of course dosages are in metric. The only

reason Canada switched to metric cuz they thought the US was going to. Go

figure. I'm wondering if maybe that country doc thought renal immediately cuz

of fluid retention? You know what I mean, a one track mind. Hope you get some

answers. Claudine, I'm going to write down the name of that drug that gives out

stage 4 sleep. See if my doc will prescribe it....would be nice to actually

sleep solidly for a change. One night I did sleep a solid 4 hours and sure felt

the difference the next day, much more alert. I hear ya about how important

good sleep is....I wonder what it's like to sleep solidly for 8 hours? hmmmm.


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind


are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one


those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of


Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog,


of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry


is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel


you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through


is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would


to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite


tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not


and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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HI Tatezi and Claudine

Yes, duhhh I forgot....once again. Of course dosages are in metric. The only

reason Canada switched to metric cuz they thought the US was going to. Go

figure. I'm wondering if maybe that country doc thought renal immediately cuz

of fluid retention? You know what I mean, a one track mind. Hope you get some

answers. Claudine, I'm going to write down the name of that drug that gives out

stage 4 sleep. See if my doc will prescribe it....would be nice to actually

sleep solidly for a change. One night I did sleep a solid 4 hours and sure felt

the difference the next day, much more alert. I hear ya about how important

good sleep is....I wonder what it's like to sleep solidly for 8 hours? hmmmm.


Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind


are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or one


those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro plus

hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching of

the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of


Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog,


of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry


is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel


you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount of

coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a lot

like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through myself.

I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without cost.

The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through


is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month (that

is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not as

cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but I

think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would


to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not quite


tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs to

be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them, in

fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not


and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Another good one for sleep is trazadone which is also one of the easier

medications for the liver. When I started treatment I was sleeping 3 hours a

night. Now I sleep an average of 7-8 hours and Claudine is right - sleep really

does make a world of difference.

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind


are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or

one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro


hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching


the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of


Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog,


of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry


is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel


you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount


coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a


like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through


I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without


The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through


is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month


is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not


cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but


think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would


to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not

quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs


be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them,


fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not


and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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Another good one for sleep is trazadone which is also one of the easier

medications for the liver. When I started treatment I was sleeping 3 hours a

night. Now I sleep an average of 7-8 hours and Claudine is right - sleep really

does make a world of difference.

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

Hi everyone....

Thought I'd reach out to everyone...needing a little support right now.

Bottom line....what do you think is happening to me. Am I losing my mind


are these things I'm experiencing real and associated with the hep or

one of

those lovely things we are prone to?

Hey Tat-

Nah-you're not losing your mind. You sound so much like CFIDS/fibro


hypo thyroid to me. Is the Synthroid dosage enough I wonder-that could

account for the terrible brain fog, the water retention, and the aching


the joints. The CFIDS/fibro is really the immunological side effects of


Hep C. It also could account for the tender spots, the joint pain, the

crummy sleep-which in turn could be a cause of the terrible brain fog,


of energy and possibly the poor coordination and balance. The blurry


is probably your dry eyes-even if they are not quite dry enough to feel


you've gotten used to the dry feeling), our eyes need the proper amount


coating to be able to focus. The diarrhea/constipation cycle sounds a


like IBS (irritable bowel synrome) which often goes hand in hand with

CFIDS/fibro. So much of what you describe is what I went through


I have been able to work out a supplement regimen-it is not without


The most absolute helpful (and also cheap on-line through


is the Malic acid/magensium combo. It costs me around 15.00 a month


is including the shipping) and it was the first real breakthrough in my

supplement tryouts. Malic acid at the health food store is rather

expensive! Flax seed oil and L-Theanine are two more breakthroughs-not


cheap as the malic acid. I know you eat the flax seeds themselves, but


think the oil itself would give you more. I would guess that you would


to eat a lot of seeds to get about a tablespoon of oil! I take not

quite a

tablespoon three times daily.

One good thing about your day at the clinic-if the Synthroid dose needs


be adjusted perhaps they will be able to do that for you.

Take a look at the site of Immunesupport.com-no I don't work for them,


fact, I use only one of their products. I go there mainly for

information-VALUABLE information. You will also see that you are not


and that there are doctors out there that are waking up to the

CFIDS/fibro/immune dysfunction connection. I get the majority of my

supplements from Vitaminshoppe.com or i-herb.com.


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I agree that the biggest change I need to make in my life in my job situation,

but there are no jobs and my age plays against me because it's a young person's

job market when there are jobs (the unemployment office told me this when I

talked to them about why I was having such a problem finding work...bottom line,

I'm too old). But I got this job a week before my unemployment ran out and it's

a paycheck and keeps me from joining the homeless.

Surely what ever is going on with me is related to stress. Whether caused by

stress itself or a result of the stress, I don't know. I've never had to deal

with this level of stress before in my life. But I need to find out what it is

so I know how to deal with it.

I continue with accupuncture at the school of oriental medicine which is free

but if I don't get whatever this is worked out, I will lose this shitty job and

be homeless. They scream (and I mean that literally) at me when I forget things

or make mistakes and call me stupid and a waste of space, etc. Sure what they do

is illegal, but if I were to go to the labor board and file a complaint, I would

end up unemployed. Actually, there are a lot of illegal things going on at this

company, but if I do anything about it, I end up unemployed.

And I have not stopped looking for a job. Every weekend I answer every ad that I

am qualified for. It's been 15 months since I got laid off and only during the

holiday season did I not do the ads and respond to whatever I could.

Things like saunas are not free in the US...the best I can do is my chinese

clinic and the county clinic. This is not a civilized country like the

Netherlands or Belgium where things that would help better the quality of the

poor's lives are free.

Have to get out the door. I rescued a pigeon yesterday who died during the night

and need to dispose of his body before going to work.



Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your


There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision


goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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I agree that the biggest change I need to make in my life in my job situation,

but there are no jobs and my age plays against me because it's a young person's

job market when there are jobs (the unemployment office told me this when I

talked to them about why I was having such a problem finding work...bottom line,

I'm too old). But I got this job a week before my unemployment ran out and it's

a paycheck and keeps me from joining the homeless.

Surely what ever is going on with me is related to stress. Whether caused by

stress itself or a result of the stress, I don't know. I've never had to deal

with this level of stress before in my life. But I need to find out what it is

so I know how to deal with it.

I continue with accupuncture at the school of oriental medicine which is free

but if I don't get whatever this is worked out, I will lose this shitty job and

be homeless. They scream (and I mean that literally) at me when I forget things

or make mistakes and call me stupid and a waste of space, etc. Sure what they do

is illegal, but if I were to go to the labor board and file a complaint, I would

end up unemployed. Actually, there are a lot of illegal things going on at this

company, but if I do anything about it, I end up unemployed.

And I have not stopped looking for a job. Every weekend I answer every ad that I

am qualified for. It's been 15 months since I got laid off and only during the

holiday season did I not do the ads and respond to whatever I could.

Things like saunas are not free in the US...the best I can do is my chinese

clinic and the county clinic. This is not a civilized country like the

Netherlands or Belgium where things that would help better the quality of the

poor's lives are free.

Have to get out the door. I rescued a pigeon yesterday who died during the night

and need to dispose of his body before going to work.



Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your


There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision


goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is definitely

altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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HI.Tat yre soo clever with computers why dont you start yr own

business,webdesign,productpushing,good ones on the web,private

accounting,digital photography,inventing a new kind of catfood,walking other

people.s dog,you need a secondhand van,ok we hold a collection,selling I hate

bush buttons,writing a book about the homelless native Americans behind yr

apartment,become a preacher and build a villa in Palm Beach with the

donations,write a book everybody can understand about HepC,Whatever but whatever

you do don.t give up hope live is too precious and who know what happiness is

lurking behind the corner,Liefs Willem.

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your


There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision


goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is


altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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HI.Tat yre soo clever with computers why dont you start yr own

business,webdesign,productpushing,good ones on the web,private

accounting,digital photography,inventing a new kind of catfood,walking other

people.s dog,you need a secondhand van,ok we hold a collection,selling I hate

bush buttons,writing a book about the homelless native Americans behind yr

apartment,become a preacher and build a villa in Palm Beach with the

donations,write a book everybody can understand about HepC,Whatever but whatever

you do don.t give up hope live is too precious and who know what happiness is

lurking behind the corner,Liefs Willem.

Re: Problems I'm experiencing--long

Oh , I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It is not in your


There are lots of illness we can have that are elusive.

You really need to continue to read to exercise your brain.

It is very difficult for me to read right now. To concentrate. My vision


goofy from treatment. I keep forcing myself to read. My mind is


altered with the treatment.

How old are you?

I am 44.


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