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RE: Pigeons

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I didn't know piegeons also mated for life. They turn up in the darndest

places. Truly survivors. I went under a narrow underpass in Watervile ME

and one flew into my side window. Bad timing for him. I turned around to

go back & see if he was alright. Since he was gone I guess he was, but it

was clear that under the bridge was a whole pigeon colony, including a

graveyard. Just driving by you had no idea they were there.

Dawn, I've suffered from depression most of my life. For about 10 years I

wasn't diagnosed. Just thought it was me being a schmuck. I wish I had

some good advice - I don't. I've tried different anti-depressants, gained

weight because of it and still have trouble understanding exactly what part

is depression and what isn't. Talking does help. I guess all I can say is

we are listening and understand.

Pam in Maine

>From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

>Reply-Hepatitis C

><Hepatitis C >

>Subject: Re: Pigeons

>Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 19:09:55 -0500


>Maybe cities are refuges for pigeons, but I sorta remember reading that it

>was the europeans who brought the rock dove (which is what a pigeon really

>is) to this country.


>I also remember in more recent times (but haven't heard of it recently

>through my animal protection organizations) that the Boy Scout organization

>would trap pigeons in city and every year would take them to PA (don't

>remember where in PA) and release them and have a pigeon shoot...and it was

>the kids who did the shooting.


>No one seems to care about the pigeons and it continues to baffle me. They

>were homing pigeons during the wars delivering messages to our side. And

>they can teach us much. They are survivors, they are excellent parents and

>mate for life, if you ever notice a bunch of pigeons sitting out on wires

>or edges of buildings they are always separated by enough space that they

>can turn around without invading their neighbor's space, etc.


>Oh well, humyns will not change...the general humyn species considers

>itself to be superior to all other creatures which is why we have so many

>extinct and endangered creatures.

> Tatezi,

> Your comment about not knowing that pigeons lived out of the cities made

>me think of Leonard Cohen's book " Beautiful Losers " which we were passing

>around in the '60s (along with viruses). One of the things I remember is

>several descriptions of huge flocks of pigeons, maybe passenger pigeons,

>which are extinct now. They lived in the forests of this beautiful country

>before the Europeans moved in and cut them down. Native Americans included

>them in a diet of wild game!

> Maybe the cities are the reservations for the pigeons.


> Pam in Maine





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I didn't know piegeons also mated for life. They turn up in the darndest

places. Truly survivors. I went under a narrow underpass in Watervile ME

and one flew into my side window. Bad timing for him. I turned around to

go back & see if he was alright. Since he was gone I guess he was, but it

was clear that under the bridge was a whole pigeon colony, including a

graveyard. Just driving by you had no idea they were there.

Dawn, I've suffered from depression most of my life. For about 10 years I

wasn't diagnosed. Just thought it was me being a schmuck. I wish I had

some good advice - I don't. I've tried different anti-depressants, gained

weight because of it and still have trouble understanding exactly what part

is depression and what isn't. Talking does help. I guess all I can say is

we are listening and understand.

Pam in Maine

>From: " Tatezi " <tatezi@...>

>Reply-Hepatitis C

><Hepatitis C >

>Subject: Re: Pigeons

>Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 19:09:55 -0500


>Maybe cities are refuges for pigeons, but I sorta remember reading that it

>was the europeans who brought the rock dove (which is what a pigeon really

>is) to this country.


>I also remember in more recent times (but haven't heard of it recently

>through my animal protection organizations) that the Boy Scout organization

>would trap pigeons in city and every year would take them to PA (don't

>remember where in PA) and release them and have a pigeon shoot...and it was

>the kids who did the shooting.


>No one seems to care about the pigeons and it continues to baffle me. They

>were homing pigeons during the wars delivering messages to our side. And

>they can teach us much. They are survivors, they are excellent parents and

>mate for life, if you ever notice a bunch of pigeons sitting out on wires

>or edges of buildings they are always separated by enough space that they

>can turn around without invading their neighbor's space, etc.


>Oh well, humyns will not change...the general humyn species considers

>itself to be superior to all other creatures which is why we have so many

>extinct and endangered creatures.

> Tatezi,

> Your comment about not knowing that pigeons lived out of the cities made

>me think of Leonard Cohen's book " Beautiful Losers " which we were passing

>around in the '60s (along with viruses). One of the things I remember is

>several descriptions of huge flocks of pigeons, maybe passenger pigeons,

>which are extinct now. They lived in the forests of this beautiful country

>before the Europeans moved in and cut them down. Native Americans included

>them in a diet of wild game!

> Maybe the cities are the reservations for the pigeons.


> Pam in Maine





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In a message dated 5/8/2004 8:36:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

parend53@... writes:

> Dawn, I've suffered from depression most of my life. For about 10 years I

> wasn't diagnosed. Just thought it was me being a schmuck. I wish I had

> some good advice - I don't. I've tried different anti-depressants, gained

> weight because of it and still have trouble understanding exactly what part

> is depression and what isn't. Talking does help. I guess all I can say is

> we are listening and understand.


> Pam in Maine



thanks, Pam.... I have the ups and downs with depression.. funny.. i was

never depressed all my life til this came.. when i was diagnosed .. docs said I

had probably had it for about 20 years.... so at the beginning of my marriage..

think maybe came at the birth of my first child.... very dirty rural hosp...

had infection in my stitches even and had to have minor surgery on them..

couldnt sit for some weeks.. LOL... loved that donut thing for the bath...


it a sits bath then.. LOL... memories.. do a lot of remembering of late ..

comes with age i guess.. fought idea that i am older for some time but.. is

finally sneaking in .. when it takes me a few minutes to get up from sitting..

LOL...Yes, Pam, talking is so good.. and esp on here and at my support group..

altho better here cuz most in my support group dont seem to have problems i do..

as yet.. no one with cirrhosis.. sorry .. running at the mouth.. been a long

week... and going to sleep in tmr.. or should say this morning... later all..

not so down this week,


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In a message dated 5/8/2004 8:36:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

parend53@... writes:

> Dawn, I've suffered from depression most of my life. For about 10 years I

> wasn't diagnosed. Just thought it was me being a schmuck. I wish I had

> some good advice - I don't. I've tried different anti-depressants, gained

> weight because of it and still have trouble understanding exactly what part

> is depression and what isn't. Talking does help. I guess all I can say is

> we are listening and understand.


> Pam in Maine



thanks, Pam.... I have the ups and downs with depression.. funny.. i was

never depressed all my life til this came.. when i was diagnosed .. docs said I

had probably had it for about 20 years.... so at the beginning of my marriage..

think maybe came at the birth of my first child.... very dirty rural hosp...

had infection in my stitches even and had to have minor surgery on them..

couldnt sit for some weeks.. LOL... loved that donut thing for the bath...


it a sits bath then.. LOL... memories.. do a lot of remembering of late ..

comes with age i guess.. fought idea that i am older for some time but.. is

finally sneaking in .. when it takes me a few minutes to get up from sitting..

LOL...Yes, Pam, talking is so good.. and esp on here and at my support group..

altho better here cuz most in my support group dont seem to have problems i do..

as yet.. no one with cirrhosis.. sorry .. running at the mouth.. been a long

week... and going to sleep in tmr.. or should say this morning... later all..

not so down this week,


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