Guest guest Posted April 4, 2002 Report Share Posted April 4, 2002 Workshop report 5th Workshop of the European CMT Consortium, 69th ENMC International Workshop: Therapeutic approaches in CMT neuropathies and related disorders 23±25 April 1999, Soestduinen, The Netherlands Rudolf ia, ¬ Bercianob, Van Broeckhovenc,* aBayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universita»t, Neurologische Klinik im Kopfklinikum, Experimentelle Entwicklungsneurobiologie, f Schneider Strasse 11, 97080 Wu»rzburg, Germany bUniversity Hospital ``Marque¬s de Valdecilla'', Service of Neurology, 39008 Santander, Spain cLaboratory of Molecular Genetics, Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Born-Bunge Foundation (BBS), University of Antwerpen (UIA), Department of Biochemistry, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium Received 18 August 1999 1. Introduction Inherited demyelinating neuropathies are chronic disorders of the peripheral nervous system that cause muscle weakness, clumsiness in walking and sensory dysfunction. The disorders are mostly of dominant inheritance with a prevalence of 1/2.500. So far, four genes have been identiÆed that are related to these disorders, including the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22), the myelin protein zero (MPZ, P0), the gap junction protein connexin 32 (Cx32,GJB1), and the early growth response 2 transcription factor (EGR2).Dependent on the mutated gene and on the severity of the resulting disorder, different subforms can be distinguished.A duplication of or mutations in PMP22 causes the demyelinating Charcot±Marie±Tooth disorder type 1A (CMT1A), whereas some other mutations in this gene are associated with a particularly severe dysmyelinating neuropathy, the Dejerine±Sottas syndrome (DSS). Mutations in P0 can cause three different inherited neuropathies, CMT1B, DSS or congenital hypomyelination (CH). Cx32 is the culprit gene for CMTX, the X-chromosome linked, dominant form of the CMT disorders. Mutations in EGR2 have recently been identiÆed to be associated with CMT1, DSS and CH. Although recent years have seen a profound increase in the knowledge about the culprit genes and their putative roles [1], the inherited neuropathies are still untreatable. Since most of the diseases are not only signiÆcantly disabling, but also lead to irreversible degenerative processes, such as muscle atrophy, treatment strategies are urgently needed. A common histopathological feature in nerve biopsies is the presence of abnormal myelin sheaths and reduced numbers of myelin proÆles. Electrophysiologically, the disrupted myelin formation or myelin degeneration is reØected by lowered nerve conductions, increased muscle response latencies and dispersed compound action potentials. In addition, the disorders are often associated with reduced amplitudes of compound action potentials, a feature that is rather indicative of compromised axon properties than of myelin disruption. Axonal abnormalities or damage is of particular interest, since dysfunction of axons will have robust clinical consequences. Particularly in lower limbs, irreversible degenerative processes such as muscle atrophy are the typical consequence of axon damage and the increasing loss of muscle strength results in malformation of the skeleton. In severe cases, such changes manifest in wheel-chair dependency, scoliosis and reduced life span. Presently, a series of spontaneous or engineered animal models are available that very well mimic the genetic and histopathological characteristics of the human disorders. These models are not only instrumental in understanding the pathogenesis of the disorders, but may also help to develop treatment strategies. There might be at least two principle strategies for therapeutic approaches. One possibility is to consider gene therapeutic strategies. Alternatively, strategies in treating the symptomatic features might be promising as well. Such strategies could include to preserve degenerating myelin and axons with trophic factors. Reducing the activities of immune cells that might foster the degenerative events Neuromuscular Disorders 10 (2000) 69±74 0960-8966/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0960-8966(99)00095-4 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 132-3-820-2601; fax: 132-3-820-2541. E-mail address: cvbroeck@... (C. Van Broeckhoven) - could be another promising way to go. Investigating the inØuence of steroid hormones and studying epigenetic factors might be important as well. All these strategies could be tested in the appropriate animal models for the disorders. This workshop was designed to present and to discuss critically data or theoretical backgrounds of possible approaches that might be instrumental in ameliorating the disorders in human. Leading physicians and scientists from different disciplines working in this Æeld have evaluated critically the putative treatment strategies for the still incurable disorders. The workshop consisted of Æve sessions: (1) Genetic, clinical, pathological and physiological aspects; (2) Current strategies of rehabilitation and surgery; (3)Rescue of axons and Schwann cell phenotype; (4) Immune system and epigenetic factors as modulators of pathology; (5) Gene therapy approaches. 2. Genetic, clinical, pathological and physiological aspects Timmerman (Antwerpen, Belgium) reviewed the genetic basis of Charcot±Marie±Tooth (CMT) disorders, to date including 18 loci on 11 different chromosomes. However, only four genes have been identiÆed so far: MPZ/P0 on chromosome 1q22-23, PMP22 on 17p11.2,Cx32/GJB1 on Xq13.1, and more recently EGR2 on 10q21.1±q22.1. A large number of mutations involving these genes have been reported and are listed in the Mutation Database of Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies at http:// [2]. Interestingly,distinct mutations at the same gene can result in distinct phenotypes, such as classical peroneal muscular atrophy (PMA), DSS, CH or hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP), while mutations in distinct genes can result in the same phenotype. The most common mutation is the 1.5 Mb tandem duplication in CMT1 patients and the reciprocal deletion in HNPP patients. Two particular mutations involving Cx32 and EGR2 were presented. In the CMT1X pedigree a missense mutation (Asn205Ser) in the 4th transmembrane domain of Cx32 was found [3]. The patients showed typical CMT syndrome but electrophysiological studies revealed, besides the peripheral neuropathy, also evidence of subclinical involvement of the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, careful CNS evaluation is worthwhile in patients with suspected Cx32 mutation. Among 50 unrelated CMT patients without mutations in the known myelin genes, a de novo missense mutation (Arg359Trp) in the a-helix of the Ærst zinc-Ænger domain of the EGR2 transcription factor was found in a DSS patient [4]. Finally, Timmerman outlined that experimental in vitro (cellular) and in vivo (rodent) models of inherited myelinopathies will provide the tools to elucidate the pathogenesis of CMT syndromes. De Jonghe (Antwerpen, Belgium) carried out a clinical overview of CMT disorders. CMT is the most common inherited sensori-motor neuropathy. CMT patients usually have gait problems and impaired hand function due to distal paresis. Contrariwise sensory symptoms are seldom prominent. CMT can be divided into two main subtypes: CMT1 and CMT2. CMT1 is a demyelinating neuropathy characterised by severely slowed nerve conduction velocities (NCV), whereas CMT2 is an axonal neuropathy with normal or slightly reduced NCV. In both types initial symptoms are stereotyped; weakness invariably starts in the intrinsic foot muscles progressing to weakness and atrophy of the extensors of the toes and feet. This stereotyped evolution might be helpful in monitoring therapeutic measurements. Inheritance of CMT disorders may be autosomal dominant or recessive, or X-linked. Genotype±phenotype correlations have shown that there exist considerable differences between groups of patients carrying the same mutation or distinct mutations within the same gene. There is also substantial overlap in NCVs between different CMT subgroups. In CMT1 there is poor correlation between the degree of slowing of NCV and clinical severity. Anneke Gabree»ls-Festen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) analysed pathological processes in demyelinating types of CMT1. At present, defects of three myelin genes are known to play a role in the demyelinating forms of CMT. Although primarily defects of myelin, they show a variable but usually marked involvement of myelinated axons. In young patients with the PMP22 duplication the myelinated Æbre size histogram shows a remarkable lack of the smallest Æbres. The mean g-ratio is lower than normal, probably resulting from a general hypermyelination. A secondary large Æbre loss increases with age. This is an extremely important Ænding as there is good correlation with electrophysiological Ændings in CMT1A children (vide infra). Hypomyelination is the pathological hallmark in patients with PMP22 missense mutations. Young patients with a PMP22 deletion show normal histogram and normal mean g-ratio; in later stages secondary axonal loss becomes apparent. Pathology in P0 mutations is markedly different depending on the site and type of mutation, but a secondary and varying loss of large myelinated axons is a general phenomenon. Axonal degeneration and regeneration with cluster formation are the pathological hallmark of Cx32 mutations, demyelination being exceeded by axonal pathology. The processes by which the myelin disorders are leading to axonal degeneration are an important Æeld of research. ¬ Berciano (Santander, Spain) presented the electrophysiological abnormalities accounting for the appearance and progression of extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) atrophy in CMT1A children. The study was based on a longitudinal study of 12 CMT1A children. EDB atrophy was observed in 17% of patients by age 5, in 80% by age 9, and in all 8 patients who had reached the second decade at the end. Nerve conduction maturation was systematically abnormal, but by age 5 the mean values of NCV of peroneal nerve did not differ from those in older patients. Compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) amplitudes of EDB were reduced R. i et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 10 (2000) 69±74 70 in 42% of cases initially and 100% upon last exam. Furthermore, a constant Ænding throughout the study was progressive attenuation of CMAPs, these becoming unobtainable in four cases. It is concluded that EDB atrophy in CMT1A children is an age-dependant sign which is accounted for by gradual attenuation of the distal peroneal nerve CMAP amplitudes, this most probably being correlated with axonal loss (vide supra). 3. Current strategies of rehabilitation and surgery Paolo Vinci and Perelli (Aricci, Italy) presented their programme of rehabilitation inCMTdisease. This relies on improvement of muscle strength, prevention of deformities,good ambulation, prevention of falls, improvement of hand abilities, psychological support, and prevention and treatment of pain. Muscle strengthening should focus on both weak muscles and their antagonists, stretching these probably being the best strategy. Leg muscle fatigue should be avoided by wearing appropriate foot orthoses (AFOs). Functional stretching of foot plantar Øexor and supinator muscles, obtained by wearing shoes with a lateral edge and with no heel, is essential in preventing foot deformities. Treatment of gait difÆculties varies according to severity of disease. The authors have designed a new plastic AFO consisting of a properly shaped strip of very thin polypropylene between the lining and the vamp of 15 cm high boot. Finally, Aycart (Madrid, Spain) presented a carefully planned surgical approach of foot deformities in CMT.These could be divided into three stages. In the initial stage, foot deformity is restricted to the metatarsal, metatarsophalangeal, and digital segments of the foot. Here the surgical approach is focused on digital and metatarsophalangeal joints. The next stage encompasses rigid plantarØexed Ærst metatarsal and associated varus deformity. Surgical correction now includes a series of surgical procedures, namely: dorsiØexory wedge osteotomy of the Ærst metatarsal, Dwyer calcaneal osteotomy, and split tibialis anterior tendon transfer. The last and advanced stage is a severe foot structural disorder usually accompanied by signiÆcant muscular weakness and atrophy of leg muscles. Realignment of foot deformity may require triple arthrodesis or Cole osteotomy and major tendon transfers. In any case, surgical procedures should be individualised. It is crucial to inform the patient that CMT is a dynamic process, so there may be potential deterioration of the surgical correction in the long run. 4. Rescue of axons and Schwann cell phenotype Kristjan n (London, UK) was focussing on two issues including the involvement of growth factors in Schwann cell survival and the signalling between Schwann cells and the prospective connective tissue sheath during nerve development. In the Ærst part, it was shown that Schwann cell progenitor cells switch from axon-dependency to an axon-independent state during their development. The axon-independent survival of Schwann cells is mediated by an autocrine circuit involving insulin growth factor-2 (IGF-2), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) [5]. The survival of Schwann cells is relevant for nerve injury as well as for demyelinating disorders when proliferating Schwann cells loose contact with the axon and form onion bulbs. In the second part, the phenotype of mice deÆcient in the Desert Hedgehog protein was presented. The striking feature of peripheral nerves is the formation of a highly abnormal and leaky perineurium so that the protective function of the connective tissue sheath can no longer be maintained. Hans Werner Mu»ller (Du»sseldorf, Germany) was focussing on a novel protein interaction between two important CMT-related myelin components, PMP22 and P0. Both myelin components co-precipitate in immune-precipitation assays [6]. The interaction of both proteins appeared to be independent of glycosylation. The signiÆcance of this interaction was further supported by co-transfection experiments showing that both proteins are co-localized at cell-contact sites. The interaction of P0 and PMP22 might have substantial impact on the pathogenesis of P0- and PMP22-related forms of CMT. Sereda (Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany) presented the phenotype of a transgenic rat model expressing extra copies of mouse-PMP22. Low overexpression results in a CMT1A-like phenotype, higher overexpression in a much more severe dysmyelinating phenotype [7]. In peripheral nerves of such high overexpressors, protein metabolism is severely disturbed. Brady's (Dallas, USA) presentation dealt with axon±glia interactions in trembler and shiverer mutants.In trembler, a mouse mutant with a substitution of aspartic acid for glycine at codon 150 of PMP22, there is a clear impact of the Schwann cell phenotype on axonal properties, such as phosphorylation of neuroÆlaments, axonal transport, stability of neurotubuli and isoform pattern of Tau-proteins [8]. Similar glial impact on axonal phenotype might be found in various inherited neuropathies in human with high clinical signiÆcance. The following two presentations were closely related to this important topic of disturbed axon±glia interactions that eventually lead to axon damage. Ueli Suter (Zu»rich, Switzerland) presented data on PMP22-deÆcient mice and mice overexpressing PMP22 with concern of myelin deÆcits and the glial impact on axonal phenotype. Generally, myelin abnormalities were more severe at the level of the spinal roots, while axonopathic alterations were more severe in the peripheral nerves proper, i.e. in more distal aspects of the axons [9]. Regula Frei and Rudolf i (Wu»rzburg, Germany) presented similar Ændings of distal axonopathic alterations in homozygous P02/2 mice that primarily suffer from severe dysmyelination. In proximal aspects of nerves, the number of axons was not changed. By contrast, at very distal sites of the R. i et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 10 (2000) 69±74 71 nerves, the number of axons was dramatically reduced. This degeneration of distal axons resulted in a loss of sensory Merkel cells and in neurogenic muscle pathology [10]. Henning Schmalbruch's (Copenhagen, Denmark) contribution focused on treatment strategies to prevent or retard axonal loss in mouse mutants suffering from a genetically mediated progressive motor neuronopathy (pmn). The pmn mice are characterized by a loss of motor axons that starts at the distal sites and progresses retrogradely. This ``dyingback'' axonopathy can be reduced by infection of target muscles with adenoviral vectors coding for NT-3 [11]. Even stronger rescue effects were seen when an additional vector coding for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) was given. Although the primary genetic causes leading to axonopathy are different in pmn mice versus inherited neuropathies, similar approaches might be promising for treatment of axonal loss in inherited neuropathies. Ignacio -Ale¬man (Madrid, Spain) presented data on the rescue effect of IGF-I in neurotoxic damage of the olivo-cerebellar pathway [12]. The beneÆcial effects of IGFI might implicate axonal sprouting, neuroprotection and regulation of nerve-growth-related genes. These observations might identify IGF-I as another possible factor to treat some forms of inherited neuropathies. 5. Immune system and epigenetic factors as modulators of pathology Angelo Schenone (Genova, Italy) reviewed data from the literature that showed clinical and histopathological evidence for an involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis of inherited neuropathies [13±15]. Christoph Schmid and Rudolf i (Wu»rzburg, Germany) presented data from a possible impact of immune cells in heterozygous P01/2 mice, a model for CMT1B. Cross breeding of these mice with immune-deÆcient mouse mutants (e.g. RAG-12/2 mice) resulted in a signiÆcant amelioration of the pathological phenotype as revealed by electron microscopic and electrophysiological investigations. The observation that isolated splenocytes from P01/2 mice show a stronger proliferation rate than splenocytes from wild type mice when exposed to myelin components,might reØect that chronic, genetically mediated myelin degeneration in the mutants might elicit autoimmunity. Ralf Gold (Wu»rzburg, Germany) summarised the principle mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis in acquired, inØammatory neuropathies [16]. He particularly focused on the action of T-lymphocytes as producers of cytokines or of cytotoxic enzymes, such as metalloproteases, perforin and granzyme. In addition, T-lymphocyte-mediated cytokine secretion can indirectly attract macrophages that can be detrimental for neural cells by secreting cytokines, free oxygen radicals, nitric oxide and toxic metabolites. As antigen-presenting cells macrophages can augment the cytotoxic action of T-lymphocytes. The B-lymphocytes interact with speciÆc T-helper cells and serve as constituents of humoral cytotoxity. In principle, such mechanisms could also modulate pathogenesis in inherited neuropathies. Although clear hints for an involvement of the immune system are rarely found in the clinics and there might be also more coincidental than causative links between inherited neuropathies and inØammatory diseases, it appears plausible to assume that the immune system could act as a modulating factor during the progression of the disease. The involvement of immune mechanisms might provide one explanation for the response of some reported patients on immunomodulatory drugs and possibly also for the high variability in the severity of inherited neuropathies even within one and the same family. 6. Gene therapy approaches Bernd Rautenstrau° (Erlangen, Germany) reported about two cases with a putative mosaicism for CMT1A duplication. Such mosaicisms might be the result of a possible repair mechanism during mitosis [17]. The understanding of these mechanisms might have impact on gene therapeutic approaches in the far future. Eva Nelis (Antwerpen, Belgium) was focussing on possibilities to silence malignant mutations leading to gain-of-function or dominantnegative effects in inherited peripheral neuropathies. As one possibility, speciÆc antisense oligodeoxynucleotides could be used to prevent translation of the mutant mRNA by complementary binding to the transcript and destructive cleavage by RnaseH [18]. A second possibility makes use of ribozymes which cleave the target RNA at the putative cleavage site [19]. Melitta Schachner (Hamburg, Germany) presented the introduction of wild-type P0 gene into Schwann cells of homozygous P0-deÆcient mice by an adenoviral expression vector [20]. P0-speciÆcmRNAas well as P0 protein could be detected in the primarily P0-deÆcient Schwann cells. Although this is a straightforward approach, there are some drawbacks that have to be considered. First, the procedure needs permanent immune suppression to avoid immune attack against the vector. Second, it might be difÆcult to get the gene dosis right and third, mutations leading to gain-offunction or dominant-negative effects cannot be cured by this approach. Nevertheless, the study shows for the Ærst time that gene therapeutic approaches are principally possible in animal models for inherited peripheral neuropathies. P.K. (London, UK) presented a `switch-off' transgene mouse model for CMT1A overexpressing PMP22 [21] under the control of a tetracycline-responding promoter. The rationale of this important study is to investigate whether the detrimental effects of PMP22-overexpression are principally reversible. This has striking impact on the question of whether treatment of already damaged nerves of adults could lead to a clinical amelioration. R. i et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 10 (2000) 69±74 72 7. Conclusion The meeting raised a couple of interesting questions and perspectives that were summarised in a discussion session. There was general agreement that gene therapeutic approaches are far from being applicable in the near future in humans. Rather, approaches to save the axonal integrity might be an important symptomatic approach that might be more promising. In addition, the investigation of modulatory genes, epigenetic factors and possibly immune mechanisms might be instrumental to understand intrinsic rescue or aggravating mechanisms and to develop new concepts to treat the disorders. Workshop advisors V. Timmerman (Antwerpen, Belgium) P. De Jonghe (Antwerpen, Belgium) Workshop participants J. Aycart Testa (Madrid, Spain) J. Berciano (Santander, Spain) S.T. Brady (Dallas, USA) O. Combarros (Santander, Spain) P. De Jonghe (Antwerpen, Belgium) R. Frei (Wu»rzburg, Germany) A. Gabree»ls-Festen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) R. Gold (Wu»rzburg, Germany) A. Herczegfalvi (Budapest, Hungary) K. n (London, UK) A. Jordanova (SoÆa, Bulgaria) S. Linet Perelli (Ariccia, Italy) R. i (Wu»rzburg, Germany) H-W. Mu»ller (Du»sseldorf, Germany) E. Nelis (Antwerpen, Belgium) B. Rautenstrau° (Erlangen, Germany) M. Schachner (Hamburg, Germany) A. Schenone (Genova, Italy) H. Schmalbruch (Copenhagen, Denmark) C. Schmid (Wu»rzburg, Germany) M. Sereda (Berlin, Germany) U. Suter (Zu»rich, Switzerland) P.K. (London, UK) V. Timmerman (Antwerpen, Belgium) I. -Alema¬n (Madrid, Spain) C. Van Broeckhoven (Antwerpen, Belgium) P. Vinci (Ariccia, Italy) Acknowledgements This workshop was made possible by the Ænancial support of the European Union BIOMED II grant: Clinical, genetical and functional analysis of peripheral neuropathies: an integrated approach (CT961614 and CT960055) and the European Neuromuscular Center (ENMC) and its main sponsors and associated members. We are grateful to Professor emeritus Dr A.E.H. Emery for his scientiÆc help, and to Mr Rutgers and Mrs Janine de Vries for the organisational assistance of the ENMC. Professor Dr C. Van Broeckhoven is the coordinator of the European CMT consortium. References [1] Nelis E, Timmerman V, De Jonghe P, Van Broeckhoven C, Rautenstrauss B. Molecular genetics and biology of inherited peripheral neuropathies: a fast moving Æeld. Neurogenetics 1999;DOI 10.007/ s100489900067. [2] Nelis E, Haites N, Van Broeckhoven C. Mutations in the peripheral myelin genes and associated genes in inherited peripheral neuropathies. Hum Mutat 1999;13:11±28. [3] Ba»hr M, Andres F, Timmerman V, Nelis E, Van Broeckhoven C, Dichans J. Central visual, acoustic and motor pathway involvement in a Charcot±Marie±Tooth family with an Asn205Ser mutation in the connexin 32 gene. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;66:202±206. [4] Timmerman V, De Jonghe P, Ceuterick C, De Vriendt E, Lo»fgren A, Nelis E, Warner LE, Lupski JR, J-J, Van Broeckhoven C. 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