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RE: Re: Another topic slightly different from vaccinating -- mandatory drugg

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Congratulations to you for sticking up for your self and on having a lovely healthy baby.

If all mums could be like you we would not have a problem with medication


no-forced-vaccination From: hbtubbs@...Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:49:14 +0000Subject: Re: Another topic slightly different from vaccinating -- mandatory drugging for

THANK YOU THANK YOU SuzI can personally testify that doctors are pushing the DepressionMedicine even before a woman gives birth, it is insane. I gave birth3 months ago and 3 weeks before I gave birth, I was admitted to thehospital cause I had high blood pressure, I told the docter it wasbecause I was allergic to something in his office. He didn't believeme, I got over to the hospital and in the 10 mins that it took me towalk from his office to the hospital and get admitted, my bloodpressure had miraclulously dropped 30 points, no joke. So thefollowing week I called the receptionist and said I would wait outsideand if she could call me on my cell phone when they were ready for meI would walk in and get my blood pressure checked and everythingshould be fine. Well long story short the receptionist left mewaiting out in the parking lot for 45 mins and when I came in I foundout she was taking paitients that had appointments after mine, when Ire explained the situation she told me I had to wait in the waitingroom like everyone else if I wanted to be seen. I should have walkedout at that point, but I stupidly waited for 20 mins, by that point Iknew my blood pressure was up so I got up and was telling thereceptionist that I was leaving and would call and reschedual becauseat that point testing my blood pressure would cause me to end up inthe hospital once again and that wasn't going to happen. I was alsorather emotional cause I was really pissed off at her insensitivity. Well the doctor happened to be standing behind the counter heard me,and said I could come in and that we wouldn't check my blood pressurethis visit. Well as soon as we got in the room he said I seemedrather emotional and said it was an indicator that I could be at riskfor PPD. And would I like to sign up for a study at a Localuniversity where the drugs would be provided for free. Knowing that Iwas against all drugs he then whent on to say that they wouldn'taffect the baby even through the breast milk. I explained to him thatI was fine, I was pregnant and that his receptionish was rude andreally didn't care about the paitients, even when they had validconcerns. He still said I should think about the study and itwouldn't hurt to get tested. NO JOKE.Well long story short, baby is now here, I am perfectly fine andhealthy and so is my beautiful baby. The visit back to his office, hewanted to know how I was feeling I told him great, and that all waswell he of course asked about feelings of depressions and the study. And now that I am back to my non emotional non pregnant state, Isimply told him that to push those studys and drugs on women esp whenthey were pregnant was a crime I also brought him information on howharmful those drugs were for the women and babys and to think aboutwhat he was doing. I of course said it in a polite and calm manner.Needless to say for my next baby I won't be going back to him.>> Forgive me that this is slightly off topic yet it is about mandatorydrugging so IMHO it's not really off that far. Please read, viewvideos, sign petition and call or fax the Senators listed below onMonday if you can. I don't believe in any mandatory drugging orvaccinating. I don't think you do either.> > Suz> > Now they want to give Pregnant women antidepressants while they arePREGNANT to prevent against post-partum!!!! Why not just kill thebaby before it's born. Wouldn't it be simpler????? These people, inmy opinion are nothing more than legal murderers.Please sign thispetition to STOP the MOTHER'S ACT and call your Senators!. > Note that Barack Obama is a cosponsor. Please call his Senate officeand his Presidential campaign office to complain bitterly. He, McCain,and Clinton are all equally despicable corporate shills. I am in touchwith Amy Philo, the courageous woman who sounded the alarm on this andhave put her in touch with Genita Petralli who I am working with toturn the City of Santa Cruz CA into a Psychiatric Drug Free Zone (Seehttp://www.greenbodyandmind.com > > Subject: URGENT Mothers Act: Watch videos and take action by callingyour Senators- see list below> > Vital information regarding the Mothers Act> There are two videos in this email about "The Mother's Act" (S.1375), a federal bill that is dangerous to mothers and their newbornsbut being promoted under the guise of ensuring that new mothers andtheir families are educated about postpartum depression, screened forsymptoms, and provided with essential services..This is quuite simply,false, and the video shows exactly the effect this bill will have; itwill push more mothers onto dangerous antidepressant drugs documentedby the U.S. FDA to cause mania, psychosis, hallucinations, suicidalideation and in some cases, homicidal ideation (as with theantidepressant Effexor). There is no language in the bill requiringfull disclosure of the drug risks to mothers prescribed psychotropicdrugs, (the most common "treatment" for mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression), no language requiring mothers be given options fornon-harmful treatments and real medical care other than drugs. Soplease watch the videos, take action and above all - pass this emailon to everyone you know. > > 1) Watch one mother's story of what happened to her when she was"helped" by the same type of psychiatric intervention that this billproposes:>

> > > 2) Watch her newscast gathering support:>
> Then take action> > 1) Sign onto the petition against the Mothers Act here:>http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stop-the-dangerous-and-invasive-mothers-act> > 2) The bill is currently in the Senate Health, Education, Labor andPensions Committee. It scheduled for a vote on March 5th so callsand Faxes are needed NOW. You can follow the simple instructions below> > (If you fax, you can use the same letter and simply add theSenator's name to the top of the fax, sending each Senator his own fax)> > Whether you call or fax, keep your message simple> > You are opposed because of the damage that will be done to mothersand infants due to the treatment that will result from thelegislation. There is no language in the bill warning that thepsychotropic drugs prescribed for "depression" can cause damage toboth mother and child and that this is a complete violation ofinformed consent. (Use your own words... Keep it brief, mention thebill number - S. 1375.> > Call/Fax list:> > Republicans> > Sen. B. Enzi (WY)> Tele: 202-224-3424> Fax: 202-228-0359> > Sen. Judd Gregg (NH)> Tele: 202-224-3324> Fax: 202-224-4952> > Sen. Lamar (TN)> Tele: 202-224-4944> Fax: 202-228-3398> > Sen. Burr (NC)> Tele: 202-224-3154> Fax: 202-228-2981> > Sen. ny Isakson (GA)> Tele: 202-224-3643> Fax: 202-228-0724> > Sen. Murkowski (AK)> Tele: 202-224-6665> Fax: 202-224-5301> > Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (UT)> Tele: 202-224-5251> Fax: 202-224-6331> > Sen. Pat (KS)> Tele: 202-224-4774> Fax: 202-224-3514> > Sen. Wayne Allard (CO)> Tele: 202-224-5941> Fax: 202-224-6471> > Sen. Tom Coburn (OK)> Tele: 202-224-5754> Fax: 202-224-6008> Democrats by Rank> Kennedy (MA)> Tele: 202-224-4543> Fax: 202-224-2417> > Dodd (CT) - a co-sponsor of the bill.> Tele: 202-224-2823> Fax: 202-224-1083> > Tom Harkin (IA)> Tele: 202-224-3254> Fax: 202-224-9369> > Barbara Mikulski (MD)> Tele: 202-224-4654> Fax: 202-224-8858> > Jeff Bingaman (NM)> Tele: 202-224-5521> Fax: 202-224-2852> > Patty Murray (WA)> Tele: 202-224-2621> Fax: 202-224-0238> > Jack (RI)> Tele: 202-224-4642> Fax: 202-224-4680> > Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY)> Tele: 202-224-4451> Fax: 202-228-0282> > Barack Obama (IL) - a co-sponsor of the bill> Tele: 202-224-2854> Fax: 202-228-4260> > · Bernard (VT) - a co-sponsor of the bill> Tele: 202-224-5141> Fax: 202-228-0776> > · Sherrod Brown (OH) - a co-sponsor of the bill> Tele: 202-224-2315> Fax: 202-228-6321> > > Donations Needed to help me go to Santa Cruz CA to assist Green Bodyand Mind.> IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd.> Point WA 98281 USA> paypal: http://www.iahf.com/index1.html> For Health Freedom, C. Hammell, President InternationalAdvocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point , WA98281-8702 USA http://www.iahf.com jham@... 800-333-2553 N.America360-945-0352 World> Sounds like? How many syllables? Guess and win prizes with Search Charades!
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