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Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

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I have posted the petition on the " Vaccinations " group twice now, so that is one you don't have to worry about.

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:10 PM, karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote:

> The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

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Me too! Janna

Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Karla, I am uncertain as to whether your email was sent in response to mine about the info that Ron is still running for President. If it was I would like to explain why I sent it so that you can understand it's relevance. Ron is an advocate of the Health Freedom organization. Dr. Rima has spoken of his support in Washingtohn on various occasions in her newsletters. It is our duty as the people to elect officials that will carry out our bidding. Forced vaccination is uconstitutional as well as unsafe(a crime against humanity). That is why I wanted to inform anyone who was not already aware that he is still a candidate. Anita karla walsh <faerie1952@...> wrote: OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this

issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such

as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When

people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123

signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone

willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition.com/online/18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint

is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is:

Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr. Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth

Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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The list simply called " Vaccinations " on does all this. I find it a good complement to this list. However, it is a VERY, VERY busy list... if you think you get a lot of email on THIS list, you ain't seen nothin'! LOL

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Vegan Chef Janna Bananna <vegchefjb@...> wrote:


> Me too! Janna

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Another great group is the adult chelation and frequent dose

chealation both follow Andy Culter's method of removing heavy metals

esp mercury due to dentistry or vaccines or both. Take a look if

thats what you are looking for also.


> I guess I " m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that

does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your

system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on,

current vaccine news and more?

> Thanks



> Reason for this site and regulations.



> OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just

gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on

the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request

that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before

deciding if this site is for you.


> On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

> This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with

NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination /

forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it

depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially

active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.


> This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any

have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

> Dear Participants:


> Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the

Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that

passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.


> However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some

generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage

posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.


> That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include

issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws,

cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information

about forced vaccination and the like.


> Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for

vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are

not really appropriate topics for this forum.


> Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific

viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from

vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.


> While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as

pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum

is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.


> Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we

would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or

medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and

true medical ethics.


> Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on

topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be

deleting off-topic postings.


> When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum

may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.


> We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!


> Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal

attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed

from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain

" signatures " by someone other than the actual author will be removed.

Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our

posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other

policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing

commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the

content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or

necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.


> Thank you for your cooperation.

> *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*


> That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be

pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together

to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site,

over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small

or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best

informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and

around the world.

> So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's

petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop

the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in

3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but

is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an

impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said

before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a

little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site

whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues,

where will needed support come from?

> Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and

other groups you link with.

> The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the

petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going

to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000

or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent,

and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say

tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then

again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone

willing to do any of this door knocking too.


> To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition.

com/online/ 18870


> It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any

new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very

nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when

they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by

tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding

them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase

they have forgotten, HA

> Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to

sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru

August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the

Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is

still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL






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I wonder if we could keep this group, and Karla could join a different one that was more suited to HER needs?putney1963@... wrote: I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr. Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will

leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions

Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics

include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and

true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the

content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass

vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested

in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger

of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina

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Guest guest

I am relatively new to the group and even I took that post of Karla's personally.. At first I thought that was directed at me?? Was it?? Clemons <clemonsmary@...> wrote: I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current

vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to

keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other

forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review

the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The

Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine,

health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow,

when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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I am relatively new to the group and even I took that post of Karla's personally.. At first I thought that was directed at me?? Was it?? Clemons <clemonsmary@...> wrote: I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current

vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to

keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other

forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review

the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The

Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine,

health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow,

when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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No, it wasn't directed at you. She was getting on a member about posting info about a vitamin company, like I did just today. But if they help people, what is the dif? She actually has a lot of good info herself. She has been here a while. She is the only one who has any problem with some of the info posted. So you go ahead and be comfortable here. Glad to have you on board! Rehmeier <cafefanatik@...> wrote: I am relatively new to the group and even I took that post of Karla's personally.. At first I thought that

was directed at me?? Was it?? Clemons <clemonsmary > wrote: I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read

it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate

topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the

Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a

little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is

over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina

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No, it wasn't directed at you. She was getting on a member about posting info about a vitamin company, like I did just today. But if they help people, what is the dif? She actually has a lot of good info herself. She has been here a while. She is the only one who has any problem with some of the info posted. So you go ahead and be comfortable here. Glad to have you on board! Rehmeier <cafefanatik@...> wrote: I am relatively new to the group and even I took that post of Karla's personally.. At first I thought that

was directed at me?? Was it?? Clemons <clemonsmary > wrote: I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read

it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate

topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the

Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a

little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is

over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina

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Not nice.......not nice at all JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous@...> wrote: I wonder if we could keep this group, and Karla could join a different one that was more suited to HER needs?putney1963earthlink (DOT) net wrote: I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr.

Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you

joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion

expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as

pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned

or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small

or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you

link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to

keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina

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Not nice.......not nice at all JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous@...> wrote: I wonder if we could keep this group, and Karla could join a different one that was more suited to HER needs?putney1963earthlink (DOT) net wrote: I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr.

Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you

joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion

expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as

pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned

or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small

or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you

link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to

keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina

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I concur with Trina Radford! Welcome aboard. You are not the only one who has taken Karla's posts personally. I've had that experience at least three times since I joined approximately 3 months ago. ~~Ruth/REU

Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

No, it wasn't directed at you. She was getting on a member about posting info about a vitamin company, like I did just today. But if they help people, what is the dif? She actually has a lot of good info herself. She has been here a while. She is the only one who has any problem with some of the info posted. So you go ahead and be comfortable here. Glad to have you on board! Rehmeier <cafefanatik > wrote:

I am relatively new to the group and even I took that post of Karla's personally.. At first I thought that was directed at me?? Was it??

Clemons <clemonsmary > wrote:

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL


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Trina, I like it here too...I hope all of us will remain and continue to support one another. The suggestions for dealing with the different topics I think are noteworthy. The next time opinions/topics rile us up, can I suggest that we sit back at take a breather? myself included. The information posted on this group has made a difference for me and I'm sure it will continue to make a difference for new members. I'm glad I'm a part of the group. United we stand.......divided we fall JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous@...> wrote: Sorry. Shame on me for getting riled. I like it here, we share good info and could maybe make a differencee to someone.mrsphilly6 <mrsphilly6 > wrote: Not nice.......not nice at all JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous > wrote: I wonder if we could keep this group, and Karla could join a different one that was more suited to HER needs?putney1963earthlink (DOT) net wrote: I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr. Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being

petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for

your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from

vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or

personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced

Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where

will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/

18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in

IL Trina Trina

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Trina, I like it here too...I hope all of us will remain and continue to support one another. The suggestions for dealing with the different topics I think are noteworthy. The next time opinions/topics rile us up, can I suggest that we sit back at take a breather? myself included. The information posted on this group has made a difference for me and I'm sure it will continue to make a difference for new members. I'm glad I'm a part of the group. United we stand.......divided we fall JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous@...> wrote: Sorry. Shame on me for getting riled. I like it here, we share good info and could maybe make a differencee to someone.mrsphilly6 <mrsphilly6 > wrote: Not nice.......not nice at all JackieTrina Radford <miiitymous > wrote: I wonder if we could keep this group, and Karla could join a different one that was more suited to HER needs?putney1963earthlink (DOT) net wrote: I guess I am, too. Although I am surprised that Dr. Rima and Ralph have not said anything about this to me--particularly since we have had other personal correspondence. Perhaps we should start our own group? You can e-mail me at my personal e-mail to chat about this. I believe we are on the best possible course when we include all related topics. However, it does not mean that I will leave the present group; it simply means that I will need to respond privately to any posting I feel deserves a reply. ~~Ruth Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being

petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for

your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from

vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or

personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced

Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where

will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/

18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in

IL Trina Trina

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Greetings to All:

It seems to me that one of many things we have in common is our passion about this and related issues. I know from personal experience that when my passion gets kicked into high gear, I tend to become defensive because I may feel my beliefs and views (which are very important to me because they make me who I am) are threatened, and am more apt to take things personally when that happens. I suspect this may be true for others, as well. I do not condone hurtful comments or remarks; however, I believe there are ways of making suggestions and criticism which can be constructive rather than destructive. I think we would all do well to read, re-read and process people's comments; ask for clarification, if there is any question; and most important of all: think before we write or speak. Have a good day and a great weekend.

In Solidarity,


Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL



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Guest guest

Greetings to All:

It seems to me that one of many things we have in common is our passion about this and related issues. I know from personal experience that when my passion gets kicked into high gear, I tend to become defensive because I may feel my beliefs and views (which are very important to me because they make me who I am) are threatened, and am more apt to take things personally when that happens. I suspect this may be true for others, as well. I do not condone hurtful comments or remarks; however, I believe there are ways of making suggestions and criticism which can be constructive rather than destructive. I think we would all do well to read, re-read and process people's comments; ask for clarification, if there is any question; and most important of all: think before we write or speak. Have a good day and a great weekend.

In Solidarity,


Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL



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AMEN!! ~~Ruth/REU

Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL



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AMEN!! ~~Ruth/REU

Re: Reason for this site and regulations.

I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more?


Reason for this site and regulations.

OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you.

On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine.

This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations.

This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008.

Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*

That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world.

So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from?

Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with.

The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too.

To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870

It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA

Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL



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Guest guest

Well stated Ruth..!!!!

Yes.. When someone questions a method that I find to be successful

for my situation, I tend to get defensive as well. I try to remain

as openminded as I possibly can to accepting the validity of many

other methods or ideas of approach..

When you have an almost 2 and a half yr old to think about(possible

or probable impending autism diagnosis); You want to consider almost

anything that will help take the frustration and pain away from both

the parents and baby.. I speak from experience..

All of us have different situations and relevancies to the vaccine

issue.. Some of us suffer more externally than others so may be a

bit more sensitive about hearing certain criticisms..even though we

all supposedly share a common passion for this issue..

As previously stated, I also share that hope that we do keep that

common passion in mind when posting with elevated emotions..

This is all new information for me and I am taking in everything

everyone is posting....not excluding anything just yet.. I so

desperately want to find a way to make life easier for myself and

most importantly..my son!!!!!!

I guess this has been stated already..sorry for keeping the broken

record playing..so to speak..

I was just stating my agreement at what was previously stated..

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Guest guest

Well stated Ruth..!!!!

Yes.. When someone questions a method that I find to be successful

for my situation, I tend to get defensive as well. I try to remain

as openminded as I possibly can to accepting the validity of many

other methods or ideas of approach..

When you have an almost 2 and a half yr old to think about(possible

or probable impending autism diagnosis); You want to consider almost

anything that will help take the frustration and pain away from both

the parents and baby.. I speak from experience..

All of us have different situations and relevancies to the vaccine

issue.. Some of us suffer more externally than others so may be a

bit more sensitive about hearing certain criticisms..even though we

all supposedly share a common passion for this issue..

As previously stated, I also share that hope that we do keep that

common passion in mind when posting with elevated emotions..

This is all new information for me and I am taking in everything

everyone is posting....not excluding anything just yet.. I so

desperately want to find a way to make life easier for myself and

most importantly..my son!!!!!!

I guess this has been stated already..sorry for keeping the broken

record playing..so to speak..

I was just stating my agreement at what was previously stated..

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Hi, I am passionate minded also at times when I'm engaged in an issue and I really feel that urge to get a point across....I notice the same disposition in my 6 year old son and boy can he butt heads with adults! I have to remind myself to take a daily inventory of what I say/do and this can be a very humbling reality for me....this can help me to recognize a need for change(I'm speaking for myself). Thanks for posting your comment...there's alot of meaning in it. Jackieputney1963@... wrote: Greetings to All: It seems to me that one of many things we have in common is our passion about this and related issues. I know from personal experience that when my passion gets kicked into high gear, I tend to become defensive because I may feel my beliefs and views (which are very important to me because they make me who I am) are threatened, and am more apt to take things personally when that happens. I suspect this may be true for others, as well. I do not condone hurtful comments or remarks; however, I believe there are ways of making suggestions and criticism which can be constructive rather than destructive. I think we would all do well to read, re-read and process people's comments; ask for clarification, if there is any question; and most important of all: think before we

write or speak. Have a good day and a great weekend. In Solidarity, ~~Ruth/REU Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural

Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate

subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki

Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully

responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure

for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism

groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be

reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina Trina

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Hi, I am passionate minded also at times when I'm engaged in an issue and I really feel that urge to get a point across....I notice the same disposition in my 6 year old son and boy can he butt heads with adults! I have to remind myself to take a daily inventory of what I say/do and this can be a very humbling reality for me....this can help me to recognize a need for change(I'm speaking for myself). Thanks for posting your comment...there's alot of meaning in it. Jackieputney1963@... wrote: Greetings to All: It seems to me that one of many things we have in common is our passion about this and related issues. I know from personal experience that when my passion gets kicked into high gear, I tend to become defensive because I may feel my beliefs and views (which are very important to me because they make me who I am) are threatened, and am more apt to take things personally when that happens. I suspect this may be true for others, as well. I do not condone hurtful comments or remarks; however, I believe there are ways of making suggestions and criticism which can be constructive rather than destructive. I think we would all do well to read, re-read and process people's comments; ask for clarification, if there is any question; and most important of all: think before we

write or speak. Have a good day and a great weekend. In Solidarity, ~~Ruth/REU Re: Reason for this site and regulations. I guess I"m on the wrong list then. Can anyone suggest another that does talk about the damage done, the way to get them out of your system, laws inacted, possible laws we can take action against or on, current vaccine news and more? Thanks Reason for this site and regulations. OK, I know you will think I am being petty again, but will just gently remind everyone of the purpose for this site, that you read on the frontas main page when you joined this group, and it's request that you read the* forum use standards* in the file section, before deciding if this site is for you. On the main page, from Dr. Rima and General Stubblebine. This forum is intended for individuals and groups working with NSF(Natural

Solutions Foundation) on the compulsory vaccination / forced drugging issue. This is a new group and what happens with it depends on all of you... please join if you want to be especially active on this issue of No Forced Vaccinations. This is the *forum use standard* from the file section, in case any have not read it, written by Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee, on Jan. 8, 2008. Dear Participants:Thank you for your involvement in our forum. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation appreciate your passion. We've seen that passion expressed over the past couple days on a number of topics.However, in order to be a productive forum, we do need to have some generally accepted limitations on topic. While we want to encourage posting any relevant information, we do have to keep on topic.That topic is: No FORCED Vaccination. Appropriate

subtopics include issues such as: how people can opt out of forced vaccination; laws, cases and regulations regarding forced vaccination; media information about forced vaccination and the like.Topics such as injuries caused by vaccination, compensation for vaccine injuries or the effectiveness of vaccination and the like are not really appropriate topics for this forum.Whether vaccination is a good idea or bad idea from a scientific viewpoint is not really a topic here, except as asserted harm from vaccination justifies opposition to forced vaccination.While the Trustees personally reject the use of vaccination as pseudo-science, that is not the issue here. The issue for this forum is how to finally end all compulsory vaccination.Even if vaccination were safe and effective, and not a hoax, we would still oppose forced vaccination, or any other forced drugging or medical procedure. In this we stand with the Helsinki

Declaration and true medical ethics.Therefore the Trustees request that the members of our forum stay on topic. In order to help us focus on the task at hand, we will be deleting off-topic postings.When people receive dozens of off-topic postings a day, the forum may become ineffective and we cannot permit that to occur.We must focus on the Health Freedom issue here: No Forced Vaccination!Our Posting Rule is: Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions. You are fully

responsible for the content that you post. Natural Solutions Foundation does not adopt or necessarily agree with the comments it permits to be posted.Thank you for your cooperation. *+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+* +*+*+* That being said, our task here is to become Involved, to be pro-active, and to find things we can all do individually and together to stop Forced Vaccines. That is why I decided to choose this site, over the many Vaccine sites that are Out there. To help in any small or larger ways to stop manditory vaccines. And to keep the best informed as I could, on how this battle is progressing, here and around the world. So far we haven't been doing too much of that. The Pamper's petition I personally purchased one month Live exposure

for, to stop the mass vaccination for neonatal tetanus shots for pregnant women in 3rd world countries, thru Unicef, has been an interesting venture, but is basically a Bust, as 123 signatures will probably not make an impression on Proctor & Gamble again this week. And as I have said before. there are over 500 members onboard since this site started, a little over 6 months ago. If we cant even get support here, a site whose members are supposedly concerned with forced vaccine issues, where will needed support come from? Keep passing this petition link to all your friends and families and other groups you link with. The NFV trustees, to the best of my knowledge have not signed the petition, and that is also disappointing and disconcerting. I am going to start my tedious Trek to start knocking on the doors of over 3,000 or so vaccine, health, freedom, concerned mother and parent, and autism

groups who may be interested in this petition. I say tedious, because I will have to Join them to post there. And then again, unsubscribe. So Help would be appreciated if there is anyone willing to do any of this door knocking too. To sign or forward the petition, go to: http://gopetition. com/online/ 18870 It is interesting to keep checking on it, and to keep up with any new signature counts from the US and around the world ~ and some very nice commenting. Click View to the right of a signaturee's name, when they have left comments. Hope to have even more signatures by tomorrow, when the next update goes out to P & G. I will be

reminding them of the danger of their dangerous mercury diapers too, just incase they have forgotten, HA Even when this petition expires, it will still be available to sign at the above petition link, and is on the world wide web, thru August, when this Pamper's/Unicef campaign is over. Strangely, the Pamper's Thermometer does not seem to be moving this past week, It is still at just over 15 million vaccines provided. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Trina Trina

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