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Re: beware of the emergency department

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This is downright criminal!

As for the Hepatitis B vaccination mandated for newborns (together with the Vitamin K injection), I keep telling young parents to use their God-given brains and show me a newborn that immediately after birth shares a needle with a junkie or engages in sexual activities. This is the height of insanity! Furthermore, studies have linked the Vitamin K injection (synthetic Vitamin K !) to the onset of early childhood leukemia.

My first grandchild was born five years ago in California and although my daughter exercised her right of vaccination exemption, she received phone calls and reminders from the health officials (or whoever the nutcases were) in her town that according to their records the child had not been vaccinated, whereupon my daughter told them in no uncertain terms that she would lay a criminal harassment charge against them if they would not cease and desist from pestering her.

Her second child was born in March last year and again she provided the hospital with her exemption form - no Vitamin K injection and no Hepatitis B vaccination, whereupon the resident pediatrician stormed into her room after the birth demanding to know the reason for her refusal to abide by hospital policies. She politely asked him to show her the section in California's legislation that would compel her to abide by his rules and gave him an in-depth lecture (she has a Master of Science degree in genetics) on the Hepatitis B vaccination.

Next, a nurse appeared and wanted to inject an antibiotic into her IV as a "precautionary measure" in case she would contract one of the "bugs" floating around in the hospital. Naturally, my daughter told her to stick that stuff where the sun ain't shining, grabbed husband and baby and left this "loony bin", as she put it, in disgust.

Boy, am I glad that my child-bearing years are over :)


I am new to the forum , and do not have access to the full story behind this, but....

as a nurse, I am noticing that when people come through the ED, particularly trauma victims, under the cover of "any procedures deemed necessary" (which allows doctors to do things to you without your express permission because you are incapacitated and it is an "emergency") they are being vaccinated. not just the old tetanus shot given out for years, but hepatitis B and Flu vaccines as well. as far as I know there is no effort to find out if you have already had those vaccines, and of course, I fail to see how either of those vaccines constitute emergency care.

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Ingrid..this is so typical and something that we really need to work on..I am still trying tofigure out how we can start...I know that Ron is trying to work with us but we need some more specific action..we need to go before the Senate and bring some top guns..I wonder if I ask Bobby Kenned Jr if he would go with us if it would do any good. Dr. Debbie Lang

RE: beware of the emergency department

This is downright criminal!

As for the Hepatitis B vaccination mandated for newborns (together with the Vitamin K injection), I keep telling young parents to use their God-given brains and show me a newborn that immediately after birth shares a needle with a junkie or engages in sexual activities. This is the height of insanity! Furthermore, studies have linked the Vitamin K injection (synthetic Vitamin K !) to the onset of early childhood leukemia.

My first grandchild was born five years ago in California and although my daughter exercised her right of vaccination exemption, she received phone calls and reminders from the health officials (or whoever the nutcases were) in her town that according to their records the child had not been vaccinated, whereupon my daughter told them in no uncertain terms that she would lay a criminal harassment charge against them if they would not cease and desist from pestering her.

Her second child was born in March last year and again she provided the hospital with her exemption form - no Vitamin K injection and no Hepatitis B vaccination, whereupon the resident pediatrician stormed into her room after the birth demanding to know the reason for her refusal to abide by hospital policies. She politely asked him to show her the section in California's legislation that would compel her to abide by his rules and gave him an in-depth lecture (she has a Master of Science degree in genetics) on the Hepatitis B vaccination.

Next, a nurse appeared and wanted to inject an antibiotic into her IV as a "precautionary measure" in case she would contract one of the "bugs" floating around in the hospital. Naturally, my daughter told her to stick that stuff where the sun ain't shining, grabbed husband and baby and left this "loony bin", as she put it, in disgust.

Boy, am I glad that my child-bearing years are over :)


I am new to the forum , and do not have access to the full story behind this, but....

as a nurse, I am noticing that when people come through the ED, particularly trauma victims, under the cover of "any procedures deemed necessary" (which allows doctors to do things to you without your express permission because you are incapacitated and it is an "emergency") they are being vaccinated. not just the old tetanus shot given out for years, but hepatitis B and Flu vaccines as well. as far as I know there is no effort to find out if you have already had those vaccines, and of course, I fail to see how either of those vaccines constitute emergency care.

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Ingrid you are correct about the emergency departments of some

hospitals. I was taken by ambulance to a local hospital as I could

not move my legs at all and sometimes not my arms. anyway they

couldnt figure out what was wrong with me but all the nurses were

worried about the fact I had a flu shot. On the way out of that

hospital, on stretcher for an ambulance to transfer to another

hospital, a nurse tried to give me the pneumonia vaccine. I asked

her if she was out of her mind as the thinking was I was paralyzed

from the flu vaccine. she said the doctors had ordered it and she

couldnt believe I would refuse it.

One standard for judging hospitals is whether they give patients the

flu vaccine when they are there for other treatments. I was shocked

to read this. and beware the tetanus shot has mercury in it. I was

told to not give either the flu vaccine or tetanus to my kids due to

my reaction. I worry about forced vaccinations, Ohio has a

philasophical exemption at this point but who knows what the future


--- In no-forced-vaccination , " Ingrid Blank "

I am new to the forum , and do not have access to the full story

behind this, but....as a nurse, I am noticing that when people come

through the ED, particularly trauma victims, under the cover of " any

procedures deemed necessary " (which allows doctors to do things to

you without your express permission because you are incapacitated and

it is an " emergency " ) they are being vaccinated. not just the old

tetanus shot given out for years, but hepatitis B and Flu vaccines as

well. as far as I know there is no effort to find out if you have

already had those vaccines, and of course, I fail to see how either

of those vaccines constitute emergency care.

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During a formality physical exam for my son prior to having a tooth extraction where he needed to have anesthesia, the pediatrician tried to convince me he needed a tetanus shot. I said that last time I checked there would not be animal feces in the operating room, so no thank you. She kept trying, I said no again. Note to self: get new pediatrician for my son.


From: "lmarkssmith" <lmarkssmith@...>Reply-no-forced-vaccination To: no-forced-vaccination Subject: Re: beware of the emergency departmentDate: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 13:01:33 -0000

Ingrid you are correct about the emergency departments of some hospitals. I was taken by ambulance to a local hospital as I could not move my legs at all and sometimes not my arms. anyway they couldnt figure out what was wrong with me but all the nurses were worried about the fact I had a flu shot. On the way out of that hospital, on stretcher for an ambulance to transfer to another hospital, a nurse tried to give me the pneumonia vaccine. I asked her if she was out of her mind as the thinking was I was paralyzed from the flu vaccine. she said the doctors had ordered it and she couldnt believe I would refuse it. One standard for judging hospitals is whether they give patients the flu vaccine when they are there for other treatments. I was shocked to read this. and beware the tetanus shot has mercury in it. I was told to not give either the flu vaccine or tetanus to my kids due to my reaction. I worry about forced vaccinations, Ohio has a philasophical exemption at this point but who knows what the future holds.--- In no-forced-vaccination , "Ingrid Blank" I am new to the forum , and do not have access to the full story behind this, but....as a nurse, I am noticing that when people come through the ED, particularly trauma victims, under the cover of "any procedures deemed necessary" (which allows doctors to do things to you without your express permission because you are incapacitated and it is an "emergency") they are being vaccinated. not just the old tetanus shot given out for years, but hepatitis B and Flu vaccines as well. as far as I know there is no effort to find out if you have already had those vaccines, and of course, I fail to see how either of those vaccines constitute emergency care.

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Ingrid, You are incredible!! I love your strength, no-nonsense attitude, and take no prisoners approach to your life and that of your family. It sounds like your daughter was raised in a healthy, question authority, environment. I wish I was a fly in the room to hear her dress down that doctor. Here's a quote from Harry Truman I like: 'I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell.' Anything is possible in this world if one is committed whole-heartedly. I, along w/2 other neighbors, took on Walmart 3 years ago and it soon morphed into 1200 people. We prevented them from coming into our neighborhood, which they assumed was a slam/dunk. We stood our ground, held rallies, press conferences/releases, were on

the news, got our elected reps on board, etc. It was great and it solidified our neighborhood like nothing else since. To know we could keep out the biggest corporation in the world gave rise to other issues which we have rallied for and against. The cohesiveness of getting like-minded people to go after a common goal was powerful and from this, we feel anything is possible if you are 100%, not 99%, behind it. There was no way in hell, over my dead body, etc. they were going to come into my neighborhood. We played hardball and won. The same is possible w/the drug cos. doing business through our gov't. Think globally, act locally. My local rep and senator know me now and from this effort and showing up to give testimony at our capitol, realize I mean

business. I'm just one person, but can you imagine if people showed up in their own lives and gave a hoot about these issues? It'd be powerful beyond belief. The coca-cola issue years ago, when they changed the formula, was a good example of what people can do when they have a common purpose. And that was such a minor product. The same mentality could apply against vaccines and the effort being made to mandate as many as possible. They have to hear from us, or they will think from our silence we accept whatever they want to legislate.

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