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Re: Does the flu vaCcine actually do anything?

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Thank you for your comments on this forum. We appreciate everyone's views.

I would like to present a dissident view about the flu vaccine. CDC trumpets

that it " got it right " 80% of the time -- " guessing " the right flu strain for

its annual vaccine.

Others have suggested, since the " herd effect " ( " protecting " the population as

a whole) never occurs -- the requisite 80% of the population never gets the

flu shot, the flu vaccine itself " selects " the strain of the flu that will be

come pandemic. Enough unprotected people become infected; or enough

" protected " people develop " flu like symptoms " after the shot, that the flu

vaccine itself is the major vector creating the annual flu pandemic.

In this view, held by many advanced health care givers and researchers, the

flu vaccine is worse than useless.

Ralph Fucetola JD

- Re: vaccines for the elderly?




> This study has been out for a while now. And there are others that

support your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu.


> First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And once

again, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! They

insist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. What

they aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flu



> You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actually

cause Alzheimer's disease.


> Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world's

leading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say about

the flu vaccine: " We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65

who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,

will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greater

than age-matched individuals who did not receive it. "




> here is the page quoted above


> http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10




> Mavis


> " The only true gift is a portion of thyself. "

> Ralph Waldo Emerson



> In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

tamarque@... writes:

> Dear Dr. Lynda


> I have to question your support for vaccines for the

> elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.

> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that

> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence

> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people

> is beneficial to them?



> Marquette

> Tamarque@...








> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.



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Thank you for your comments on this forum. We appreciate everyone's views.

I would like to present a dissident view about the flu vaccine. CDC trumpets

that it " got it right " 80% of the time -- " guessing " the right flu strain for

its annual vaccine.

Others have suggested, since the " herd effect " ( " protecting " the population as

a whole) never occurs -- the requisite 80% of the population never gets the

flu shot, the flu vaccine itself " selects " the strain of the flu that will be

come pandemic. Enough unprotected people become infected; or enough

" protected " people develop " flu like symptoms " after the shot, that the flu

vaccine itself is the major vector creating the annual flu pandemic.

In this view, held by many advanced health care givers and researchers, the

flu vaccine is worse than useless.

Ralph Fucetola JD

- Re: vaccines for the elderly?




> This study has been out for a while now. And there are others that

support your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu.


> First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And once

again, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! They

insist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. What

they aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flu



> You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actually

cause Alzheimer's disease.


> Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world's

leading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say about

the flu vaccine: " We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65

who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,

will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greater

than age-matched individuals who did not receive it. "




> here is the page quoted above


> http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10




> Mavis


> " The only true gift is a portion of thyself. "

> Ralph Waldo Emerson



> In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

tamarque@... writes:

> Dear Dr. Lynda


> I have to question your support for vaccines for the

> elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.

> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that

> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence

> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people

> is beneficial to them?



> Marquette

> Tamarque@...








> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.



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You missed the point I was trying to make, i.e. if caution is exercised in veterinary medicine NOT to vaccinate sick animals, the same should certainly be applied in human medicine. Although, the same insane scenario can be observed in veterinary medicine with our pets being vaccinated into oblivion with useless annual "booster" shots which have no efficacy at all and only serve to "boost" the coffers of veterinarians and the pharma cartel. The increase in pets suffering from diabetis, allergies, seizures, arthritis, all sorts of cancers is staggering. Just look at the billion-dollar pet drugs industry. Drugs which proved too toxic for human consumption were quickly turned into an animal drug, such as Pfizer's alleged "wonder drug" Rimadyl, which subsequently killed and keeps killing thousands of dogs.

And as for overdosing all old and invalid people in nursing homes - don't we do that already?


You state " As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice". If that was the case, then there would be no need for this list! The pharma and biotech mafiosi who rule the American Congress have made sure that you no longer may exercise your right of choice enshrined in your constitution. Case in point are the atrocities recently seen in land and set to be repeated in New York (see below).

Ingrid Blank

Vaccine Police At Work in New York

by Barbara Loe Fisher

We are only a few days into the New Year and, already, there is another situation brewing where a militant approach is being taken by state education and health officials threatening parents that their children will be suspended from school for failure to get vaccinated. On Tuesday, Jan. 8, more than 100 middle school students in Bellport, NY could be suspended from school if they do not show proof that have gotten a Tdap booster shot and chicken pox vaccine, according to a Suffolk County Health Department official. Reportedly, a mobile medical unit is scheduled to come to the school on Monday to inject students who don't show proof they have gotten the vaccines.Last November, the Vaccine Police in land brought out the dogs at a Prince s County Courthouse to supervise lines of parents, who had been ordered under threat of jail time and fines to show up with their children to get the children injected with chicken pox and hepatitis B vaccines. That mass round-up generated national news. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/1 1/17/maryland.vaccines/#cnnSTCVideo land education and health officials said that the parents had not responded to letters informing them that they were being charged under state truancy laws because their children had not been attending school after being suspended for failing to show proof of vaccination. But many of the parents said they never received the letters or the schools failed to keep proper records and lost the paperwork showing their children had gotten all the required vaccines. According to parents who exited the land Courthouse in November with their children, there was no medical screening of the children getting shots and no information about how to monitor for vaccine reactions.http://vaccineawakening.blogsp ot.com/search?q=police+with+dogsIt appears that the militant approach to enforcing vaccine use is becoming very fashionable among state education and health officials, who are using it whether there is a disease outbreak or not. The only way for the people to counteract the nasty impulse of government officials to flex their muscles (sometimes with the help of dogs and guns) is to let government and elected officials know that intimidation, coercion and other strong-arm tactics are not an acceptable form of persuasion in America when it comes to vaccination. The right to informed consent to use of any pharmaceutical product, including vaccines, becomes a human right when that pharmaceutical product can injure or kill. Defending the human right to informed consent to vaccine use is worth standing up for in every state. The parents in New York are being threatened that their children will be suspended for failure to get a Tdap booster or chicken pox vaccine today. But tomorrow, these parents could well be summoned to a New York County Courthouse with their children under the threat of jail time and fines like the parents in land were in November. Parents should be given full information about the benefits and risks of Tdap and chicken pox vaccines and full information about the right to file a medical or religious exemption to vaccination in accordance with New York laws. Hopefully, the mobile unit medical personnel scheduled to vaccinate the children on-site at schools on Monday will screen the children for personal and medical histories and previous vaccine reactions, especially to the "P" part of the Tdap shot. The pertussis (whooping cough) portion of the DPT, DTaP and Tdap vaccines has long been associated with neurological reactions such as brain inflammation, convulsions, shock/collapse, and high pitched screaming. Children who have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations containing pertussis vaccine could have more serious reactions if more pertussis vaccine is given. The same warnings, precautions and contraindications which apply to DPT, DTaP, DT or TD vaccines, apply to receipt of Tdap vaccine:· moderate or severe illness on day of vaccination· anaphylaxis (shock) or life threatening allergic reaction after previous doses of DPT, DtaP, DT or TD vaccine · encephalopathy (coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged seizure) within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· evolving central nervous system (CNS) disorder, uncontrolled epilepsy, progressive encephalopathy· Seizures with or without fever within 72 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· temperature over 105 F. within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine · collapse or shock-like state within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· uncontrollable crying lasting more than 3 hours within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of vaccination · Serious Arthus-type hypersensitivity reaction after previous receipt of a tetanus containing vaccine· serious latex allergy· severe swelling or severe pain after previous doses of any vaccine containing tetanus, diphtheria or pertussis vaccine Link to CDC information on contraindications to vaccination: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd- vac/should-not-vacc.htm Links to product manufacturer inserts for Tdap and chicken pox vaccines:http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/US_PDF/ ADACEL%20_2022396%20_6.06.pdfhttp://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_boostrix.pdfAn autism advocacy organization, A-CHAMP (Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning), has issued an Action Alert advising New York citizens to call Suffolk County and state education officials to express concern. http://capwiz.com/a- champ/issues/alert/?alertid=10740641New York residents concerned about the right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination should contact their elected representatives and make their voices heard. All elected officials in America at the state and federal level should be made aware that militant enforcement of public health policy which requires pharmaceutical product use, including forced vaccine use, violates the ethical principle of informed consent and will not be tolerated.

National Vaccine Information Center

NVIC E-News is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through donations.NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights www.nvic.org


 They also euthanize sick animals and shoot horses with broken legs. Are we applying veterinary

medicine to human medicine now? If so, then we need to start stockpiling drugs to overdose all

the old people and invalids in nursing homes and hospitals. Don't forget all these athletes with

broken legs, torn knee cartilage, those with MS, soldiers returning from war missing limbs or

quadriplegic. If any of these were animals, they would be euthanized. Doing that to people

would certainly solve the vaccination problem for the sick elderly, wouldn't it?

The comparison is not valid.

As I stated before, I am 63, so I am elderly as well, but I am also healthy.

If you do not wish to be vaccinated, then don't get vaccinated and be sure you have a legal document

that says you don't want anyone else doing it either and you can take your chances. That is your right.

No one can make anyone do something they have made legal provisions to prevent. It is all about

choice. As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice. If that choice means we ultimately die of

a malady for which we could have been vaccinated but chose not to be vaccinated, then that

is the way we wanted it to be. Maybe that is the way God intended it, too. Who knows. I only

know that the elderly are more susceptible to the flu and pneumonia, especially in nursing homes.

If you believe that filling them with vitamins is going to change that at that late a stage, you are

delusional. They would not be in a nursing home if they were healthy enough not to need

institutional care. That fact alone tells you that they are extremely vulnerable to microbial invasion.

There is such a thing as reasonable caution and there is unreasonable opposition. Who decides

where that line is drawn is beyond my comprehension, but deciding which side you are on can

mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love. You could be perfectly

right in no vaccinating, but you can just as easily be wrong. I don't claim to be right, I only claim

that my conscience tells me that I would do it in those circumstances even though I am opposed

to it otherwise. Only time would tell whether I was right or wrong but I would have done what I

thought was right under the circumstances and that is all I can expect of myself.

Dr. Lynda Hardin-Poston5109 Stotzer Pwy.College Station, TX 77845(979)260-1202Http://www.doctorlynda.comHealth, God's Way

Re: vaccines for the elderly?> > > > This study has been out for a while now. And there are others thatsupport your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu. > > First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And onceagain, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! Theyinsist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. Whatthey aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flushot.> > You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actuallycause Alzheimer's disease. > > Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world'sleading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say aboutthe flu vaccine: "We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greaterthan age-matched individuals who did not receive it." > > > > here is the page quoted above> > http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10 > > > > Mavis> > "The only true gift is a portion of thyself."> Ralph Waldo Emerson> > > In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net writes:> Dear Dr. Lynda> > I have to question your support for vaccines for the > elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people> is beneficial to them?> > > Marquette> Tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net> > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. > >

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You missed the point I was trying to make, i.e. if caution is exercised in veterinary medicine NOT to vaccinate sick animals, the same should certainly be applied in human medicine. Although, the same insane scenario can be observed in veterinary medicine with our pets being vaccinated into oblivion with useless annual "booster" shots which have no efficacy at all and only serve to "boost" the coffers of veterinarians and the pharma cartel. The increase in pets suffering from diabetis, allergies, seizures, arthritis, all sorts of cancers is staggering. Just look at the billion-dollar pet drugs industry. Drugs which proved too toxic for human consumption were quickly turned into an animal drug, such as Pfizer's alleged "wonder drug" Rimadyl, which subsequently killed and keeps killing thousands of dogs.

And as for overdosing all old and invalid people in nursing homes - don't we do that already?


You state " As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice". If that was the case, then there would be no need for this list! The pharma and biotech mafiosi who rule the American Congress have made sure that you no longer may exercise your right of choice enshrined in your constitution. Case in point are the atrocities recently seen in land and set to be repeated in New York (see below).

Ingrid Blank

Vaccine Police At Work in New York

by Barbara Loe Fisher

We are only a few days into the New Year and, already, there is another situation brewing where a militant approach is being taken by state education and health officials threatening parents that their children will be suspended from school for failure to get vaccinated. On Tuesday, Jan. 8, more than 100 middle school students in Bellport, NY could be suspended from school if they do not show proof that have gotten a Tdap booster shot and chicken pox vaccine, according to a Suffolk County Health Department official. Reportedly, a mobile medical unit is scheduled to come to the school on Monday to inject students who don't show proof they have gotten the vaccines.Last November, the Vaccine Police in land brought out the dogs at a Prince s County Courthouse to supervise lines of parents, who had been ordered under threat of jail time and fines to show up with their children to get the children injected with chicken pox and hepatitis B vaccines. That mass round-up generated national news. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/1 1/17/maryland.vaccines/#cnnSTCVideo land education and health officials said that the parents had not responded to letters informing them that they were being charged under state truancy laws because their children had not been attending school after being suspended for failing to show proof of vaccination. But many of the parents said they never received the letters or the schools failed to keep proper records and lost the paperwork showing their children had gotten all the required vaccines. According to parents who exited the land Courthouse in November with their children, there was no medical screening of the children getting shots and no information about how to monitor for vaccine reactions.http://vaccineawakening.blogsp ot.com/search?q=police+with+dogsIt appears that the militant approach to enforcing vaccine use is becoming very fashionable among state education and health officials, who are using it whether there is a disease outbreak or not. The only way for the people to counteract the nasty impulse of government officials to flex their muscles (sometimes with the help of dogs and guns) is to let government and elected officials know that intimidation, coercion and other strong-arm tactics are not an acceptable form of persuasion in America when it comes to vaccination. The right to informed consent to use of any pharmaceutical product, including vaccines, becomes a human right when that pharmaceutical product can injure or kill. Defending the human right to informed consent to vaccine use is worth standing up for in every state. The parents in New York are being threatened that their children will be suspended for failure to get a Tdap booster or chicken pox vaccine today. But tomorrow, these parents could well be summoned to a New York County Courthouse with their children under the threat of jail time and fines like the parents in land were in November. Parents should be given full information about the benefits and risks of Tdap and chicken pox vaccines and full information about the right to file a medical or religious exemption to vaccination in accordance with New York laws. Hopefully, the mobile unit medical personnel scheduled to vaccinate the children on-site at schools on Monday will screen the children for personal and medical histories and previous vaccine reactions, especially to the "P" part of the Tdap shot. The pertussis (whooping cough) portion of the DPT, DTaP and Tdap vaccines has long been associated with neurological reactions such as brain inflammation, convulsions, shock/collapse, and high pitched screaming. Children who have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations containing pertussis vaccine could have more serious reactions if more pertussis vaccine is given. The same warnings, precautions and contraindications which apply to DPT, DTaP, DT or TD vaccines, apply to receipt of Tdap vaccine:· moderate or severe illness on day of vaccination· anaphylaxis (shock) or life threatening allergic reaction after previous doses of DPT, DtaP, DT or TD vaccine · encephalopathy (coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged seizure) within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· evolving central nervous system (CNS) disorder, uncontrolled epilepsy, progressive encephalopathy· Seizures with or without fever within 72 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· temperature over 105 F. within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine · collapse or shock-like state within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· uncontrollable crying lasting more than 3 hours within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of vaccination · Serious Arthus-type hypersensitivity reaction after previous receipt of a tetanus containing vaccine· serious latex allergy· severe swelling or severe pain after previous doses of any vaccine containing tetanus, diphtheria or pertussis vaccine Link to CDC information on contraindications to vaccination: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd- vac/should-not-vacc.htm Links to product manufacturer inserts for Tdap and chicken pox vaccines:http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/US_PDF/ ADACEL%20_2022396%20_6.06.pdfhttp://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_boostrix.pdfAn autism advocacy organization, A-CHAMP (Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning), has issued an Action Alert advising New York citizens to call Suffolk County and state education officials to express concern. http://capwiz.com/a- champ/issues/alert/?alertid=10740641New York residents concerned about the right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination should contact their elected representatives and make their voices heard. All elected officials in America at the state and federal level should be made aware that militant enforcement of public health policy which requires pharmaceutical product use, including forced vaccine use, violates the ethical principle of informed consent and will not be tolerated.

National Vaccine Information Center

NVIC E-News is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through donations.NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights www.nvic.org


 They also euthanize sick animals and shoot horses with broken legs. Are we applying veterinary

medicine to human medicine now? If so, then we need to start stockpiling drugs to overdose all

the old people and invalids in nursing homes and hospitals. Don't forget all these athletes with

broken legs, torn knee cartilage, those with MS, soldiers returning from war missing limbs or

quadriplegic. If any of these were animals, they would be euthanized. Doing that to people

would certainly solve the vaccination problem for the sick elderly, wouldn't it?

The comparison is not valid.

As I stated before, I am 63, so I am elderly as well, but I am also healthy.

If you do not wish to be vaccinated, then don't get vaccinated and be sure you have a legal document

that says you don't want anyone else doing it either and you can take your chances. That is your right.

No one can make anyone do something they have made legal provisions to prevent. It is all about

choice. As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice. If that choice means we ultimately die of

a malady for which we could have been vaccinated but chose not to be vaccinated, then that

is the way we wanted it to be. Maybe that is the way God intended it, too. Who knows. I only

know that the elderly are more susceptible to the flu and pneumonia, especially in nursing homes.

If you believe that filling them with vitamins is going to change that at that late a stage, you are

delusional. They would not be in a nursing home if they were healthy enough not to need

institutional care. That fact alone tells you that they are extremely vulnerable to microbial invasion.

There is such a thing as reasonable caution and there is unreasonable opposition. Who decides

where that line is drawn is beyond my comprehension, but deciding which side you are on can

mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love. You could be perfectly

right in no vaccinating, but you can just as easily be wrong. I don't claim to be right, I only claim

that my conscience tells me that I would do it in those circumstances even though I am opposed

to it otherwise. Only time would tell whether I was right or wrong but I would have done what I

thought was right under the circumstances and that is all I can expect of myself.

Dr. Lynda Hardin-Poston5109 Stotzer Pwy.College Station, TX 77845(979)260-1202Http://www.doctorlynda.comHealth, God's Way

Re: vaccines for the elderly?> > > > This study has been out for a while now. And there are others thatsupport your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu. > > First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And onceagain, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! Theyinsist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. Whatthey aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flushot.> > You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actuallycause Alzheimer's disease. > > Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world'sleading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say aboutthe flu vaccine: "We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greaterthan age-matched individuals who did not receive it." > > > > here is the page quoted above> > http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10 > > > > Mavis> > "The only true gift is a portion of thyself."> Ralph Waldo Emerson> > > In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net writes:> Dear Dr. Lynda> > I have to question your support for vaccines for the > elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people> is beneficial to them?> > > Marquette> Tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net> > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. > >

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You missed the point I was trying to make, i.e. if caution is exercised in veterinary medicine NOT to vaccinate sick animals, the same should certainly be applied in human medicine. Although, the same insane scenario can be observed in veterinary medicine with our pets being vaccinated into oblivion with useless annual "booster" shots which have no efficacy at all and only serve to "boost" the coffers of veterinarians and the pharma cartel. The increase in pets suffering from diabetis, allergies, seizures, arthritis, all sorts of cancers is staggering. Just look at the billion-dollar pet drugs industry. Drugs which proved too toxic for human consumption were quickly turned into an animal drug, such as Pfizer's alleged "wonder drug" Rimadyl, which subsequently killed and keeps killing thousands of dogs.

And as for overdosing all old and invalid people in nursing homes - don't we do that already?


You state " As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice". If that was the case, then there would be no need for this list! The pharma and biotech mafiosi who rule the American Congress have made sure that you no longer may exercise your right of choice enshrined in your constitution. Case in point are the atrocities recently seen in land and set to be repeated in New York (see below).

Ingrid Blank

Vaccine Police At Work in New York

by Barbara Loe Fisher

We are only a few days into the New Year and, already, there is another situation brewing where a militant approach is being taken by state education and health officials threatening parents that their children will be suspended from school for failure to get vaccinated. On Tuesday, Jan. 8, more than 100 middle school students in Bellport, NY could be suspended from school if they do not show proof that have gotten a Tdap booster shot and chicken pox vaccine, according to a Suffolk County Health Department official. Reportedly, a mobile medical unit is scheduled to come to the school on Monday to inject students who don't show proof they have gotten the vaccines.Last November, the Vaccine Police in land brought out the dogs at a Prince s County Courthouse to supervise lines of parents, who had been ordered under threat of jail time and fines to show up with their children to get the children injected with chicken pox and hepatitis B vaccines. That mass round-up generated national news. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/1 1/17/maryland.vaccines/#cnnSTCVideo land education and health officials said that the parents had not responded to letters informing them that they were being charged under state truancy laws because their children had not been attending school after being suspended for failing to show proof of vaccination. But many of the parents said they never received the letters or the schools failed to keep proper records and lost the paperwork showing their children had gotten all the required vaccines. According to parents who exited the land Courthouse in November with their children, there was no medical screening of the children getting shots and no information about how to monitor for vaccine reactions.http://vaccineawakening.blogsp ot.com/search?q=police+with+dogsIt appears that the militant approach to enforcing vaccine use is becoming very fashionable among state education and health officials, who are using it whether there is a disease outbreak or not. The only way for the people to counteract the nasty impulse of government officials to flex their muscles (sometimes with the help of dogs and guns) is to let government and elected officials know that intimidation, coercion and other strong-arm tactics are not an acceptable form of persuasion in America when it comes to vaccination. The right to informed consent to use of any pharmaceutical product, including vaccines, becomes a human right when that pharmaceutical product can injure or kill. Defending the human right to informed consent to vaccine use is worth standing up for in every state. The parents in New York are being threatened that their children will be suspended for failure to get a Tdap booster or chicken pox vaccine today. But tomorrow, these parents could well be summoned to a New York County Courthouse with their children under the threat of jail time and fines like the parents in land were in November. Parents should be given full information about the benefits and risks of Tdap and chicken pox vaccines and full information about the right to file a medical or religious exemption to vaccination in accordance with New York laws. Hopefully, the mobile unit medical personnel scheduled to vaccinate the children on-site at schools on Monday will screen the children for personal and medical histories and previous vaccine reactions, especially to the "P" part of the Tdap shot. The pertussis (whooping cough) portion of the DPT, DTaP and Tdap vaccines has long been associated with neurological reactions such as brain inflammation, convulsions, shock/collapse, and high pitched screaming. Children who have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations containing pertussis vaccine could have more serious reactions if more pertussis vaccine is given. The same warnings, precautions and contraindications which apply to DPT, DTaP, DT or TD vaccines, apply to receipt of Tdap vaccine:· moderate or severe illness on day of vaccination· anaphylaxis (shock) or life threatening allergic reaction after previous doses of DPT, DtaP, DT or TD vaccine · encephalopathy (coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged seizure) within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· evolving central nervous system (CNS) disorder, uncontrolled epilepsy, progressive encephalopathy· Seizures with or without fever within 72 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· temperature over 105 F. within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine · collapse or shock-like state within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· uncontrollable crying lasting more than 3 hours within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of vaccination · Serious Arthus-type hypersensitivity reaction after previous receipt of a tetanus containing vaccine· serious latex allergy· severe swelling or severe pain after previous doses of any vaccine containing tetanus, diphtheria or pertussis vaccine Link to CDC information on contraindications to vaccination: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd- vac/should-not-vacc.htm Links to product manufacturer inserts for Tdap and chicken pox vaccines:http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/US_PDF/ ADACEL%20_2022396%20_6.06.pdfhttp://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_boostrix.pdfAn autism advocacy organization, A-CHAMP (Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning), has issued an Action Alert advising New York citizens to call Suffolk County and state education officials to express concern. http://capwiz.com/a- champ/issues/alert/?alertid=10740641New York residents concerned about the right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination should contact their elected representatives and make their voices heard. All elected officials in America at the state and federal level should be made aware that militant enforcement of public health policy which requires pharmaceutical product use, including forced vaccine use, violates the ethical principle of informed consent and will not be tolerated.

National Vaccine Information Center

NVIC E-News is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through donations.NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights www.nvic.org


 They also euthanize sick animals and shoot horses with broken legs. Are we applying veterinary

medicine to human medicine now? If so, then we need to start stockpiling drugs to overdose all

the old people and invalids in nursing homes and hospitals. Don't forget all these athletes with

broken legs, torn knee cartilage, those with MS, soldiers returning from war missing limbs or

quadriplegic. If any of these were animals, they would be euthanized. Doing that to people

would certainly solve the vaccination problem for the sick elderly, wouldn't it?

The comparison is not valid.

As I stated before, I am 63, so I am elderly as well, but I am also healthy.

If you do not wish to be vaccinated, then don't get vaccinated and be sure you have a legal document

that says you don't want anyone else doing it either and you can take your chances. That is your right.

No one can make anyone do something they have made legal provisions to prevent. It is all about

choice. As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice. If that choice means we ultimately die of

a malady for which we could have been vaccinated but chose not to be vaccinated, then that

is the way we wanted it to be. Maybe that is the way God intended it, too. Who knows. I only

know that the elderly are more susceptible to the flu and pneumonia, especially in nursing homes.

If you believe that filling them with vitamins is going to change that at that late a stage, you are

delusional. They would not be in a nursing home if they were healthy enough not to need

institutional care. That fact alone tells you that they are extremely vulnerable to microbial invasion.

There is such a thing as reasonable caution and there is unreasonable opposition. Who decides

where that line is drawn is beyond my comprehension, but deciding which side you are on can

mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love. You could be perfectly

right in no vaccinating, but you can just as easily be wrong. I don't claim to be right, I only claim

that my conscience tells me that I would do it in those circumstances even though I am opposed

to it otherwise. Only time would tell whether I was right or wrong but I would have done what I

thought was right under the circumstances and that is all I can expect of myself.

Dr. Lynda Hardin-Poston5109 Stotzer Pwy.College Station, TX 77845(979)260-1202Http://www.doctorlynda.comHealth, God's Way

Re: vaccines for the elderly?> > > > This study has been out for a while now. And there are others thatsupport your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu. > > First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And onceagain, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! Theyinsist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. Whatthey aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flushot.> > You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actuallycause Alzheimer's disease. > > Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world'sleading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say aboutthe flu vaccine: "We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greaterthan age-matched individuals who did not receive it." > > > > here is the page quoted above> > http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10 > > > > Mavis> > "The only true gift is a portion of thyself."> Ralph Waldo Emerson> > > In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net writes:> Dear Dr. Lynda> > I have to question your support for vaccines for the > elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people> is beneficial to them?> > > Marquette> Tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net> > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. > >

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You missed the point I was trying to make, i.e. if caution is exercised in veterinary medicine NOT to vaccinate sick animals, the same should certainly be applied in human medicine. Although, the same insane scenario can be observed in veterinary medicine with our pets being vaccinated into oblivion with useless annual "booster" shots which have no efficacy at all and only serve to "boost" the coffers of veterinarians and the pharma cartel. The increase in pets suffering from diabetis, allergies, seizures, arthritis, all sorts of cancers is staggering. Just look at the billion-dollar pet drugs industry. Drugs which proved too toxic for human consumption were quickly turned into an animal drug, such as Pfizer's alleged "wonder drug" Rimadyl, which subsequently killed and keeps killing thousands of dogs.

And as for overdosing all old and invalid people in nursing homes - don't we do that already?


You state " As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice". If that was the case, then there would be no need for this list! The pharma and biotech mafiosi who rule the American Congress have made sure that you no longer may exercise your right of choice enshrined in your constitution. Case in point are the atrocities recently seen in land and set to be repeated in New York (see below).

Ingrid Blank

Vaccine Police At Work in New York

by Barbara Loe Fisher

We are only a few days into the New Year and, already, there is another situation brewing where a militant approach is being taken by state education and health officials threatening parents that their children will be suspended from school for failure to get vaccinated. On Tuesday, Jan. 8, more than 100 middle school students in Bellport, NY could be suspended from school if they do not show proof that have gotten a Tdap booster shot and chicken pox vaccine, according to a Suffolk County Health Department official. Reportedly, a mobile medical unit is scheduled to come to the school on Monday to inject students who don't show proof they have gotten the vaccines.Last November, the Vaccine Police in land brought out the dogs at a Prince s County Courthouse to supervise lines of parents, who had been ordered under threat of jail time and fines to show up with their children to get the children injected with chicken pox and hepatitis B vaccines. That mass round-up generated national news. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/1 1/17/maryland.vaccines/#cnnSTCVideo land education and health officials said that the parents had not responded to letters informing them that they were being charged under state truancy laws because their children had not been attending school after being suspended for failing to show proof of vaccination. But many of the parents said they never received the letters or the schools failed to keep proper records and lost the paperwork showing their children had gotten all the required vaccines. According to parents who exited the land Courthouse in November with their children, there was no medical screening of the children getting shots and no information about how to monitor for vaccine reactions.http://vaccineawakening.blogsp ot.com/search?q=police+with+dogsIt appears that the militant approach to enforcing vaccine use is becoming very fashionable among state education and health officials, who are using it whether there is a disease outbreak or not. The only way for the people to counteract the nasty impulse of government officials to flex their muscles (sometimes with the help of dogs and guns) is to let government and elected officials know that intimidation, coercion and other strong-arm tactics are not an acceptable form of persuasion in America when it comes to vaccination. The right to informed consent to use of any pharmaceutical product, including vaccines, becomes a human right when that pharmaceutical product can injure or kill. Defending the human right to informed consent to vaccine use is worth standing up for in every state. The parents in New York are being threatened that their children will be suspended for failure to get a Tdap booster or chicken pox vaccine today. But tomorrow, these parents could well be summoned to a New York County Courthouse with their children under the threat of jail time and fines like the parents in land were in November. Parents should be given full information about the benefits and risks of Tdap and chicken pox vaccines and full information about the right to file a medical or religious exemption to vaccination in accordance with New York laws. Hopefully, the mobile unit medical personnel scheduled to vaccinate the children on-site at schools on Monday will screen the children for personal and medical histories and previous vaccine reactions, especially to the "P" part of the Tdap shot. The pertussis (whooping cough) portion of the DPT, DTaP and Tdap vaccines has long been associated with neurological reactions such as brain inflammation, convulsions, shock/collapse, and high pitched screaming. Children who have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations containing pertussis vaccine could have more serious reactions if more pertussis vaccine is given. The same warnings, precautions and contraindications which apply to DPT, DTaP, DT or TD vaccines, apply to receipt of Tdap vaccine:· moderate or severe illness on day of vaccination· anaphylaxis (shock) or life threatening allergic reaction after previous doses of DPT, DtaP, DT or TD vaccine · encephalopathy (coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged seizure) within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· evolving central nervous system (CNS) disorder, uncontrolled epilepsy, progressive encephalopathy· Seizures with or without fever within 72 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· temperature over 105 F. within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine · collapse or shock-like state within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· uncontrollable crying lasting more than 3 hours within 48 hours of a previous dose of pertussis containing vaccine· Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of vaccination · Serious Arthus-type hypersensitivity reaction after previous receipt of a tetanus containing vaccine· serious latex allergy· severe swelling or severe pain after previous doses of any vaccine containing tetanus, diphtheria or pertussis vaccine Link to CDC information on contraindications to vaccination: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd- vac/should-not-vacc.htm Links to product manufacturer inserts for Tdap and chicken pox vaccines:http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/US_PDF/ ADACEL%20_2022396%20_6.06.pdfhttp://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_boostrix.pdfAn autism advocacy organization, A-CHAMP (Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning), has issued an Action Alert advising New York citizens to call Suffolk County and state education officials to express concern. http://capwiz.com/a- champ/issues/alert/?alertid=10740641New York residents concerned about the right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination should contact their elected representatives and make their voices heard. All elected officials in America at the state and federal level should be made aware that militant enforcement of public health policy which requires pharmaceutical product use, including forced vaccine use, violates the ethical principle of informed consent and will not be tolerated.

National Vaccine Information Center

NVIC E-News is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through donations.NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights www.nvic.org


 They also euthanize sick animals and shoot horses with broken legs. Are we applying veterinary

medicine to human medicine now? If so, then we need to start stockpiling drugs to overdose all

the old people and invalids in nursing homes and hospitals. Don't forget all these athletes with

broken legs, torn knee cartilage, those with MS, soldiers returning from war missing limbs or

quadriplegic. If any of these were animals, they would be euthanized. Doing that to people

would certainly solve the vaccination problem for the sick elderly, wouldn't it?

The comparison is not valid.

As I stated before, I am 63, so I am elderly as well, but I am also healthy.

If you do not wish to be vaccinated, then don't get vaccinated and be sure you have a legal document

that says you don't want anyone else doing it either and you can take your chances. That is your right.

No one can make anyone do something they have made legal provisions to prevent. It is all about

choice. As Americans we, fortunately, have a choice. If that choice means we ultimately die of

a malady for which we could have been vaccinated but chose not to be vaccinated, then that

is the way we wanted it to be. Maybe that is the way God intended it, too. Who knows. I only

know that the elderly are more susceptible to the flu and pneumonia, especially in nursing homes.

If you believe that filling them with vitamins is going to change that at that late a stage, you are

delusional. They would not be in a nursing home if they were healthy enough not to need

institutional care. That fact alone tells you that they are extremely vulnerable to microbial invasion.

There is such a thing as reasonable caution and there is unreasonable opposition. Who decides

where that line is drawn is beyond my comprehension, but deciding which side you are on can

mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love. You could be perfectly

right in no vaccinating, but you can just as easily be wrong. I don't claim to be right, I only claim

that my conscience tells me that I would do it in those circumstances even though I am opposed

to it otherwise. Only time would tell whether I was right or wrong but I would have done what I

thought was right under the circumstances and that is all I can expect of myself.

Dr. Lynda Hardin-Poston5109 Stotzer Pwy.College Station, TX 77845(979)260-1202Http://www.doctorlynda.comHealth, God's Way

Re: vaccines for the elderly?> > > > This study has been out for a while now. And there are others thatsupport your thoughts that they do not provide protection from the flu. > > First there was a flu shot shortage. Now there's a surplus. And onceagain, you're being urged to get your flu shot before it's too late! Theyinsist your health is in serious trouble if you don’t get the vaccine. Whatthey aren't telling you is that your health is in danger if you do get the flushot.> > You read that right! New evidence shows that the flu shot can actuallycause Alzheimer's disease. > > Consider what Hugh Fudenburg, (www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html), the world'sleading geneticist with hundreds of original publications, has to say aboutthe flu vaccine: "We have found that clinically normal individuals aged 60-65who receive influenza vaccine three or four times during a five-year period,will five years later have an incidence of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold greaterthan age-matched individuals who did not receive it." > > > > here is the page quoted above> > http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/alert-detail.php?ha_id=10 > > > > Mavis> > "The only true gift is a portion of thyself."> Ralph Waldo Emerson> > > In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:48:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net writes:> Dear Dr. Lynda> > I have to question your support for vaccines for the > elderly with their weaker immune systems--as you note.> First, isn't it exactly that weaker state of being that> indicates NOT to vaccinate? And second, what evidence> is there that vaccinating immune compromised older people> is beneficial to them?> > > Marquette> Tamarqueearthlink (DOT) net> > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. > >

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Dr. obviously has too much time on her hands and should be devoting this time to her practice, if indeed she has a viable one. Her schizophrenic stance on vaccines has everyone baffled, or so it appears by the responses she's receiving to her 'holier than thou' attitude. She is not the authority here just because she has initials after her name, and furthermore, is not an allopathic doctor, which last time I checked, has the license to prescribe and diagnose. Not that I have much faith or trust in allopathic doctors. They have their place, but not in preventative medicine. She talks from both sides of her mouth. First she's against vaccines, then she's for them, conditionally so in the case of older people who are the last people, next

to babies and young children, who should never receive vaccines, in particular the influenza vaccine w/its immune-compromising neurotoxic, carcinogenic stew of ingredients. Check out Dr. Hugh Fudenberg for his 10-year study of the flu vaccine. His research confirmed that if one has had 5 consecutive flu shots, they increase their risk by 10x of developing Alzheimer's due to the synergistic effect of aluminum and mercury in the form of thimerosol which causes cognitive dysfunction. Of course, causing and 'treating' Alzheimers is big business as is the 'treatment' of other vaccine-related illnesses. I've been conducting vaccine research for over 20 years and of all the doctors interviewed over the years, have found less than 5 who allow themselves to be vaccinated. Also have witnessed firsthand the effects

of vaccine reactions of friends and neighbors who are dealing w/neurologically-damaged children 24/7. I also give testimony at the capitol on vaccine-related bills and write editorials on this subject.

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Hello Fred and Mavis, You both are right on w/your healthy views about the true facts of the dangers that vaccines present. Dr. Mendelsohn was one of the most knowledgeable, credible doctors I have ever met. He would be rolling in his grave if he saw the state of medical 'care' today. It's unfortunate that 'Dr.' has a difficult time accepting other viewpoints. When one becomes defensive, they usually don't have a leg to stand on. If one is truly in alignment w/their beliefs and knowledge, there is no need to defend oneself. I feel she is misguided and perhaps feeling a twinge of guilt in that her own parents have not been healthy role models and she is somehow justifying the medical 'care' they have been given. My own neighbor, Earl, will

be 99 in April and has never taken prescription drugs or vaccines of any kind. He calls them 'crap' and has lost several friends to drug and vaccine reactions. Babies within 12 hours of birth are routinely given hepB shots containing 25 mcg. of ethyl mercury in the form of thimerosol. 'Womb to tomb, a customer for life' is the motto of the drug cos. The only safe vaccine is no vaccine. Just say 'no' to vaccines.

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Hello Fred and Mavis, You both are right on w/your healthy views about the true facts of the dangers that vaccines present. Dr. Mendelsohn was one of the most knowledgeable, credible doctors I have ever met. He would be rolling in his grave if he saw the state of medical 'care' today. It's unfortunate that 'Dr.' has a difficult time accepting other viewpoints. When one becomes defensive, they usually don't have a leg to stand on. If one is truly in alignment w/their beliefs and knowledge, there is no need to defend oneself. I feel she is misguided and perhaps feeling a twinge of guilt in that her own parents have not been healthy role models and she is somehow justifying the medical 'care' they have been given. My own neighbor, Earl, will

be 99 in April and has never taken prescription drugs or vaccines of any kind. He calls them 'crap' and has lost several friends to drug and vaccine reactions. Babies within 12 hours of birth are routinely given hepB shots containing 25 mcg. of ethyl mercury in the form of thimerosol. 'Womb to tomb, a customer for life' is the motto of the drug cos. The only safe vaccine is no vaccine. Just say 'no' to vaccines.

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Hi Fred,

I also have two children, teens, who have never been vaccinated

and were born at home w/midwives. I couldn't imagine a better

start for children. They too are among the healthiest of children

and are very conscious about what goes into their body, mostly

organic food, herbs, essential oils, etc.

I applaud parents who think twice before allowing their children

to be innoculated w/a toxic serum of heavy metals, neuro-toxins,

etc. Coming from a medical background, I had to stand my ground

and read everything I could at that time and talked w/doctors and

families of vaccine-damaged children. Common sense told me injecting

foreign substances, viruses, etc. was not right. I was fortunate

to have many friends who also did not vaccinate and from them, I

learned a lot.

I recently attended a national autism conference here in CO and

met several doctors whose children suffered vaccine reactions and

are now autistic. One doctor, in particular, said his research

indicated that indeed, vaccines w/the damage they confer, are the

vehicle in which population control will happen. Keep 'em ignorant,

sick and dependent on the system and they can't think for themselves.

The US is currently the biggest drug pusher in the world, no surprise

there. Prescription drugs w/their myriad side effects including

death, put street dealers to shame. Only what pharma does is 'legal'

and makes $$ for special interests. Of course I'm preaching to the

choir here. Thank you for your incisive thoughts and sticking to

your principles.


> >

> > Hello Fred and Mavis,

> >

> > You both are right on w/your healthy views about the true facts

of the

> > dangers that vaccines present. Dr. Mendelsohn was one of the most

> > knowledgeable, credible doctors I have ever met. He would be


> > in his grave if he saw the state of medical 'care' today.

> >

> > It's unfortunate that 'Dr.' has a difficult time accepting

> > other viewpoints.

> > When one becomes defensive, they usually don't have a leg to

stand on.

> > If one is truly in alignment w/their beliefs and knowledge,


> > is no need

> > to defend oneself. I feel she is misguided and perhaps feeling


> > twinge of

> > guilt in that her own parents have not been healthy role models


> > she is

> > somehow justifying the medical 'care' they have been given.

> >

> > My own neighbor , Earl, will be 99 in April and has never taken

> > prescription drugs

> > or vaccines of any kind. He calls them 'crap' and has lost


> > friends to drug

> > and vaccine reactions. Babies within 12 hours of birth are

> > routinely given hepB

> > shots containing 25 mcg. of ethyl mercury in the form of

> > thimerosol. 'Womb to

> > tomb, a customer for life' is the motto of the drug cos. The


> > safe vaccine is

> > no vaccine. Just say 'no' to vaccines.

> >

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >

> >


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Thank you Ingrid for this valuable info. We must speak up now or they will have their way w/us. 'If you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights.' The following quote from Margaret Mead is one I live by: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thank you Ingrid for this valuable info. We must speak up now or they will have their way w/us. 'If you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights.' The following quote from Margaret Mead is one I live by: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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