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I had sudden and overwhelming back pain and it took about 5 doctors and

2 MRI's to tell me I had a herniated disc, spinal stenosis and

degenerative disc disease. During this time I needed narcotic medication

to mask the pain.

May of 2002 I had back surgery, after much thought and finding the

perfect surgeon/spinal orthopedist. The surgery was a lower fusion. The

surgery and recovery went extremely well, I kicked the meds and am now

happy as a clam. No back pain and I hope no more. I still see the doc at

intervals for checks. This past May I had started to jump rope in

addition to my aquatics workout and that is the only thing he has said

" NO " to me doing.

Back pain is no fun and if I can help, let me know. Back in our

archives are some posts about back pain.

~ Gretchen

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Hi ,

I don't have the same back problems you have, but I was in an auto accident a

year ago and injured my back. I was pregnant at the time, so couldn't receive

treatment - I'm just now doing that. At this point the belief is that I've

injured some facet joints in the vertabrae. While I was pregnant I was on

Tylenol 3 as well (one medication that is safe to take while pregnant). Since

the birth I've tried all kinds of medications - although mostly Vicoden for the

past 5 months. Seems to be the best thing - doesn't totaly take the pain away,

but it does keep me mobile and doesn't knock me out or make me feel like I'm on

anything which is very important as I have and infant to care for. I'm not able

to work though because of the pain. I'm curious, have you tried seizure

medications or antidepresents? They are supposed to be good for nerve pain.

May want to ask the doctor about it. Also, I've done a lot of research on pain

management and long term use on them. The belief is that

if you are experiencing more pain while on them then your condition is

progressing - as apposed to the meds not working as well. Here is a link to a

great website about the use of narcotics/opiates


Also - you may want to ask your doc about nerve blocks here are some other

websites on back pain and treatments (assuming you haven't already done all this

research). Don't know if it's what you're looking for, but if so I hope it





I hope you can find some of what you may be looking for, I know a little of what

you're going through - although I know your back is a lot worse. I'm sorry to

hear that too.

Good luck - and keep us posted on how you're doing!

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I do not have the same problem but I did have back surgery

several years ago for disk repair. I have titanium cages in my

back. Very little pain now. And when there is it isn't the same

problem. Wish your problem could be solved as easily.


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  • 1 year later...


I feel for you, I havent went thru the pain you have, but the

spasms, cramps, and tired of being tired is a pain. I have been on

Neurontin for 6 yrs now and it has eliminated the cramps,

spasms,etc. Being tired is a way of life for CMTers, it takes more

energy to do the simple tasks in life. You will learn to adapt.

There are a bunch of posts archived on pain from the group.

Good Luck, Dennis

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  • 2 weeks later...


Please do not get too down! If you have been diagnosed with MD/CMT then you have

had it all your life. CMT is a very complicated disease in that it hits people

in so many different ways.

My name is and I live in SAN ANGELO, TEXAS. I am 51 years old, divorced

and 100% disabled on paper. By the time I applied to SS I was in such bad shape

I was approved in about 3 weeks.

My Father had the awful consiqences of this disorder but either was not

diagnosed properly,which I doubt because he went to " and White " 3

different times, or would not tell us because we would have bugged him more

about his drinking. Daddy had a degree and a career but was a 55 year

functioning alcoholic. Alcohol is a terrible neurotoxin and he treated his pain

with his best friend.

I did the same at first and it almost killed me.

For a little history, about age 30 my feet started geeting painfully

sensative. I went to DR after DR for 14 years and was told the problem

was,________. Just fill in the blank, but by then the pain had gotten so

unbearable that I DRANK till I passed out every night.

Finaly after going to Intensive care with Pancriatitis a good MD sent me to

a neuroligist where my misery got a name " MD/CMT " . by then sleep was

impossible because of the pain and the flopping all over the bed. SO VODKA


Now I have no feeling from my knees down for about the first inch, but the

insides would kill me without my drugs. CMT moved into my hands about five

years ago. NOW from my elbows down the symptoms resemble my feet but not as bad.

I fall almost daily and keep burned hands and missing toenails constantly!

I have always had skinny legs and found out from this group that this is normal

with CMT. The hair is all gone now too, normal for CMT.

Long story but I thank God constantly for this group. Most people do not

understand this disease so most either ridicule or ignore what we live with.

Most think It could not be worse than the hurt they endure from cleaning out the

garage. OURS STAYS WITH US 24/7/365 WITHOUT MERCY. Slowly friends and family

avoid you because they do not want to hear about it and think you are just lazy

and no one could hurt that bad anyway.

Thankfully I have Jesus to talk to. I also have 2 wonderful Sisters

and several,real friends who care.

Thankfully I have and technology to keep me going, with just a little

help from a pain specialist!

So Blondee hang in there. Keep quite and look at the bright side.

Best Wishes: Blanek

P.S. Please do not worry about drug addiction, they will be with you from

now on.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

here in easter canada we go a good 16 inch of snow last week end mix with

icyrain . 3 feet of snow on my 12x12 wood balcony was had to be removed

before the old structure colaspses. Me and my 2 sons did that but the old

guy back was pretty sore after . I happen to use few times a week a home

made replica of the hulda clark zapper ,so I know it is good for sore back.

I kind of crall to my bed and turn on the zapper and applyied it to my back

one electrode near the shoulder and the other one in the lumbar area for 15

minutes . turn it of and went to sleep for 2 hours. when I woke up the pain

was 90 % gone and still is. 10 years ago I remember being in pain for

months after doing stupid stuff with a tree I had cut down . To all the back

sufferer out there 5$ of electronics and basic knowledge of soldering can

build you a multipurpuse home made zapper . check youtube for hulda clark

and royal rife both pioners of microelectricity therapy

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