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Thank you so much Deborah

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Hi Deborah,

Thank you for your encouragment. I hope and pray that I don't gain too much weight coz Lord knows, I gained alot because of the prednisone!! I was a size 1 before ra, and now I am a size 14!! I went to my rheumy the other day and she gave me a shot of the stuff!!! I am having to lay off the humira for a few weeks because I keep getting a sinus infection. I did quit smoking for 9 months in 05 and 06, and like a dummy, I picked them back up when I had a major flare in June of last year.

I ate alot of crushed ice ( I still do ), and that helped with the hand to mouth thing and found that it also helped with the dry mouth from having diabetes and sjogren's syndrome.

I don't drink, thank God, anything alcoholic except an occasional glass of wine. And I take enough drugs to choke a horse, all prescribed of course for the ra and it's side effects. So hopefully, I don't get addicted to food, because that would be a possibility!!! lol I love to cook, so maybe I better stay out of the kitchen for awhile! I don't cook as much as I used to because of the pain, so maybe that's a good thing for a change.lol

Anyway, thanks again Deborah and I hope that God pours his blessings out on you because you are giving so much of yourself to people that you don't even know. I think that it would be really neat for us to all meet sometime, but.....as you and I know....with this stuff, it is hard to make plans. :-)

Hugs back atcha(that's an Okie word) lol,


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Dear Gloria- I so understand the prednisone thing. Its the worst kind of weight to get rid of. It literally changes your body shape. The think about prednisone is, if its injected into a joint you wont gain weight. If its a pill, then boy oh boy. Try Zicam for a sinus infection. I love it. Its zinc gluconate and completely natural. Try buying multi enzyme formula tablets by vitamin world. They are amazing. They break down and seperate fats and carbs and sugars which should be taken after meals which does have you realizing real weight loss. Your body needs to burn the dosage you take every day so it has nothing to live on. What ever your most important meal of the day is but if you factor in the time you get up, eat a bowl of cereal and have a cup of coffee (decaf) your body is already using that as energy to get you going. When I get up, I have a large cup of tea, take a hot shower, check my email and then dress and start my day which is usually late afternoon for me. Sleeping during the day is a diet unto itself because you eliminate breakfast and lunch. I get up between 3 amd 5pm and by 7pm I am ready to eat a horse. I conditioned my body this way. Meds wont work in my system until I eat. Seriously, prednisone uses the food I eat to become effective. I eat a lean piece of meat or chicken, a fresh veggie medly of broccoli, squash, snow peas and carrots (you could buy them frozen too) and some flavored rice. I have almost completely weaned off of potato since its pure carb. If you put a pile of french fries infront of me, I will eat two or three but thats it. Eating such lean protien and just enough of it to be used right away as energy has me sat fat intolerant. I eat rice cakes or fruit for a snack and a tiny bit of ice cream 1/2 cup and then I am ready to do errands. A run to the drug store or food store. I take 5 milligrams of prednisone when I get up and then 1mg at bedtime which for me is between 4-7am. My body has become so efficient at burning the calories as energy that I dont gain a pound. Food wont be a trigger for you if you promise yourself one serving of lean protein, a veggie serving and 1 carb. I eat yam instead of baked potato. One meal a day. Imagine that. My body lies dormant under the soma, ativan and trazadone I give it which is a tiny bit of each. Dont forget the Darvocet chaser, a quarter of a caplet. I am just dead to the world for 8-10 hours and so if I got up early for something, like a doctors appointment, then I might eat earlier but thats a rarity. I just am not hungry at lunch because my body isnt conditioned to. If someone wants to do lunch, they will have to find someone else. We had snow here tonight and I was out shoveling, murder on my hands and back and neck but it had to be done. So that faux energy you get from prednisone was used up and I felt like a sack of dead smelts after that. LOL. I am hoping you do well on your endeavor and if you ever need encouragement or support you know who to email. Hugs, Deborah

On 2/2/07, glokay20022002 <glokay20022002@...> wrote:

Hi Deborah,

Thank you for your encouragment. I hope and pray that I don't gain too much weight coz Lord knows, I gained alot because of the prednisone!! I was a size 1 before ra, and now I am a size 14!! I went to my rheumy the other day and she gave me a shot of the stuff!!! I am having to lay off the humira for a few weeks because I keep getting a sinus infection. I did quit smoking for 9 months in 05 and 06, and like a dummy, I picked them back up when I had a major flare in June of last year.

I ate alot of crushed ice ( I still do ), and that helped with the hand to mouth thing and found that it also helped with the dry mouth from having diabetes and sjogren's syndrome.

I don't drink, thank God, anything alcoholic except an occasional glass of wine. And I take enough drugs to choke a horse, all prescribed of course for the ra and it's side effects. So hopefully, I don't get addicted to food, because that would be a possibility!!! lol I love to cook, so maybe I better stay out of the kitchen for awhile!

I don't cook as much as I used to because of the pain, so maybe that's a good thing for a change.lol

Anyway, thanks again Deborah and I hope that God pours his blessings out on you because you are giving so much of yourself to people that you don't even know. I think that it would be really neat for us to all meet sometime, but.....as you and I know....with this stuff, it is hard to make plans. :-)

Hugs back atcha(that's an Okie word) lol,


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