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RE: Starting remicade

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Hi ,

I tried remicade and was impressed with it. The first time I really

didn't notice any difference but the second I did. I had a very hard time

sitting for the first infusion, during the second I noticed that I could

sit for it and was able to move my hand better. The next day I was

definitely move mobile. Rainy Sue has great luck with remicade. I had to

stop for now because of the pancreatitis. I am hoping to go back to it. I

will be interested in knowing if they mention anything to you about the

side effect of pancreatitis. Sue had been warned about this, I wasn't and

they don't seem to want to blame the remicade. Hope it all goes well for

you. Don't be disappointed if you don't see any change for the first or

second time. Sometimes it take three infusions before you notice anything.

Good luck tomorrow.

Me Mom


> From: Temple <dat2352@...>

> egroups

> Subject: [ ] starting remicade

> Date: Saturday, November 18, 2000 3:18 PM


> On Monday, I am starting remicade-I hope it works, nothing else has.


> now I am aweful-can barely walk and can't roll over at night! Anybody


> good or bad results?

> *** Temple***

> Kuddle Kritters Farm

> Chelmsford, MA

> dat2352@...

> www.homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html

> www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersdairygoats/index.html




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The best of luck to you tomorrow, !

Rainy Sue is one of our most vocal members, and she has had much success

with Remicade. I haven't seen a post from her for several days now (which is

fairly unusual for her - I hope she's OK), but I'm sure she will be happy to

tell you what her experience has been.

Sorry that you are having such a rough time right now. I hope that the whole

process goes very smoothly and that you feel noticeable positive results

very, very soon.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Temple " <dat2352@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 2:18 PM

Subject: [ ] starting remicade

> On Monday, I am starting remicade-I hope it works, nothing else has.


> now I am aweful-can barely walk and can't roll over at night! Anybody


> good or bad results?

> *** Temple***

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Hi, My name is n and I've been trying to keep up with what's going on

with the list participants. I swear as soon as I have a little time I will

sit down and spill my heart out about my battle with Rheumatoid Arthritis(11

years). But your post caught my eye and I felt I had to respond. I myself

began Remicade treatment Tues. Nov.14. and so far I am quite pleased with

the results. I hope this somehow encourages you ,because like yourself not

much has worked for me.(Thank God it's covered by Medicare!)

I hope that I will continue to have added success with this treatment and

sincerely hope it works for you too! I'll be thinking of you on Monday and

I'll even say a little prayer that this is the answer to our (all of us with

RA) prayers.

Good Luck,


n Viramontes

Santa Barbara, CA

>From: " Temple " Reply- egroups Subject:

>[ ] starting remicade Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:18:06 -0500


>On Monday, I am starting remicade-I hope it works, nothing else has. Right

>now I am aweful-can barely walk and can't roll over at night! Anybody have

>good or bad results? *** Temple*** Kuddle Kritters Farm Chelmsford,

>MA dat2352@... www.homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html





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Welcome, n!

Please don't feel any pressure to post, but I'm happy you did and

look forward to hearing your story when you have the time and energy

to reveal it.

Wonderful news that Remicade seems to be working for you! Hope you

feel increasingly better.



> ,

> Hi, My name is n and I've been trying to keep up with what's

going on

> with the list participants. I swear as soon as I have a little time

I will

> sit down and spill my heart out about my battle with Rheumatoid


> years). But your post caught my eye and I felt I had to respond. I


> began Remicade treatment Tues. Nov.14. and so far I am quite

pleased with

> the results. I hope this somehow encourages you ,because like

yourself not

> much has worked for me.(Thank God it's covered by Medicare!)

> I hope that I will continue to have added success with this

treatment and

> sincerely hope it works for you too! I'll be thinking of you on

Monday and

> I'll even say a little prayer that this is the answer to our (all

of us with

> RA) prayers.

> Good Luck,

> Sincerely,

> n Viramontes

> Santa Barbara, CA

> >From: " Temple " Reply- egroups To:


> >[ ] starting remicade Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:18:06 -


> >

> >On Monday, I am starting remicade-I hope it works, nothing else

has. Right

> >now I am aweful-can barely walk and can't roll over at night!

Anybody have

> >good or bad results? *** Temple*** Kuddle Kritters Farm


> >MA dat2352@m... www.homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html

> >www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> >www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersdairygoats/index.html

> >




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> http://profiles.msn.com.

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Hi ,

When you were on an antibiotic for a year and a half for RA, did it help

you? I have taken the generic Doxycycline and it did seem to help, but not

an obvious help like Enbrel.



-----Original Message-----

From: Matsumura [mailto:Matsumura_Clan@...]

Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 1:29 PM


Subject: [ ] Re: starting remicade

Welcome, n!

Please don't feel any pressure to post, but I'm happy you did and

look forward to hearing your story when you have the time and energy

to reveal it.

Wonderful news that Remicade seems to be working for you! Hope you

feel increasingly better.



> ,

> Hi, My name is n and I've been trying to keep up with what's

going on

> with the list participants. I swear as soon as I have a little time

I will

> sit down and spill my heart out about my battle with Rheumatoid


> years). But your post caught my eye and I felt I had to respond. I


> began Remicade treatment Tues. Nov.14. and so far I am quite

pleased with

> the results. I hope this somehow encourages you ,because like

yourself not

> much has worked for me.(Thank God it's covered by Medicare!)

> I hope that I will continue to have added success with this

treatment and

> sincerely hope it works for you too! I'll be thinking of you on

Monday and

> I'll even say a little prayer that this is the answer to our (all

of us with

> RA) prayers.

> Good Luck,

> Sincerely,

> n Viramontes

> Santa Barbara, CA

> >From: " Temple " Reply- egroups To:


> >[ ] starting remicade Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:18:06 -


> >

> >On Monday, I am starting remicade-I hope it works, nothing else

has. Right

> >now I am aweful-can barely walk and can't roll over at night!

Anybody have

> >good or bad results? *** Temple*** Kuddle Kritters Farm


> >MA dat2352@m... www.homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html

> >www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> >www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersdairygoats/index.html

> >




> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at



> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> http://profiles.msn.com.

Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/


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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

--- Mike <mifel@...> wrote:

> Blue Shield

> of Calif, had to approve Remicade for me. I will get

> my first infusion

> tomorrow.

That's good news, Mike! You'll probably find you're

feeling better shortly after the treatment, and that

will continue until shortly before you're due for the

next one. (I've been on the RA dosing schedule of 8

weeks between treatments, but the new PA dosing

schedule is only 6 weeks -- that explains a lot for


You may still need some type of NSAID once or twice a

day, but hopefully you'll find Celebrex is overkill.

(Beware of stopping it abruptly -- quitting Vioxx cold

turkey sent me into a flair). I still take Mobic for

pain, but there are times when I can go two or three

days without a dose.

My doc keeps me on MTX (15 mg) to help prevent me from

developing antibodies to the Remicade. (I'm allergic

to just about everything.) Your doc may take a

different approach because of your liver test.

Congrats again! Things are looking up!








" Do or do not. There is no try. " - Yoda


" If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself

If you want to be somebody else, change your mind... "

-- Sister Hazel



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Guest guest

This was good timing since my last liver function test went

> way out of range.


> I hope that I can go off of MTX and Celebrex completely.

Hi Mike,

I do too! good luck with the infusions. remicade was a huge help for

me for several years.

best wishes,


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  • 3 years later...

Yes, I’ve been on it for over 5

years quite successfully. I am also on Medicare and originally my doctor

recommended that because of Medicare coverage. It works for me so I haven’t

looked into alternatives but maybe my secondary insurance would now make Enbrel

or Humira less expensive. If you don’t have secondary insurance

then Remicade is a lot less expensive. I wouldn’t call any of the

biologics “cheap”. You might be able to get a break on your

co-pay with Social Security, the manufacturer of Remicade, or some place like

Partnership for Prescription Assistance that is hawked by Montel

. I hope you find effective treatment. God bless.

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Sharon Wertz

Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008

3:40 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Starting remicade

I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but

naproxen and

methotrexate, but I've gone " active " again and my Rheumy wants to

start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a


I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my insurance

(medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a

drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians are

covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office


Anyone out there using Remicade?


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Hi Sharon,

I have been on Remicade for 7 years. Its amazing. I was at a point in my life after I gave birth to my daughter where I couldnt even dress myself without help from my husband. Not long after the infusions I started feeling a lot better and by looking at me now you would never guess that I was in that bad of shape. The only downside to infusions are the time it takes to get them, but I actually enjoy it. I get the infusions every six weeks and use that time to catch up on my reading and just sit back at relax. I receive the infusions at my doctors office in a room with lazy boy chairs and a t.v. Not to bad if you think of it as a little mini vacation.

Good luck and I hope it works for you as well as it has for me. I cant say that I'm "cured" because I do still have flares and bad days but I'm in a whole lot better shape then I was.

in Michigan

From: Sharon Wertz <sbwertz@...>Subject: Starting remicadeRheumatoid Arthritis Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 6:39 PM

I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but naproxen and methotrexate, but I've gone "active" again and my Rheumy wants to start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a study. I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my insurance (medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians are covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office procedure.Anyone out there using Remicade?Sharon

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Being on remicade going on 8 years now........I will say " remember to take your premeds (generic benadryl)25mg.....or claritin and make SURE you are infused slowly dosing at 20,40,80,120,150,200max rate not 250. Write it down and make sure they infuse you for atleast three hours then cut back your infusion time gauging on how you feel. They tend to want to get you and get you out. Be sure someone drives you. Good Luck. Deborah

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Sharon Wertz <sbwertz@...> wrote:

I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but naproxen and

methotrexate, but I've gone " active " again and my Rheumy wants to

start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a


I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my insurance

(medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a

drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians are

covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office


Anyone out there using Remicade?


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Hi Sharon,

Sorry your RA is active again, but great you were in remission for

that long. I have been on Remicade, and now on Humira. I have

Medicare part D, and it only cost me around $6 for the month.

My next step will be Remicade, but I have worried about the costs.

So, let me know if you go with the infusion, I would like to know

what it cost you. I have never tried any infusion med, but I've

heard great reports. Hope you get on a med soon, and start feeling

better, Tawny


> I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but naproxen and

> methotrexate, but I've gone " active " again and my Rheumy wants to

> start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a

> study.


> I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my insurance

> (medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a

> drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians are

> covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office

> procedure.


> Anyone out there using Remicade?


> Sharon


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  • 1 month later...

I may not have to do the remicade after all. We discovered that the

reason I became active again was because I was taking St s Wort

and it was reducing the effectiveness of the methotrexate by about


I have been off the Wort for a month now and am back in remission,

but some joint damage was done during the 6 months I was taking it.

The recent MRIs showed fresh erosion.



> I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but naproxen and

> methotrexate, but I've gone " active " again and my Rheumy wants to

> start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a

> study.


> I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my insurance

> (medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a

> drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians are

> covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office

> procedure.


> Anyone out there using Remicade?


> Sharon


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I am so glad that you found out what was causing the flare. Thanks

for posting this information for others.

It is a shame about the erosion.


> >

> > I've been in remission for 3 1/2 years on nothing but naproxen


> > methotrexate, but I've gone " active " again and my Rheumy wants


> > start me on Remicade next month. He is trying to get me into a

> > study.

> >

> > I wanted the infusion, rather than injections because my


> > (medicare part D) doesn't cover much if you have to take it to a

> > drugstore and fill a prescription, like Enbril. The infusians


> > covered under my Part B, apparently, since it is an in-office

> > procedure.

> >

> > Anyone out there using Remicade?

> >

> > Sharon

> >


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