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Re: Outline of Action Plan

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Hi everyone:

Boy so true! Just got done doing seminar w/ the "Celestine Prophacies" guy. A good book and movie to look into. He spoke a lot tonight about cultivate flow and positive energy in our lives and how to get rid of energy leaks. Also I've been involved w/ participating in his circles every 2 weeks. He and his wife guide us thru meditation/visualization where we send energy to the world's trouble spots, the insane leaders, decision makers etc...

Fear is a real big energy leaker.

Not that I think we should run off to some new age monastary, pull the wool over our eyes and pretend the problems mentioned are gone, but being alchemists and creating what we do want is necessary. I do think it does require action in there with the rest. Maybe thru this group we can get some ideas 4 solutions, as I do think it requires starting on local levels. At the local level here, they R big into alternative stuff and yet I haven't found anyone who will will begin to pull the "wool" down to even discuss these health issues. We have Wal-mart here, a lot of the small vendors don't seem to take pride in what they could offer so it seems to be a real whammy. Still I sure will put it out to the universe to have people care and get on this here.

Re: Outline of Action Plan


You are totally correct in stating that we must get rid of all fear. "We have nothing to

fear but fear itself", to quote FDR. The perception of 'fear' is the tool that corporations

and our own gov't use to attempt to keep us in line and do their bidding. I don't buy

into it and others need to follow suit too. Are you listening Dr. Deborah? We must

focus on our goals and visualize the outcome rather than spend our precious time

on what we don't want which is precisely what we'll get. This happened when Bush

got elected, you'll recall. Perhaps simplistic, but all we could talk about was what a

lamebrain Bush was, he said this/that, etc. Our energy was expended in the wrong

direction and as a result, this is what we got. I'll bring up the Walmart effort again as

an example. We only focused on the end result which was another store. We did not

give Walmart the time of day except for letting them know that they did not have a chance

in hell of coming into our neighborhood. This take no prisoners approach, 100% effort,

worked and for 6 mos. we daily, continuously kept our end goal in sight.

"As a man thinketh' is a great book and "The Secret" should be viewed for a reminder of these tenets. There are other books I've found invaluable as well.

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