Guest guest Posted August 26, 2008 Report Share Posted August 26, 2008 The Occult by J Towsey Do you know what the word occult really means? Most don't. They have the impression that has been put into their heads by the corporate media that the occult is some kind of superstitious stupidities. Will its not. It what they NWO does not want you to know. The occult means the study of deliberately hidden knowledge from the masses. They want to keep you dumbed down, for they know that knowledge is power and freedom from enslavement. Do you want to be free? Then wake up and go out and wake others up. Please read my " A truth soldier" to better understand. Definition of "Occult" from the 1954 Thorndike*Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary. Doubleday & Co Garden City, New York Def: adj. 1. beyond the bounds of ordinary knowledge; mysterious. Definition of "Occult" from English Dictionary 1986 Sons & Co. LTD. Great Britain 2. beyond ordinary human understanding 3. secret or esoteric 5. to hide or become hidden or shut off from view. So as you see it is a deliberate act of keeping knowledge from the masses, to therefore dumb down the people. Only in recent times in newer dictionaries, does it say anything about magic, sorcery etc.. That has been a NWO dictate to really keep the average person from understanding that there really has always been an agenda by the money masters to keep you dumb. For the money masters are the ones who provide the funds to duplicate knowledge. So does this make you mad enough to go out and start learning the truth for yourself? I have provided some important links below to get you started in exploring the wealth of information now made public on the internet by "Truth Soldiers" in the independent free media...remember "Only the brave seek and then speak the truth" Use your freedoms or they will be free to take them from you, and they will never freely give them back to you. When you hear a messenger of truth telling you some insane sounding things. Don't for a second be that it's the messenger that is insane. The messenger is just telling what the truly insane are occultly or covertly really doing. Please read "Recipe for insanity" to better understand. There is a process now underway to completely shut down the free internet by 2012...after which we will all be in the dark. Then imprisoned in a cave of stupidity and slavery... This is for real..start download every you find and put it on dvd disk.. But down stop there. Print what you can for one day, the technology you are now using to retrieve this occult knowledge will be made obsolete. Only the printed articles will be retrievable... A New World Order Dark Ages is now upon man kind...The evil satanist, Zionist, secret society, is attacking us from every unimaginable angle. From Monsanto's insane genetic tampering, to the USA government manufactured viruses (This includes HIV AIDS), The poison Fluoride in our water,Cloned foods, chemicals in everything, prescription drugs, The UNs CODEX Alimentarius world depopulation agenda,Mercury in our filings,vaccines, the list is endless for the insane have been out of control for a very long time. For when you control the creation of money, the power of money will surely make men absolutely insane. Please read my "Our world without truth" If mankind survives corporate insanity, the dictionary of the future will have a deffinition added to the word evil...called corporations.. If you don't wake up now, we will all die in the END PLEASE...forward this article to everyone ********************************************************* Video Links Must watch this three hour movie "The Money Masters"How International Bankers Gained Control of America and the world The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money...This is what THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS. America from freedom to fascismComplete movie online...PLEASE WATCH THIS AND TELL OTHERS In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Releasemedical madness, cloaked in bioterrorism preparedness, will awaken the brain dead. It exposes health officials, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for conducting a “War of Terror†that is killing millions of unwitting Americans. This urgent life-saving DVD comes without copyright restrictions. Every viewer is encouraged to reproduce and distribute copies to others. Donations to Tetrahedron Films to cover costs and produce more films like this are greatly appreciated online at or by calling toll free 1-888-508-4787. You can screen the film on behalf of local charities. It was produced by award-winning humanitarian, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz (,com_seyret/task,videodirectlink/Itemid,40/id,559/ Occult - Hidden Knowledge Jordan Maxwell speaks to you about hidden knowledge in this great four part series AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 Dr. Boyd Graves discusses the origin of AIDS as well as the United States' patented cure, all based on official government documentation & hl=en A.I.D.S. Virus Made in a Lab in Frederick, MD The American Cancer institute and the center for desease control are located at fort detrick..they are just a clever cover for the UN's CODEX world depopulation agenda & feature=related Adding death to water Another multi-decade health conspiracy Interview with Stocken on the reality of fluorideThis is an interview with Stocken by about the reality of fluoridation and why we need to demand it stop being added to our water supply, to our food, to anything. Health Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation Codex Alimentarius is the real threat to world health This is how the UN is implementing their agenda Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide Biggest Threat to Your Future Health On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television. It is a documentary most Americans will never see, explaining how the gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years. Genetic Foods/Monsanto Revealed 1/3 Genetically Modified Corruption of Life The Future of Foods MUST WATCH THIS MOVIEThe Disturbing Truth Behind Genetic Engineering Drugging our Children(1 of 13) & feature=related Poison in your food In the 1970s G.D. Searle created"aspartame" was considered so toxic that even the notoriously corrupt FDA would not permit it in the food supply. The Drugging of our Children This has to stop. A superb film about one of the most noteworthy evils taking place in the US and other countries that have been subverted by the pharmaceutical industry...The daily drugging of millions of children with powerful psychoactive drugs in order to make them "easier to control." If you have a child in your life who has been diagnosed as "ADD" or "ADHD" and told he or she must take a drug to control it, make sure you watch this important film. Their life may depend on it. & hl=en The Future of Food: What Every Person Should Know with Deborah & q=THE+FUTURE+OF+FOOD & total=2006 & start=0 & num=10 & so=0 & type=search & plindex=0 The cure for cancer - Run Time 55:00 right click save as The world according to Monsanto MUST SEE MOVIEThis is what insanity looks like Things to read A Truth Soldier How to grow a mushroom Recipe for insanity Our world without truth http://ca./group/conspiraciesclub/message/1212 You can download the pdf versions of all my articles at http://ca./group/conspiraciesclub/ Book to read "Seeds of Destruction" The hidden agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F.Willam Engdahl This skillfully written book focuses on how a small sociopolitical American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. "Control the food and you control the people" This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdhal takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the bedrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms. The author cogently reveals a diabolical World of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. The Last Democracy Starving in Canada Are you ready for the truth? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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