Guest guest Posted August 7, 2004 Report Share Posted August 7, 2004 Hello , Listen , i have just recently connected the vaccines to these disorders, so i'm still in the process of gathering information. What i need you to do please is remember my email address and give it to ANYONE that may have something to contribute to this discovery. I'm not a scientist or a doctor, heck i can't even spell right, but my personal theory is that these immunizations are causing 99.9% of ALL illnesses. If they aren't causing they are at least MAJOR contributors! Your right to distrust your doc. If i were you i would stop the vaccines and antibiotics and get to your local health food store and buy some accidolphus and start your child on it. You are doing more damage to the GI tract and the body with their trash they call medicine. DON'T TRUST THEM. That's my take on the matter. Also, fire your doc immediatly and go to and find an orthomolecular doc. I have found that these guys may not know all either, but they arn't quite so inclined to kill a person. Please , don't forget my email address. Pass what you have learned on and tell people to email me. I NEED TO KNOW! I can only cover so many of the groups on here to talk to people, so i need you to help. I need everyone to help. There are a lot of moms who will be able to find a little peace by knowing what happened to their babies, right after they scream, punch and beat themselves up over it. SO, please help me. Don't forget the accidolphus and please build your childs immune system up with mega doses of C. There are many things you can do naturally to help your baby. FACT, the flu vaccine contains mercury. One of the main culprits causing all the problems such as depression, add, adhd, and or full blown pschyosis. Your friend, Connie --- <mkfralick@...> wrote: --------------------------------- Hi All, I appreciate this discussion as my daughter has a 4 in a million birth defect with questionable splenic function and part of her " treatment " is xtra vaccines and daily antibiotic prophylactics, " just in case " her spleens are not functional. Prior to her birth last year, I had already developed a distrust for doctor's advice and all things pharmaceutical after my husband's SSRI experience put us all through living hell. And now I have specialists telling me to make sure my whole familiy gets flu shots for our daughter's safety. So any opinions, experiences or information on vaccine safety or even long term daily antibiotic use is of great interest to me.'s so nice to know there are so many others who feel as sick over all this as I do. Mel Re: Vaccines In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time, SSRI medications writes: > > I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in this > point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given > to anyone, not just children. > I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the mercury. Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot, and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would never get them vaccinated, but that's just me. " Blind Reason " a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's Unsafe At Any Dose Latest Press Release [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 7, 2004 Report Share Posted August 7, 2004 Hello , Listen , i have just recently connected the vaccines to these disorders, so i'm still in the process of gathering information. What i need you to do please is remember my email address and give it to ANYONE that may have something to contribute to this discovery. I'm not a scientist or a doctor, heck i can't even spell right, but my personal theory is that these immunizations are causing 99.9% of ALL illnesses. If they aren't causing they are at least MAJOR contributors! Your right to distrust your doc. If i were you i would stop the vaccines and antibiotics and get to your local health food store and buy some accidolphus and start your child on it. You are doing more damage to the GI tract and the body with their trash they call medicine. DON'T TRUST THEM. That's my take on the matter. Also, fire your doc immediatly and go to and find an orthomolecular doc. I have found that these guys may not know all either, but they arn't quite so inclined to kill a person. Please , don't forget my email address. Pass what you have learned on and tell people to email me. I NEED TO KNOW! I can only cover so many of the groups on here to talk to people, so i need you to help. I need everyone to help. There are a lot of moms who will be able to find a little peace by knowing what happened to their babies, right after they scream, punch and beat themselves up over it. SO, please help me. Don't forget the accidolphus and please build your childs immune system up with mega doses of C. There are many things you can do naturally to help your baby. FACT, the flu vaccine contains mercury. One of the main culprits causing all the problems such as depression, add, adhd, and or full blown pschyosis. Your friend, Connie --- <mkfralick@...> wrote: --------------------------------- Hi All, I appreciate this discussion as my daughter has a 4 in a million birth defect with questionable splenic function and part of her " treatment " is xtra vaccines and daily antibiotic prophylactics, " just in case " her spleens are not functional. Prior to her birth last year, I had already developed a distrust for doctor's advice and all things pharmaceutical after my husband's SSRI experience put us all through living hell. And now I have specialists telling me to make sure my whole familiy gets flu shots for our daughter's safety. So any opinions, experiences or information on vaccine safety or even long term daily antibiotic use is of great interest to me.'s so nice to know there are so many others who feel as sick over all this as I do. Mel Re: Vaccines In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time, SSRI medications writes: > > I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in this > point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given > to anyone, not just children. > I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the mercury. Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot, and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would never get them vaccinated, but that's just me. " Blind Reason " a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's Unsafe At Any Dose Latest Press Release [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 18, 2004 Report Share Posted September 18, 2004 Hi Rabecca, What you sent is interesting. We have wondered over the years whether my son, Marty's, DPT vaccination caused his seizures, as they say 1 in 300,000 cases of the Pertussis vaccine can cause the uncontrolled seizures like he has had now all of his life. I am so sorry that your son died, do they think it was from his shots? I know SIDS is a very scary thing, something all mothers worry so about, I once had a little niece die from it, and it was awful for the family to go through at the time. I am a little concerned that my grandson, Lucas, as he will start his shots soon, will be 2 months old on the 27th. But with us I am glad to say, we have the Peace of God. Both my grandchildren, Sierra, and , had all their shots, and I prayed about it, and I just got Peace about it. Because it is just too hard to worry about everything, and to live in torment about what might or might not happen, so many things we have no control over anyway. Just this last week when I took down to playschool, they had to see the little yellow card with his shot record on it, and make a copy for the files. Last year when I showed it to them, he had to go and get one more shot. They won't let kids go to school without them these days. Anyway when I was little I had the real bad measles, and was sick for a long time and missed a lot of school, some kids lost their ability to hear and see with it, and I had whooping cough too, and mom said I almost died. I was the only one in the family who had to have my tonsils out because I had infection all the time. So what we gonna do? Darned if we do, and darned if we don't, but I know one thing, I don't want to live by fear, so I give it to the Lord. And He gave me Peace, His Peace that passeth understanding. Oh yes, my other three kids had all their shots also, and didn't get seizures, it was kind of scary because they do ask you if anybody in your family has them. Well anyway I send my love to all of you today, we are waiting for the Oregon Ducks to play the Oklahoma Sooners on t.v. in a little while. I am really nervous because they are rated to win by three touchdowns. But you never know! We beat Michigan last year! Miracles happen! Carolyn, a rabid Oregon Duck, quack, quack, quack. vaccines Hi guys, This was forwarded to me, and I realize that all their information comes from the same website… Yet, it was forwarded by an acquaintance that doesn’t even know about my son , or that I have found other information consistent with some provided here on other sites. My son died at 3 months 2 days old, only a couple days after receiving his vaccinations. His death was deemed SIDS, which is what they call every baby’s death they can’t determine a cause for… He would now be 15 years old had he lived… My living son Tyler has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is similar to high functioning autism. It is said that some children genetically react more severely to vaccinations than to others, and some also have a higher sensitivity to the mercury that the vaccines are cultured in. Even with my history, I am not advocating lack of vaccines. Instead, I would like to see more studies done, vaccines containing mercury banned, and if future studies show a strong correlation between autism, SIDS, and vaccinations if done prior to one year of age, that the vaccination schedule should be pushed back. This really struck a cord… so now I pass it on to you… Do with it what you will! Rabecca Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2004 Report Share Posted September 21, 2004 ..... I probably shouldn't hop in but I can't help myself. So, maybe the kids who show no signs after chelation, never had autims at all .. just mercury poisoning ... from a combination of vaccinations and environmental issues ... one cannot scientifically rule out that mercury in vaccinations, for some persons, causes adverse reactions - call it whatever the hell you want. And, by the way, my son is not a " freak of nature. " He's a complete joy and gift to me. I wouldn't change him for all the tea in China, but I will find out if he has toxic levels of mercury in his body and if I can rid him of it. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just doing what's best for the health of my child ... I think you need some therapy leaving such a nasty message with a group of caring loving parents who only want the best for their children ... So, why don't you just go eat some meat and potatoes. hahahaha sorry! Couldn't resist. Kathy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2004 Report Share Posted September 21, 2004 ..... I probably shouldn't hop in but I can't help myself. So, maybe the kids who show no signs after chelation, never had autims at all .. just mercury poisoning ... from a combination of vaccinations and environmental issues ... one cannot scientifically rule out that mercury in vaccinations, for some persons, causes adverse reactions - call it whatever the hell you want. And, by the way, my son is not a " freak of nature. " He's a complete joy and gift to me. I wouldn't change him for all the tea in China, but I will find out if he has toxic levels of mercury in his body and if I can rid him of it. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just doing what's best for the health of my child ... I think you need some therapy leaving such a nasty message with a group of caring loving parents who only want the best for their children ... So, why don't you just go eat some meat and potatoes. hahahaha sorry! Couldn't resist. Kathy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2004 Report Share Posted September 21, 2004 Fortunately, this has never been an issue for us. Louie had his DPT at 6 weeks (I think), but I was already aware that there was something going on with him. He never had the MMR because he had the diseases instead, which gave him (along with itchy bumps and a lumpy face) a natural immunity thereafter. Same with chicken pox. I think he had a tetanus shot when he was 12, but I forget why (who can remember every bump and injury their kid has had?? Not I!). Autism is genetic, I am convinced. And those kids who begin to show the behaviors of autism post-vaccine fall into one of two camps. Either they were autistic already and coincidentally evinced their autism at the time the MMR is given (around 2, right?), or they are not now nor never were autistic but have developed autistic symptomology because of a sensitivity/allergy to the MMR or something contained within it (not necessarily thimerosol). It's hard to pick out autism in a young young child, 2 or less in age. The only reason I was able to was because I'd read a lot about it (the subject fascinated me, and still does) and because I come from a huge family and so had experience with all kindsa babies. I think a lot of research funding being put into looking at vaccines and autism would be better spent in educating the world-at-large about autistic people and their worth. It would be better spent, too, on good special ed programs focussed specifically on spectrum kids and helping them develop the coping mechanisms necessary to get along in a world that does not understand them at all. And it would be better spent in developing job placement/training programs focussed specifically on spectrum young adults and adults, as well as on courses for these folks on how to do, say, a bank account, and any of the other things it takes to live on one's own. But that's just me. ymmv Annie, who loves ya annie@... -- The only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others. -- Doug Larson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2004 Report Share Posted September 22, 2004 Hi Annie: I can appreciate the idea that you are putting forth that maybe the money is not being funneled appropriately. However, before venturing down that path, I think we would have to have hard numbers in front of us to see how much money is really being spent looking at vaccinations vs. the other topics you discuss. You see, since all this conversation about vaccinations is so forward on our minds, it might be real easy to think that tons of money is being poured into it when maybe there really is not. I agree, we need a better educated public. I am very open about my son's autism. Whenever I have the opportunity of catching someones interest, I always use it as a teaching opportunity. My wife and I are very involved in the local autism community and we are very vocal. Point is we are big proponents of exactly what you suggest. I would like you to consider something. Isn't it possible that while searching through genes and finding strains of mice that react like ASDs when they are injected with Thimerosal that somewhere in there they might just unlock a genetic mystery? I'm not saying that they will find the answer as to how thimerosal did the damage. I'm just hoping that they will find out how to prevent it in the future so that maybe my grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth may not have to develop the symptoms even if they carry the genetic markers. Because, I truly believe that if the genetics are there, which I believe they are in my family and my wifes family, therre is probably more than just thimerosal and/or vaccines and maybe even not thimerosal or vaccines out there that can pull the trigger on my proginy. So, yes, I want the best for my children now, today. I also want the research to continue for all of our futures. Live for today. Plan for tomorrow. I hope I have presented this in a balanced and non-argumentative light. Thanks for listening, Mike > Fortunately, this has never been an issue for us. Louie had his DPT at > 6 weeks (I think), but I was already aware that there was something > going on with him. He never had the MMR because he had the diseases > instead, which gave him (along with itchy bumps and a lumpy face) a > natural immunity thereafter. Same with chicken pox. I think he had a > tetanus shot when he was 12, but I forget why (who can remember every > bump and injury their kid has had?? Not I!). > > Autism is genetic, I am convinced. And those kids who begin to show the > behaviors of autism post-vaccine fall into one of two camps. Either > they were autistic already and coincidentally evinced their autism at > the time the MMR is given (around 2, right?), or they are not now nor > never were autistic but have developed autistic symptomology because of > a sensitivity/allergy to the MMR or something contained within it (not > necessarily thimerosol). It's hard to pick out autism in a young young > child, 2 or less in age. The only reason I was able to was because I'd > read a lot about it (the subject fascinated me, and still does) and > because I come from a huge family and so had experience with all kindsa > babies. > > I think a lot of research funding being put into looking at vaccines and > autism would be better spent in educating the world-at-large about > autistic people and their worth. It would be better spent, too, on good > special ed programs focussed specifically on spectrum kids and helping > them develop the coping mechanisms necessary to get along in a world > that does not understand them at all. And it would be better spent in > developing job placement/training programs focussed specifically on > spectrum young adults and adults, as well as on courses for these folks > on how to do, say, a bank account, and any of the other things it takes > to live on one's own. > > But that's just me. ymmv > > Annie, who loves ya annie@r... > -- > The only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to > others. -- Doug Larson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2004 Report Share Posted September 22, 2004 Meat N. Taters wrote: > The vaccine theory has been mostly discredited with almost all > reputable medical people. It is a case of mass hysteria/old wives > tales/feminine irrationality and emotion rolled into one. Is it %100 > wrong? No. Nothing is. But, in fact, there are some studies that > suggest vaccines actually help (ON NO!!! HORRORS) with autism/as. > This is old news. Stop blaming vaccines for your kids' disabilities. > Maybe you should blame God instead. > > Meat N. Taters > Um, in the years I've spent on this and other lists, it's become increasingly obvious that when irrationality in the form of denial shows up, it's generally men who are feeling it. Feminine irrationality itself is an old wives tale. As an old wife, I can assure you of that. Funny you should mention that last thing. Our pastor talked about God and disabilities in his sermon just this past Saturday. Thing is, blaming God for a disability is just setting yourself up for frustration. His take on it, with which I agree, was that when a disability happens, whether it be to an adult or to a child, it is actually an opportunity to work to God's glory. IOW, in how you deal with that disability, rise above it, become comfortable with it, whatever, that speaks directly to the human spirit and God at work in that person's life. God does not cause disability. God might allow them to happen, but God does not cause them. That would be entirely opposite God's nature. I've never once blamed God for our son's autism, but I've asked God more than once for help for us and for our son to deal with it, and to cope with the world's reaction to him because of it. Two vastly different things in my book. Oh, yeah, and one more thing. I recognize trolling when I see it. " You have no power here! Off with you, before someone drops a house on you! " to quote a certain Good Witch. Go crawl back under your bridge. Annie, who loves ya annie@... __ The only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others. -- Doug Larson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2004 Report Share Posted September 22, 2004 Well said Annie! > > Oh, yeah, and one more thing. I recognize trolling when I see it. " You > have no power here! Off with you, before someone drops a house on you! " > to quote a certain Good Witch. Go crawl back under your bridge. > in England Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2004 Report Share Posted September 25, 2004 In a message dated 9/25/04 5:34:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, SSRI medications writes: > BUT the fact is, > THIS TRASH CAUSES BRAIN AND IMMUNE SYSTEM DAMAGE. Two > important body functions that if compromised, can lead > to all kinds of mental and pschycal (?) disorders and > we are all getting them. How healthy or unhealthy the > body is will all depend on the severity of the effect. > I'm sure that your theory is, in part, correct, but there are so many other things -- like Lariam -- that cause the same problems. I see the big push for flu vaccine is on with them saying that this is the worst flu YET. Well, I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. The only people I know who ever got the flu had the shot. " Blind Reason " a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's Unsafe At Any Dose Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2004 Report Share Posted September 25, 2004 In a message dated 9/25/04 5:34:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, SSRI medications writes: > BUT the fact is, > THIS TRASH CAUSES BRAIN AND IMMUNE SYSTEM DAMAGE. Two > important body functions that if compromised, can lead > to all kinds of mental and pschycal (?) disorders and > we are all getting them. How healthy or unhealthy the > body is will all depend on the severity of the effect. > I'm sure that your theory is, in part, correct, but there are so many other things -- like Lariam -- that cause the same problems. I see the big push for flu vaccine is on with them saying that this is the worst flu YET. Well, I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. The only people I know who ever got the flu had the shot. " Blind Reason " a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's Unsafe At Any Dose Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2004 Report Share Posted September 25, 2004 Glitter, > BUT the fact is, > THIS TRASH CAUSES BRAIN AND IMMUNE SYSTEM DAMAGE. Two > important body functions that if compromised, can lead > to all kinds of mental and pschycal (?) disorders and > we are all getting them. How healthy or unhealthy the > body is will all depend on the severity of the effect. > I'm sure that your theory is, in part, correct, but there are so many other things -- like Lariam -- that cause the same problems. I see the big push for flu vaccine is on with them saying that this is the worst flu YET. Well, I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. The only people I know who ever got the flu had the shot. THEIR PUSHING IT ALRIGHT. JUST ANOTHER MOVE TO INDUCE DISEASE THEY CAN TREAT WITH PSCHYCIATRIC AND OTHER DRUGS. THESE FLU VACCINES ARE PRESERVED WITH THERMOSOL. THERMOSOL IS MAINLY THE CAUSE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS LIKE ADD/ADHD/AUTISM. NOT TO MENTION THE BLOW IT IS TO THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, WHICH COULD EXPLAIN WHY THOSE THAT HAVE HAD THE FLU SHOT HAVE HAD THE FLU. THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM HAS BEEN COMPROMISED BY THE VACCINES. A LADY NOT TO FAR FROM ME GOT OFF ON AN INSANITY PLEA AFTER SHE KILLED HER 2 GIRLS. HER HUSBAND SAID THAT SHE STARTED ACTING BIZARRE AFTER THE FLU VACCINE SHE RECEIVED. OF COURSE NOW SHE IS PROBABLY IN SOME PSCHY WARD BEING DRUGGED INTO OBLIVION. CONNIE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2004 Report Share Posted September 25, 2004 Glitter, > BUT the fact is, > THIS TRASH CAUSES BRAIN AND IMMUNE SYSTEM DAMAGE. Two > important body functions that if compromised, can lead > to all kinds of mental and pschycal (?) disorders and > we are all getting them. How healthy or unhealthy the > body is will all depend on the severity of the effect. > I'm sure that your theory is, in part, correct, but there are so many other things -- like Lariam -- that cause the same problems. I see the big push for flu vaccine is on with them saying that this is the worst flu YET. Well, I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. The only people I know who ever got the flu had the shot. THEIR PUSHING IT ALRIGHT. JUST ANOTHER MOVE TO INDUCE DISEASE THEY CAN TREAT WITH PSCHYCIATRIC AND OTHER DRUGS. THESE FLU VACCINES ARE PRESERVED WITH THERMOSOL. THERMOSOL IS MAINLY THE CAUSE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS LIKE ADD/ADHD/AUTISM. NOT TO MENTION THE BLOW IT IS TO THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, WHICH COULD EXPLAIN WHY THOSE THAT HAVE HAD THE FLU SHOT HAVE HAD THE FLU. THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM HAS BEEN COMPROMISED BY THE VACCINES. A LADY NOT TO FAR FROM ME GOT OFF ON AN INSANITY PLEA AFTER SHE KILLED HER 2 GIRLS. HER HUSBAND SAID THAT SHE STARTED ACTING BIZARRE AFTER THE FLU VACCINE SHE RECEIVED. OF COURSE NOW SHE IS PROBABLY IN SOME PSCHY WARD BEING DRUGGED INTO OBLIVION. CONNIE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 A friend just sent this to me so thought I'd post it again for those new on the list: Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the petition: " Show Us The Vaccine Data " We are trying to reach 100000 signatures, and we need YOUR HELP! Please help by signing this petition. It takes 30 seconds and will really help. Please follow this link: <> Once you have signed, help even more, by telling your friends and family to sign as well! Thank you! Rauhofer ( <mailto:nancybzz@...> nancybzz@...) Total Signatures: 9,826 To add your name to this petition go to: <> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2005 Report Share Posted March 2, 2005 I do not believe there is a site to check lot numbers. But you can check if the brand and type has Thimerosal. at scroll to bottom of home page. I have some autism related vaccine links at asd_solutions/links If you happen upon a lot number site please Email me ASAP. The drug companies have pretty much locked down the hot lot info as well, so if you stumble on a source let us all know. Full strength Thimerosal is still in the Flu shot and was never really banned just reduced. This happened in 1999 but those shots were given out well into 2002. There are studies even being done that even trace amounts being dangerous to certain subgroups of kids. Blessings > > Hello. Me again with another question. I need to find out if there is > a site that I can go to and check if the vaccines that my son > received had Themerisol in them. I have all of the lot numbers for > his vaccines, but don't know where to look. All of the sites list the > ingredients, but they are all updated. He got his shots from 2001- > 2002. I don't need the ingredients for 2005. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Thanks this is a great article, and I agree completely. I don't vaccinate, although I did at first when My kids were really young.SInce that time the amount of vaccines given has increased quite abit. Just another money maker for the drug makers and doctors gving them. GIna Tangerineburton@... wrote: > > I thought everyone might be interested in this. It is from a newsletter > from > Donna Gates who wrote Body Ecology. I am not promoting her diet, just > passing > along this info. Tangerine > > Vaccines, Mercury, Autism and Pending Legislation > > Free Your Mind From the Vaccine ParadigmWhen we give government the > power to > make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state > owns our > bodies.--U.S. Representative Ron , MD Imagine the impact it would > have on > your family if the pharmaceutical industry knew it was immune from > lawsuits. > It could then cut corners on the safety of it's products. Currently your > state > government has the power to determine if a vaccine is safe. For example, > If it > were to decide that vaccines containing mercury were not safe, it could > create a law to prevent its use. However, if U.S. Senate Bill 3 passes, > that right > will disappear. Other rights including your right to sue pharmaceutical > companies for appropriate amounts will also be reduced or eliminated. > U.S. Senate > Bill 3, cleverly disguised as the " Protecting America in the War on > Terror Act > of 2005 " [1] contains a section that will essentially remove any > existing and > future state regulations of vaccine ingredients. This section, section > 126 [2], > is on the surface an attempt to ensure standardization of vaccines in the > event of a bio-terrorist attack, but underneath promises added profits > for the > pharmaceutical and mercury-related industries, and the potential of > debilitating > and possibly life-threatening consequences for our children. > > Organizations such as [3], [4] and Body > Ecology [5] > have been on the front line educating the public about the hazards of > mercury > preservatives in vaccines. Notable effects are the appearance of autism, > ADD > and language disorders within days or weeks after receiving a > vaccination. The > industries producing mercury products and byproducts are in favor of the > type > of legislation covered in the bill [6], because preparation of safe > vaccines > without mercury and clean up of the waste products is quite expensive. > > Body Ecology believes that vaccines for infants and children, however well > meaning, can damage their young developing immune systems. Adding a proven > neurotoxin such as mercury only magnifies the potential damage. You can > no longer > find a doctor who questions the hazards to the developing fetus when the > mother > eats fish contaminated with mercury, yet some would defend vaccines with > mercury-laden preservatives added that are then injected directly into > the child's > system. Body Ecology's stance is simple: it is not enough to prove that > something is not harmful; if it is not a normal part of our personal > biology, it > must be proven safe. Vaccines, especially those with mercury, have not > passed > this test. > > > Donna's comments: Vaccines for infants and very young children go against > the laws of Nature. Nature vaccinates us by establishing a microbial inner > ecosystem in our intestines at birth. Colostrum and breast milk contains > immunoglobulins and antibodies from the mother that also protect the > young child. > Vaccines were originally given to much older children...about ten..and > those > children belonged to a generation that was much more hardy than today's > infant. > Out of everything bad there always comes some good. There is now a > tremendous > fear among parents about vaccinations because of the escalating number of > children with autism. Many children who are born normal regress into > autism after > the measles, mumps and Rubella vaccine given around 15 - 18 months. > Parents of > these children have fought bravely demanding that the mercury in > vaccines be > removed. However, the average American mother and father is still led to > believe > that their child is in danger if they are not vaccinated at birth. > > While the vaccinations do not cause autism they can be the proverbial > " straw > that broke the camels back. " > > No one should be vaccinated until they have a strong immune system and > no one > should be immunized when ill. Children coming in to our world today do not > fit the criteria to be vaccinated. Our mission at Body Ecology is to > teach the > world about the importance of establishing a healthy inner ecosystem and, > therefore, a strong hardy immune system. In this way we can live safely > in a world > that we share with pathogenic organisms. > > STATUSThe bill has been read twice by the Senate and has been sent to the > Senate Finance Committee for a review, which is pending[7]. What You Can > DoThe > most immediate action you can take is to contact your representatives. The > easiest way is to go to the site at > and > utilize their " Write Your Legislators " and " Write To Congress " links on > the right > of their page. > > Don Rechtman, CBE > > March 1, 2005 > > [1] [2] > > [3] > [4] [5] > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 I would not vaccinate if my T-cell count were that low, I don't vaccinate and my T-cell count if normal. You have not lost it, you have made a smart choice. What are you doing to help your immune system get stronger? My brother in law is having much sucess with some new advanced supplements. He brought his T-cell from below 50 to 264, doctors said he was going to die with a case of pneumonia he had in July, he took massive amounts of supplements had massive candida dieoff, that was bad, but recovered and was out of hospital in 5 days. Now they have tested him twice and cannot find the aids virus? He has had full blown aids for 17 years. He has to go in for a third time because they just think something is wrong with the tests, but I think its gone. Anyway you should be supporting your body like he did. J Purcell wrote: > > Hi all, > > I've routinely refused the Hep B & C vaccines at the clinic. Have I lost > it? I just figure I dont need them. I also have refused flu-shot during > flu season and so far havent come down with it. I guess my immune system > is working well after all...even though my t-cells were under 100 last > lab. > > paul > > > Read AIDS-Cured Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Hi , wow,.......he tests hiv 'neg' now? Interesting. I wondered if it would be a waste of time to check for hiv antibodies again when my t-cells get near normal range. For candida/yeast I take GSE, (grapefruitseed extract) - put drops in my drinking water....havnt had any candida or thrush flare-ups for some time. Doing well for the most part. Anxious to see my lab work in a few weeks as I am just recovering from lymphoma/chemotherapy. T-cells are rising slowly but steadily and v-load was under 400 last lab. On another list I shared about the dissident views on hiv...and got lamblasted as a 'fruitcake'. I was only sharing info. that other views existed but was taken as 'one of them dissident denialists'. *gasp* and *giggle*. Anyways...many long term hiv survivors swear that life has improved and thousands of lives have been saved since the advent of HAART. (another view). paul On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:54:22 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > I would not vaccinate if my T-cell count were that low, I don't > vaccinate and my T-cell count if normal. You have not lost it, you > have > made a smart choice. What are you doing to help your immune system > get > stronger? My brother in law is having much sucess with some new > advanced > supplements. He brought his T-cell from below 50 to 264, doctors > said he > was going to die with a case of pneumonia he had in July, he took > massive amounts of supplements had massive candida dieoff, that was > bad, > but recovered and was out of hospital in 5 days. Now they have > tested > him twice and cannot find the aids virus? He has had full blown aids > for > 17 years. He has to go in for a third time because they just think > something is wrong with the tests, but I think its gone. Anyway you > > should be supporting your body like he did. > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > I've routinely refused the Hep B & C vaccines at the clinic. Have > I lost > > it? I just figure I dont need them. I also have refused flu-shot > during > > flu season and so far havent come down with it. I guess my immune > system > > is working well after all...even though my t-cells were under 100 > last > > lab. > > > > paul > > > > > > Read AIDS-Cured Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 What is HAART, sorry to be so naive. Glad things are improving for you. keep working at it, nutrition is really key, lots of antioxidants, plant foods, etc., If you ever want to know about nutrition I am your gal. J Purcell wrote: > > Hi , > > wow,.......he tests hiv 'neg' now? Interesting. I wondered if it would be > a waste of time to check for hiv antibodies again when my t-cells get > near normal range. For candida/yeast I take GSE, (grapefruitseed extract) > - put drops in my drinking water....havnt had any candida or thrush > flare-ups for some time. Doing well for the most part. Anxious to see my > lab work in a few weeks as I am just recovering from > lymphoma/chemotherapy. T-cells are rising slowly but steadily and v-load > was under 400 last lab. On another list I shared about the dissident > views on hiv...and got lamblasted as a 'fruitcake'. I was only sharing > info. that other views existed but was taken as 'one of them dissident > denialists'. *gasp* and *giggle*. Anyways...many long term hiv survivors > swear that life has improved and thousands of lives have been saved since > the advent of HAART. (another view). > > paul > > > > > On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:54:22 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " > <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > > > I would not vaccinate if my T-cell count were that low, I don't > > vaccinate and my T-cell count if normal. You have not lost it, you > > have > > made a smart choice. What are you doing to help your immune system > > get > > stronger? My brother in law is having much sucess with some new > > advanced > > supplements. He brought his T-cell from below 50 to 264, doctors > > said he > > was going to die with a case of pneumonia he had in July, he took > > massive amounts of supplements had massive candida dieoff, that was > > bad, > > but recovered and was out of hospital in 5 days. Now they have > > tested > > him twice and cannot find the aids virus? He has had full blown aids > > for > > 17 years. He has to go in for a third time because they just think > > something is wrong with the tests, but I think its gone. Anyway you > > > > should be supporting your body like he did. > > > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > > > Hi all, > > > > > > I've routinely refused the Hep B & C vaccines at the clinic. Have > > I lost > > > it? I just figure I dont need them. I also have refused flu-shot > > during > > > flu season and so far havent come down with it. I guess my immune > > system > > > is working well after all...even though my t-cells were under 100 > > last > > > lab. > > > > > > paul > > > > > > > > > Read AIDS-Cured Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 HAART = Highly active anti retro-viral therapy. I take lots of supps and try to eat as well as possible (organic, etc.) - cant always eat perfect and splurge at times with reg. american foodstuffs. I take 5 - 7 gr of C, 800 Ius of E, 400 mcgs of selenium, 50 mgs of zinc, ginkgo biloba, fish/flax oil, 150,00 - 200,000 Ius of Beta Carotene, 2 B-50's, a good multi, and others. Getting more exercise in - walking a few miles 3x a week. Little fatigued at times....but good exercise - we have a fitness trail at a huge park/golf course nearby. paul On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:55:26 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > What is HAART, sorry to be so naive. Glad things are improving for > you. > keep working at it, nutrition is really key, lots of antioxidants, > plant > foods, etc., If you ever want to know about nutrition I am your gal. > > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > Hi , > > > > wow,.......he tests hiv 'neg' now? Interesting. I wondered if it > would be > > a waste of time to check for hiv antibodies again when my t-cells > get > > near normal range. For candida/yeast I take GSE, (grapefruitseed > extract) > > - put drops in my drinking water....havnt had any candida or > thrush > > flare-ups for some time. Doing well for the most part. Anxious to > see my > > lab work in a few weeks as I am just recovering from > > lymphoma/chemotherapy. T-cells are rising slowly but steadily and > v-load > > was under 400 last lab. On another list I shared about the > dissident > > views on hiv...and got lamblasted as a 'fruitcake'. I was only > sharing > > info. that other views existed but was taken as 'one of them > dissident > > denialists'. *gasp* and *giggle*. Anyways...many long term hiv > survivors > > swear that life has improved and thousands of lives have been > saved since > > the advent of HAART. (another view). > > > > paul > > > > > > > > > > On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:54:22 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " > > <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > > > > > I would not vaccinate if my T-cell count were that low, I > don't > > > vaccinate and my T-cell count if normal. You have not lost it, > you > > > have > > > made a smart choice. What are you doing to help your immune > system > > > get > > > stronger? My brother in law is having much sucess with some > new > > > advanced > > > supplements. He brought his T-cell from below 50 to 264, > doctors > > > said he > > > was going to die with a case of pneumonia he had in July, he > took > > > massive amounts of supplements had massive candida dieoff, that > was > > > bad, > > > but recovered and was out of hospital in 5 days. Now they have > > > tested > > > him twice and cannot find the aids virus? He has had full blown > aids > > > for > > > 17 years. He has to go in for a third time because they just > think > > > something is wrong with the tests, but I think its gone. Anyway > you > > > > > > should be supporting your body like he did. > > > > > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > > > > > Hi all, > > > > > > > > I've routinely refused the Hep B & C vaccines at the clinic. > Have > > > I lost > > > > it? I just figure I dont need them. I also have refused > flu-shot > > > during > > > > flu season and so far havent come down with it. I guess my > immune > > > system > > > > is working well after all...even though my t-cells were under > 100 > > > last > > > > lab. > > > > > > > > paul > > > > > > > > > > > > Read AIDS-Cured Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 , Thanks for the info. SInce its my brother inlaw with aids I am not that up on this stuff. He had been doing the anti-virals prior to gettin gso sick with pneumonia and now he is relying on a product called ambrotose. The only thing I would warn about your protocol is to check your fish oil for mercury testing. I ended up with mercury poisoning from 3 differnt supplements I was taking prior to getting educated. Cheap fish oil, coral calcium and progesterone cream which had lead in it! Also I have heard some negative stuff about mega dosing on beta carotene. Because nature never intended these things to be isolated they have to work in synergy in the body. It can have a pro-oxidative effect, meaning cause more free raidcals instead of get rid of. It is great to hear you are working so hard at it. I had lyme disease and in that forum people are stuck on just drugs, they don't think any alternatives can fix the problems but I am living proof. SOme people think we get everything we need from the food still, thats a joke. Where do you live I live in California a place called ville, south of San Francisco a bout 1 hour. J Purcell wrote: > > > HAART = Highly active anti retro-viral therapy. I take lots of supps and > try to eat as well as possible (organic, etc.) - cant always eat perfect > and splurge at times with reg. american foodstuffs. I take 5 - 7 gr of > C, 800 Ius of E, 400 mcgs of selenium, 50 mgs of zinc, ginkgo biloba, > fish/flax oil, 150,00 - 200,000 Ius of Beta Carotene, 2 B-50's, a good > multi, and others. Getting more exercise in - walking a few miles 3x a > week. Little fatigued at times....but good exercise - we have a fitness > trail at a huge park/golf course nearby. > > paul > > > > On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:55:26 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " > <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > > > What is HAART, sorry to be so naive. Glad things are improving for > > you. > > keep working at it, nutrition is really key, lots of antioxidants, > > plant > > foods, etc., If you ever want to know about nutrition I am your gal. > > > > > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > > > Hi , > > > > > > wow,.......he tests hiv 'neg' now? Interesting. I wondered if it > > would be > > > a waste of time to check for hiv antibodies again when my t-cells > > get > > > near normal range. For candida/yeast I take GSE, (grapefruitseed > > extract) > > > - put drops in my drinking water....havnt had any candida or > > thrush > > > flare-ups for some time. Doing well for the most part. Anxious to > > see my > > > lab work in a few weeks as I am just recovering from > > > lymphoma/chemotherapy. T-cells are rising slowly but steadily and > > v-load > > > was under 400 last lab. On another list I shared about the > > dissident > > > views on hiv...and got lamblasted as a 'fruitcake'. I was only > > sharing > > > info. that other views existed but was taken as 'one of them > > dissident > > > denialists'. *gasp* and *giggle*. Anyways...many long term hiv > > survivors > > > swear that life has improved and thousands of lives have been > > saved since > > > the advent of HAART. (another view). > > > > > > paul > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:54:22 -0800 " Kindscher (Charter) " > > > <morningsunranch@...> writes: > > > > > > > > I would not vaccinate if my T-cell count were that low, I > > don't > > > > vaccinate and my T-cell count if normal. You have not lost it, > > you > > > > have > > > > made a smart choice. What are you doing to help your immune > > system > > > > get > > > > stronger? My brother in law is having much sucess with some > > new > > > > advanced > > > > supplements. He brought his T-cell from below 50 to 264, > > doctors > > > > said he > > > > was going to die with a case of pneumonia he had in July, he > > took > > > > massive amounts of supplements had massive candida dieoff, that > > was > > > > bad, > > > > but recovered and was out of hospital in 5 days. Now they have > > > > tested > > > > him twice and cannot find the aids virus? He has had full blown > > aids > > > > for > > > > 17 years. He has to go in for a third time because they just > > think > > > > something is wrong with the tests, but I think its gone. Anyway > > you > > > > > > > > should be supporting your body like he did. > > > > > > > > J Purcell wrote: > > > > > > > > > > Hi all, > > > > > > > > > > I've routinely refused the Hep B & C vaccines at the clinic. > > Have > > > > I lost > > > > > it? I just figure I dont need them. I also have refused > > flu-shot > > > > during > > > > > flu season and so far havent come down with it. I guess my > > immune > > > > system > > > > > is working well after all...even though my t-cells were under > > 100 > > > > last > > > > > lab. > > > > > > > > > > paul > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Read AIDS-Cured Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 I am interested as to which supplements he took? And , I do not think you are crazy not to take the vaccines, I think you are extremely sane! Take a look at some of the info on vaccines on the web, perhaps some of the links in the arcticle I sent will give you some info too. Tangerine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 In a message dated 3/25/2005 3:46:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, Tangerineburton@... writes: I am interested as to which supplements he took? And , I do not think you are crazy not to take the vaccines, I think you are extremely sane! Take a look at some of the info on vaccines on the web, perhaps some of the links in the arcticle I sent will give you some info too. Tangerine Hi Tangerine, You're right on about the vaccine issue, but I think , and anyone else caught up in t-cell terrorism is crazy. Very healthy people have shown counts lower than 's. Very sick people can have counts in the thousands. " Normal " is based on people the doctors see. Normal is obese. Normal is suffering from chronic disease. Normal people will die at about half of what our lifespan should be and will spend their last dies (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) suffering in a hospital. Happy not to be normal, Ed PS - Anybody on this list in Brazil? I'm going to Rio next month and would like to know somebody there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 Ed, You are right about the normal thing. I am not caught up in the T-Cell count, but my brother in laws doctors are. And what is normal for him they do know because they have monitored him for so long. The immune system is not something that doctors will understand any time soon, nor will I . I am glad you are not normal and neither am I! GIna aidsisover@... wrote: > > In a message dated 3/25/2005 3:46:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, > Tangerineburton@... writes: > > > I am interested as to which supplements he took? And , I do not think > you are crazy not to take the vaccines, I think you are extremely sane! > Take > a > look at some of the info on vaccines on the web, perhaps some of the links > in > the arcticle I sent will give you some info too. > Tangerine > > > > > > > Hi Tangerine, > > You're right on about the vaccine issue, but I think , and anyone > else caught up in t-cell terrorism is crazy. Very healthy people have > shown > counts lower than 's. Very sick people can have counts in the > thousands. > > " Normal " is based on people the doctors see. Normal is obese. Normal is > suffering from chronic disease. Normal people will die at about half > of what > our lifespan should be and will spend their last dies (and hundreds of > thousands of dollars) suffering in a hospital. > > Happy not to be normal, > > Ed > > PS - Anybody on this list in Brazil? I'm going to Rio next month and > would > like to know somebody there. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 Hi Ed: T-cell terrorism, hmmmm? May God Bless You And Keep You Well Professor Ozone () Without prejudice to the generality of the contents herein, this communication does not attach any legal liability on the originator thereof. This communication contains information, which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you have received this communication by error, please delete the email and destroy any copies of it. Re: vaccines In a message dated 3/25/2005 3:46:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, Tangerineburton@... writes: I am interested as to which supplements he took? And , I do not think you are crazy not to take the vaccines, I think you are extremely sane! Take a look at some of the info on vaccines on the web, perhaps some of the links in the arcticle I sent will give you some info too. Tangerine Hi Tangerine, You're right on about the vaccine issue, but I think , and anyone else caught up in t-cell terrorism is crazy. Very healthy people have shown counts lower than 's. Very sick people can have counts in the thousands. " Normal " is based on people the doctors see. Normal is obese. Normal is suffering from chronic disease. Normal people will die at about half of what our lifespan should be and will spend their last dies (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) suffering in a hospital. Happy not to be normal, Ed PS - Anybody on this list in Brazil? I'm going to Rio next month and would like to know somebody there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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