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heart problems

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Take care,


That is fantastic!!!!!! It sounds like you are definately headed in the right direction...:) I found that the longer one goes without those things......the less you miss them!!!

I remember "craving" water after a couple of weeks, when I first started. How about you?

Good job!

Live long and prosper!


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Hi Bernedette,

I hope you are feeling well today .How ild are you? if I may ask.You know I find it very hard to change my life style to but a little everyday . My mom just had a heart attack but she is very old school for being only 59 she won't listen to a thing I say.I hope you are ok now ,how are you doing with the anxiety.



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Hi Cher,

I am feeling great. I used to really have a hard time with arthritis in my hands and my back used to hurt all the time. And I loved doing all the feminine things like nail polish and I have beautiful jewelry, and of course the makeup and I was a perfume nut. But after I gave all of that up I feel great No more pain anywhere.

I am 51, my doctor said working two jobs when I became pregnant at 40 (Yes God does have a sense of humor )and then taking care of my mom who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's had a lot to do with the load on my heart.

I just got married again for the second time 5 years ago. I married my childhood sweetheart, of 40 years ago.. Just typing that I can just imagine how old that makes me sound. But I am a very young 51, I can still dance with my 10 year old son, and he could make sit down and watch him LOL

I also have a 27 year old son and both of my son's are gorgeous, according to all the girls who hang around LOL .

As far as anxiety the only time I felt that was when my mom would get out the front door and I could not find her. I had a digital lock put on and that problem was taken care of. When she called 911 when I first moved in with her, and all of my furniture was out in the driveway in a moving van and she convinced the police that someone was stealing all of her furniture and putting it in the van.. The SWAT team arrived

and broke the door down, and scared my eldest son to death because they all burst in with their guns raised. Good thing I am real laid back HUH ? I am not really a

worrier. I have a great sense of humor, and I think you need one no matter what is happening in your life, my husband is the same way, actually he is crazy

but that is another story :)

I hope that your mom is taking care of herself. My mom was my best friend and I shared everything with her. She was so smart, before computers and cds came out

she used to make her own programs for her computer, and she learned to drive at 59

and got her GED at 60. She was a math wiz. My mom recently passed away, and I really miss her. Things got really bad in the end, she quit walking due to a blood clot in her leg, she forgot how to walk, because by then her short term memory was only seconds long. My husband helped me take care of her and she died at home with all of us here. She loved to hear my husband sing and whistle and when she

would strip all of her clothes off and throw them he would make her laugh by asking her if she used to be a lap dancer. So treat your mom well , we only get one

and when you lose your mom your whole sense of home is lost forever.

This year I am homeschooling my 10 year old for the first time, what a challenge.

I actually love it though because I am fascinated with the science and math. It really is true when you hear "To Teach is to Learn all over again" My son is so funny, he is a big joker and has a wonderful sense of humor.

Cher, you know change is hard but doing it a little at a time makes it so much easier, and I think a longer lasting change Don't you ?

I know I have to quit writing books LOL Sorry


Re: Heart Problems

Hi Bernedette, I hope you are feeling well today .How ild are you? if I may ask.You know I find it very hard to change my life style to but a little everyday . My mom just had a heart attack but she is very old school for being only 59 she won't listen to a thing I say.I hope you are ok now ,how are you doing with the anxiety.Sincerely,Cher

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My mom just had a heart attack but she is very old school for being only 59 she won't listen to a thing I say.I hope you are ok now ,how are you doing with the anxiety.

Hi there.....you know, your friends and relatives are usually the *last* ones that will listen! At least thats been my experience. When my cousin was at the height of her battle with lymphatic(?) and brain cancer , the "doctors" haad given her "x" amount of time to live, the family got to the point where they would try most anything...I then told them about Dr. 's therapy and said I would give her my device and a copy of the book....I was politely told that it wouldn't be necessary and she would be consulting a spiritual healer.....pretty much blew me off......

She's been gone for a couple of years now. I remember teaching her how to ride her bicycle when we were kids...: ) She was 31 and had to children, a boy and a girl....6 and 9....

I had a hard time dealing with that episode in the beginning. I just absolutely *knew* that if she would have applied Dr. 's recommendations (or Beck or Rife combined with ) she would at least have had a shot at making it. Then it occured to me that the family had probably not informed her of my suggestions at all!

Everyone has choices that they make in life. Whether those choices were right or wrong can only be viewed in hindsight. After much introspection, contemplation, meditation...it also occured to me that they did what *they believed* was right. Whether the decision made was the correct one was a mute point. It was their *intentions* that really mattered.

And in the end, really I had done all that I could and had made the offer, with my own beliefs and intentions....: )

Hmmmmm......and life continues.

Well. LOL! That wasn't reallt the intention of my reply!

I was writing to point out that the HeartMath Intstitute has ahd some positive results with their recommendations concerning patients with congestive heart failure.

Here's a link to the related abstract;


Offered with good intentions! LOL!



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  • 3 years later...

Hi Shirley,

I've seen a few women reporting heart issues. Kristi, whose story was

told on MTV a few years back and which can also be read in our files

section, discussed her many symptoms that included a heart

attack...and she was only 20! Here is part of it:

" I had my implants put in May of 1996. I had no prior


problems and was very active, no allergies or anything. Six months

after I

got my implants my blood pressure started suddenly dropping and I


pass out. Finally to the point that I was clinically dead for a few

minutes. My cardiologist put me on meds which worked for awhile, but I

steadily became worse. Eventually I was fainting again. Next the


found and ulcer, so I was treated for that. Then my vision started


really bad and I was having terrible headaches. So my prescription was

changing every few months. Well by 1998 I was having seizure like


and diagnosed with epilepsy. I didnt believe I had epilepsy so I

ended up

making an appt with one of the best neurologists in the U.S. He saw no

epileptic activity. Once again I was told it was my blood pressure. By

this point I was seeing doctors all over the south. By the summer of

99 I

could not even function. My hair had fallen out like crazy, I could


remember anything. Went from a 4.0 to a 2.0, eventually got to the


where I would not even recognize my parents. (I was back living at

home by

this time) So my parents packed me up and brought me to Houston to a

diagnostic center. After many doctors, tons of tests and 18 tubes of

blood.. The doctors told me that I had an autoimmune disease caused


silicone and that I needed to have my implants removed. I had them


about a month later and now a year later I am fine. I have not passed


in over a year, i no longer need glasses. I graduate college tomorrow


I feel great. I left out many episodes in here like the heart attack. "

I can also tell you that my stepdaughter, who got implants behind her

father's and my back after telling us she would never get them, ended

up in the hospital with some mysterious heart problems. They were

trying to say that these were congenital heart problems that were

there since birth (although never evident before), and lo and behold,

just decided to show up after her implantation. It all sounds too

fishy to me.

So, my belief is that the implants can affect our hearts, either

through the autoimmune process, (lupus can have a negative affect on

many organs, for instance) inflammation issues (also bad for organs),

or whatever it is that is making us sick without clear abnormal

bloodwork. Looking at it from a physical standpoint, they are RIGHT

THERE, ya know? Pretty darn close, almost too close for comfort....

Shirley, are you having symptoms that you are concerned about?

Let us know,



--- In , " Shirley " <toshirl20022002@y...>



> Does anyone know if there is any corrolation between breast implants

> and heart related problems? Shirley


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Shirley - I know my blood pressure suddenly became high after I got

implants, after 45 years of low blood pressure, so nothing would

surprise me when it comes to implants. I would think that anything

that damages a person's health/immune function, has the potential to

damage any organ as well.


--- In , " Shirley " <toshirl20022002@y...>



> Does anyone know if there is any corrolation between breast implants

> and heart related problems? Shirley


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


How scary for you, I am so sorry that you are having

these problems. I have developed high blood pressure

due probably to the medications I take for RA and FM,

but have never had any chest pains. It might be that

one of the medications you are on is causing the

problems. I hope that your doctor can get it figured

out for you quickly.

Kathe in CA

--- <melissahull_1975@...> wrote:

> Has anyone had pericarditis or any sort of heart

> inflammation related

> to their RA? I do not have a definite RA diagnosis

> though I am being

> treated with mtx and prednisone. I am suddenly

> suffering from chest

> pains and high blood pressure (at the ripe old age

> of 30 y.o). Any

> info and/or past experience on this would be

> helpful.


> Thanks,










" To ride a horse is to borrow freedom. "


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Thanks, Kathe. Do you have a guess as to which med is causing your

high blood pressure? Are you on mtx?

I am hoping an easy solution will be when I finally start weaning off

the prednisone which should start next week. It was such a bummer to

have this new symptom/complication arise when the mtx was finally

kicking in and I was feeling better.

--- In , Kathe Sabetzadeh <lv2ryd@...>



> :


> How scary for you, I am so sorry that you are having

> these problems. I have developed high blood pressure

> due probably to the medications I take for RA and FM,

> but have never had any chest pains. It might be that

> one of the medications you are on is causing the

> problems. I hope that your doctor can get it figured

> out for you quickly.


> Kathe in CA


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Yes, I am on Mtx, now 12.5 mg. weekly, but I think the

main start of my problems with high blood pressure

came about two years ago, and probably was influenced

first by Effexor XR (which is an anti-depressant) that

I have been taking for about 5 years now. Over that

time I have also been on several different RA drugs,

including Prednisone, Arava, Celebrex, etc., as well

as meds for FM, such as Ultracet (now on Ultram)for

pain medication, so it could be other meds are also

not helping the high blood pressure problem. Also, my

gaining some weight during the past 7 years has

probably not helped either! Anyway, I think that many

of the medications that we take could cause a problem

with blood pressure, and we also have a lot of pain,

and that needs also to be taken into account. Hope

this helps -

Kathe in CA

--- <melissahull_1975@...> wrote:

> Thanks, Kathe. Do you have a guess as to which med

> is causing your

> high blood pressure? Are you on mtx?


> I am hoping an easy solution will be when I finally

> start weaning off

> the prednisone which should start next week. It was

> such a bummer to

> have this new symptom/complication arise when the

> mtx was finally

> kicking in and I was feeling better.





> >

> > :

> >

> > How scary for you, I am so sorry that you are

> having

> > these problems. I have developed high blood

> pressure

> > due probably to the medications I take for RA and

> FM,

> > but have never had any chest pains. It might be

> that

> > one of the medications you are on is causing the

> > problems. I hope that your doctor can get it

> figured

> > out for you quickly.

> >

> > Kathe in CA

> >





" To ride a horse is to borrow freedom. "


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Interesting that you mention the Effexor XR because I am on that as

well. I've been on Effexor XR for about 1 1/2 years or so. I didn't

even think about that possibly playing into it. I will look more


Thanks for the info.

> > >

> > > :

> > >

> > > How scary for you, I am so sorry that you are

> > having

> > > these problems. I have developed high blood

> > pressure

> > > due probably to the medications I take for RA and

> > FM,

> > > but have never had any chest pains. It might be

> > that

> > > one of the medications you are on is causing the

> > > problems. I hope that your doctor can get it

> > figured

> > > out for you quickly.

> > >

> > > Kathe in CA

> > >

> >

> >

> >



> Kathe


> " To ride a horse is to borrow freedom. "




> __________________________________________________


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Hi ,

I have been treated from Pericarditis, and the doctor told me it was

RA related. You really need to get checked, and find out what's

causing these problems. I had bad chest pains, I thought I was having

a heart attack. You really need to see a rheumatologist to get a

diagnose. Is your GP giving you the mtx and prednisone? Tawny

--- In , " " <melissahull_1975@...>



> Has anyone had pericarditis or any sort of heart inflammation


> to their RA? I do not have a definite RA diagnosis though I am


> treated with mtx and prednisone. I am suddenly suffering from chest

> pains and high blood pressure (at the ripe old age of 30 y.o). Any

> info and/or past experience on this would be helpful.


> Thanks,



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There are many reasons for chest pains. I would always suggest

going to ER for any chest pain that you don't know the cause.

Have you ever had costochondritis, which is inflammation of the ribs?

It could be lung related. There are just to many things it could be to

guess. I hope you can see a doctor asap.


On Apr 27, 2006, at 9:50 AM, wrote:

> Has anyone had pericarditis or any sort of heart inflammation related

> to their RA? I do not have a definite RA diagnosis though I am being

> treated with mtx and prednisone. I am suddenly suffering from chest

> pains and high blood pressure (at the ripe old age of 30 y.o). Any

> info and/or past experience on this would be helpful.


> Thanks,











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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone experienced heart disease with the

RA? and if so what kind?

I was Diagnosed with mitrovalve prolaps recently.

Chest pains increase with rheumatoid flares.

Heart doctor says I was born with the condition,

but I can't help but wonder if it isn't from the RA

because of the increase of pains during RA flares.

I am currently not on any of the classic drugs,

due to chronic ear infection. Have had the dry eye,

dry mouth, thyroid, and breathing problems for a

couple of years now.

Deal daily like everyone here!

Just curious about the heart condition thing!

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I had pericarditis once. That is a buildup of fluid in the

sack surrounding the heart and the pressure affects function of the

heart. I don’t know just how this is connected to RA or even if it

is connected. The problem was easily overcome by a short treatment with

Prednisone and Ibuprofen. That was about 5 years ago and it has not

happened again. God bless.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

[mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of candobears

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:51 AM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: heart problems

Has anyone experienced heart disease with the

RA? and if so what kind?

I was Diagnosed with mitrovalve prolaps recently.

Chest pains increase with rheumatoid flares.

Heart doctor says I was born with the condition,

but I can't help but wonder if it isn't from the RA

because of the increase of pains during RA flares.

I am currently not on any of the classic drugs,

due to chronic ear infection. Have had the dry eye,

dry mouth, thyroid, and breathing problems for a

couple of years now.

Deal daily like everyone here!

Just curious about the heart condition thing!

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  • 1 year later...

Take 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil 3 times per week. Avoid polyunsaturated

fats, and enjoy saturated fats in moderation.

Go to Weston Price Foundation for more information on the true story of heart

healthy foods.....and other truths.




> I live in a low testosterone environment and preview heart problems

> sooner or later. I wonder what I can do alternatively to avoid hard

> allopathic drugs. here is what I'v been doing so far


> 100 mg Co-Q10.

> Hawthorn

> Ribose

> VeinLite by Chi Enterprises, which is a mixture of salvia miltiorrhiza,

carthamus tincorius, paconia rubra. and

> ligusticum chuanxiong


> Anything else I can do?




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