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Re: Rapid Decline, Permanent Deformity, Weights Do Help!

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Dear , I can only say this, I understand your pain and vanity issues so well! I have had ra since I gave birth to my oldest son who is now almost 28. It seemed during pregnancy with the next 2 boys the ra back off pretty much. This is back in the day when there really weren't any good options for treatments anyways. So I just kept going one way or another. There has been alot of deformity in my feet and hands and wrists that I really didn't take the time to deal with

until about 7 yrs ago I finally went to the rheumy and got on mtx and biological. I used to soak in hot water rub with hot creams wrap with ace wraps wear lifting gloves just anything I had to do to get by. Any way, since I started the serious meds, it has still a down hill race with the deformities. So... either sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't or earlier possible intervention or the ra varies in the way it attacks each individual. What ever it is know this, I fully agree and understand about the child

bearing age and no mtx. And it is relatively hard for some like me to get past the vanity issue, I used to make excuses when people would notice me walking weird or my hands knotted up and red, I couldn't buy shoes for around 10 yrs I had this one pair my feet had pushed and formed out that I could half way walk in. I did get surgery on both feet and got about 2inches in each foot cut out. My hands look like claws and both writs are blown, but not feeling skippy enough to get

them done, besides they told me it wouldn't help the function of them. I will say that I used to be ashamed of how I looked and what people must have thought I looked like, but it isn't necessary to worry like that, just adds more stress to the ra and does no good. Ra is painful physically and mentally, so build your self esteem up and be pleasant and a big smile that wins the hearts and minds of all that come in contact with you and you might find that most of the time they never end up even noticing the deformities and ra as that isn't what

defines who is. I know that's a hard place to get to but it is a healthier outlook. Hope this helps and wasn't too long. Take Care and Love Yourself and Others, Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote: Hi

Boy, Can I identify with you! My Minocin seems to stop working for me and like overnight I have an enlarged first finger joint, nodule on the 2nd knuckle, Thumb that cannot make a thumbs-up sign and the attaching tendon swollen. when the drug stops working, advice is to find another. Also weight training can rearrange deformities so I need get to a gym abd pick up dumbells. I'll try and finf the 'proof' article for you. Let us not despair!! Ken. <catdelouisecomcast (DOT) net> wrote: Hi All, I have had RA for 5 years and have taken Humira for about 4 and now it has stopped working for me. Not only that, my RA is attacking me so aggressively that I now have permanent damage and deformity with

the worst part being that it looks like I have bunions coming out of my first fingers on both hands This is especially scary because a month ago my hands did not look like this!!! I don't understand this rapid damage, when in the beginning I was undiagnosed for 6 months with no permanent damage. This is very hard to wrap my mind around as I believed due to the new classes of drugs for RA that I would never have permanent damage or deformity. Also as a woman, I think it is tough from a vanity standpoint. I would like to hear from others out there who have experienced this and if anyone has had this happen so quickly. Until I find something that works for me, what am I going to look like next month or next week?I have a 16 month old so resting my joints is not much of an option. I want to be a normal mom to him; be able to lift him and play with him. Also, MTX is not desireable to me since I am

still of childbearing years. Thanks and love, Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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, Reni is right. So right. Years ago I knew a little lady who had a badly deformed, hunched and twisted back to where she was only about 3 feet tall she was so bent. Even one of her arms and hand were twisted. We never noticed, and any one who met her for the first time never seemed to notice.

She always had a pleasant smile, always dressed clean and proud, always those sparklingly friendly eyes,...she was beautiful, kind and thoughtful. She was well loved. I was just a girl, but I will never forget her inward and outward beauty. Thank God for people like her.--LoveLeona, Lee, Jackie, Tvksi, Granny and Momma. We wish you all the best,

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Just an FYI- according to the arthritis foundation. Joint protection is key. Wrap or ace with sports tape an affected finger or joint with ace bandages. Use Ice and Heat. I can barely squeeze a dishcloth anymore and know my fingers dont appreciate my picking up heavy things at all. I use my forearms or wrists now to carry plastic bags with handles. Of course having my wrist braces helps alot. Deborah

On Jan 27, 2008 1:40 PM, Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote:


Boy, Can I identify with you! My Minocin seems to stop working for me and like overnight I have an enlarged first finger joint, nodule on the 2nd knuckle, Thumb that cannot make a thumbs-up sign and the attaching tendon swollen.

when the drug stops working, advice is to find another. Also weight training can rearrange deformities so I need get to a gym abd pick up dumbells. I'll try and finf the 'proof' article for you.

Let us not despair!! <catdelouise@...> wrote:

Hi All, I have had RA for 5 years and have taken Humira for about 4 and now it has stopped working for me. Not only that, my RA is attacking me so aggressively that I now have permanent damage and deformity with

the worst part being that it looks like I have bunions coming out of my first fingers on both hands This is especially scary because a month ago my hands did not look like this!!! I don't understand this rapid damage, when in the

beginning I was undiagnosed for 6 months with no permanent damage. This is very hard to wrap my mind around as I believed due to the new classes of drugs for RA that I would never have permanent damage or

deformity. Also as a woman, I think it is tough from a vanity standpoint. I would like to hear from others out there who have experienced this and if anyone has had this happen so quickly. Until I find something

that works for me, what am I going to look like next month or next week?I have a 16 month old so resting my joints is not much of an option. I want to be a normal mom to him; be able to lift him and play with

him. Also, MTX is not desireable to me since I am still of childbearing years. Thanks and love,

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Lordy, have mercy.. I didn't mean that the way it sounded! please see the addittion to the post below..***********.--, Leona---- Leona <leehen@...> wrote:>> , Reni is right. So right. Years ago I knew a little lady who had a badly deformed, hunched and twisted back to where she was only about 3 feet tall she was so bent. Even one of her arms and hand were twisted. We never noticed, and any one who met her for the first time never seemed to notice.> She always had a pleasant smile, always dressed clean and proud, always those sparklingly friendly eyes,...she was beautiful, kind and thoughtful. She was well loved. I was just a girl, but I will never forget her inward and outward beauty. ******Thank God for people like her WHO HAVE THE INNER LIGHT THAT SHINES THROUGH HER LIFE.TO ALL THEY MEET*****.> --Love> Leona, Lee, Jackie, Tvksi, Granny and Momma. We wish you all the best,

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Leona, No worries I fully understood what you said the first time ;) Leona <leehen@...> wrote: Lordy, have mercy.. I didn't mean that the way it sounded! please see the addittion to the post below..***********.--, Leona---- Leona <leehensuddenlink (DOT) net> wrote:>> , Reni is right. So right. Years ago I knew a little lady

who had a badly deformed, hunched and twisted back to where she was only about 3 feet tall she was so bent. Even one of her arms and hand were twisted. We never noticed, and any one who met her for the first time never seemed to notice.> She always had a pleasant smile, always dressed clean and proud, always those sparklingly friendly eyes,...she was beautiful, kind and thoughtful. She was well loved. I was just a girl, but I will never forget her inward and outward beauty. ******Thank God for people like her WHO HAVE THE INNER LIGHT THAT SHINES THROUGH HER LIFE.TO ALL THEY MEET*****.> --Love> Leona, Lee, Jackie, Tvksi, Granny and Momma. We wish you all the best,

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You are so right Deborah! Even if there is no evidence of damage protection from over use/misuse of our joints is most important! I havent been able to wring a even light weight wash clothe/dish clothe out for so many years. I find the worst thing in the world is trying to transfer laundry from the washer to the drier! Any body got inovative ideas??? besides finding hubby to help lol.Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...> wrote: Just an FYI- according to the arthritis foundation. Joint protection is key. Wrap or ace with sports tape an affected finger or joint with ace bandages. Use Ice and Heat. I can barely squeeze a dishcloth anymore and know my fingers dont appreciate my picking up heavy things at all. I use my forearms or wrists now to carry plastic bags with handles. Of course having my wrist braces helps alot. Deborah On Jan 27, 2008 1:40 PM, Ken Pearson <maputo95 > wrote: Hi Boy, Can I identify with you! My Minocin seems to stop working for me and like overnight I have an enlarged first finger joint,

nodule on the 2nd knuckle, Thumb that cannot make a thumbs-up sign and the attaching tendon swollen. when the drug stops working, advice is to find another. Also weight training can rearrange deformities so I need get to a gym abd pick up dumbells. I'll try and finf the 'proof' article for you. Let us not despair!! <catdelouisecomcast (DOT) net> wrote: Hi All, I have had RA for 5 years and have taken Humira for about 4 and now it has stopped working for me. Not only that, my RA is attacking me so aggressively that I now have permanent damage and deformity with the worst part being that it looks like I have bunions coming out of my first fingers on both hands This is especially scary because a month

ago my hands did not look like this!!! I don't understand this rapid damage, when in the beginning I was undiagnosed for 6 months with no permanent damage. This is very hard to wrap my mind around as I believed due to the new classes of drugs for RA that I would never have permanent damage or deformity. Also as a woman, I think it is tough from a vanity standpoint. I would like to hear from others out there who have experienced this and if anyone has had this happen so quickly. Until I find something that works for me, what am I going to look like next month or next week?I have a 16 month old so resting my joints is not much of an option. I want to be a normal mom to him; be able to lift him and play with him. Also, MTX is not desireable to me since I am still of childbearing years. Thanks and love, Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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