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Fw: Should germ-killing nanoparticles be in your keyboard?

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Woah, this is a terrible email below. We must work hard in opposition to this call to action noted below. Counting on all of you to get the word out!

Caryn L. Cowin



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----- Forwarded Message -----From: "Ian Illuminato, Friends of the Earth" <foe@...>caryn_cowin@...Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 10:25 AMSubject: Should germ-killing nanoparticles be in your keyboard?

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Dear Caryn,

The widespread use of nano-silver in consumer products may lead to the development of dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Submit a public comment today telling the EPA to regulate nanoproducts.

It could be in your toothpaste, in your child’s bottle, or in the cleaning products under your sink. You may even be touching it right now through the antibacterial coating on your keyboard or on your socks and clothing.

What is this ubiquitous mystery substance? It’s called nano-silver, and it’s a powerful germ killer. Nano-silver is the most commonly used of a host of nanoscale -- or extremely tiny, atom-sized -- materials that show up in more than 1,300 consumer products.

Currently, nano-silver is not regulated and is seldom labeled -- but that could change soon as a result of Friends of the Earth’s work to push the EPA to take action. The EPA recently unveiled its first step toward protecting the public from the risks related to the commercial use of nano-silver, and it’s asking for your input.

Encourage the EPA to take swift action to protect the public from the risks of nano-silver by submitting a public comment today.

Nano-silver can be an important “last resort†bacteria killer when used by medical professionals. But when it’s incorporated into thousands of products used every day, it could worsen a rapidly growing public health threat -- the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or super germs.

Moreover, worryingly little is known about nano-silver’s long-term effects on the environment and human health when used at such a mass scale. Because nanoparticles are so small, they can be more readily absorbed by tissues and individual cells in our bodies. Silver is also the second-most toxic metal for aquatic organisms like fish, crabs and water plants, and it could accumulate up the food chain.

Take action and tell the EPA to start regulating nano-silver products today.

Friends of the Earth has been a leading advocate in making sure that the public and the government understand the risks posed by nanoproducts. In 2008, we petitioned the EPA to regulate nano-silver, laying the groundwork for today’s action.

The EPA is finally responding -- and your comments will help guide it in the right direction. Two proposals are on the table for gathering information about products containing nano-silver and tracking their potential impacts on human health and the environment. One would allow the agency to act more quickly to obtain this vital information, and the other option would be slower and more costly.

Submit a public comment today to urge the EPA to begin protecting the public now!

Thanks for taking action,Ian IlluminatoHealth and environment campaigner, Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth1100 15th Street, NW11th FloorWashington, DC 20005(202) 783-7400

Friends of the Earth311 California StreetSuite 510 San Francisco, CA 94104(415) 544-0790

Friends of the Earth is fighting to defend the environment and create a more healthy and just world. Our current campaigns focus on promoting clean energy and solutions to climate change, keeping toxic and risky technologies out of the food we eat and products we use, and protecting marine ecosystems and the people who live and work near them.

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