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When I first started having symptoms before diagnosis, I was on as much as 40-50

mg. per day to stop pain. I then dropped slowly to 20 per day. When I started

going to my current rheumy he told me that 20 per day for the long run is too

much. I had already had a cataract at the age of 48, stress fractures and my

adrenal function had stopped and never really came back fully, also caused

hypoglycemia and all were directly related to high doses of prednisone-I also

gained a tremendous amount of weight. Don't get me wrong, prednisone is a

wonder drug but it does have very nasty side effects in the long run. I went on

Enbrel 3 years ago and also 25 mg. injectable mtx. along with Naproxyn and

Ultracet. Now only use prednisone in tapers when I am having a bad flare. My

advice is to know the side effects of long term high dosage as with any drug you

have to know the benefits vs. the side effects relating to your personal case.

It does stink to be dependent on these medications-but

without them many of us just wouldn't function at all!

Rick <rhow176@...> wrote:

I'm not sure, but I 2was told anything 15mg or higher was considered a

high dose. I have been on 25-40mg daily for 9 months now and I can tell

you, I'm about tired of the side effects, but like you, I can't get off

but for different reasons. If I don't take the prednisone, I don't

breath, period.

Either way, it stinks to be dependent on a medication of any kind let

alone one with so many adverse side effects.



[ ] prednisone

Is 15 mg of prednisone a day considered a large amount? I have been

taking that amount for 8 or 9 months. Each time I try to cut the dose I

have alot of pain. Is this a dangerous amount? I am trying to get

finacial help to get on Enbrel but have not gotten it yet. I am on 25 mg

of mxt injection weekly. let me know your thoughts.



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How much are you cutting the dose each time? I have been on 7mgs at

the most, and started taking it over a year ago. We cut 1mg at a

time and stay at the new dose for a month or two. I am now

alternating 2mgs one day and 3mgs the next day, and at my next appt

we will go to 2mgs. After 8 weeks of that I'll alternate 1mg one

day, 2mgs the next, then after 8 weeks of that I'll be on 1mg per

day, and so on until I'm off it. When I go down I sometimes notice

an increasing in pain and stiffness, but after a week or so it

normalizes again.

I have had significant bone loss since I started taking it, even on

such a low dose. Is your rheumy getting you in for a bone density

scan (dexa scan)? You should also be supplementing 1500 mgs. of

calcuim per day and exercising to keep your bone mass up. Just

personal experience speaking there.


--- In , " renate dorsey " <renate220@b...>


> Is 15 mg of prednisone a day considered a large amount? I have

been taking that amount for 8 or 9 months. Each time I try to cut

the dose I have alot of pain. Is this a dangerous amount? I am

trying to get finacial help to get on Enbrel but have not gotten it

yet. I am on 25 mg of mxt injection weekly. let me know your



> Thanks

> Renate



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For the last week I have cut back to 10 mg a day. Have had alot of

stiffness and some pain but am staying with it. I found out today I have

been approved for Enbriel. Maybe I will be able to completely get off the

predisone. That is my plans anyway. My prednisone comes in 5 mg tablets I am

guessing they come in 1 mg tablets also. I will discuss this with my rhuemy.

Thank you for the advice. I am always glad for any help.


[ ] Re: prednisone

> Renate,


> How much are you cutting the dose each time? I have been on 7mgs at

> the most, and started taking it over a year ago. We cut 1mg at a

> time and stay at the new dose for a month or two. I am now

> alternating 2mgs one day and 3mgs the next day, and at my next appt

> we will go to 2mgs. After 8 weeks of that I'll alternate 1mg one

> day, 2mgs the next, then after 8 weeks of that I'll be on 1mg per

> day, and so on until I'm off it. When I go down I sometimes notice

> an increasing in pain and stiffness, but after a week or so it

> normalizes again.


> I have had significant bone loss since I started taking it, even on

> such a low dose. Is your rheumy getting you in for a bone density

> scan (dexa scan)? You should also be supplementing 1500 mgs. of

> calcuim per day and exercising to keep your bone mass up. Just

> personal experience speaking there.


> Jennie



> > Is 15 mg of prednisone a day considered a large amount? I have

> been taking that amount for 8 or 9 months. Each time I try to cut

> the dose I have alot of pain. Is this a dangerous amount? I am

> trying to get finacial help to get on Enbrel but have not gotten it

> yet. I am on 25 mg of mxt injection weekly. let me know your

> thoughts.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Renate

> >

> >

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Yes, they also come in 5mgs. Dropping 5mgs (from 15 to 10) is a lot

and can throw you into a flare I believe. If you want, you can also

cut them in half (pill splitter at the drug store) and then at least

cut down 2.5 mgs until you see the doctor and get a new prescription

for 1mg tabs.

Also, even though you are managing to bear the pain and stiffness,

it could be causing joint damage which is what you want to avoid at

most any cost.

When my doctor described how we were going to wean me off the

prednisone, my response was, " that could take a year! " He said that

an experienced (good) rheumy will not want to change your medication

when you are doing well (I am doing well on Humira/MTX/prednisone

combo). He agrees I need to get off the prednisone because I've had

serious bone loss, but also said if I try to get off the prednisone

any faster, I could end up with the RA out of control again and have

to go back up to 7mgs again just to get it under control. Then it

will be a lot longer before I am off of it.


> > > Is 15 mg of prednisone a day considered a large amount? I have

> > been taking that amount for 8 or 9 months. Each time I try to cut

> > the dose I have alot of pain. Is this a dangerous amount? I am

> > trying to get finacial help to get on Enbrel but have not gotten


> > yet. I am on 25 mg of mxt injection weekly. let me know your

> > thoughts.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Renate

> > >

> > >

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Ok, some of that was gross. But I do suspect the guy with the

striae did not have a cute belly button before the prednisone anyway.

Here is an appropriate quote I can share. It is from a

rheumatologist to my uncle, " We have the cure for arthritis, it's

prednisone. The only problem is the cure will kill you faster than

the disease. "

One thing I think is inaccurate on the site is regarding weight

gain. My understanding (and what I and my mother have been told

from doctors) is that prednisone causes increases in appetite, which

leads to weight gain if you then over eat. When my mom started

prednisone she gained a lot of weight and when she went to her

doctor later, she told the nurse how hungry she was all the time.

The nurse said their office had models who take prednisone. She

said, it makes you more hungry, you have to ignore it and eat

appropriate amounts regardless.

While side effects are usually with those on high doses or long

periods of time, I've been on a very low dose (3-5 mgs) for just

about a year and I already have significant bone loss. I'm 33 and

had a bone density test before the prednisone so I am sure that is

the cause. Being caucasion and petite are also risk factors, so we

should have seen it coming I guess. Ah, that hindsight sure seems



> Here is an interesting article from s Hopkins on the side


> of prednisone, complete with pictures:


> http://vasculitis.med.jhu.edu/treatments/prednisone.html


> They're not a pretty sight, LOL.


> Sue

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Don't be so fast to get off it. Joint damage from RA can be worse

than some of those side effects. Trust me. My mom has no joints

left for years without proper treatment. Prednisone is not great for

your body, but as temporary treatment for RA it is sometimes the

best. Also, dropping prednisone too fast can be dangerous, although

I don't know the specifics of that. Your rheumy might want you on

the prednisone until he gets you on another drug that seems to work.

Just a warning not to react too fast.


--- In , " Kathy A " <joyfulkate60@m...>


> Oh my gosh - I just read the Hopkins article on prednisone -

I'm done. I'm weaning off as of tomorrow. I'll go slow. That is

too awful. I can't be on a drug like this!! Help!!!!


> Kath who is so new



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I agree, a. Elaine, you've made many insightful observations in your

post. I thank you and your runny fingers.

Overwhelming fear is not constructive; a normal response in many cases,

but better to not allow it to linger and obscure reasoned thinking. We

are here to discuss and learn in order to approach our medical

situations with confidence.

True, too, is the fact that it is possible to have an adverse reaction

to any medication and that responses to drugs can be as unique as the

individual taking them. It is essential to understand what the

likelihood of a serious side effect is and how that compares to the risk

of not taking the drug. It's also key to examine whether there are

reasonable and safer alternatives to the drug one is considering using.

Prednisone dosages should not be altered without first consulting one's

physician. I couldn't agree more! That can be very dangerous. In

addition, abrupt discontinuation of prednisone can be fatal.

Since corticosteroids were the fruit of research and experimentation by

Dr. Hench and his associates at Mayo in the 40s which eventually led to

a Nobel Prize, naturally, I have a lot of good things to say about this

class of drugs.

In many circumstances, prednisone is indeed a life-saving or

life-sustaining medication. That is not in question. In such cases,

there is not much of a choice - take it or risk dying, take it or you

may lose an organ.

Prednisone is also quite valuable in early rheumatoid arthritis since it

can quickly quiet inflammation and bring relief while waiting for slower

acting DMARDs to take effect.

BUT, in general, it is hard to justify long term use of prednisone as

standard therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. For the bulk of RA patients,

the risks of long term prednisone treatment far outweigh the benefits.

While it's true that most RA patients will not experience every

detrimental side effect, it's unlikely that they will experience none -

and there are many that are quite common.

For example, in our group, a weight gain of 40 to 50 pounds due to

prednisone doesn't seem to be unusual. Even though physicians don't

appear to be terribly worried about that one very typical side effect,

both psychologically and physiologically, it's a very harmful by-product

of corticosteroid use.

I am also convinced that many physicians don't take the risk of

difficult to reverse adrenal suppression as seriously as they should.

They don't always discuss this possibility with their patients before

corticosteroid therapy begins. For most RA patients, there should be a

plan to taper and discontinue prednisone as soon as possible. If there

is no such goal and prior discussion, the patient will be more likely to

find it difficult or, perhaps, impossible to wean off the prednisone

months down the road.

Obviously, not all RA cases are exactly alike. Some people have

situations in which long term prednisone therapy is warranted. You are

one of those patients, Elaine. You don't have to justify your use of

prednisone, you need it.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Prednisone

> A very important message Elaine. Thanks for sharing your story and


> out the facts that these meds all affect us differently.

> Just because a side effect is listed, it does NOT mean we will all


> those side effects. Prednisone is a life saver to many.

> a



> > Kath,

> > You should never try to taper down or off of Prednisone on your own.

> > It can be extremely dangerous. It should be done under the direction

> > of your physician. Please call him/her, express your concerns, and

> > follow his/her directions precisely.

> >

> > Also, keep in mind that not everyone experiences the terrible side

> > affects of prednisone that are dangerous to one's health. I have


> > on prednisone for 6-7 years and can't go off completely as I must

> > take it for my lungs. I've been on 10 mg. for at least a few years.

> > Over the time I've taken prednisone I've frequently had to take very

> > large doses, often 250, 300 and 400 mg.

> >

> > After about a two year bout of needing almost continual large doses

> > my doctor ordered a bone density scan, expecting to find significant

> > osteoporosis. I'd had a baseline done before starting to take

> > prednisone and then the one after extended, long term, huge amounts

> > of prednisone. The follow-up bone density scan showed no change in

> > bone density what-so-ever. I continue to have no bone loss and

> > actually have the bone density expected to be found in someone 20-30

> > years younger than me.

> >

> > I may not be typical but I am proof that not everyone who takes

> > prednisone will have bone density loss.

> >

> > I've experienced weight gain although now am on a weight loss trend.

> > I have some " buffalo hump " , which I consider more cosmetic than a

> > threat to my health.

> >

> > The benefits I've received from the prednisone far outweigh any side

> > effects.

> >

> > I share this not to try to convince anyone that prednisone is a good

> > drug for everyone, but rather to encourage any of you whose

> > physicians have prescribed it to keep an open mind. Yes, normally it

> > is a drug we find great relief from but hate to take it because of

> > the side affects. However, please don't let yourself get caught in a

> > swift current of panic and fear it is going to bring great harm to

> > everyone that takes it. If it caused great and horrendous harm to

> > everyone that takes it, it would have been pulled from the market

> > long ago.

> >

> > Prednisone, taken under the close supervision of the prescribing

> > physician along with excellent communication between patient and

> > physician, with the patient being fully compliant, can be a very


> > drug with great benefits and does not have to have significant or

> > devestating side affects on the patient.

> >

> > MANY RA meds have the potential for serious side affects. But that

> > doesn't mean everyone who takes those drugs will suffer those ill

> > effects. Educate yourself and keep an honest and open dialogue with

> > your physician and you will stand the best chance of finding the


> > combination of drugs for you. Always keep in mind that every person

> > is an individual and will react in a different manner than others.

> >

> > I'm living proof that a drug that causes great harm to some is a

> > miracle drug for me. Prednisone keeps me alive and for that I'm very

> > grateful ----- and I'm very thankful that a couple of ladies on this

> > list opened my eyes and my mind, encouraging me to not live in fear

> > of every drug that has potential adverse affects. They helped me


> > before this group was formed and for that I can't thank them enough.

> >

> > In return, I truly hope each of you facing choices and

> > recommendations to take drugs which may have potential serious ill

> > effects will keep your minds open and not let yourselves be

> > prejudiced unfairly.

> >

> > Fear is crippling. It is very easy to get caught in that swift

> > current of panic and peer pressure. That too can be more devestating

> > than whatever caused that panic and pressure. a, and the

> > members of this group have a wealth of information to share. Use it

> > wisely. Educate yourself and you will be able to hold intelligent,

> > informed discussions with your physician and will be more likely to

> > find an effective plan of action to treat your disease.

> > Answers/solutions seldom happen overnight.

> >

> > Sorry to have been so long and to have rambled on and on. I'll get

> > off my soapbox and put my runny fingers to sleep. I just had to


> > because you hit a nerve close to my heart.

> >

> > Elaine in Vegas

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Hi, here. I just wanted to add a few words to this conversation.

I have been on prednisone about 20 years and can't get off of it. I have

tried many times over the years. I get down to zero and then I have extreme


and I can't walk and end up staying in bed. Then I have to go back on it, on

a higher dosage for a while till I can get back down to 5MG. That's all I

take, but I can't stop taking it. I have a terrible breathing problem too

called, Atelectasis which makes me very short of breath when I walk. Besides

having Asthma

I have gained a lot of weight too and can't seem to get rid of it.

I wish there was a cure to all of this but so far my Doctors haven come up

with anything else I could do. Hopefully someday things might be different if

they discover something to help us that suffer from these illnesses.

Sincerely, Colletti


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  • 1 year later...
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Beth, Prednisone has saved my life at times, but it is a deadly drug. It destroys our bones and it has many other bad side effects and you cannot just come off this drug. Again my case is so complex that none of the doctors seems to know how to treat me. Some American doctors seem to be more educated in silicone poisoning. I do agree with you, I never want to have to take this drug again.

Honey, please get well...love you....Lea



Hi Ladies,

Let me tell you about my experience with prednisone! I went to what was supposed to be the 'best' rheumatolgist in Philadelphia. What a joke since I went to his office three times and only had about 5 minutes total with him. All three times I really had an appointment with his assistant and not him. I was pissed. Anyway, the assistant prescribes prednisone for me. The first night I took it I was awake with terrible pains in my liver. It felt as though a knife were being pushed into it. That night I thought that it was another new symptom coming on. I took it the second night and once again had the same excruciating pain.

I called the office and spoke to 'the assistant' (doctor too busy to talk to me) and told her about what happened. She told me that it was impossible for that drug to give you those kinds of pains. I told her that 'I assure you it is the prednisone'. I asked her if there was something else I could take. She wanted me to continue it!!! I told her that I cannot spend another night in that kind of pain and I think there might be something wrong with my liver. Get this....she told me that you can't just stop taking prednisone or you will have withdrawal symptoms. I told her she was full of crap, I had only taken them for two nights and that I will not endure that kind of pain again. She insisted that I continue and I hung up and never went to 'the best' rheumatolgist in Philadelphia again!

Beth S.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." - Caras


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  • 1 year later...
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Even at very small doses (ie under 5mg/day) prednisone can cause ulcers,

nightmares & bone erosion.

Steph in VA


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with arthritis through the Arthritis Foundation (www.arthritis.org). .

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  • 4 months later...

--- In , " mikeday67 " <mikeday1967@...>



> Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the comments on the " evil

> candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems with weight gain and


> swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on 10mg a day. Because


> have several conditions I sometimes wonder if symptoms that I


> to the rest of my conditions might actually relate to this drug. I


> due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and if it works I want to

> push for a reduction or removal of the steroid if possible. Thanks



Hi Mike,

Pred can also cause glaucoma,osteoperosis,weaken the immune system,

cause thinning of the skin- " onion skin " ,heart issues, and several

others. There is a wonderful book, COPING WITH PREDNISONE, that is

very helpful. Good luck with Xolair; I hope you can wean off the evil



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Besides the weight gain ( 80 lbs) and mood swings....I

suffer from a few symptoms.

I was diagnosed with Asthma in 1977. For 15 out of

those 30 years I was on constant Pred. ( 120 mg per

day at one point). I had steroid induced Diabetes,

that reversed itself after I stopped taking

Prednisone. My teeth became brittle because of the

steroids I've been TOTALLY off of Pred since April

of 2006!!! I had been informed that I have necrosis

in my right hip, which my doc says is a result of

being on the constant dosese of pred. I am now

working with an orthopedic surgeon to prevent having

to have my hip replaced. I just turned 40, to young

for bone replacements!!!

I've been on Xolair since July 2005 ( 300 mg every two

weeks) and a " rescue inhaler " every once in a while.

I AM SO HAPPY to be on Xolair, becauseit has improved

hte quality of my life ( and my family's) IMMENSLY!!!

(did I mention I've been Pred free since April 2006)


--- mikeday67 <mikeday1967@...> wrote:

> Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the comments

> on the " evil

> candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems with

> weight gain and mood

> swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on 10mg

> a day. Because I

> have several conditions I sometimes wonder if

> symptoms that I ascribe

> to the rest of my conditions might actually relate

> to this drug. I am

> due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and if it

> works I want to

> push for a reduction or removal of the steroid if

> possible. Thanks Mike





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Hi Mike,

Pred is a very nasty but sometimes necessary evil, it can cause weak

bones, cataracts, glaucoma, it puts your allergen levels up, your blood

sugar levels up, can cause high blood pressure, stomach complaints,

weight gain, gastric problems, Look I know the list goes on and these

are probably some of the minor problems I can think of in 5 minutes but

I can remember googling it a few years ago and got lots of info on it.


--- In , " mikeday67 " <mikeday1967@...>



> Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the comments on the " evil

> candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems with weight gain and mood

> swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on 10mg a day. Because I

> have several conditions I sometimes wonder if symptoms that I ascribe

> to the rest of my conditions might actually relate to this drug. I am

> due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and if it works I want to

> push for a reduction or removal of the steroid if possible. Thanks



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> >

> > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the comments on the " evil

> > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems with weight gain and mood

> > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on 10mg a day. Because I

> > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if symptoms that I ascribe

> > to the rest of my conditions might actually relate to this drug. I am

> > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and if it works I want to

> > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid if possible. Thanks

> Mike

We here in this group call it " Evil Candy " LOL


Group Founder

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It is important to note that side effects are dose

dependent. 10 mg is quite low so you should not

experience most of them if you are lucky.

ps who has been on pred since 2003, is doing a burst

and is staring an admission in the face....

--- uca79iii <bme1979@...> wrote:


> > >

> > > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the

> comments on the " evil

> > > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems

> with weight gain and mood

> > > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on

> 10mg a day. Because I

> > > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if

> symptoms that I ascribe

> > > to the rest of my conditions might actually

> relate to this drug. I am

> > > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and

> if it works I want to

> > > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid

> if possible. Thanks

> > Mike



> We here in this group call it " Evil Candy " LOL


> Doug

> Group Founder



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Try to stay well - easier said than done, I know. This weather has just

been kicking my butt this month. The power just went out in our house so off to

a hotel we go for a couple of days. C'mon Fall.

<carrie72583@...> wrote: It is important to note that side

effects are dose

dependent. 10 mg is quite low so you should not

experience most of them if you are lucky.

ps who has been on pred since 2003, is doing a burst

and is staring an admission in the face....

--- uca79iii <bme1979@...> wrote:


> > >

> > > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the

> comments on the " evil

> > > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems

> with weight gain and mood

> > > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on

> 10mg a day. Because I

> > > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if

> symptoms that I ascribe

> > > to the rest of my conditions might actually

> relate to this drug. I am

> > > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and

> if it works I want to

> > > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid

> if possible. Thanks

> > Mike



> We here in this group call it " Evil Candy " LOL


> Doug

> Group Founder



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I think everybody is ready for fall. Another 100 plus

day here in Georgia! Sure zaps all the energy out of



--- McLaughlin <gmclaughlin1000@...> wrote:

> Try to stay well - easier said than done, I

> know. This weather has just been kicking my butt

> this month. The power just went out in our house so

> off to a hotel we go for a couple of days. C'mon

> Fall.


> <carrie72583@...> wrote: It is

> important to note that side effects are dose

> dependent. 10 mg is quite low so you should not

> experience most of them if you are lucky.



> ps who has been on pred since 2003, is doing a burst

> and is staring an admission in the face....


> --- uca79iii <bme1979@...> wrote:


> >

> > > >

> > > > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the

> > comments on the " evil

> > > > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems

> > with weight gain and mood

> > > > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm

> on

> > 10mg a day. Because I

> > > > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if

> > symptoms that I ascribe

> > > > to the rest of my conditions might actually

> > relate to this drug. I am

> > > > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and

> > if it works I want to

> > > > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid

> > if possible. Thanks

> > > Mike

> >

> >

> > We here in this group call it " Evil Candy " LOL

> >

> > Doug

> > Group Founder

> >

> >


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> ---------------------------------

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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, so sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Sending hugs and

wishes for healing,


> > > >

> > > > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the

> > comments on the " evil

> > > > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems

> > with weight gain and mood

> > > > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on

> > 10mg a day. Because I

> > > > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if

> > symptoms that I ascribe

> > > > to the rest of my conditions might actually

> > relate to this drug. I am

> > > > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and

> > if it works I want to

> > > > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid

> > if possible. Thanks

> > > Mike

> >

> >

> > We here in this group call it " Evil Candy " LOL

> >

> > Doug

> > Group Founder

> >

> >




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Hi all,

It was really gratifying to get some much feed back and advice. I

have had two teeth crumble and an operation on my stomach due to

digestion problems and have high blood pressure. So if it is the evil

candy then introducing xolair could be just the job.

Thanks again.

Stay well.


> >

> > Hi, Excuse my ignorance but I have read the comments on the " evil

> > candy " Prednisone, I know about the problems with weight gain and

> mood

> > swings. What are the other side effects, I'm on 10mg a day.


> I

> > have several conditions I sometimes wonder if symptoms that I

> ascribe

> > to the rest of my conditions might actually relate to this drug.


> am

> > due to start on Xolair in a few weeks time and if it works I want


> > push for a reduction or removal of the steroid if possible.


> Mike

> >




> Hi Mike,

> Pred can also cause glaucoma,osteoperosis,weaken the immune system,

> cause thinning of the skin- " onion skin " ,heart issues, and several

> others. There is a wonderful book, COPING WITH PREDNISONE, that is

> very helpful. Good luck with Xolair; I hope you can wean off the


> candy.

> becki


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And don't forget diabetes, with all the problems that can cause, such as heart

disease, kidney damage, peripheral vascular disease, problems with cerebral

veins/arteries, or, in fact, anywhere in the body.


Hi Mike,

Pred can also cause glaucoma,osteoperosis,weaken the immune system,

cause thinning of the skin- " onion skin " ,heart issues, and several

others. There is a wonderful book, COPING WITH PREDNISONE, that is

very helpful. Good luck with Xolair; I hope you can wean off the evil



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  • 3 months later...

hi jeanette...my name is laurie and i was diagnosed with fms in 2002.i have been

on all sorts of med regimes and am just finishing the last day of my prednisone

today.i am on vicodin for the pain during the flares and for daily pain,but this

last time something was different than the usual pain...nothing was working...so

we tried toradol tabs...they r a non narcotic anti inflammatory and most drs

dont use them unless u ask for them by name.insurances like to have an injection

of toradol b4 the tablets r given.i have been having a lot of success

w/them.....and i only need 1 or 2 for the entire day.as a nurse...i can tell u

if u stop the prednisone to quickly u will have a rebounding of pain and

symptoms.u r on the downward side of the steroids.....hang in

there......consider talking about some new pain meds...toradol...not

tramadol.......will help w/the awful headaches.i hope u feel better real soon

and have a wonderful christmas season.laurie

Jeanette <jhkerch@...> wrote: My doctor is beginning to wean me

off prednisone and none too soon.

Actually she started 4 mos ago bring me from 15 mg down to 10mg. I

lost 4 lbs, yippee. Now I'll be at 9 mg. but in the meantime the

prednisone has also caused my BP to go up and I've had a headache

nearly constant the last 3 weeks. Not bad enough to have migraines on

occaision, but double that with these high bp headaches!

Discouraging. I see my pcp tuesday for another pill to reduce bp until

I'm off pred. Oh, I hate all these pills. How do you all come off

prednisone? My Rheumy wants to decrease 1 mg every 4 mos. I want to

reduce faster like 1 every 2 mos. Ideas??

u know i love ya...right? laurie


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----- Original Message -----

From: " Jeanette " <jhkerch@...>

> How do you all come off

> prednisone? My Rheumy wants to decrease 1 mg every 4 mos. I want to

> reduce faster like 1 every 2 mos. Ideas??

I don't know how long you've been on it, but once I got to be over 3 months

on it, my doctor had me reducing it by 2.5 mg every two weeks. It worked

for most levels, but one time, I did stay on that level for 3 weeks because

my body told me it wasn't ready to go down yet.


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Laurie, Darcy, Thank you.

I've been on pred for over 1-1/2 yrs. Like I said, my BP is up. I

guess I'm being inpatient, maybe unreasonable, about getting back to

normal or better anyway. There is a good part of me that wants to go

back to work, but truth is, I have only one or two good days a week.

Frustrating, when a person used to be so active.

>hi jeanette...my name is laurie and i was diagnosed with fms in

2002.i have been on all sorts of med regimes and am just finishing

the last day of my prednisone today.i am on vicodin for the pain

during the flares and for daily pain,but this last time something was

different than the usual pain...nothing was working...so we tried

toradol tabs...they r a non narcotic anti inflammatory and most drs

dont use them unless u ask for them by name.insurances like to have

an injection of toradol b4 the tablets r given.i have been having a

lot of success w/them.....and i only need 1 or 2 for the entire

day.as a nurse...i can tell u if u stop the prednisone to quickly u

will have a rebounding of pain and symptoms.u r on the downward side

of the steroids.... .hang in there......consider talking about some

new pain meds...toradol. ..not tramadol.... ...will help w/the awful

headaches.i hope u feel better real soon and have a wonderful

christmas season.laurie


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Jeanette " <jhkerch@...>

> > How do you all come off

> > prednisone? My Rheumy wants to decrease 1 mg every 4 mos. I

want to

> > reduce faster like 1 every 2 mos. Ideas??


> I don't know how long you've been on it, but once I got to be over

3 months

> on it, my doctor had me reducing it by 2.5 mg every two weeks. It


> for most levels, but one time, I did stay on that level for 3 weeks


> my body told me it wasn't ready to go down yet.

> Darcy


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Hi, Jeanette,

My idea is that it's your disease, and you're in charge. You are the

one who actually decides how many of what pills to swallow. If you

think it's right and wise to cut back faster, do so.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.



> My doctor is beginning to wean me off prednisone and none too soon.

> Actually she started 4 mos ago bring me from 15 mg down to 10mg. I

> lost 4 lbs, yippee. Now I'll be at 9 mg. but in the meantime the

> prednisone has also caused my BP to go up and I've had a headache

> nearly constant the last 3 weeks. Not bad enough to have migraines on

> occaision, but double that with these high bp headaches!

> Discouraging. I see my pcp tuesday for another pill to reduce bp until

> I'm off pred. Oh, I hate all these pills. How do you all come off

> prednisone? My Rheumy wants to decrease 1 mg every 4 mos. I want to

> reduce faster like 1 every 2 mos. Ideas??


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----- Original Message -----

From: " Jeanette " <jhkerch@...>

> I

> guess I'm being inpatient, maybe unreasonable, about getting back to

> normal or better anyway. There is a good part of me that wants to go

> back to work, but truth is, I have only one or two good days a week.

> Frustrating, when a person used to be so active.

I understand. I ended up having to quit work permanently due to my fibro.

I'm now almost housebound. Back in the " olden days " , I had one friend call

me at two am " because you're never home and I knew this was the only time I

could catch you. " I was borrowing his car, and he wanted to let me know his

flight time.


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