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I had been on 15 mg, then weaned down to 10 mg for 3 mos, then 9 mg.

for 3 mos, now 8 mg....


> how much and how often can you be weaned off prednisone? like if you

are on 10 mg then you would take ______mg for _____ long, then _____mg

for _____long, and so on to get off.



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Yes, Mylynda prednisone is is a bad word for me too. Just recently

out of the hospital and also a few weeks ago I was hospitalized.

Each time I am in the hospital they want to place me on high doses

of prednisone even though I keep telling them that is why my hips

are bad. I am positive my hips would not need to be replaced if I

didn't have so many corisone injections and high-dose prednisone

thruout the ars. I keep saying no, they keep giving me injections

anyway. I recently went in for methotrexate and was given steroid

injection instead and now that it is wearing off my hips are

unbearable. It eats my teeth and my hips. Those are the noticeable

places. Only God knows what else it is doing to me. I am in the

process of finding a doctor who listens. If I can't find anyone, i

will just go without a dr and only see my primary care and

pulmonologist for my RA care.

It seems we are very similar in our reaction to the meds and the

aggressiveness of the RA. I will keep you in my prayers.

many blessings,


My doctor cute each dose

in half , 5 days at a time..... 10 mg for 5 days, 5 mg for 5 days...

then done.


> *~ Kami ~*


> [ ] prednisone


> how much and how often can you be weaned off prednisone? like if

you are on 10 mg then you would take ______mg for _____ long, then

_____mg for _____long, and so on to get off.



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hi ebony.im soo SORRY to hear you were in the hospital,i HOPE things will get

better for you! i can totally RELATE to higher dosages when you are in the

hospital or even sick.i HATE it!! PREDNISONE is whats KILLING me i think call me

CRAZY,but its TRUE...my bones are soo bad,i have had both knees replaced & both

my hips due to my severe ra.my ADVICE to you ebony would be KEEP ON TALKING TILL

SOMEONE LISTENS TO YOU!!!!!! my pcp is pretty good keeping up with my ra as

well,so im HAPPY for that.today i had a drs. appt.with my rheummy & she gave me a

cortizone shot due to my severe pain.i could notSTAND IT EBONY.it did not WORK

but what can i do,just DEAL..well keep me POSTED,god bless. " melynda

gamez " mapgamez@...>wrote:

Ebony <stillbreathing29@...> wrote: Yes, Mylynda prednisone is is

a bad word for me too. Just recently

out of the hospital and also a few weeks ago I was hospitalized.

Each time I am in the hospital they want to place me on high doses

of prednisone even though I keep telling them that is why my hips

are bad. I am positive my hips would not need to be replaced if I

didn't have so many corisone injections and high-dose prednisone

thruout the ars. I keep saying no, they keep giving me injections

anyway. I recently went in for methotrexate and was given steroid

injection instead and now that it is wearing off my hips are

unbearable. It eats my teeth and my hips. Those are the noticeable

places. Only God knows what else it is doing to me. I am in the

process of finding a doctor who listens. If I can't find anyone, i

will just go without a dr and only see my primary care and

pulmonologist for my RA care.

It seems we are very similar in our reaction to the meds and the

aggressiveness of the RA. I will keep you in my prayers.

many blessings,


My doctor cute each dose

in half , 5 days at a time..... 10 mg for 5 days, 5 mg for 5 days...

then done.


> *~ Kami ~*


> [ ] prednisone


> how much and how often can you be weaned off prednisone? like if

you are on 10 mg then you would take ______mg for _____ long, then

_____mg for _____long, and so on to get off.



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Prednisone, will eat up your bones, I was on it for six years, got off it in

December, I am now starting to get some what back to my own self, even thow it

helped greatly with inflamation and pain, I decided to deal with the pain, The

prednisone caused problems with my adrenaline, to the point it was causing

racing heart , and high blood pressure, now I am on a beta blocker to keep that

in check, all because of to much cortisol in the body, steriods are wicked bad,

I am now only on MTX, mobic, vicodin, folic acid, my beta blocker, and

diuretic. The bones in my feet are so bad I have a hard time walking. I will not

go back on the roids again for nothing. Jean

Pedro Gamez <mapgamez@...> wrote: hi ebony.im soo SORRY to hear

you were in the hospital,i HOPE things will get better for you! i can totally

RELATE to higher dosages when you are in the hospital or even sick.i HATE it!!

PREDNISONE is whats KILLING me i think call me CRAZY,but its TRUE...my bones are

soo bad,i have had both knees replaced & both my hips due to my severe ra.my


my pcp is pretty good keeping up with my ra as well,so im HAPPY for that.today i

had a drs. appt.with my rheummy & she gave me a cortizone shot due to my severe

pain.i could notSTAND IT EBONY.it did not WORK but what can i do,just DEAL..well

keep me POSTED,god bless. " melynda gamez " mapgamez@...>wrote:

Ebony <stillbreathing29@...> wrote: Yes, Mylynda prednisone is is a bad

word for me too. Just recently

out of the hospital and also a few weeks ago I was hospitalized.

Each time I am in the hospital they want to place me on high doses

of prednisone even though I keep telling them that is why my hips

are bad. I am positive my hips would not need to be replaced if I

didn't have so many corisone injections and high-dose prednisone

thruout the ars. I keep saying no, they keep giving me injections

anyway. I recently went in for methotrexate and was given steroid

injection instead and now that it is wearing off my hips are

unbearable. It eats my teeth and my hips. Those are the noticeable

places. Only God knows what else it is doing to me. I am in the

process of finding a doctor who listens. If I can't find anyone, i

will just go without a dr and only see my primary care and

pulmonologist for my RA care.

It seems we are very similar in our reaction to the meds and the

aggressiveness of the RA. I will keep you in my prayers.

many blessings,


My doctor cute each dose

in half , 5 days at a time..... 10 mg for 5 days, 5 mg for 5 days...

then done.


> *~ Kami ~*


> [ ] prednisone


> how much and how often can you be weaned off prednisone? like if

you are on 10 mg then you would take ______mg for _____ long, then

_____mg for _____long, and so on to get off.



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He expressed concern, because steroids are like a

blast to the entire immune system, and during the

treatment, it frees up latent viruses to reactivate,

replicate, and do more damage. He is very against



--- and Sal Juarez <jamieandsal@...>


> Does anyone know what Dr. G thinkgs about using

> prednisone? Thanks in advance.


> Sincerely,

> Juarez, M.S., Marriage and Family Therapist




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That's funny, because I just talked to a friend of mine the other day who says

that her

friend's child made great progress with Dr. Goldberg using prednisone as one of


treatments, along with Valtrex, she did say that this particular mom also

suffered from a

clear-cut autoimmune disorder as did the son, his immune system was clearly


and she also did say that she thought he rarely used steroids, but in her case

he did. Now

this is info from a friend of a friend who is also looking into prednisone. So

if there is any

truth to this story, he must not be opposed to its use in ALL cases.


> > Does anyone know what Dr. G thinkgs about using

> > prednisone? Thanks in advance.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Juarez, M.S., Marriage and Family Therapist

> >







> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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I can¹t remember if I¹ve heard him comment on it or not, but I¹m sure that

since one of the actions of Prednisone is to weaken the body's immune

system, he would be against it if there were another ³safer² treatment

available for whatever Prednisone was being considered to treat. It would

probably help reduce inflammation, but would expose a child to other more

severe risks since their already dysfunctional immune system wouldn¹t be in

shape to fight things.

Prednisone can increase susceptibility to chickenpox and other herpes

viruses. That sounds like a really dangerous idea for our kids... even if

they¹re on antivirals, there are probably herpes viruses that have not been

identified yet and we don¹t know if the antivirals are treating those or

not. I¹ve read that people who have recovered from tuberculosis can

experience reactivation of the disease when on Prednisone. I¹ve also read

that you shouldn¹t be vaccinated against any infectious disease while you

are on Prednisone (especially live polio vaccine). Some people on

prednisone develop yeast infections.

It just sounds as though Prednisone might be hitting our kids right where

they don¹t need to be hit... it might sort of give a ³free ticket² to some

really frightening things that their bodies are already struggling to


Having seen a family member go through an illness where long term Prednisone

may have saved her life, in some illnesses I suppose it has its place just

because there¹s nothing else effective available, but the side effects my

family member experienced were horrid (paper thin skin tearing open when she

just brushed against something, anxiety, etc.).

In other words, it¹s not a med to be taken lightly (but I know you knew


Take care,


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Hi ,

I really don't know what Dr.G thinks about prednisone, but I'm guessing he would

say no.

Anyway, we used prednisone,( short burst,for five days) as a test, to see if our

son would respond to IVIG for his Pandas/Pitand syndrome.

responded beautifully, the first two days we really didn't see a decrease

in his OCD, but on the third day, we saw a nice decrease in his symptoms. By the

fifth day the OCD was gone. It was wonderful to see him not obsess on numbers

and letters (his personal favorite when he has an OCD flare-up).

He was a little more hyper, but we were told that this is normal as the

inflammation in the basal gangalia decreases.

This is only a temporary fix, just to see if the child will respond to IVIG or

not. Children that do well with a prendisone burst , generally do well with

IVIG, to treat or even cure their Pandas syndrome.

Also, the child needs to stay on a maintenance dose of antibiotics for one year,

or until puberty whichever comes first.


P.S. was just diagnosed with a total IgG deficiency, so we will probably

need to start IVIG regardless, at least the insurance will pay for it with the

diagnoses of, Common Variable Immunedeficiency.

@...: jamieandsal@...: Wed, 12 Mar 2008

18:11:46 -0500Subject: Prednisone

Does anyone know what Dr. G thinkgs about using prednisone? Thanks in

advance.Sincerely, Juarez, M.S., Marriage and Family Therapist

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P.S. After looking up Common Variable Immunedeficiency, I think the secretary

coded his DX. incorrectly. I'll have to call on this one.

nids@...: lsa5885@...: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:56:38

+0000Subject: RE: Prednisone

Hi ,I really don't know what Dr.G thinks about prednisone, but I'm guessing

he would say no. Anyway, we used prednisone,( short burst,for five days) as a

test, to see if our son would respond to IVIG for his Pandas/Pitand syndrome.

responded beautifully, the first two days we really didn't see a decrease

in his OCD, but on the third day, we saw a nice decrease in his symptoms. By the

fifth day the OCD was gone. It was wonderful to see him not obsess on numbers

and letters (his personal favorite when he has an OCD flare-up). He was a little

more hyper, but we were told that this is normal as the inflammation in the

basal gangalia decreases. This is only a temporary fix, just to see if the child

will respond to IVIG or not. Children that do well with a prendisone burst ,

generally do well with IVIG, to treat or even cure their Pandas syndrome.Also,

the child needs to stay on a maintenance dose of antibiotics for one year, or

until puberty whichever comes first. HTH,P.S. was just diagnosed with

a total IgG deficiency, so we will probably need to start IVIG regardless, at

least the insurance will pay for it with the diagnoses of, Common Variable

Immunedeficiency. @...: jamieandsal@...:

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:11:46 -0500Subject: PrednisoneDoes anyone know what

Dr. G thinkgs about using prednisone? Thanks in advance.Sincerely, Juarez,

M.S., Marriage and Family Therapist [Non-text portions of this message have been


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

> > Within an hour after taking it, I get

> > intensely sleepy.

> >


> Take it with a cup of " real " coffee......

> Pris


YUK! It's funny you would suggest that--my rheumy actually suggested I

drink a cup every morning! I told her I had recently started drinking

green tea (with LOTS of sugar) and then proceeded to get a lesson in

how to drink tea, from somebody from China (her)! How cool was that for

a doctor visit?!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Wow, I am hoping to get prednisone, But I weigh 300 pounds. I am in so much

pain. I have taken prednisone before. When I had a serious allergy. Is there

other medicines as good as predisone. I dont need to put on anymore weight and

it does take all pain away?

your truly

Clora May


From: <wendymp@...>

Subject: [ ] Prednisone

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:25 AM

Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?

wendy [:)]

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Hi Clora May. I haven't had any relief from the pred. at all. Sorry but

I do not know of any other drugs as I was just diagnosed a few weeks

ago. But I am sure someone else here can help you out. I too am a large

woman, 265 and I was worried about gaining weight but that doesn't seem

to be a problem right now.




> Wow, I am hoping to get prednisone, But I weigh 300 pounds. I am in so

much pain. I have taken prednisone before. When I had a serious allergy.

Is there other medicines as good as predisone. I dont need to put on

anymore weight and it does take all pain away?

> your truly

> Clora May






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Hi ,

I've been on prednisone for just over a month now & it had a noticeable affect

within the

first week. The swelling in my wrists & fingers have gone down a lot, and my

knees aren't

as stiff.

I still have a lot of pain in my left knee (sometimes it feels like I have glass

on the end of

each leg bone). I think the sulfasalazine is starting to kick in now, I hope, as

I had a good

knee day yesterday :) Planning on going for a ride today after work, so that

will test it!

So far I have had only a few bad headaches from the sulfasalazine, the first

couple of days

I started & then the ones after I up-dosed to 2 twice a day. Haven't noticed any


effects from the prednisone yet. Gland behind my ear has come up again though

(Doc said

it was probably a virus).

gently hugs...

Sharon of Oz



> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]





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, I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no expert but

if you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But Ive been on it seven

months and can't get off; I hate it and wish I had tried other drugs first.


[ ] Prednisone

Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?

wendy [:)]

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I am taking Plaquenil, Sulfa for over 6 months and they are not helping the



From: patandpaula <patandpaula@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM

, I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no expert but if

you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But Ive been on it seven months

and can't get off; I hate it and wish I had tried other drugs first. a

[ ] Prednisone

Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?

wendy [:)]

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Prednisone is both my bane and my savior.  I have been on/off pred most of my

life, now on it all the time, as was my mother.  If other things can do the


After you have been on pred for awhile, you won't come off w/o alot of trouble

(if it can even be done...)

Long term, it leads to thinning skin, easy bruising, high blood pressure, weight

gain due to appetite stimulation, glaucoma, chronic infections.  All these

things I speak of from experience.  On the other side, I FEEL so much better

while on the prednisone when the dose is right.  I've been on it as long as I

can remember now.  When I try to drop the dose, I get very sick---docs are no

longer sure if it is due to flare ups of RA, or steroid deficiency.

Some of it is RA, as sometimes when I drop the dose, I " flare " w/ Optic Neuritis

or Anterior Uveitis. 

I am also on methotrexate and remicade to at least keep the steroid dose as low

as possible.  The past couple of years, I have not been able to get below 15 mgs

SID.  For several years I got by w/ 10 mg down to 7.5mg.  Even at 15 mgs now I

periodically have to severely raise the dose or be supplemented w/Depo

injections, like this week.  I fractured my pelvis, broke my nose (accident, not

RA) and guess it was too much as I nose dived.  Had to raise pred to 40 mg, then

Depo shot to get it under control.  Now I want to eat constantly but at least no

insomnia this time.  I CAN at least function and work again, so maybe its worth


The pred is definitely a Love/Hate drug for me.  It gave me back a life, but

there sure has been a price.  I have to stay on atenolol for high blood

pressure, eye drops for glaucoma, Valtrex for viral infections, just got off

ketoconazole for a chronic fungal infection, antibiotics for chronic cystitis

and sinusitis infections both found when I had the accident and my arms look

like hell from all the scars from thin skinned.  I'm 49. 

Long post, but I sure helps somebody else try to find another way to control

your autoimmune problems pre-steroids...

Best of luck and God Bless to all


From: patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>

Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

@gro ups.com

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM

, I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no expert but if

you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But Ive been on it seven months

and can't get off; I hate it and wish I had tried other drugs first. a

[ ] Prednisone

Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?

wendy [:)]

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I was just diagnosed RA in Feb 08 and my rh put me on prednisone

right away because celebrex and stuff wasnt working. I am guessing I

should be concerned?????? The drs havent said anything about

dependence on it and the glaucoma issues. I am taking prednisone,

methotraxate and humira. Is there better meds I should be taking.

Any information you could supply me would be great. Thank you so

much -


> From: clora ( kloey_1234 ) <clora4jesus@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone


> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 2:27 PM







> I am taking Plaquenil, Sulfa for over 6 months and they are not

helping the pain.




> --- On Sat, 7/19/08, patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>



> From: patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM


> , I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no

expert but if you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But

Ive been on it seven months and can't get off; I hate it and wish I

had tried other drugs first. a

> [ ] Prednisone


> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh


> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he

wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant

on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am


> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and


> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need


> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]



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The key with prednisone is to not be on a high maintenance dose.  In doing so

you decrease the major side effects.  I have been on prednisone for 13 years

now, never higher than 10 MG a day with my current dosage of 4 MG a day.  Why

can't I get off of it?  Because nothing else works as well.  If they make a drug

that works as well, I will take it if I can tolerate it!


People get worked up about prednisone but every medication has its side

effects.  They change your body in some way whether its prednisone, a NSAID,

DMARD, or biologic.  Certain medications can be worse for you if you have

different underlying diseases.  If you are going to worry about the long

term/short term side effects of prednisone, be worried about each and every

medication you put into your body; OTC, herbal, or prescription.



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Hi Clora and ,

I have been on prednisone for 3 1/2 years. It is a Godsend for me.

When I first started it I thought it was the best thing that could

ever happen. I felt wonderful. No pain. Unfortunately,I can't get off

it either. I am way down on it (5mg a day). I took 22.5 mg a day for

years.I have gained 100lbs. in that time. I too wish at times that I

didn't start on it. But, I have been able to continue working

full-time and being a wife and Mom. It is a trade off.The extra weight

has made walking and balance more difficult. I am being worked up for

MS and that scares me, but would also explain my weird symptoms.

I know I didn't help any with trying to decide what to do. I took

Remicade infusions for about a year and when that stopped working

tried Enbrel which had no side effects at all but also didn't help my

RA. Now I have had my first 3 Orencia infusions. They are very quick

and I have no side effects at the infusion time but have headaches and

nausea at times every day. Nothing extreme, just noticeable.

I hope you find medicines that work for you. I know it is a lonely

struggle. I don't post much at all, but I read daily and know there is

a lot of support. I'm not good at communicating in writing. I don't

know what to say to help people. There are so many who know just the

words that make things less painful and less isolating.

in St.Louis


> From: <wendymp@...>

> Subject: [ ] Prednisone


> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:25 AM








> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]



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...you should be as concerned about prednisone as you would about any

other medication you put in your body.  There are definite concerns with

prednisone as it simulates hormones made in our own body, which can suppress our

body from making it naturally.  However, if you are able to be on low dose

prednisone and feel good, do you deal with life long prednisone or pain?  Have

you read the effects MTX and Humira can have on you?  If you are unlucky some of

those side effects are devastating, it is no different with prednisone.  Aspirin

is an OC but if you are allergic or have the genetics to have a problem with it

you can get seriously ill.


Obviously it is best to not be on prednisone...but then it is best not to be on

a NSAID, DMARD, or biologic.  However, having RA we don't have that luxury.  So

we need to try the lesser of the evils and then move on to the big guns when

those do not work.  If prednisone needs to be part of your life you have to ask

yourself how much you are enjoying the pain that has brought you to this point. 

Like it or not, prednisone works well for 99% of the population.


Prednisone works lovely for me until I hit higher doses, at which time I get

psychiatric side effects.  For the few times I had to increase my prednisone

doses to that level, I just have to let my family know that this is how I behave

when I take more than 10MG of pred.



From: shannonvc <shannonvc@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Prednisone

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 9:17 PM

I was just diagnosed RA in Feb 08 and my rh put me on prednisone

right away because celebrex and stuff wasnt working. I am guessing I

should be concerned??? ??? The drs havent said anything about

dependence on it and the glaucoma issues. I am taking prednisone,

methotraxate and humira. Is there better meds I should be taking.

Any information you could supply me would be great. Thank you so

much -


> From: clora ( kloey_1234 ) <clora4jesus@ ...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 2:27 PM







> I am taking Plaquenil, Sulfa for over 6 months and they are not

helping the pain.




> --- On Sat, 7/19/08, patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>



> From: patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM


> , I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no

expert but if you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But

Ive been on it seven months and can't get off; I hate it and wish I

had tried other drugs first. a

> [ ] Prednisone


> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh


> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he

wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant

on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am


> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and


> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need


> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]



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Shandi...I am worried about all they meds that I have recently been

on but I have seen that a lot of people say they are on prednisone

long term and nothing about the other meds. I am currently still in

pain but the rh doesnt want the dosage on the pred to be over 10mg a

day. She had me on 15mg for 2 weeks but she is doesnt want me to go

any higher for right now. she wants to see when the other meds start

working. I am on 8 pills for mtx plus humira. she also has me on

folic acid for the ill effects of mtx. this whole thing make me feel

stupid and i really cant research since i can only spend some much

time typing. my RA started in my wrists and hands and moved thruout

my body. thanks for your info and help - it means a lot to me. i

feel so alone in this and it is getting overwhelming. also thank you

for the part about pred and hormones. i often feel like it messes

with my hormones. i get like hot flashes and moody. almost like my

time of the month. noone has said anything about that.

> >

> > From: patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>

> > Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> > @gro ups.com

> > Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM

> >

> > , I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m


> expert but if you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But

> Ive been on it seven months and can't get off; I hate it and wish I

> had tried other drugs first. a

> > [ ] Prednisone

> >

> > Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My


> dr

> > put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling


> > control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he

> wants to

> > extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming


> on it

> > and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I


> not

> > sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and

> hours

> > with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need

> food

> > NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a


> > bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?

> >

> > wendy [:)]

> >

> >

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I got to have that predisone. I see you said its hard to go off of it. Paiin

free for a litlle while sounds great.


Clora May


From: kuehnlej <kuehnlej@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Prednisone

Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 1:43 AM

Hi Clora and ,

I have been on prednisone for 3 1/2 years. It is a Godsend for me.

When I first started it I thought it was the best thing that could

ever happen. I felt wonderful. No pain. Unfortunately, I can't get off

it either. I am way down on it (5mg a day). I took 22.5 mg a day for

years.I have gained 100lbs. in that time. I too wish at times that I

didn't start on it. But, I have been able to continue working

full-time and being a wife and Mom. It is a trade off.The extra weight

has made walking and balance more difficult. I am being worked up for

MS and that scares me, but would also explain my weird symptoms.

I know I didn't help any with trying to decide what to do. I took

Remicade infusions for about a year and when that stopped working

tried Enbrel which had no side effects at all but also didn't help my

RA. Now I have had my first 3 Orencia infusions. They are very quick

and I have no side effects at the infusion time but have headaches and

nausea at times every day. Nothing extreme, just noticeable.

I hope you find medicines that work for you. I know it is a lonely

struggle. I don't post much at all, but I read daily and know there is

a lot of support. I'm not good at communicating in writing. I don't

know what to say to help people. There are so many who know just the

words that make things less painful and less isolating.

in St.Louis


> From: <wendymp@... >

> Subject: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 11:25 AM








> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh dr

> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am not

> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and hours

> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need food

> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]



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you are so right. Everyone is getting worked up over prednisone. I didnt know

you could take it for 13 years. low doses of course. and it works hoo raw. 

Doctor here I am give me that prednisone. All the other meds are making me crazy

with their side affects and yet they are not stopping the pain.


Clora May



From: S. Pruitt <seriouslysanibel@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 9:26 PM

The key with prednisone is to not be on a high maintenance dose.  In doing so

you decrease the major side effects.  I have been on prednisone for 13 years

now, never higher than 10 MG a day with my current dosage of 4 MG a day.  Why

can't I get off of it?  Because nothing else works as well.  If they make a drug

that works as well, I will take it if I can tolerate it!


People get worked up about prednisone but every medication has its side

effects.  They change your body in some way whether its prednisone, a NSAID,

DMARD, or biologic.  Certain medications can be worse for you if you have

different underlying diseases.  If you are going to worry about the long

term/short term side effects of prednisone, be worried about each and every

medication you put into your body; OTC, herbal, or prescription.



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,  Dr , Barbara and Everyone

I cant wait to get some prednisone. I see my rheumy Friday and hopefully she

will give me something good. She said she would give me prednisone as soon as

she got. Test results results for my eyes, sent that. The infection cleared up.

Done that. So now hopefully you will be hearing good news about me. 


You guys are all so sympathetic. I love reading everything everyone wrote. I

read that someone knows what to do about their pain or their immune system. Also

Chronic fatigue Syn drone. I got them all. I think it goes with RA. I also have

IBS, irritable bowel syn drone. I don't know if it goes With RA , but i do know

it goes with fibro.


I didn't go to the ER the other day. My husband rubbed me down with Ben Gay.. I

took 2 vicodins. He put 3 pain patches on me. and with a couple hours I was in

tolerable pain. Everyone keep writing. It is great to share. I see everyone gets

a little upset with doctors. That's OK They are human too. lol. A lot of this

information is so needed. The doctor has what 15 minutes to take care of you. WE

can tell each other what the doctor forgot to say. thanks guys


Clora May




From: shannonvc <shannonvc (DOT) com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Prednisone

@gro ups.com

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 9:17 PM

I was just diagnosed RA in Feb 08 and my rh put me on prednisone

right away because celebrex and stuff wasnt working. I am guessing I

should be concerned??? ??? The drs havent said anything about

dependence on it and the glaucoma issues. I am taking prednisone,

methotraxate and humira. Is there better meds I should be taking.

Any information you could supply me would be great. Thank you so

much -


> From: clora ( kloey_1234 ) <clora4jesus@ ...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 2:27 PM







> I am taking Plaquenil, Sulfa for over 6 months and they are not

helping the pain.




> --- On Sat, 7/19/08, patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>



> From: patandpaula <patandpaula@ sbcglobal. net>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Prednisone

> @gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 12:54 PM


> , I would say the lack of appetite is the plaquenil, I a m no

expert but if you stay on Pred only a month, you should be ok. But

Ive been on it seven months and can't get off; I hate it and wish I

had tried other drugs first. a

> [ ] Prednisone


> Hey gang! Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible! My rh


> put me on prednisone two weeks ago trying to get the swelling under

> control. No dice! I've gone through the first two weeks and he

wants to

> extend it another two weeks. I have heard about becoming dependant

on it

> and was wondering what it was all about? And one other thing. I am


> sure if it is the plaquenil or the pred. but I can go hours and


> with no appetite at all and then at some point I feel like I need


> NOW! It is almost like I had gone days without food. I eat a little

> bit and it is over. Any ideas anyone?


> wendy [:)]



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