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Hi ,

I've been on Humira for over a year now and I've responded really well to it.

You won't know how it works for you until you try it. Giving yourself a shot is

no big deal. I use the self injecting pen and it's really easy. It works in

the same fashion as a ball point pen. The only side effects I've ever had was a

little bit of burning from the injection and some bruising. I'm 31 so I too

worry about having to need medications such as these so early in life. But I do

have to say that it was the Humira that really changed things for me! Good luck

with it, and I hope that you get some relief from it.




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  • 1 month later...

Your not alone, so just know that. I tried humira first, enbrel, and

now back on humira. It is working for me right now. Maybe not the

way I would like it, to heal me, but I'm not complaining just yet. We

have to give these meds a chance. I'm still walking, and that is the

best thing for me. I can take care of my daily needs.

So, don't give up, I know its not easy. Your doing most things, so

your doing OK. My daughter has sponylitis, and she has no insurance,

so she is not on any med. I don't know how she goes sometimes, with

my two year old granddaughter. I believe she has RA too, so you can

imagine. She is 26yrs old, and she isn't getting any younger. She

needs to see a doctor, and start right now, before she has problems

later on. But, when you hav no insurance, its hard.

You take care, and know were all here for you. We all deal with our

pain differently, just so we all keep going, that is whats important.

Hugs, Tawny


> First I want to say thanks to all in this group. I've had my


> (spondylitis) for 5 years now, but I've learned more in the couple

> weeks here than the past 5 years. I'm not sure why I never


> it more before. I think I was scared to know and when they found


> that worked (Enbrel) I just went on with life. But now the Enbrel


> longer works, and quite frankly I'm scared of the alternative, but

> agreed to try Humira. My question is has anyone ever been on


> had it quit working, tried Humira and it worked for them. I ask

> because I know they are " sister " drugs and if one doesn't work,


> it possible the other won't either. Just curious. The dr. thinks


> body has created antibodies against the meds. My heart goes out to


> of you suffering from these diseases. I used to think mine was


> til I came here and read your heartbreaking stories. So far I'm


> able to do most things, and my pain is managed well. I pray you


> find what works best for you so you can enjoy your life again. I


> NEVER again take for granted the daily things that I'm able to do.

> HUGS to you all!


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Hi Tawny - I know what your daughter is experiencing as I have no

insurance either. I just wanted to let you know that my Rheumy gave me

a discounted rate after the initial exam and I get a discount on my RA

meds with the TotalRx Card that is free online: www.yourrxcard.com .

It still gets expensive with the meds I take and I am not able to

afford the Biologics like Enbrel or Humira which is why am taking part

in the clinical study. Sometimes the pharmaceutical manufacturer can

help with either discounted or free meds as well. I think she would

have to go through her Rheumy for that. My prayers are with your

daughter that she may find a way to get the medical attention she so

desperately needs...............Doreen :)


> Your not alone, so just know that. I tried humira first, enbrel,

> and now back on humira. It is working for me right now. Maybe not

> the way I would like it, to heal me, but I'm not complaining just

> yet. We have to give these meds a chance. I'm still walking, and

> that is the best thing for me. I can take care of my daily needs.


> So, don't give up, I know its not easy. Your doing most things, so

> your doing OK. My daughter has sponylitis, and she has no

> insurance, so she is not on any med. I don't know how she goes

> sometimes, with my two year old granddaughter. I believe she has

> RA too, so you can imagine. She is 26yrs old, and she isn't

> getting any younger. She needs to see a doctor, and start right

> now, before she has problems later on. But, when you hav no

> insurance, its hard.


> You take care, and know were all here for you. We all deal with

> our pain differently, just so we all keep going, that is whats

> important.

> Hugs, Tawny


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Thanks for the good advise. I did talk to my daughter today, about

the situation. Now, we will see if she does something to help her

self this time. She needs to get a jump on it now, before she gets

any worse. I pray she does. I am so very sorry you don't have

insurance, I know that makes it tough for you. I pray one day, we

will all be able to have insurance, Tawny

> >

> > Your not alone, so just know that. I tried humira first, enbrel,

> > and now back on humira. It is working for me right now. Maybe


> > the way I would like it, to heal me, but I'm not complaining just

> > yet. We have to give these meds a chance. I'm still walking, and

> > that is the best thing for me. I can take care of my daily needs.

> >

> > So, don't give up, I know its not easy. Your doing most things,


> > your doing OK. My daughter has sponylitis, and she has no

> > insurance, so she is not on any med. I don't know how she goes

> > sometimes, with my two year old granddaughter. I believe she has

> > RA too, so you can imagine. She is 26yrs old, and she isn't

> > getting any younger. She needs to see a doctor, and start right

> > now, before she has problems later on. But, when you hav no

> > insurance, its hard.

> >

> > You take care, and know were all here for you. We all deal with

> > our pain differently, just so we all keep going, that is whats

> > important.

> > Hugs, Tawny

> >


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Christiancourager and group;

I know what you mean about our group. I have learned more hear than

anywhere else about medical conditions. What is your name is it


I don't know if our injections stop working after a while. I heard

goood thing about them. I just started humira a couple weeks ago

and it is great. I hope it keeps working for me.

I am sorry the enbrel is no longer working for you. Ask your RA

about taking the humira. I heard othes say that one didnt work so

they had to go to the other. I truly hope you find the right meds

for your condition.

gentle kind hugs


> First I want to say thanks to all in this group. I've had my


> (spondylitis) for 5 years now, but I've learned more in the couple

> weeks here than the past 5 years. I'm not sure why I never


> it more before. I think I was scared to know and when they found


> that worked (Enbrel) I just went on with life. But now the Enbrel


> longer works, and quite frankly I'm scared of the alternative, but

> agreed to try Humira. My question is has anyone ever been on


> had it quit working, tried Humira and it worked for them. I ask

> because I know they are " sister " drugs and if one doesn't work,


> it possible the other won't either. Just curious. The dr. thinks



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all

I hope every one is having a pain free day. Living in the north east I am

experiencing more pain in my feet and knees. Maybe it's fromt temperature

changes..... Does anyone else experience this or am I just dealing with the

disease progression..... I don't know.... I start Humira this week and hope that

all the good things I hear are true....

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Hello . I live in the North East too (NE PA) and I find that when there are

big temperature changes I hurt more and become stiff. I asked my doctor about

this and he said it was very common and wasn't even surprised when I mentioned

it. Humira has been a Godsend for me. Unless I overdo things, I'm able to live

a relatively pain free life. Humira does have a patient assistance program to

help pay some of your copay. Your doctor would have information on that. I do

hope that the Humira works for you. About a week after my first shot I started

noticing some small changes, but over time it really began to help me. Good





Re: [ ] Re: Humira

Hello all

I hope every one is having a pain free day. Living in the north east I am

experiencing more pain in my feet and knees. Maybe it's fromt temperature

changes..... Does anyone else experience this or am I just dealing with the

disease progression..... I don't know.... I start Humira this week and hope that

all the good things I hear are true....


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I'm sorry your having pain today, I'm sure the weather does have a lot

to do with it. I don't have many good days, so when I get one, I

really enjoy it. This week has been good to me, as far as the RA

goes, and the fatigue. I'm dealing with another issue, a heel spur.

You just have to keep moving forward, and look toward a bright

future. I hope one day , there will be a cure for this horrible

disease. Take care, and hope you feel better soon, Tawny



> Hello all

> I hope every one is having a pain free day. Living in the north

east I am experiencing more pain in my feet and knees. Maybe it's

fromt temperature changes..... Does anyone else experience this or am

I just dealing with the disease progression..... I don't know.... I

start Humira this week and hope that all the good things I hear are






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I live in the south, but winter do cause me a lot of pain. The

temperature and barometric pressure seems to set off areas that have

been quiet for a while.




> Hello all

> I hope every one is having a pain free day. Living in the north

east I am experiencing more pain in my feet and knees. Maybe it's

fromt temperature changes..... Does anyone else experience this or

am I just dealing with the disease progression..... I don't know....

I start Humira this week and hope that all the good things I hear

are true....





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Hey Tracie,

I too was on Humira. I had some serious reactions to it. I will also never

take it again. I am finally getting to see a rheummy again next week. The

plan is to start back on Arava and Enbrel.

I already have the documents for patient assistance. I am quite excited. I

did quite well on Enbrel before. I am hoping that because I have been off

all meds for so long maybe I will be lucky and get a good response from the


I plan to take the twice a week enbrel. I will NEVER used any of the pens

or auto injectors. I learned that they contain a preservative that I am

allergic too. Stuff burns like acid and leaves a big necrotic chuck of flesh.


I tried to tell my former rheummy about Humira and the issues I was

having...he just did not listen.

If only the drug companies could market these drugs without some of the

preservatives. I think they would get better long term patient compliance.

I know after the first two shots of Humira and it was so painful and left me

with the horrible purple lump....started " forgetting " when I was to take it

next. For me too the dosing every two weeks was too far apart. I would

forget half the time and never really stayed on the schedule for the three


I took it.

I finally got my Internist to listen and look and skin. He immediately said

NO more!


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To Tawny and all on Humira,


Humira is a wonderful medicine.  I was on it for over a year and had great

results.  I had the only remission that I have ever had with my RA on it,

however, PLEASE, be careful with it.  You must follow the directions carefully

and if you have any sign of a cold or infection check with your doctor before

taking your weekly dose.  I ended up with a life-threatening pneumonia that

progressed sooooo fast from a cold that it was very scary.  I was in the

hospital several days (Tawny I know you know this already, lol) and was lucky I

responded to the antibiotics.  I am now of course forbidden to take the

biologics and am only on MTX and have aggressive RA that is hard to treat,

personally I think all RA is hard to treat.  So, just a reminder, I know it is

wonderful to feel good on the Humira, but please be cautious with it and

remember those nasty side effects are printed there for a reason.  I don't want

anyone to have to go through what I went

through it was so NOT fun! 


Good luck to all on Humira.  It is a wonderful medicine, just use with caution. 


Gentle hugs,


Tracie Rae

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I'm sorry I'm just now responding, my name is . I have had

a pretty rough week. I've been off all meds for a month now, and was

just too scared to start the Humira. I saw my rheumy last Friday and

she said I really needed to be on something. At that appointment, my

left shoulder was hurting a little bit, but nothing major. Well by

today the pain was so intense I couldn't even touch it. Honestly I

got scared and didn't know what it was. But she said I had bursitis

and she gave me a cortisone shot. I'm hoping that helps. I did pick

up the Humira today and will start it soon. I know there's a chance

it may not work since it's a sister drug to Enbrel and that started

losing it's effectiveness. But I'm a military wife who's often home

alone with the children and I don't want to ever get to where I can't

take care of them. That is my biggest fear. Enbrel started working

almost immediately after my first injection so I hope this does too.


> Christiancourager and group;


> I know what you mean about our group. I have learned more hear


> anywhere else about medical conditions. What is your name is it

> christian?


> I don't know if our injections stop working after a while. I heard

> goood thing about them. I just started humira a couple weeks ago

> and it is great. I hope it keeps working for me.


> I am sorry the enbrel is no longer working for you. Ask your RA

> about taking the humira. I heard othes say that one didnt work so

> they had to go to the other. I truly hope you find the right meds

> for your condition.


> gentle kind hugs

> Clora





> > First I want to say thanks to all in this group. I've had my

> condition

> > (spondylitis) for 5 years now, but I've learned more in the


> > weeks here than the past 5 years. I'm not sure why I never

> researched

> > it more before. I think I was scared to know and when they found

> meds

> > that worked (Enbrel) I just went on with life. But now the


> no

> > longer works, and quite frankly I'm scared of the alternative,


> > agreed to try Humira. My question is has anyone ever been on

> Enbrel,

> > had it quit working, tried Humira and it worked for them. I ask

> > because I know they are " sister " drugs and if one doesn't work,

> isn't

> > it possible the other won't either. Just curious. The dr.


> my

> >


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Tracie Rae and group;

Thanks so much for that important information on humira,, If I feel

like I am getting sick or an infection your saying contack my doctor

right away and discontinue the injections.. I don't want to do

anything to be forced completely off humira... It's like a miracle

drug for me,,, so I will be very careful.

Also,, Why are you forbidden to use biologics???

gentle hugs


> To Tawny and all on Humira,


> Humira is a wonderful medicine.  I was on it for over a year and

had great results.  I had the only remission that I have ever had

with my RA on it, however, PLEASE, be careful with it.  You must

follow the directions carefully and if you have any sign of a cold

or infection check with your doctor before taking your weekly dose. 

I ended up with a life-threatening pneumonia that progressed sooooo

fast from a cold that it was very scary.  I was in the hospital

several days (Tawny I know you know this already, lol) and was lucky

I responded to the antibiotics.  I am now of course forbidden to

take the biologics and am only on MTX and have aggressive RA that is

hard to treat, personally I think all RA is hard to treat.  So, just

a reminder, I know it is wonderful to feel good on the Humira, but

please be cautious with it and remember those nasty side effects are

printed there for a reason.  I don't want anyone to have to go

through what I went

> through it was so NOT fun! 


> Good luck to all on Humira.  It is a wonderful medicine, just use

with caution. 


> Gentle hugs,


> Tracie Rae






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Hi Tracie,

You are so right, everyone should listen to Tracie. She had a horrible

experience with Humira. We should always listen to our bodies, when you

start feeling sick, have a cold or infection call the doctor. Tawny

--- In , Tracie Bragdon <tracierae143@...>



> To Tawny and all on Humira,


> Humira is a wonderful medicine. I was on it for over a year and had

great results. I had the only remission that I have ever had with my RA

on it, however, PLEASE, be careful with it. You must follow the

directions carefully and if you have any sign of a cold or infection

check with your doctor before taking your weekly dose. I ended up with

a life-threatening pneumonia that progressed sooooo fast from a cold

that it was very scary. I was in the hospital several days (Tawny I

know you know this already, lol) and was lucky I responded to the

antibiotics. I am now of course forbidden to take the biologics and am

only on MTX and have aggressive RA that is hard to treat, personally I

think all RA is hard to treat. So, just a reminder, I know it is

wonderful to feel good on the Humira, but please be cautious with it and

remember those nasty side effects are printed there for a reason. I

don't want anyone to have to go through what I went

> through it was so NOT fun!


> Good luck to all on Humira. It is a wonderful medicine, just use with



> Gentle hugs,


> Tracie Rae






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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

the ins. company has okayed it and now we wait for all the paperwork to be

finished. i have to use the pharmacist that the ins company wants, not mine. and

then i have to start shoving needles in me.

any of ya all use this stuff?

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everything i've heard says it burns like a bitch. if it works for me i'll take

the pain. problem is i hate needles. guess i'll have to man up and deal with it.

my doctor has already told me that they'll do the 1st one to show me how. after

that i'm on my own. does it make any difference on how fast you enject?



> I take Humira weekly using the Auto injectors. I had previously been on it

> with the standard pre-fill syringe. But I had many issues with site

> reactions and other reactions to it. Then I lost my insurance and had to


> it.


> You doc should have given you a Humira training kit...or will do self

> injection training with you. If he does not go to Humira's website.

> _www.humira.com_ (http://www.humira.com) and order one. They also send out


> containers for free as well.


> This is my routine so I can stay on Humira and sofar its working.


> I take 10 mg pred the day before, day of and day after my injection.

> Claritin 10mg...every day.

> Prep my site and pt lidocaine patch on it early the day of the injection.

> Then clean and ice the spot before injecting.

> Let the Humira sit out 30 mins to warm up before giving.


> It still burns like heck...but at least its better than me wanting to run

> around the house screaming for hours after taking it cause its burning soo

> bad.


> Yes...it does burn or sting.


> Toni

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I have been on both types for fairly long time) of Humira (weekly) and when I

first started the autoinject I called them because it burned so much. They said

it had to do with the preservatives that it has but the other type doesn't since

it is already mixed. They said if I let it sit for 20 min at room temp before

giving it might help and it does. They also said try numbing it with a cool pack

helps.Haven't had any other problems but the doctor thinks it is time to change

since it doesn't seem to be doing as much for me as it did prior to my back


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