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Sorry; I read this after I sent in the last post and thought it applicable to the group's focus and current discussion."The Natural Solutions Foundation joined other NGO's (nongovernmental organizations or "civil society" as it is know elsewhere in the world) to educate Congress and decision makers about the dangers to health and freedom of programs like Real ID. But the program would not have been stopped but for a loud public outcry -- People Power!This is a People's Power victory. Alone we may appear to be "voices in the wilderness" but together we are powerful!We are heading toward a state of siege in which the "authorities" determine what you may, may not and must do with your body and your child's. This is what Dr. Ron has decried as "soft Fascism." The issues at stake can be lumped together under the heading "Health Freedom" - The authority of the state ends at my skin! In February, 2006 I published an article called "Whose Blood Sugar is it, Anyway?" (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/docs/blood_sugar.pdf)about the fact that if you have your blood sugar drawn in New York City, your doctor will get a letter scolding him/her if the City does not like your lab results and so will you! Vermont had already enacted the same invasive laws. (Is there any "nanny state" nonsense intervention that our regulators would think too noxious for their bureaucratic attention?) Alas, we did not rise up then and stop the process of the State Regulators taking over our bodies. So they expanded their powers considerably. This time, the time is now to take back control of our own bodies. We ignore this warning at our peril.Frightening threats remain:ColoradoSWAT Team Takes 11 Year Old From Family BecauseThey Did Not Take Him to Hospital: Docs Say "Kid's Fine!""Horsing around" with his sister outside their home, an 11 year old slipped and hit his head. His dad, a former paramedic, took him back into his house and observed him for signs of a concussion, standard practice in these situations, by the way. A neighbor saw the boy fall and was so alarmed that an ambulance was not called that she called the police resulting in an emergency Court Order, a SWAT team breaking down the door and menacing the family at gun point and a shooting civil liberties and parental rights in the foot at the same time. The boy was taken away terrified and shaking. He was later returned because the hospital staff said the boy was "fine". The judge admitted that if the child were his own, he would have made the decision on his own and that he would probably have done what the father in this case did: observe the boy.New JerseyParental Rights Severed Without Due Process When Parents Follow Pediatrician's Advice: Specialist Miffed, 8 Month Old Put in CareA baby born with a serious birth defect called "Spinal Bifida" was under the care of his pediatrician who disagreed with the local specialist on what should be done to care for him. The baby was well and happy when his parents noted a change they were concerned by in his skin. They took the baby to the hospital where the local specialist notified the State Child Protective Services who refused to let the parents take their 8 month old child home and severed their parental rights without a court hearing or other legal proceeding. Read more (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=496). Health Freedom Ball"The authority of the state stops at my skin…"Health freedom means controlling what goes into your body, what you can, cannot, do and do not do with your own health or your kid's health. But this level of freedom is not what the people who think they are in control want for you. They want to own your body and sell you what they want you to put in it: vaccines, drugs, poisoned food. The Natural Solutions Foundation is the largest health freedom organization in the English speaking world. It got that way in just 3 short years because we listen to you and we take your concerns to the seat of power, speaking truth to power and then finding the solutions that make that truth make a difference. We depend on you for action, for strength and for support. And we have become a power base of our own. But we are facing perilous times, indeed. To read more, click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=496).So now it's your turn to continue your generosity by backing a winner - Health Freedom. This is a battle we cannot afford to lose. Here's a partial list of what's at stake: * -Your right to chose to be vaccinated - or not * Your right to know what's in your food, whether it's dangerous pesticides that have already been banned or cancer-friendly Genetically Modified (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=495) ingredients hidden behind labels that do not list them or cloned meat and milk (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=499) or virus-laced cold cuts * Your right to get organic food when you buy it, not degraded, overpriced contaminated foods masquerading as "organic" food * Your right to make your own health decisions for yourself and your child, not have the emerging police state take your kids (or you) and make them for you. * Your right to truthful information about the health benefits of foods and food components, supplements and herbs. The FDA and Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) want to make sure that you cannot have access to this information, even if it comes from peer reviewed scientific papers. * Your right to buy high potency nutrients of any type you like as allowed under US law. It appears some politicians and FDA agents think that the law that permits this, known by its initials, DSHEA, is the "worst" law ever passed in the United States and has vowed to undermine and overturn it. Codex compliant Europe has already accomplished this dubious "achievement." * Your right to seek medical and health care using natural means, not drugs, if you wish for yourself and your family. This right is steadily being eroded for the benefit of the drug companies. * Your right to eat food which has not been exposed to free-radical inducing x-rays or dangerous chemicals with no notice on the label of any kind (like ALL "organic", "raw" almonds and, in the near future, ALL dark green leafy vegetables and greens. * Your right to have food regulated by an agency a large part of whose operating budget does not come directly from the drug industry, as does the FDA's budget. We recommend divesting the FDA of its food safety and claims authority. * Your right to choose any sort of innovative or traditional health care practices for yourself which you choose without restriction or interference by the government. The FDA conducts raids by special flack-jacketed FDA marshals wielding guns and batons, accompanied by dogs during destructive and terrorizing raids on legal manufacturers and practitioners.Health Freedom is a lot like the Argentine Tango: there are so many steps and so much complexity to it that at first glance it looks like you can never master it. Then when you start looking at it closely, and mastering it by immersing yourself in it, it becomes clear that, like anything else complex, there are unifying principles and connections between the parts that make it all make sense.

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