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Fw: vaccinations Dr Wakefield

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: Ann Hennen <maryann4peace@...>godsfool713@...Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 5:20:52 PMSubject: vaccinations Dr Wakefield

Hi Irene!

got this from marlene MacFarlane,thought You will be interested1 ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Macfarlane marle22@...

Boy, this is a beaut of a letter! Thank you Lesley!!

-- Defending Dr. Wakefield

Media is the message...................

I had to say a few things in defence of Dr. Wakefield MD MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath. Who by the way worked with the University of Toronto as a transplant surgeon specializing in small intestine transplantation. He is a British doctor, and now this very brilliant man has lost his licence. Corruption is the bottom line and money talks.

He is all over the news this morning. His name is being dragged through the mud. As if he were a common criminal like the pharmacy companies. No one can be so criminally negligent as big Pharma. Dr. Wakefield has repeatedly asked for more studies to be done to confirm his and his colleagues finding. Studies on vaccinations for years have been done and always get ignored or discredited. Only a doctor who does not care what he will lose and has a lot of money (because who would dare back the studies) will do more studies after what they have seen happen to Dr. Wakefield. Let me remind you of the Dead Scientists list. The newest one to be added to the list is Wheeler. He worked under two Bush administrations. Some news articles are reporting he had information on the dead bird situation he was going to expose. ?

ï‚Ÿ Why is it so important that Dr. Wakefield is seen to be discredited?

ï‚Ÿ Whom is it important to?

ï‚Ÿ Who stands to gain from this?

We know Bill Gates is a strong financial supporter of vaccinations (Also a globalist) has admitted vaccinations help to reduce population

Who is saying all this stuff making the headlines this morning.................. Answer: Deer. He is an investigative journalist.(Not a doctor) Who has put out an article on Wakefield and it is getting a lot of play today. He is the one accusing Dr. Wakefield of fraud based on HIS finding/conclusions. Million dollar question.....WHO IS PAYING BRIAN DEER? I am sure that is very hidden. Cash only transaction maybe? Mr. Deer has put the all too common media spin on his “findingsâ€.

The journal removed correspondence from its website questioning Deer’s prolonged access to confidential medical and legal documents, blocked correspondence from both professionals and members of the public questioning Deer’s understanding and representation of the evidence at the GMC hearing, and refused to acknowledge Deer’s competing interest (documented and established in a High Court judgement) as the complainant in the GMC case against the three doctors......... I have attached powerful letters at the bottom in response to Mr. Deer’s claims by some directly involved.

**Powerful clip of the case http://www.viddler.com/explore/ziggy/videos/1 Some of the 12 parents speak out, exposing Deer’s misinformation about them and their children. Even if you only listen to the first few minutes you will be well informed.

One more very important/interesting part of the puzzle,.............. Murdoch senior executive of News International, which owns The Sunday Times who Mr. Deer works for; Accepted a position as non-executive chairman with GlaxoKline Pharmaceutical’s, a manufacturer of the MMR vaccinations.


To show you how insane things have gotten, new studies are being put out saying Mercury is actually good for kids and improves mental capacity. WHAT?

California having a whooping cough outbreak.........celebrities and Wakefield are to blame...true or false? False.... Most were vaccinated. Of those not vaccinated and contracted whooping cough, the deaths were mostly in newborns. Newborns to young for the shot in any case....media spin!!

I know from personal experience my son had a reaction/seizures after the whooping cough vaccination and consequentially died at age 5. I had a Doctor tell me “off the record, I believe ’s epilepsy/death was due to the vaccinations.†Well I guess so, I just got him out of his car seat after we left the doctors and he went into a seizure (without a fever). As they try and tell parents, your child must have had a high fever. “High fevers can cause seizuresâ€. Well he kept having seizures....................... HE WAS ALERGIC TO TOXINS I GUESS!!!

Dr. Wakefield is a Gastroenterologist. All he said was he was seeing Autistic Children (who were diagnose with Autism not by him) were calling his office saying their children after getting certain vaccinations (MMR) where having bowel problems. He saw a link between the children having the gastro problems and were also children who had autism. He began to study the link. That is just one of many adverse reactions to vaccines. I happen to know that when the H1N1 fraud started last year a friend called me to tell me a co-worker of hers son, got the shot and now has chronic diarrhea. After that, in the following weeks I heard more stories of people who were experiencing ongoing gastro problems following the shot. Research for yourselves. Or take the risk and play Russian Roulette with your kids. Believe everything the media tells you.

Some observations...Doctors removed their names from the study. That only tells me they were scared to lose their licence and have their names smeared in the same manner as Wakefield. Wakefield to this day is standing strong and will not retract anything he has said. I have found some studies to look at linking vaccinations to gastro problems and how ineffective the vaccinations are. One of the lies being spread on the news this morning is that due to Wakefield parents are vaccinating their children less and blaming this on out-breaks. To many stories for me to post of outbreaks where almost all people affected by the outbreaks WERE vaccinated. Dr. Wakefield has only called for the MMR to be separated into 3 shots instead of multi dose and to remove the mercury/thimerosal. The news tells you mercury is now out of most vaccinations. NOT TRUE, still in multi dose vials as a

preservative. Wakefield is being used to shut-up the anti-vaccine crowd. I am one of them..............It’s not working!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.wddty.com/measles-jab-link-to-crohn-s.html Measles jab link to crohn's 1995

http://www.wddty.com/measles-vaccine.html Measles vaccine - Knee-jerk and jab-happy

September 9, 2010 2:14 PM

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award (There must have been evidence at this case or they would not have won)


The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

Is measles vaccination a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease? This is one of the studies he was involved in, Notice he and others were questioning the link.

NP, Montgomery SM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.

The largest measles epidemic of recent times is about to descend upon Britain. Despite the fact that 93 per cent of pre-schoolers get jabbed with the triple measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)...... Dr Viera Scheibner, an Australian principal research scientist who developed a true breathing monitor for babies at risk of cot death, saw that her product mostly sounded alarms after babies had been vaccinated.

Response to Mr. Deer’s remarks

9 March 2010

F. YAZBAK, Pediatrician Falmouth, Massachusetts 02540

Send response to journal: Re: Response to Mr. Deer’s remarks

Mr. Deer is absolutely correct: My grandson was not one of the 12 children enrolled in the original Wakefield study that was published in the Lancet in February 1998. If he had been, I would have certainly mentioned that among my competing interests for the last 10 years. Had Mr. Deer written earlier, I would have made that clear.

It almost seems that Mr. Deer is less upset about what I wrote than about the fact that some web site somewhere had picked it up. I certainly have no idea where my remarks were circulated and by whom and I have no control of that.

In any case: If anyone else misunderstood my statement (s), I sincerely apologize for the confusion. No deceit was ever intended!

I must say that I am troubled that Mr. Deer was able to obtain the names and family backgrounds of the 12 original study patients. I am also surprised that he finds it fair to censor my defense of Dr. Wakefield after he subjected him to public flagellation for so long. Maybe it is time for Mr. Deer to take a deep breath and relax.

From everything I have read, it seems clear that the accusatory claims related to pain, suffering and unwarranted risky investigations that were discussed in the last few years were not limited to those original twelve children. They certainly seemed to be about the many others who were later seen and “studied†for autistic entero-colitis at the Royal Free GI unit and whose cases were reported in subsequent publications and presentations. When I mentioned “all available parents and grandparents of the children…†I certainly had in mind those hundreds of parents and grandparents that were never interviewed by the GMC committee. Whether they were inside the hall or on the sidewalk, outside of London or outside of the United Kingdom, many of them would have been elated to testify. It is regrettable that they were not allowed to.

When we took our boy to the Royal Free, we wanted to find out what was wrong with him. We just could not see him suffer and cry all day anymore. It was our understanding that while many children with autism and GI problems were being treated at the unit, only few could be fully investigated because of a multitude of reasons. We were therefore most elated when my grandson was selected. That is what I meant when I mentioned the “studyâ€. We

still count our blessings that my daughter and her family were living in London at the time.

It is no secret that I have been and will always be a supporter of Dr. Wakefield. Yet, I would point out that I did not submit a single rapid response to the BMJ in nearly two years and that I did not criticize the GMC ethics hearings while they were going on. Dr. Wakefield’s attackers on the other hand never hesitated to publish defamatory remarks about him throughout that same period of time.

Mr. Deer is fortunate not to have a child, a relative or a friend with regressive autism. We were not so lucky and when we were down and out, we received comfort and extra good care from three wonderful physicians who unfortunately are still being subjected to a living hell.

Competing interests: Grandfather of a boy with regressive autism

Patient Confidentiality

10 March 2010

A. Dodge, Hon. Professor of Child Health University of Wales Swansea

Send response to journal: Re: Patient Confidentiality

Like , I was surprised that the journalist Deer apparently holds names and addresses of autistic patients, as well as the details of their clinical histories.

As the former director of a national disease registry, I am well aware of the difficulty bona fide medical researchers often encounter, and of the great lengths to which hospitals and Trusts go to ensure confidentiality, and where possible anonymity, for patients before they will release any information, for fear of violating the Data Protection Act.

It is particularly surprising that a journalist for a lay newspaper under orders to find a big story (Mr Deer's own words) could persuade a respected teaching hospital to give him such data. Did the request go to the research ethics committee? Did he obtain written consent from the parents? Was he not given instructions to destroy all information which could possibly identify individuals as soon as he had extracted what he needed, in which case he should no longer hold names and addresses?

Remembering the threat of litigation if journalists should try to reveal the immunisation status of the child of the then Prime Minister, I can only conclude that Mr Deer either covered his back and went through the correct procedures, or else that he assumed that the parents would have no appetite, or money, to take him, his newspaper or the hospital Trust to court for violating their privacy. I await his clarification with interest.

Competing interests: Occasional frustration at inability to obtain information from medical records for epidemiological research



D Innis, NA NA

Send response to journal: Re: MMR Toxicity Explained


Joan says, and I agree with her, "it is a crying shame the way children who were damaged by the MMR vaccine have never had their day in court. This is a total disgrace when the citizens of this country deserve the truth regarding the MMR vaccine and why it is harming hundreds of thousands of our children".

The truth is it is harming the children because as Wakefield and his colleagues have shown, some ingredient in the vaccine causes methymalonic acidaemia followed by cobalamine deficiency and consequently neurological lesions in genetically susceptible children.

The government is blind to this and one way out of this dilemma it seems is for doctors to forgo the five pieces of silver and refuse to vaccinate children on the grounds that the oath they have sworn, "first do no harm" forbids such an action.

Alternatively, appeal to the International Court of Justice.


http://www.whale.to/vaccine/olmsted_h.html Very interesting Amish Study, they don’t get vaccinated.

"I have not seen autism with the Amish," said Dr. Noonan

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