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Dangerous Mix - Aspartame containing products and SSRIS

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You may find the following conversation interesting. A woman by the name of

Betty is out to warn the world about the dangers of Aspartame. She has a

website, but I can't remember right off hand what the address is for that

website. Anyway, here she is responding to a woman who suffered some pretty

serious adverse effects from the combination of Aspartame (found in the soda

pop she was drinking), and Prozac. Betty sent a CC of the conversation to

the FDA, and it is on file there at:


So... any of you SSRI partakers out there, you might be in for a double

whammy if you are also consuming anything with aspartame...

Be careful... your health is in your hands.

---------------------- Original Message Follows ----------------------

Dear Rhoda: This is a serious case because you were already starting to get

the MS type symptoms that mimic MS. I've always said there is no such


as bad publicity and when CNN published the newsclip which tried to convince

people aspartame problems were a hoax, my phone just wouldn't stop ringing.

Time wrote a story that read like a Monsanto advertisement and even


they had done a search of the Internet and had found a similar letter

(regarding my lecture at the World Environmental Conference that someone

published under their name). So they knew it was truth and published a lie.

This is irresponsible journalism. But the article did the same thing.

Consumers figured out that if they did a search and found a similar letter


would get to the bottom of it too. And then they realized there was a World

Environmental Conference and all the information on aspartame being a poison

was true. They were outraged that Time Magazine would do such a thing.

However, reporters were calling from around the world at the time and it

separated the responsible media from the irresponsible.

The reason you suffered these problems is that the phenylalanine in


lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin

triggers manic depression, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, suicidal

tendencies, rage, etc. Yes, indeed, too much of the population is on Prozac


St. 's Wart. This is a combination of two psycho drugs that do


Someone in my family has a friend she says uses Prozac with their Diet Coke


usually doesn't know who they are or where they are.

And yes aspartame is a very very addictive drug that interacts with other

drugs. If you read the protest of the National Soft Drink Association, the

last page, you will see that aspartame is not a diet product but a drug that

makes you crave carbohydrates, so you gain weight.

So you see, Rhoda, you simply have a classic case of Aspartame Disease. H.


, M.D, has declared Aspartame to be a disease and world epidemic, and

says the reason its a disease is that the symptoms and pattern are

predictable. We know people will become addicted to it, develop these


problems, lose their vision, get MS type of symptoms, terrible joint pain,

etc. The FDA knows it too and its just a shame they are allowing people to

suffer all the world rather than show just a little bit of concern for the

health of the consumer public. If they had half as much loyalty to the


as they do to Monsanto thousands of people would still be alive today. And

considering all the diseases that aspartame triggers we really should say

hundreds of thousands because so many of them are fatal.

I've forgotten now if we have put you on the support group lists or if you

wanted to be on them. You definitely need to detoxify and get some of this

poison out of your system. With this more recent study we know that

formaldehyde accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with 50% toxicity in


liver and substantial amounts in the kidneys, adipose tissue, brain and


Let me know if you want on the support lists and also be sure to send the

report to the FDA on www.dorway.com DORway connects to Dr. web site


publications, http://www.icanect.net/sunpress Dr. Blaylock has an


book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills - 1 800 -643-2665, and Dr.

Cabot from Mission Possible Australia has one on Cleansing the Liver which

should help you.

Thank you for your case and keep in touch so I know how you're doing. Be


to let me know if you want on the support groups where they discuss

detoxification, activism and education on aspartame. You can print out our

warning flyer by emailing flyer@... with nothing in message text or

subject line.


Betty At 11:04 PM 5/16/99 -0700, you wrote:


>My personal story, it's not very dramatic compared to other's I've read,


>it made an impression on my daily life. I started consuming 2 different

>toxins, aspartame & Prozac, around the same period, and the toxic symptoms


>them overlap. I had always been healthy and full of energy. I had rarely

>drank soda growing up, but around 1988, I started drinking soda

>(Pepsi-Coke-Mountain Dew, it didn't matter, I didn't particularly like the

>taste and was 'loyal' to any brand) on a daily basis for the caffeine (the

>smell of coffee and tea makes me nauseous, which is why I didn't drink


>I was in pharmacy school at that time, a very rigorous program, and needed

>the caffeine to help me stay away to study for hours on end. About a year

>later, I switched to diet soda. I hadn't gained any weight by adding soda


>my diet, but was concerned about the extra calories and thought I should

>switch to diet soda to prevent weight gain. I didn't like the taste of diet

>soda anymore than I liked the taste of regular soda, but I quickly found


>I 'craved' diet soda, inspite of not liking the taste. 2 years later, I was

>experiencing mood swings and depression, at which time I was put on Prozac

>(fluoxetine)--a drug that has been associated with severe side effects (the

>FDA has been accused of ignoring the reports of side effects associated


>this drug, can you imagine that?) I graduated from college in 1992, and


>that summer had a free cholesterol test done, at which point my total

>cholesteral was 180. From 1992-1998, I don't remember a lot. I remember

>feeling totally exhaused every day, my sleeping time increased from 7

>hrs/night to 10 hrs or more /night. 10 hrs being the 'miminum' amount of

>sleep I needed to get up and function each day. On days I didn't have to

>work, I often spent the entire day sleeping. I found it increasingly hard


>concentrate and to remember simple things that I knew I 'knew' . I'd always

>been a 'thinker', my mind was never blank, I'd always be thinking about

>something. But as time went on after starting to take Prozac and


>laden drinks, my mind was often 'blank', I never thought about anything but

>the task immediately at hand, and if there was no task immediately at hand,

>I'd think about nothing. I had absolutely no energy, I no longer danced or

>played the piano or even read, all activities which I lived for in my


>days. I became increasingly more cranky and irritable. I didn't care about

>anything in my life and didn't care that I didn't care about nothing. I

>gained about 125 pounds in a 2 year period, and then quit weighing myself.

>Even though I had gained a substantial amount of weight, my eating habits


>not considerably altered from my thinner days. I started developing


>type pains, burrning sensations, in my feet and legs, and also constantly

>aching muscles. I attributed this to my weight gain. Eventually I started

>developing neck mucle pains, sometimes incapacitating pains.

>I'd been a strong Christian in my younger days, but during this time I

>drifted towards Agnosticism and eventually Atheism. In the summer of 1998,


>place of employment offered a free health screening, which I took advantage

>of. I was shocked to find out my cholesteral level had risen to 256 (!) and

>my blood pressure was also high at 135/90. Being only 29 at this time, I


>very concerned about this. As a pharmacist, I was aware that there was a

>supposedly slight change that Prozac could raise your blood pressure. I

>decided to stop taking Prozac cold-turkey (officially, there is no need to

>withdraw from Prozac because it's not addicting nor does the body develop

>tolerance to it--I've since learned, 1st hand and from non-FDA sources that


>slow withdrawal is best because of Prozac does cause both addiction and

>tolerance.) The withdrawal was bad, gastrointestinal symptoms, headaches,


>even more exhaustion than I'd previously had (which I would have thought

>possible!). The withdrawal lasted about 2 months. I lost 20 months during

>this time. Within days of stopping Prozac, I started to 'think' again, more

>clearly and more often, then I had in years. I started to renew my faith in

>God. While I felt worse physically, I was started to feel normal again

>intellectually, which gave me the motivation. Eventually I started having

>more energy. I felt the desire, and had the energy, to dance and read books

>and lots of other things again. I was thinking clearer than I had in years,

>but still suffering from a faulty memory. I still suffered from 'burning'

>pains and arthritic joints.

>Then I got married and went on a honeymoon. Physically I felt wonderful

>during the week of the honeymoon, I noticed I didn't have any 'burning'


>or my 'arthritic' pains were minimal. The first day back at work, after my

>honeymoon, I immediately started feeling the burning pains in feet. I


>to think about what I'd done differently during the honeymoon, and the


>thing was my consumption of diet soda. On my honeymoon, I drank only about


>diet soda's the whole week, in comparision to my first day back at work,

>where I was on my 3rd diet soda when I started having the burning pain's in

>my feet. As a total coincidence, almost miracle, a couple of days later, I

>caught a CNN report about the supposed 'internet hoax' circulating, that

>aspartame caused all sorts of morbid problems. It made perfect sense to me.


>did a bit of research on the internet and found your site. Pharmacists have


>years of Chemistry in college, and as soon as I read about what aspartame


>composed of and how it broke down in the body, realized the stuff was


>poison. I immediately threw out my diet soda and Crystal Lite and decided I

>would never drink that stuff again. I would drink regular soda whenever I


>the craving for diet soda, at this point, I was more concerned about my

>overall heath, then about any weight gain. It was unbelievable how much

>better, physical I felt. My arthritic pains and burning pains completely

>disappeared within 2 weeks. I started developing withdrawal symptoms (which

>were quite similar to the withdrawal symptoms of Prozac) about 10 days


>being totally off of aspartame: headaches, exhaustion,


>I've now been off of aspartame products for about a month. Physically, I'm

>feeling as good as I did 10 years ago, before I started poisoning my body

>with fluoxetine and aspartame. Intellectually, my memory is returning. I am

>remembering all sorts of things, out of the blue, that I'd long sense

>forgotten. I have faith that my memory will only continue to get better. At

>first, I wanted to beat myself up, for not knowing better. I thought, as a

>pharmacist, I should have known better. But I knew only what the drug

>companies and the FDA published. I know now that there is alot of fact


>isn't publicized by the drug companies or the FDA because it would hurt


>'bottom line'. As my faith in God is being renewed, I thank him that I

>didn't suffer some of

>the more permanent effects of fluoxetine and aspartame. I know people who


>really 'sick' from either floxetine or aspartame (in many cases, a

>combination of the both), suffering from greater physical and mental


>than I did. I tell them of the scientific facts of these drugs and my 1st

>hand experience with these drugs. Unfortunately, because both of these


>cloud the mind, it's hard, very hard, for people to realize how these drugs

>are affecting them. It's not until they've been off of the drugs that they

>can look back and see how the drugs are affecting them. After 1 month off

>of aspartame, I still have 'cravings' for it. But I'm able

>to ignore those cravings because I know how much worse physically I will


>after consuming aspartame. I have talked to many of my friends about

>aspartame, and while most of them find it hard to believe that aspartame


>cause deleterious side effects, every single one of them has admitted that

>they are addicted to it. It's very sad, people start ingesting aspartame

>containing products believing that they are totally safe and non-addicting.

>As with many drugs, they don't realize that they are becoming addicted to


>until they are totally addicted. At which point, it's extremely hard to


>away from the drug.




> ^ ^ /

> ( * * ) /

> ( & )__/

> y y

> Suppose you were an idiot...And suppose you were a member of Congress...

>But I repeat myself.

>--Mark Twain





1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.

Mission Possible International

5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215 Duluth, GA 30097 USA

2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!


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