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Hep A vaccine

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Hi Dr. Misra,

Back on 8/10/99 I had the first shot of the Hep A vaccine. I knew I would be

starting on the combo treatment in October, but my docs said it would be okay

to have the 2nd shot while on treatment. When I went in on 2/10/00 (6 months

later as recommended), I happened to have a 100 degree low-grade fever that

day, so my PCP doc said no way to giving me the 2nd shot. She said it would

be perfectly fine to wait a couple weeks or even a few months or longer.

I've had some low-grade fevers (99 - 101 degrees) since that day, partly due

to an intestinal bug and partly due to the combo sides. Do you agree that

it's okay to go so much beyond the recommended 6 months between the 1st and

2nd HAV vaccine? Do you agree that I should not get the 2nd shot if I have a

low-grade fever? I'm scheduled to end combo in early April, so should/could

I wait until I'm done? I'm seeing my hep c specialist on 3/8/00 and will be

asking these same questions of him too, but I'd appreciate your opinion.

Thanks so much,

Sara (SRW1954@...)


In a message dated 02/24/2000 2:41:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Hepatitis Conelist writes:

> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:01:34 +0530

> From: " Doc " <gidoc@...>

> Subject: Hep A vaccine for CLD


> We recently had an informal liver meet of our group regarding

> recommendations for Hep A vaccine.

> Important conclusions in reference to those with chronic liver disease

> were:

> 1.The case fatality rate for chronic liver disease patients who contract

> Hep A is high. A large series showed that this also included those who

> had HbsAg infection but had no active liver disease. Hep A vaccine

> should be offered to all those afflicted with hep B, C, alcohol related

> and autoimmune liver disease.

> 2.Seroconversion is close to 98% (a little less for Hep C).

> 3. Twinrex vaccine combining Hep A and B has been highly immunogenic

> and would be a good strategy to begin use in Hep C.

> 4. There is no problem in vaccinating Hep C patients on Combo therapy,

> in fact the response to the vaccine will be better.



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Hi Dr. Misra,

Back on 8/10/99 I had the first shot of the Hep A vaccine. I knew I would be

starting on the combo treatment in October, but my docs said it would be okay

to have the 2nd shot while on treatment. When I went in on 2/10/00 (6 months

later as recommended), I happened to have a 100 degree low-grade fever that

day, so my PCP doc said no way to giving me the 2nd shot. She said it would

be perfectly fine to wait a couple weeks or even a few months or longer.

I've had some low-grade fevers (99 - 101 degrees) since that day, partly due

to an intestinal bug and partly due to the combo sides. Do you agree that

it's okay to go so much beyond the recommended 6 months between the 1st and

2nd HAV vaccine? Do you agree that I should not get the 2nd shot if I have a

low-grade fever? I'm scheduled to end combo in early April, so should/could

I wait until I'm done? I'm seeing my hep c specialist on 3/8/00 and will be

asking these same questions of him too, but I'd appreciate your opinion.

Thanks so much,

Sara (SRW1954@...)


In a message dated 02/24/2000 2:41:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Hepatitis Conelist writes:

> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:01:34 +0530

> From: " Doc " <gidoc@...>

> Subject: Hep A vaccine for CLD


> We recently had an informal liver meet of our group regarding

> recommendations for Hep A vaccine.

> Important conclusions in reference to those with chronic liver disease

> were:

> 1.The case fatality rate for chronic liver disease patients who contract

> Hep A is high. A large series showed that this also included those who

> had HbsAg infection but had no active liver disease. Hep A vaccine

> should be offered to all those afflicted with hep B, C, alcohol related

> and autoimmune liver disease.

> 2.Seroconversion is close to 98% (a little less for Hep C).

> 3. Twinrex vaccine combining Hep A and B has been highly immunogenic

> and would be a good strategy to begin use in Hep C.

> 4. There is no problem in vaccinating Hep C patients on Combo therapy,

> in fact the response to the vaccine will be better.



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You can take the Hep A shot on the day you feel better. It is better to

take it sooner than later, even with low grade fever coming off and on.

No contraindications.

Do not wait till end of therapy.

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You can take the Hep A shot on the day you feel better. It is better to

take it sooner than later, even with low grade fever coming off and on.

No contraindications.

Do not wait till end of therapy.

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  • 2 years later...

> Also, are any of you aware of your states making it a mandatory

> vaccine for children?


> I guess I am concerned that this may be one of those vaccines that may

> or may not have been fully tested and may be being forced on children

> (mandatory), versus allowing parents the opportunity for informed consent.

Kathi, the vaccine is mandatory before starting kindergarden here in

Utah, I think that has been policy for at least 4 years.....Louise.

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Hi Kathi,

The vaccine is also mandatory for children in Wa. State.

Don and Kary


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I was not quite sure which part of your message to delete so I left

all of it. I did not immunize my daughter who is 12 for Jr High

although she had all of her childhood shots to date. She was supposed

to have MMR, Chickenpox boosters and Hepatitis immunizations. The

school burnt down in September so " manditory " compliances were lost.

I got a letter in January stating that if I did not follow the states

requirement of inoculations, my child would be expelled on Feb 19th.

I did research and sent a lot of information to the group on Vaccines

and Auto Immune diseases. I wrote a lovely letter to the school

stating that the CDC recommends immunization and does NOT require it

but rather suggests that people get informed on the subject. I then

stated that I had informed myself and listed the information I had

found. NOTE: The stand you take on vaccines is a personal decision.

Here is the list of reasoning I used:

1- Immunizations are not required by CDC but recommended.

2- CDC contraindications are in effect for OPV, MMR,and Var for

people with immunodeficiency in family history, household contact or

long term immunosuppressive therapy. (I have all 3 qualifiers)

3- Autoimmune diseases linked to vaccines are Chronic Fatigue Immune

Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS / ME), Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Rheumatoid

Arthritis and other Auto-Immune Diseases I didn't have so I didn't

list. (They are Alopecia Areata, Ankilosing Spondylitis,

Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoimmune 's Disease, Autoimmune

Hemolytic Anemia, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Behcet's Disease, Bullous

Pemphigoid, Cardimyopathy, Celiac Sprue - Dermatitis, Chronic

Inflammatory Demylenating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), Churg - Strauss

Syndrome, Cicatricial Pemphigoid, CREST Syndrome, Cold Agglutinin

Disease, Crohn's Disease, Discoid Lupus, Essential Mixed

Cryoglobulinemia, Graves' Disease, Guillian- Barre syndrome,

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Idiopathic Pulmanary Fibrosis, Idiopathic

Thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) IgA Nephropathy, Juvenile Arthritis,

Lichen planus, Lupus, Meniere's Disease, Mixed Connective Tissue

Disease, Mutiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Pemphigus Vulgaris,

Pernicious Anemia, Polyarteritis Nodosa, Polychondritis,

Polyglandular Syndromes, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Polymyositis and

Dermatomyoxitis, Primary Agammag-lobulinemia, Primary Biliary

Cirrhosis, Psoriasis, Raynaud's Syndrome, Rheumatic Fever,

Sarcoidosis, Scleroderma, Shogren's Syndrome, Stiff Man Syndrome,

Takayasu Arteritis, Terporal Arteritis / Giant Cell Arteritis,

Ulcerative Colitis, Uveitis, Vasculitis, Vitiliga, Wegener's

Granulomatosis, RELATED: Mercury inducing disease and Pink disease)

4- The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association Inc states

that bacteria, viruses, toxins (as found in vaccines) and some drugs

may play a role in triggering an autoimmune process in someone who

already has a genetic (inherited) predisposition to develop such a


5- An article by Shepherd links Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with

Hepatitis B vaccination.

6- The contraindication sheet for Prednisone users says to avoid

contact with anyone who has chickenpox or measles and says to avoid

immunizations and also to avoid contact with those who have taken

OPV. Corticosteroids lower your resistance to infections and any

infection you get is harder to treat.

7- Precautions while using Methotrexate also says DO NOT have

immunizations while using the drug because Methotrexate lowers your

body's resistance and there is a chance you might get the infection

the immunization is meant to prevent.On the Methotrexate information

sheet that comes with the drug, under ADVERSE REACTIONS/ Infection it

says: " There have been case reports of sometimes fatal opportunistic

infections in patients receiving Methotrexate therapy for neo-plastic

and non neo-plastic diseases.

8- Under Precautions/ Vaccinations on the Arava handout that comes

with the drug it states that no clinical data are available on the

efficacy and safety of vaccinations during ARAVA treatment.

Vaccinations with live vaccines are however not recommended.

9- In order for our child to receive the currently suggested

vaccines, we as her parents must sign a waiver accepting full

responsibility for any and all negative side effects caused by the

inoculations. In good faith and conscience, we can not sign a form

allowing a vaccine to be administered that may cause damage to Kamari

or her mother, given the above details. We are requesting you send

us an exemption waiver, which we will sign, based on medical or

religious exemption. We are refusing based on medical status but at

this point, feel religiously adamant about our stand.

The school called the day after receiving this information and said

Kamari, my daughter had been excused from the " requirement " to be

inoculated and a note had been sent to the state to that effect. I

included copies of all the information I found in the letter I sent

to the school.

Hope this helps. Smiles, Caroline


> Hi guys, about a year or so we had some dialogue going about the

Hepatitis B and Anthrax vaccines. I've heard recently, here in

Texas, that the State is making Hepatitis A a mandatory vaccine.

This one is new here as far as I know.


> I will just go ahead an admit that I am completely ignorant on the

Hep A vaccine. Can someone tell me what Hep A can cause and do any

of you have information about this vaccine? Also, are any of you

aware of your states making it a mandatory vaccine for children?


> I guess I am concerned that this may be one of those vaccines that

may or may not have been fully tested and may be being forced on

children (mandatory), versus allowing parents the opportunity for

informed consent.


> Any information would be most welcomed..


> Kathi M




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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

I would apreciate any info anyone has on the Hep A vaccine, and in

particular why an infant under 1 year should NOT get it. It is

currantly not liscensed for children under 12 months. I would like to

know what side effects may happen to a 2 month old who was given the

vaccine instead of the Hep B vaccine due to a nurse's (HUGE) mess up.

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Hullo . There must be more to this story than you are telling. Do you know the injured party? Do you know if it has been admitted by the vaccinator, if so, how and when? In general, one would watch for all the normal vaccine side effects and adversities, including sudden death, but to watch especially for any unusual changes and document everything. One of the things is that it can CAUSE hepatitis! What is being said by the physician?? or the actual person who administered this vaccine error. What are the parents doing or planning? Contact VARS and ask their advice. Contact the state and local health authories. Contact the newspaper and media. Contact the CDC and AAP. Contact the manufacturer and ask them. They must have some kind of hotline. GET ANSWERS - and document Everything. AND Contact a lawyer and Sue Sue Sue !!! It is not much

different than some surgeon cutting off someones Wrong Leg. And certainly much more potentially damaging than that lady who spilled Mc's coffee on herself. This can be a very serious matter for child and family, and could have long range or lifelong problems, if there are reactions. Many doctor and office staff have been sued and doctors have lost their licenses. Tell us when this happened and what is going on, so far Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Some,info in Hep A: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/vaccine_awareness/hep_A.html

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Hullo . There must be more to this story than you are telling. Do you know the injured party? Do you know if it has been admitted by the vaccinator, if so, how and when? In general, one would watch for all the normal vaccine side effects and adversities, including sudden death, but to watch especially for any unusual changes and document everything. One of the things is that it can CAUSE hepatitis! What is being said by the physician?? or the actual person who administered this vaccine error. What are the parents doing or planning? Contact VARS and ask their advice. Contact the state and local health authories. Contact the newspaper and media. Contact the CDC and AAP. Contact the manufacturer and ask them. They must have some kind of hotline. GET ANSWERS - and document Everything. AND Contact a lawyer and Sue Sue Sue !!! It is not much

different than some surgeon cutting off someones Wrong Leg. And certainly much more potentially damaging than that lady who spilled Mc's coffee on herself. This can be a very serious matter for child and family, and could have long range or lifelong problems, if there are reactions. Many doctor and office staff have been sued and doctors have lost their licenses. Tell us when this happened and what is going on, so far Glad Day ~ Karla in IL Some,info in Hep A: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/vaccine_awareness/hep_A.html

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Well, my daughter is the victim. Her doctor pulled me aside as I was

leaving the building to tell me what happened. I think he was as

blindsided by the event as I was. He admited the nurse messed up.

I was so flabbergasted and flustered when i was told I know I did not

ask the right questions. So tomorrow I am schedualing an appointment

for my husband and I to sit down with him and talk to him about what

happened, why it happend and how it happened.

I know some may disagree, but I do not blame the physician, but the

ignorant nurse who did it. And I can't help but blame myself for not

double checking what she was getting-a mistake that will never be made


We have also consulted with an attorney who said we would have a case

if something (god forbid) does happen to her.

Right now she is sleepy and not nursing as frequently-which is listed

on the CDC site as normal side effects of the vaccine.

I will document everything, including her feedings and sleep schedual,

which since the 9 hours since she got the vaccine has changed.

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Well, my daughter is the victim. Her doctor pulled me aside as I was

leaving the building to tell me what happened. I think he was as

blindsided by the event as I was. He admited the nurse messed up.

I was so flabbergasted and flustered when i was told I know I did not

ask the right questions. So tomorrow I am schedualing an appointment

for my husband and I to sit down with him and talk to him about what

happened, why it happend and how it happened.

I know some may disagree, but I do not blame the physician, but the

ignorant nurse who did it. And I can't help but blame myself for not

double checking what she was getting-a mistake that will never be made


We have also consulted with an attorney who said we would have a case

if something (god forbid) does happen to her.

Right now she is sleepy and not nursing as frequently-which is listed

on the CDC site as normal side effects of the vaccine.

I will document everything, including her feedings and sleep schedual,

which since the 9 hours since she got the vaccine has changed.

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Hello Juliie,It's surely a tough decision we all faced.Perhaps you could ask the nurse for the product insert., this may tell you why it shouldn't be used on babies.If you are breast-feeding, this will go some way towards protecting your DD from the toxic effects of vaccination.The WHO position - "The currently available vaccines against hepatitis A are all of known good quality and in line with the above WHO recommendations. However, they are not licensed for use in children less than one year of age. The efficacy in children below one year of age is variable owing to interference by passively acquired maternal antibodies. "They were tested on Thai children.Once again maternal antibodies are blamed for lack of seroconversion. I would reverse that and say that vaccines interfere with naturally acquired immunity. The manufacturer is unsure about efficacy so [wouldn't you know it?] we should get 2, so as to double their profits.. http://www.who.int/vaccines/en/hepatitisa.shtml This is a mainstream source and the most telling points are italicised."usually self-limiting disease of the liver caused by hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is transmitted from person to person, primarily by the faecal-oral route. The incidence of hepatitis A is closely related to socioeconomic development, and sero-epidemiological studies show that prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in the general population varies from 15% to close to 100% in different parts of the world. An estimated 1.5 million clinical cases of hepatitis A occur each year. In young children HAV infection is usually asymptomatic whereas symptomatic disease occurs more commonly among adults. Infection with HAV induces lifelong immunity. Regarding the decision to vaccinate with HepB, that's yours alone. I deferred in 1974, purely because of a very uneasy feeling. I had no knowledge, but was vaguely aware of one family who did not vaccinate. At 6 mths, my first child was brain injured. This was before there were so many vaccines. He had DPT and a polio sip. That's all.. Amazing how encephalitic screaming can focus the mind. Can I suggest once again, checking through a list of vaccine ingredients and "searching" on each one. Tick off all the ingredients that you would like your baby to have because you believe they will enhance her immunity. When you've studied each ingredient, whether it's a preservative, adjuvant,

antibiotic, foreign animal protein, aborted human foetal cells, genetically engineered yeast cells, etc., you will have a much better idea about what you are agreeing to.Best wishes to you and your darling baby,Maracujahttp://vaers.hhs.gov/scripts/dnloadStaticVAERS.cfm?filename=2008VAERSVax%2Ecsvhttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_11_15/ai_54176098http://www.minti.com/parenting-advice/8894/Hepatitis-B-vaccination-re-examining-the-requirement-for-neonatal-administration/Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! Hep A vaccine

I would apreciate any info anyone has on the Hep A vaccine, and in

particular why an infant under 1 year should NOT get it. It is

currantly not liscensed for children under 12 months. I would like to

know what side effects may happen to a 2 month old who was given the

vaccine instead of the Hep B vaccine due to a nurse's (HUGE) mess up.

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Hello Juliie,It's surely a tough decision we all faced.Perhaps you could ask the nurse for the product insert., this may tell you why it shouldn't be used on babies.If you are breast-feeding, this will go some way towards protecting your DD from the toxic effects of vaccination.The WHO position - "The currently available vaccines against hepatitis A are all of known good quality and in line with the above WHO recommendations. However, they are not licensed for use in children less than one year of age. The efficacy in children below one year of age is variable owing to interference by passively acquired maternal antibodies. "They were tested on Thai children.Once again maternal antibodies are blamed for lack of seroconversion. I would reverse that and say that vaccines interfere with naturally acquired immunity. The manufacturer is unsure about efficacy so [wouldn't you know it?] we should get 2, so as to double their profits.. http://www.who.int/vaccines/en/hepatitisa.shtml This is a mainstream source and the most telling points are italicised."usually self-limiting disease of the liver caused by hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is transmitted from person to person, primarily by the faecal-oral route. The incidence of hepatitis A is closely related to socioeconomic development, and sero-epidemiological studies show that prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in the general population varies from 15% to close to 100% in different parts of the world. An estimated 1.5 million clinical cases of hepatitis A occur each year. In young children HAV infection is usually asymptomatic whereas symptomatic disease occurs more commonly among adults. Infection with HAV induces lifelong immunity. Regarding the decision to vaccinate with HepB, that's yours alone. I deferred in 1974, purely because of a very uneasy feeling. I had no knowledge, but was vaguely aware of one family who did not vaccinate. At 6 mths, my first child was brain injured. This was before there were so many vaccines. He had DPT and a polio sip. That's all.. Amazing how encephalitic screaming can focus the mind. Can I suggest once again, checking through a list of vaccine ingredients and "searching" on each one. Tick off all the ingredients that you would like your baby to have because you believe they will enhance her immunity. When you've studied each ingredient, whether it's a preservative, adjuvant,

antibiotic, foreign animal protein, aborted human foetal cells, genetically engineered yeast cells, etc., you will have a much better idea about what you are agreeing to.Best wishes to you and your darling baby,Maracujahttp://vaers.hhs.gov/scripts/dnloadStaticVAERS.cfm?filename=2008VAERSVax%2Ecsvhttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_11_15/ai_54176098http://www.minti.com/parenting-advice/8894/Hepatitis-B-vaccination-re-examining-the-requirement-for-neonatal-administration/Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! Hep A vaccine

I would apreciate any info anyone has on the Hep A vaccine, and in

particular why an infant under 1 year should NOT get it. It is

currantly not liscensed for children under 12 months. I would like to

know what side effects may happen to a 2 month old who was given the

vaccine instead of the Hep B vaccine due to a nurse's (HUGE) mess up.

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Hullo . Oh My, it is You with the Hep A vaccine error child. My heart just sank. I do hope everything turns out ok. When you talk to your doctor, ask them if they have reported this error to all the agencies they are suppose to, and ask if they have, or will, and you would like a copy of all reporting. Get the list of required reporting agencies from him as well. And make your own calls to make sure his info is on the up and up. And hope to god you dont end up in the vaccine injury court line. and a million tears. Mostly, the question of your orginal post, was about if you can pick and choose, or use state medical or religious exemptions at the same time. The answer is basically still NO. They will fight you tooth and nail on this, and may have a pretty good foothold because of it. When the time comes for school, without an exemption in place for no vaccines at all, they will require ALL to be

caught up in a short amount of time, for entrance. They wont buy it a day before school starts that you have suddenly remembered you have a religious aversion to vaccines. And I hope you dont have to honestly have to use a medical one. And that is scarry. Maybe by then you will have such an exemption in place, if that is your choice at that time. In the meantime, take good care of that precious babe. Keep a close eye and keep documenting, even with video camera if you have one. Adverse Reaction time range for the Hep A vaccine, is 20 to 58 days. They really havent done any studies past that time frame, which they are remiss to do with most so-so vaccine trials and studies, more often than not, covering up bad results, until they make enough money to go on to the next Vaccine attempts to pass thru the next set of blinders. The manufacturer's are basically the ones doing these

studies, Not the CDC, FDA or independents, as most people assume. And they just have to presume that inventors are following the guidelines set, as they submit some bogus paperwork to appease the fragile system, or a bit of moola passed under the tables. Common vaccine maker drug dealing So forgive the passion you may have felt from people here who have been battling NoForced or Mandated Vaccines, health freedoms, oppressions,etc., for many many years. Those who have seen things first hand. Those with vaccine injured children. The teachers and healers and parents. Those who have tried to get the message out, anyway they can, and have taken much heat from their own families, as well as butting up to that mainstream WALL of vaccine brainwashing and dogma, when trying to enlighten others, and not just for the issues of vaccines, but all the horrors and atrocities of our world. Caring, passionate concerned

peoples from all walks of life, finding their way here, in hope they can make a difference. Many have researched so much of all that is Out There. the history of vaccines and the vaccinators, the history of the anti-vaccination movement and WHY, the reasons vaccines still prevail or even exist today from this mad pseudo-science $$$, and even who started it, who is behind it now, and why they are doing it. It is not a pretty picture, and we all cry for our world to get healthier, not sicker. which it is fast becoming. We are a sick nation as a whole, and grow sicker with each generation. BigPharm wants to keep us all sick and the pretense of needing their wares, from crib to crypt. We are becoming the Sheepla, from the dumming of their propaganda, that started a very long time ago, by the Merlins and powermongers of our history, of man's inhumanity and careless disregard for people And we all know by

now, that the love of money is the root of all evil.. Even the person with the child with Urea Cycle disorder... which is considered a rare disease. has gotten more prevelent just in the last few years, as more and more vaccines are coming out, slight modification or changes to old ones, (often because of recalls and taints, fatalities, Exposed! etc) And they know how they alter our cells and DNA and RNA, etc, etc. And are devising even bigger events. But the scallywags just keep reinventing and reusing the same old ingredients, or worse ones, even if they begrudgingly remove controversial adjavunts. Poison is all it is. Slow generational change and sterility agents in everything out there, for population control. Be frightened. Be wary. Be aggresive when it comes time to fight. And do what you can in the meantime, esp. for your loved ones. Learn all you can. Teach all you

can. We may not want to be around when the world turns upSideDown, but we can go down biting and kicking. because by then, they certainly wont be letting us have any weapons bigger than a steak knife, if that. HA. And they will know everything about us, and know where we are at all times. Freedom will be erased from any future dictionaries, as a faerietale. assuming they still allow books, education or free thought. The triggered dissenters will be quickly quieted or caged. The thought police and mind control techniques are already in place. GRRRRRRRR We are all worried what is happening, and that we cant stop it. But we are all here for a reason. Because we still remember what use to be, and what dreams are. And are vigorously trying to persue them. And while we are still here, we intend To Try to stop it.. And to learn and teach what we know about vaccines -

in our hearts and souls, that they are a very bad thing, born from lies and deceits. I am sure I am not just speaking for myself, when I say...We are glad you joined us. Breast feeding is the best choice, but with all the vaccines we have had, and the new toxins and diseases (mostly man-made), and superbugs and crap in our food and drugs and water and products, and waste/garbage problems. To the distroying of our eco-systems, and resouces, as well as the nanoproducts being put in everything, that gets inside us, there is no place to hide. It is flight or fight time. Wings or fisticuffs? The sneaky unworldly, unspoken things are happening to all of us. all around us, and we are losing grip of our human rights, Left And Right, East and West, Pole to Pole. Breast milk may not be all that safe either anymore, like most things use to be.

Safe and comfortable and trusting are days of yore. Ancient history, learning nothing from the past lessons of doomed and lost civilizations. Too many unknowns, and too many elusives. Nothing is new under the Sun. It is all just rearranged, O' alchemy, Alchemy Alchemy OK, I will stop this long post, and again, wish you well. And hope we all find our Way. And that we win this uphill battle, one fine day, with eyes open. Before it's too late. It is a very worthy cause. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Guest guest

Hullo . Oh My, it is You with the Hep A vaccine error child. My heart just sank. I do hope everything turns out ok. When you talk to your doctor, ask them if they have reported this error to all the agencies they are suppose to, and ask if they have, or will, and you would like a copy of all reporting. Get the list of required reporting agencies from him as well. And make your own calls to make sure his info is on the up and up. And hope to god you dont end up in the vaccine injury court line. and a million tears. Mostly, the question of your orginal post, was about if you can pick and choose, or use state medical or religious exemptions at the same time. The answer is basically still NO. They will fight you tooth and nail on this, and may have a pretty good foothold because of it. When the time comes for school, without an exemption in place for no vaccines at all, they will require ALL to be

caught up in a short amount of time, for entrance. They wont buy it a day before school starts that you have suddenly remembered you have a religious aversion to vaccines. And I hope you dont have to honestly have to use a medical one. And that is scarry. Maybe by then you will have such an exemption in place, if that is your choice at that time. In the meantime, take good care of that precious babe. Keep a close eye and keep documenting, even with video camera if you have one. Adverse Reaction time range for the Hep A vaccine, is 20 to 58 days. They really havent done any studies past that time frame, which they are remiss to do with most so-so vaccine trials and studies, more often than not, covering up bad results, until they make enough money to go on to the next Vaccine attempts to pass thru the next set of blinders. The manufacturer's are basically the ones doing these

studies, Not the CDC, FDA or independents, as most people assume. And they just have to presume that inventors are following the guidelines set, as they submit some bogus paperwork to appease the fragile system, or a bit of moola passed under the tables. Common vaccine maker drug dealing So forgive the passion you may have felt from people here who have been battling NoForced or Mandated Vaccines, health freedoms, oppressions,etc., for many many years. Those who have seen things first hand. Those with vaccine injured children. The teachers and healers and parents. Those who have tried to get the message out, anyway they can, and have taken much heat from their own families, as well as butting up to that mainstream WALL of vaccine brainwashing and dogma, when trying to enlighten others, and not just for the issues of vaccines, but all the horrors and atrocities of our world. Caring, passionate concerned

peoples from all walks of life, finding their way here, in hope they can make a difference. Many have researched so much of all that is Out There. the history of vaccines and the vaccinators, the history of the anti-vaccination movement and WHY, the reasons vaccines still prevail or even exist today from this mad pseudo-science $$$, and even who started it, who is behind it now, and why they are doing it. It is not a pretty picture, and we all cry for our world to get healthier, not sicker. which it is fast becoming. We are a sick nation as a whole, and grow sicker with each generation. BigPharm wants to keep us all sick and the pretense of needing their wares, from crib to crypt. We are becoming the Sheepla, from the dumming of their propaganda, that started a very long time ago, by the Merlins and powermongers of our history, of man's inhumanity and careless disregard for people And we all know by

now, that the love of money is the root of all evil.. Even the person with the child with Urea Cycle disorder... which is considered a rare disease. has gotten more prevelent just in the last few years, as more and more vaccines are coming out, slight modification or changes to old ones, (often because of recalls and taints, fatalities, Exposed! etc) And they know how they alter our cells and DNA and RNA, etc, etc. And are devising even bigger events. But the scallywags just keep reinventing and reusing the same old ingredients, or worse ones, even if they begrudgingly remove controversial adjavunts. Poison is all it is. Slow generational change and sterility agents in everything out there, for population control. Be frightened. Be wary. Be aggresive when it comes time to fight. And do what you can in the meantime, esp. for your loved ones. Learn all you can. Teach all you

can. We may not want to be around when the world turns upSideDown, but we can go down biting and kicking. because by then, they certainly wont be letting us have any weapons bigger than a steak knife, if that. HA. And they will know everything about us, and know where we are at all times. Freedom will be erased from any future dictionaries, as a faerietale. assuming they still allow books, education or free thought. The triggered dissenters will be quickly quieted or caged. The thought police and mind control techniques are already in place. GRRRRRRRR We are all worried what is happening, and that we cant stop it. But we are all here for a reason. Because we still remember what use to be, and what dreams are. And are vigorously trying to persue them. And while we are still here, we intend To Try to stop it.. And to learn and teach what we know about vaccines -

in our hearts and souls, that they are a very bad thing, born from lies and deceits. I am sure I am not just speaking for myself, when I say...We are glad you joined us. Breast feeding is the best choice, but with all the vaccines we have had, and the new toxins and diseases (mostly man-made), and superbugs and crap in our food and drugs and water and products, and waste/garbage problems. To the distroying of our eco-systems, and resouces, as well as the nanoproducts being put in everything, that gets inside us, there is no place to hide. It is flight or fight time. Wings or fisticuffs? The sneaky unworldly, unspoken things are happening to all of us. all around us, and we are losing grip of our human rights, Left And Right, East and West, Pole to Pole. Breast milk may not be all that safe either anymore, like most things use to be.

Safe and comfortable and trusting are days of yore. Ancient history, learning nothing from the past lessons of doomed and lost civilizations. Too many unknowns, and too many elusives. Nothing is new under the Sun. It is all just rearranged, O' alchemy, Alchemy Alchemy OK, I will stop this long post, and again, wish you well. And hope we all find our Way. And that we win this uphill battle, one fine day, with eyes open. Before it's too late. It is a very worthy cause. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Guest guest

I'll second all your comments, Karla. Very well stated. I, too, will add this child and family to my prayer list. My heart goes out to all involved in this incredible SNAFU.


Re: Re: Hep A vaccine

Hullo . Oh My, it is You with the Hep A vaccine error child. My heart just sank.

I do hope everything turns out ok. When you talk to your doctor, ask them if they have reported this error to all the agencies they are suppose to, and ask if they have, or will, and you would like a copy of all reporting. Get the list of required reporting agencies from him as well. And make your own calls to make sure his info is on the up and up.

And hope to god you dont end up in the vaccine injury court line. and a million tears.

Mostly, the question of your orginal post, was about if you can pick and choose, or use state medical or religious exemptions at the same time. The answer is basically still NO. They will fight you tooth and nail on this, and may have a pretty good foothold because of it. When the time comes for school, without an exemption in place for no vaccines at all, they will require ALL to be caught up in a short amount of time, for entrance. They wont buy it a day before school starts that you have suddenly remembered you have a religious aversion to vaccines. And I hope you dont have to honestly have to use a medical one.

And that is scarry.

Maybe by then you will have such an exemption in place, if that is your choice at that time.

In the meantime, take good care of that precious babe. Keep a close eye and keep documenting, even with video camera if you have one.

Adverse Reaction time range for the Hep A vaccine, is 20 to 58 days. They really havent done any studies past that time frame, which they are remiss to do with most so-so vaccine trials and studies, more often than not, covering up bad results, until they make enough money to go on to the next Vaccine attempts to pass thru the next set of blinders. The manufacturer's are basically the ones doing these studies, Not the CDC, FDA or independents, as most people assume. And they just have to presume that inventors are following the guidelines set, as they submit some bogus paperwork to appease the fragile system, or a bit of moola passed under the tables. Common vaccine maker drug dealing

So forgive the passion you may have felt from people here who have been battling NoForced or Mandated Vaccines, health freedoms, oppressions,etc., for many many years. Those who have seen things first hand. Those with vaccine injured children. The teachers and healers and parents. Those who have tried to get the message out, anyway they can, and have taken much heat from their own families, as well as butting up to that mainstream WALL of vaccine brainwashing and dogma, when trying to enlighten others, and not just for the issues of vaccines, but all the horrors and atrocities of our world. Caring, passionate concerned peoples from all walks of life, finding their way here, in hope they can make a difference.

Many have researched so much of all that is Out There. the history of vaccines and the vaccinators, the history of the anti-vaccination movement and WHY, the reasons vaccines still prevail or even exist today from this mad pseudo-science $$$, and even who started it, who is behind it now, and why they are doing it. It is not a pretty picture, and we all cry for our world to get healthier, not sicker. which it is fast becoming. We are a sick nation as a whole, and grow sicker with each generation. BigPharm wants to keep us all sick and the pretense of needing their wares, from crib to crypt. We are becoming the Sheepla, from the dumming of their propaganda, that started a very long time ago, by the Merlins and powermongers of our history, of man's inhumanity and careless disregard for people And we all know by now, that the love of money is the root of all evil..

Even the person with the child with Urea Cycle disorder... which is considered a rare disease. has gotten more prevelent just in the last few years, as more and more vaccines are coming out, slight modification or changes to old ones, (often because of recalls and taints, fatalities, Exposed! etc) And they know how they alter our cells and DNA and RNA, etc, etc. And are devising even bigger events.

But the scallywags just keep reinventing and reusing the same old ingredients, or worse ones, even if they begrudgingly remove controversial adjavunts. Poison is all it is. Slow generational change and sterility agents in everything out there, for population control.

Be frightened. Be wary. Be aggresive when it comes time to fight. And do what you can in the meantime, esp. for your loved ones. Learn all you can. Teach all you can.

We may not want to be around when the world turns upSideDown, but we can go down biting and kicking. because by then, they certainly wont be letting us have any weapons bigger than a steak knife, if that. HA. And they will know everything about us, and know where we are at all times. Freedom will be erased from any future dictionaries, as a faerietale. assuming they still allow books, education or free thought. The triggered dissenters will be quickly quieted or caged.

The thought police and mind control techniques are already in place. GRRRRRRRR

We are all worried what is happening, and that we cant stop it. But we are all here for a reason. Because we still remember what use to be, and what dreams are. And are vigorously trying to persue them.

And while we are still here, we intend To Try to stop it.. And to learn and teach what we know about vaccines - in our hearts and souls, that they are a very bad thing, born from lies and deceits.

I am sure I am not just speaking for myself, when I say...We are glad you joined us.

Breast feeding is the best choice, but with all the vaccines we have had, and the new toxins and diseases (mostly man-made), and superbugs and crap in our food and drugs and water and products, and waste/garbage problems. To the distroying of our eco-systems, and resouces, as well as the nanoproducts being put in everything, that gets inside us, there is no place to hide. It is flight or fight time. Wings or fisticuffs?

The sneaky unworldly, unspoken things are happening to all of us. all around us, and we are losing grip of our human rights, Left And Right, East and West, Pole to Pole.

Breast milk may not be all that safe either anymore, like most things use to be. Safe and comfortable and trusting are days of yore. Ancient history, learning nothing from the past lessons of doomed and lost civilizations. Too many unknowns, and too many elusives. Nothing is new under the Sun. It is all just rearranged, O' alchemy, Alchemy Alchemy

OK, I will stop this long post, and again, wish you well. And hope we all find our Way. And that we win this uphill battle, one fine day, with eyes open. Before it's too late. It is a very worthy cause.

Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Guest guest

I'll second all your comments, Karla. Very well stated. I, too, will add this child and family to my prayer list. My heart goes out to all involved in this incredible SNAFU.


Re: Re: Hep A vaccine

Hullo . Oh My, it is You with the Hep A vaccine error child. My heart just sank.

I do hope everything turns out ok. When you talk to your doctor, ask them if they have reported this error to all the agencies they are suppose to, and ask if they have, or will, and you would like a copy of all reporting. Get the list of required reporting agencies from him as well. And make your own calls to make sure his info is on the up and up.

And hope to god you dont end up in the vaccine injury court line. and a million tears.

Mostly, the question of your orginal post, was about if you can pick and choose, or use state medical or religious exemptions at the same time. The answer is basically still NO. They will fight you tooth and nail on this, and may have a pretty good foothold because of it. When the time comes for school, without an exemption in place for no vaccines at all, they will require ALL to be caught up in a short amount of time, for entrance. They wont buy it a day before school starts that you have suddenly remembered you have a religious aversion to vaccines. And I hope you dont have to honestly have to use a medical one.

And that is scarry.

Maybe by then you will have such an exemption in place, if that is your choice at that time.

In the meantime, take good care of that precious babe. Keep a close eye and keep documenting, even with video camera if you have one.

Adverse Reaction time range for the Hep A vaccine, is 20 to 58 days. They really havent done any studies past that time frame, which they are remiss to do with most so-so vaccine trials and studies, more often than not, covering up bad results, until they make enough money to go on to the next Vaccine attempts to pass thru the next set of blinders. The manufacturer's are basically the ones doing these studies, Not the CDC, FDA or independents, as most people assume. And they just have to presume that inventors are following the guidelines set, as they submit some bogus paperwork to appease the fragile system, or a bit of moola passed under the tables. Common vaccine maker drug dealing

So forgive the passion you may have felt from people here who have been battling NoForced or Mandated Vaccines, health freedoms, oppressions,etc., for many many years. Those who have seen things first hand. Those with vaccine injured children. The teachers and healers and parents. Those who have tried to get the message out, anyway they can, and have taken much heat from their own families, as well as butting up to that mainstream WALL of vaccine brainwashing and dogma, when trying to enlighten others, and not just for the issues of vaccines, but all the horrors and atrocities of our world. Caring, passionate concerned peoples from all walks of life, finding their way here, in hope they can make a difference.

Many have researched so much of all that is Out There. the history of vaccines and the vaccinators, the history of the anti-vaccination movement and WHY, the reasons vaccines still prevail or even exist today from this mad pseudo-science $$$, and even who started it, who is behind it now, and why they are doing it. It is not a pretty picture, and we all cry for our world to get healthier, not sicker. which it is fast becoming. We are a sick nation as a whole, and grow sicker with each generation. BigPharm wants to keep us all sick and the pretense of needing their wares, from crib to crypt. We are becoming the Sheepla, from the dumming of their propaganda, that started a very long time ago, by the Merlins and powermongers of our history, of man's inhumanity and careless disregard for people And we all know by now, that the love of money is the root of all evil..

Even the person with the child with Urea Cycle disorder... which is considered a rare disease. has gotten more prevelent just in the last few years, as more and more vaccines are coming out, slight modification or changes to old ones, (often because of recalls and taints, fatalities, Exposed! etc) And they know how they alter our cells and DNA and RNA, etc, etc. And are devising even bigger events.

But the scallywags just keep reinventing and reusing the same old ingredients, or worse ones, even if they begrudgingly remove controversial adjavunts. Poison is all it is. Slow generational change and sterility agents in everything out there, for population control.

Be frightened. Be wary. Be aggresive when it comes time to fight. And do what you can in the meantime, esp. for your loved ones. Learn all you can. Teach all you can.

We may not want to be around when the world turns upSideDown, but we can go down biting and kicking. because by then, they certainly wont be letting us have any weapons bigger than a steak knife, if that. HA. And they will know everything about us, and know where we are at all times. Freedom will be erased from any future dictionaries, as a faerietale. assuming they still allow books, education or free thought. The triggered dissenters will be quickly quieted or caged.

The thought police and mind control techniques are already in place. GRRRRRRRR

We are all worried what is happening, and that we cant stop it. But we are all here for a reason. Because we still remember what use to be, and what dreams are. And are vigorously trying to persue them.

And while we are still here, we intend To Try to stop it.. And to learn and teach what we know about vaccines - in our hearts and souls, that they are a very bad thing, born from lies and deceits.

I am sure I am not just speaking for myself, when I say...We are glad you joined us.

Breast feeding is the best choice, but with all the vaccines we have had, and the new toxins and diseases (mostly man-made), and superbugs and crap in our food and drugs and water and products, and waste/garbage problems. To the distroying of our eco-systems, and resouces, as well as the nanoproducts being put in everything, that gets inside us, there is no place to hide. It is flight or fight time. Wings or fisticuffs?

The sneaky unworldly, unspoken things are happening to all of us. all around us, and we are losing grip of our human rights, Left And Right, East and West, Pole to Pole.

Breast milk may not be all that safe either anymore, like most things use to be. Safe and comfortable and trusting are days of yore. Ancient history, learning nothing from the past lessons of doomed and lost civilizations. Too many unknowns, and too many elusives. Nothing is new under the Sun. It is all just rearranged, O' alchemy, Alchemy Alchemy

OK, I will stop this long post, and again, wish you well. And hope we all find our Way. And that we win this uphill battle, one fine day, with eyes open. Before it's too late. It is a very worthy cause.

Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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