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OT - Urgent Need: Aspartame Death Tax

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R1 MedicalConspiraciesichard F. Daines, M.D., Commissioner of Health,

copy to

Governor Paterson

Dear Doctor Daines:

My email box has been swamped with comments on Governor Paterson's

proposed obesity tax on non-diet sodas. How well it is known " If you

want to get fat NutraSweet is where its at " , and " If it says diet,

don't buy it. " It is aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet, E951, Spoonful,

NutraTaste, Canderel, Benevia, and anything else they can think to

call it) as in Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi that has caused a global

epidemic of obesity, as well as an epidemic of diabetes. Aspartame

can precipitate diabetes, aggravates and simulates diabetic

retinopathy, destroys the optic nerve from the free methyl alcohol,

causes diabetics to go into convulsions and even interacts with insulin.

Aspartame is also very addictive because the free methyl alcohol

causes chronic methanol poisoning which is classified as a

narcotic. This effects the dopamine system of the brain and causes

addiction. Here is Dr. H. J. article on aspartame addiction

in Townsend Letter for Doctors: http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html

I flew to Barcelona to talk to the researcher of the Trocho Study

which proved aspartame embalms living tissue and damages DNA. When

you damage DNA you can destroy humanity. Here is the Trocho Study:

http://www.mpwhi.com/formaldehyde_from_aspartame.pdf He told me at

the time that aspartame would kill 200 million. I told him it already had.

The good Governor's money troubles are over for New York. What he

urgently needs is an Aspartame Death Tax in New York. I though about

$1 million per consumer paid for by the manufacturers. The State of

New York would get $500,000 and the family of the deceased would get

$500,000. That way the family of the deceased would have money for

burial, funds for lost income from the deceased to raise the

children, and to pay off medical bills which may be in the hundred of

thousands. You see the aspartame manufacturers lie to the public and

fund the professional organizations to push their poison and defend

it. So physicians have no way of knowing how to treat aspartame

disease or correlate all the fatal diseases with this addictive

excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with virtually all

drugs and vaccines because of damage to the mitochondria. That's why

Dr. wrote the 1000 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An

Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com Dr. is a diabetic

specialist and took care of aspartame victims in the trenches of

medical practice from the time it was marketed until he retired.

Some of the ways aspartame kills. Here are two reports from Doctors

H. J. and Blaylock, neurosurgeon on sudden cardiac

death from aspartame. This is why so many athletes are dropping

dead. http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_msg_scd.htm and

http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_and_arrhythmias.htm To say this in

brief, aspartame triggers an irregular heart rhythm and interacts

with all cardiac medication, damages the cardiac conduction system

and causes sudden death. Don't forget they are already pre-embalmed

compliments of the aspartame manufacturers. European

Parliamentarians several years petitioned WHO to call it sudden death

syndrome so they could figure out why so many people are simply

dropping dead. Here is Dr. Blaylock's Aspartame Pilot Alert which

also goes into sudden death: http://www.mpwhi.com/pilot_aspartame_alert.htm

Aspartame is also an abortifacient and violates Title 18 of the

Domestic Genocide

law: http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_murders_infants.htm Now here is

really where the Governor and rake in the dough for New York. Some

women have lost as many as 8 babies who have used aspartame. I take

particular offense at murdering babies, so I think the manufacturer

should in this case pay $2 million for each baby lost. Don't worry

about the manufacturers checkbooks, they are bottomless. Don't

forget aspartame is addictive. It's like having cocaine or heroin on

the market. That's why we have an Aspartame Information List to help

the victims through withdrawal and detoxification. Here is Dr.

Blaylock's program: What to Do If You Have Used Aspartame:

www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame.htm There are also Aspartame

Detoxification Centers to take care of the sick and dying.

Aspartame is also a teratogen causing birth defects and mental

retardation. Today Autism is 1 in 10 worldwide. They need to pay up

on this. One woman used Diet coke through three pregnancies and has

3 autistic children. She and her husband have to work two jobs so

there will be a trust fund to take care of these children after they

are gone. That's not fair, the manufacturer should pay up again,

another $2 million per autistic child. Don't forget aspartame

interacts with the vaccines so they don't have a chance.

New York will be rich and I haven't even got started well. Oh, as to

obesity, of course its being caused by aspartame. Here is a report on it:


Position Statement from Dr. Cabot

Mission Possible Australia

<http://www.liverdoctor.com>http:// www.liverdoctor.com

I have been a medical doctor for over 25 years and have clinical and

research interests in the liver and metabolism. I have authored

several best selling health books including the " Liver Cleansing

Diet " , " The Body Shaping Diet " , " Don't Let Your Hormones Ruin Your

Life " , " Women's Health " , " Menopause and Natural Hormone Replacement

Therapy " and I lecture internationally on these subjects. I have been

consulted by thousands of patients with weight problems, hormonal

imbalances, fatty liver, sluggish metabolism and chronic ill health.

I have been an advocate and practitioner of nutritional methods of

healing for 30 years. I regularly appear on national television and

broadcast on many radio stations to educate people about the

importance of a healthy liver in achieving good health and weight control!

In the interests of public health I am making a position statement

concerning the use of the artificial sweetener called aspartame and

sold most commonly under the names of NutraSweet and Equal. One must

ask, " why do millions of people ingest a toxic chemical like

aspartame everyday " ? To me it appears ridiculous and I believe that

it is because people have been brainwashed into thinking aspartame

will keep their weight down and is good for health. It also shows me

that we have lost touch with our own natural senses and instincts.

After having been consulted by thousands of overweight people

suffering with problems concerning the liver and/or metabolism I can

assure you that aspartame will not help you in any way, indeed it

will help you to gain unwanted weight. This has been my experience,

and there are logical reasons to explain the fattening and bloating

effects of aspartame. When you ingest the toxic chemical aspartame it

is absorbed from the intestines and passes immediately to the LIVER

where it is taken inside the liver via the liver filter. The liver

then breaks down or metabolizes aspartame to its toxic components -

phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. This process requires a

lot of energy from the liver which means there will be less energy

remaining in the liver cells. This means the liver cells will have

less energy for fat burning and metabolism, which will result in fat

storing. Excess fat may build up inside the liver cells causing

" fatty liver " and when this starts to occur it is extremely difficult

to lose weight. In my vast experience any time that you overload the

liver you will increase the tendency to gain weight easily.

Aspartame also causes weight gain by other mechanisms ---Causes

unstable blood sugar levels, which increases the appetite and causes

cravings for sweets/sugar. Thus it is particularly toxic for those

with diabetes or epilepsy. Causes fluid retention giving the body a

puffy and bloated appearance. This makes people look fatter than they

are and increases cellulite.

To discover more about the liver look up my web site -

<http://www.liverdoctor.com>http:// www.liverdoctor.com , and to

learn more about natural sugars that are better for the liver and

weight, read my books " The Liver Cleansing Diet " and " Boost Your

Energy " . To order see your book store, or call Ten Speed Press or

call 1-888-75-Liver


Also with regard to obesity and aspartame, the Trocho Study in

Barcelona in l998 showed that the formaldehyde converted from the

free methyl alcohol accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with

most toxicity in the liver but substantial toxicity in the adipose

tissue or fat cells. Further a recent epidemiological study by Sharon

Fowler at the University of Texas in 2005 linked diet drinks with obesity.

In the Congressional Record, Senate, S - 5511, May 7, l985, and part

of the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn, now American

Beverage, is this Statement:

" Aspartame has been demonstrated to inhibit the carbohydrate-induced

synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin (Wurtman affidavit).

Serotonin blunts the sensation of craving carbohydrates and this is

part of the body's feedback system that helps limit consumption of

carbohydrate to appropriate levels. Its inhibition by aspartame could

lead to the anomalous result of a diet product causing increased

consumption of carbohydrates. "

So as far as product liability is concerned you have companies

marketing an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug to the

population as a sugarfree diet product knowing full well this is

causing obesity. They also know that aspartame is addictive and that

the methanol component is classified as a narcotic. Aspartame

liberates free methyl alcohol causing chronic methanol poisoning.

This affects the dopamine system of the brain causing the addiction.

Dr. Betty i, D.Hum

Founder, Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097





Aspartame Toxicity Center:




Now if you read the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored

Epidemic, by Dr. and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by

Dr. Blaylock you will also understand how aspartame is triggering

neurodegenerative diseases. The molecule breaks down to

diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent and in the secret trade

information revealed in Congress, Searle admitted in the last

paragraph that they had to consider complete conversion to DKP, the

brain tumor agent, and if they told the FDA they wouldn't get it

approved. So you see the manufacturers have always known the gun was

loaded and they are the responsible people for the obesity and death.

Here is an admission by the FDA to Congress that it has always been

known aspartame causes cancer and violates the Delaney Amendment

which forbids putting anything in food you know will cause cancer.

On August 1, l985 the FDA's own toxicologist, Dr. Gross, told

Congress at least one of Searle's studies " has established beyond ANY

REASONABLE DOUBT that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors

in experimental animals and that this predisposition of it is of

extremely high significance. ... In view of these indications that

the cancer causing potential of aspartame is a matter that had been

established WAY BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT, one can ask: What is the

reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food

additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic

Act? "

The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow any residues of

cancer causing chemicals in foods. In his concluding testimony Gross

asked, " Given the cancer causing potential of aspartame how would the

FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame

as constituting an allowable daily intake or 'safe' level of it? Is

that position in effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for

this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA

itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health

of the public? " Congressional Record SID835:131 (August 1, l985)

The Ramazzini Study in 2005 proved that aspartame is a multipotential

carcinogen and confirmed what the FDA knew all along It was peer

reviewed by 7 world experts. The second Ramazzini has now been

accepted for peer review and shows it only takes a small amount to

cause cancer and if a mother uses it during pregnancy and the baby

survives it can be passed on.

I could probably go on for another 50 pages on the problems that

aspartame triggers like, for instance, Gulf War

Illness: http://www.wnho.net/aspartameandgulfwar.htm Don't forget

blindness as the free methyl alcohol converts to formaldehyde and

formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve.

In fact, the more I think about it, this idea should be adopted by

Congress and this country can get rid of the national debt. There

are all kinds of possibilities.

One other thing leaders of the free world need to get off of Diet

Coke. President Clinton uses it, but Hillary got off. I faxed the

Report For Schools to her six offices and I think she found out she

didn't want to use something to destroy her

brain: http://www.mpwhi.com/report_on_aspartame_and_children.htm

President Bush also uses it and unfortunately Obama was seen drinking

a Diet Coke! This country will never get out of trouble until they

stop using it.

The New York Times did ask the FDA why they didn't ban


http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all & address


Notice they said they didn't want to hurt the finances of the

manufacturer!! They get the lunacy award. It's okay for the

aspartame manufacturers to destroy the human race but don't bother

their checkbook. Even the FDA originally tried to have the

manufacturer indicted but both US Prosecutors hired on with the

defense team and the statute of limitations expired. Then they

revoked the petition for approval, but I told you the manufacturers

have money and influence. Don Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle and through

political chicanery got aspartame markets. From the aspartame

documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, www.soundandfury.tv here

is how he did it: http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld2.html

Governor Paterson, I'm sending you a copy of this through your web

site and hope you get it. If you have any more financial problems

for New York just give me a call and I'll tell you more about

aspartame and ways to collect from the manufacturers instead of the

consumers. Consider they have been misled. Putting Diet in front of

Coke or Pepsi has caused consumers to think they would lose weight or

prevent weight gain. Because they were lied to it's not their fault

it made them fat. So I think Coke and Pepsi ought to help pay. They

knew the gun was loaded right from the

beginning: http://www.mpwhi.com/open_letter_dick_adamson.htm

Incidentally, attorneys in New York are taking aspartame brain tumor

cases for New York and New Jersey!

Check out sudden death in New York from aspartame and soon New York

will be debt free. Be sure to include the SIDS deaths from aspartame

like this one: http://www.wnho.net/sweetened_horror_story.htm

Incidentally, I have to give credit where its due. The idea of an

aspartame death tax was in a forum. I've just elaborated. See

below. One other suggestion, after you have paid off all New York

debt, kindly ban aspartame from your state and save the people. They

deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Here is the text

of the resolution we are using for states who already want aspartame

banned. This one will be reintroduced in Hawaii this legislature.

Text of Senate Resolution:

Requesting the Department of Health and the National Academy of

Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to Aspartame,

and Requesting the United States Food and Drug Administration to

Rescind Approval for United States Markets, carried by Hawaii Senator

Suzanne Chun Oakland

Whereas, aspartame was originally developed as a drug to treat peptic

ulcers; and Whereas, manufacturers state that aspartame is made up of

forty per cent aspartic acid, fifty percent phenylalanine, and ten

per cent methanol; and

Whereas, aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid that is used by

the body to initiate apoptosis or cell death in aging cells, and that

excess aspartic acid from aspartame consumption causes apoptosis in

health cells that can destroy healthy tissue, especially in the brain; and

Whereas, phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found naturally in

protein but when isolated becomes neurotoxic, lowers the seizure

threshold, depletes serotonin triggering psychiatric and behavioral

problems, and interacts with depressants and other drugs; and

Whereas, methanol is a severe metabolic poison classified as a

narcotic that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, and can

embalm living tissue and damage DNA; and

Whereas, aspartame metabolites include formaldehyde, a class A

carcinogen, diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent, and formic acid, and

Whereas, in 1974, the United States Food and Drug Administration

approved aspartame as an artificial sweetener, but asked its

manufacturer Searle to hold back from selling it on the market until

further tests could be made with regards to its safety; and

Whereas, scientific data revealed that there was a problem with

aspartame safety date and the United States Food and Drug

Administration withdrew its approval; and

Whereas, in 1975, the United States Food and Drug Administration

initiated an investigation into Searles laboratory practices and

discovered fraud in scientific experiments as well as manipulated

data giving favorable results proving aspartame to be safe; and

Whereas, the results of this investigation are included in what is

called The Bressler Report by Jerome Bressler; and Whereas, in 1980,

Dr. Olney submitted scientific data to a United States Food and

Drug Administration Public Board of Inquiry showing that aspartic

acid, the excitotoxic ingredient in aspartame, caused holes in the

brains of mice; and

Whereas, Dr. Olney stated that it warranted special emphasis

that excitotoxins act by an acute but silent mechanism, requiring

only a single exposure for CVO neurons to be quietly destroyed, that

clearly Searle failed to establish the safety of their product,

aspartame, for use in children's food, and that all age comparative

data support the following conclusions: (1) orally administered

excitotoxins destroy CVO neurons at any age; (2) immature animals are

most vulnerable; and (3) the toxic threshold increases only gradually

between birth and adulthood; and

Whereas, in 1980, the Public Board of Inquiry unanimously voted

against aspartame approval, but was overruled by a new United States

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Dr. Arthur Hull ,

against the advice of Food and Drug Administration scientific

personnel and advisers; and Whereas, the United States Food and Drug

Administration approved aspartame use in sodas, despite the fact that

the National Soft Drink Association argued vehemently against

aspartame in these quotes from their protest:

(1) The present record does not contain date which demonstrate that

the use of APM in soft drinks will not result in the adulteration of

the beverages under Section 402(a)(3) of the FDC Act 21 U.S.S. 342

(a)(3), which provides that a food is adulterated if it contains, in

whole or in part, a decomposed substance or it is otherwise unfit for food);

(2) An important decomposition product of aspartame, aspartic acid,

cannot be detected at all using TLC;

(3)G.D. Searle and Company has not demonstrated to a reasonable

certainty that the use of aspartame in soft drinks, without

quantitative limitations, will not adversely affect human health as a

result of the changes such use is likely to cause in brain chemistry

and under certain reasonably anticipated conditions of use; and

(4) Specifically, Searle has not met its burdens under section 409.

To demonstrate that aspartame is safe and functional for use in soft

drinks. Collectively, the extensive deficiencies in the stability

studies conducted by Searle to demonstrate that aspartame and its

degradation products are safe in soft drinks intended to be sold in

the United States, render those studies inadequate and unreliable.

Senate Congressional Record, May 7, 1985, S5507-5511: and

Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration has compiled

a list of ninety-two symptoms attributed to aspartame consumption

including four types of seizures, coma, and death; and

Whereas, the Ramazzini Studies by the European Foundation for

Oncology in Italy conducted exhaustive studies over three years with

thousands of rats, and proved aspartame to be multipotential

carcinogen, thus confirming the United States Food and Drug

Administrations original findings; and

Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration admitted that

aspartame caused cancer over two decades ago when the Administrations

toxicologist, Dr. Gross, told Congress at least one of Searles

studies has established beyond any reasonable doubt that aspartame is

capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals and that

this predisposition of it is of extremely high significance. In view

of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame

is a matter that had been established way beyond any reasonable

doubt, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by

the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney

amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act? Given the cancer

causing potential of aspartame, how would the FDA justify its

position that it views a certain amount of aspartame as constituting

an allowable daily intake or safe level of it? Is that position in

effect not equivalent to setting a tolerance for this food additive

and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to

violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?

Congressional Record, August 1, 1985, SID835: 131: and

Whereas , aspartame is linked to sudden death, multiple sclerosis,

lupus, and many neurodegenerative diseases, as cited in may medical

texts, most notably: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H.J.

, M.D., and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, By

Blaylock, M.D., and

Whereas, on November 3, 1987, Dr. Louis Elsas told Congress: I am a

pediatrician, a Professor of Pediatrics at Emory and Have spent

twenty-five years in the biomedical sciences, trying to prevent

mental retardation and birth defect caused by excess phenylalanine,

and therein lies my basic concern, that aspartame is in fact a well

known neurotoxin and teratogen which, in some as yet undefined dose,

will irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain, produce

adverse effects: and

Whereas, there are tens of thousands of case histories and anecdotal

accounts from victims of aspartame poisoning who have come forward to

make their case histories known; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature of the

State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of

Representatives concurring, that the Department of Health is

requested to create, within their existing budget, an evidentiary

repository accessible to the public for patients and physicians to

submit of the next year their cases involving victims of aspartame

poisoning; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Health is requested to

report to the Legislature on the status of the evidentiary repository

during periodic interim meetings with the Chairs of the Hawaii State

Senate Committees on Health and Human Services and Public Housing,

the House of Representatives Committees on Health and Human Services

and Housing, and the state Attorney General; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to

review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and related

literature on aspartame, including clinical studies, differentiating

each study by its funding source, and submit a report to the

Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the

2008 Regular Session; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nation Academy of Sciences is

requested to review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and

related literature on aspartame, including clinical studies,

differentiating each study by its funding source, and that, if

funding is required to undertake this extended evaluation, that the

appropriate funding be sought from various foundations and from Congress;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that given the enormous amount of evidence

that has been compiled concerning the neurodegenerative harm it can

cause, that the United States Food and Drug Administration is

requested to rescind approval of aspartame immediately on a phase-out

basis over six months to one year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be

transmitted to the members of Hawaii's Congressional Delegation, the

Commissioner of the Untied States Food and Drug Administration, the

Executive Director of the National Academy of Sciences, the Director

of Health, the Director of Human Services, the Attorney General, and

the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.


Contacts for Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder, Mission Possible


<mailto:BettyM19@...>BettyM19@... and

Fox, <mailto:stephen@...>stephen@...

For more information on aspartame:




Aspartame Toxicity Center:


Aspartame Information List: <http://www.mpwhi.com>http://www.mpwhi.com


Think of how much toxic waste we could rid of. You see, aspartame is

genetically engineered. Dr. Bill Deagle explains:

" Most people when asked how Aspartame is made do not have the first

step of understanding. While an E.R. doctor and primary care

physician in Augusta, GA in 1987 and 1988, I was told a number of

interesting facts about the adjacent Aspartame factory. Bacteria with

genes inserted generate a sludge which is centrifuged to remove the

aspartame and many hundreds of contaminant organic and amino acids

are present. We were told not to report illness or worker's

compensation issues for fear of being fired by the hospital, now the

Augusta Regional Medical Center. Many of their employees presented

with psychiatric, neuropathy conditions, chronic fatigue and organic

cases of loss of cognitive function. This powder from the dried

sludge was then transported for packaging in factories elsewhere in

the US, before sale as Equal and now the myriad of names of this

neurotoxin. " Bill Deagle, M.D., 888-212-8871

All my best,

Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599

www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com, www.wnho.net

Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame

Governor Paterson proposes 'Obesity Tax,' a tax on non-diet sodas



Sunday, December 14th 2008, 11:37 PM

Related News


<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Albany>ALBANY - A can of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Coca-Cola+Classic>Coke could soon

cost New Yorkers more than just calories.

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/+Paterson>Gov. Paterson, as

part of a $121 billion budget to be unveiled Tuesday, will propose an

" obesity tax " of about 15% on nondiet drinks.

This means a <http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Diet+Coke>Diet Coke

might sell for a $1 - even as the same size bottle of its

calorie-rich alter ego would go for $1.15.

Paterson's budget also calls for a 3% cut in education spending, a

$620-a-year tuition hike at


and a $600 increase at


- and about $3.5 billion in health care cuts, a source said.

The Democratic governor will not call for a broad-based income tax

boost, but he will push to restore the sales tax on clothing and footwear.

The drastic belt-tightening comes as lawmakers struggle to close a

$15 billion deficit this year and next.

" It's painful to make these decisions, " Paterson said Sunday.

State employees again will be asked to forgo their 3% raises next

year and defer five days' pay until they leave their jobs, the source

said. In all, Paterson will propose about $9 billion in cuts, $4

billion in new taxes and fees, and $1.5 billion in nonrecurring

revenue, a second source said.

The so-called obesity tax would generate an estimated $404 million a

year. Milk, juice, diet soda and bottled water would be exempt from the tax.

" I'll just buy less, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Victor+>Victor , 55, of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Manhattan>Manhattan, as he drank a

Coke at a midtown Subway store.

" I don't like to buy Diet Coke, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Amaury+>Amaury , 16,

who works at a flower shop in

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Penn+Station>Penn Station. " I'll

just not buy any sodas if it goes up. "

Public health advocates welcomed news of the tax, saying it would

help the fight against childhood obesity.

" Raising the price of this liquid candy will put children and teens

on a path to a healthier diet, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Elie+Ward>Elie Ward of the


Academy of Pediatrics of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/New+York>New York State.

The Paterson administration also announced steps yesterday to expand

the state's social services net, including a 30% increase in welfare

payments over three years starting January 2010, increased money for

food banks and expanded access to the state's Family Health Plus program.

Paterson also hopes to make it easier for people to enroll in

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Medicaid>Medicaid by eliminating

face-to-face interviews and fingerprinting requirements.


'Obesity Tax'? No!

-ColaNEW YORK GOVERNOR Paterson this week proposed to impose a

new tax on the purchase of non-diet sodas.

Levy on sugary drinks an example of too-big government

Before you add a new tax, prove diet sodas are safe

To the Editor:

Are you kidding me? Can this government prove diet soda is safe?

I get a bad taste in from any diet product. Associates who worked for

soda companies explain there may be hidden problems with artificial

sweeteners. Anybody remember saccharine? Didn't that cause cancer?

If my fearless state leader wants to help, end the wasted millions

from Empire Zone tax-credit abuses. Eliminate programs or agencies

that abuse the original intent of their own creation.

The state Thruway was supposed to be paid for already, yet it

continues to charge more and cost money to run.

Taxes and fees are great, to a point. But aren't New Yorkers already

taxed enough? Florida is sure looking good right now -- and not just

for the sun!

Mike Zmudosky

East Syracuse

How about proposing a 'death tax' on Aspartame?

To the Editor:

Before Gov. Paterson's proposal to tax non-diet soda goes any

further, I hope he proposes a " death tax " on diet soda.

A few years ago, I developed ventricular tachycardia from drinking

Diet Pepsi. I was a large consumer of the stuff. I knew drinking Diet

Pepsi was bad for me, but I was addicted. I had no pain associated

with the tachycardia. It felt like my heart was in a spasm for six

seconds, and that I wasn't going to make it. The cardiologist told me

to stay away from caffeine.

Even after switching to non-caffeinated Diet Pepsi, I experienced the

tachycardia. Feeling scared and hopeless, I did some research on the

Internet under " Ventricular Tachycardia and Diet Pepsi. "

I was in absolute shock. You see, I was being poisoned by Aspartame

(the artificial sweetener in Diet Pepsi). I also was experiencing

other complex symptoms, such as joint pain and hearing loss. My arms

would feel like rubber at night during sleep.

I have learned there are 92 other health-related symptoms, from

vision loss to seizures and sudden death. Wonderful books on

Aspartame include " Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. " An excellent

Web site -- www.dorway.com -- tells more.

Aspartame is in everything from chewing gum to light ice cream. I

hope I can educate just one other person about this

government-approved, carcinogenic, neurotoxic, synthetic sweetener.

Donia Mrozek

Onondaga Hill

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R1 MedicalConspiraciesichard F. Daines, M.D., Commissioner of Health,

copy to

Governor Paterson

Dear Doctor Daines:

My email box has been swamped with comments on Governor Paterson's

proposed obesity tax on non-diet sodas. How well it is known " If you

want to get fat NutraSweet is where its at " , and " If it says diet,

don't buy it. " It is aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet, E951, Spoonful,

NutraTaste, Canderel, Benevia, and anything else they can think to

call it) as in Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi that has caused a global

epidemic of obesity, as well as an epidemic of diabetes. Aspartame

can precipitate diabetes, aggravates and simulates diabetic

retinopathy, destroys the optic nerve from the free methyl alcohol,

causes diabetics to go into convulsions and even interacts with insulin.

Aspartame is also very addictive because the free methyl alcohol

causes chronic methanol poisoning which is classified as a

narcotic. This effects the dopamine system of the brain and causes

addiction. Here is Dr. H. J. article on aspartame addiction

in Townsend Letter for Doctors: http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html

I flew to Barcelona to talk to the researcher of the Trocho Study

which proved aspartame embalms living tissue and damages DNA. When

you damage DNA you can destroy humanity. Here is the Trocho Study:

http://www.mpwhi.com/formaldehyde_from_aspartame.pdf He told me at

the time that aspartame would kill 200 million. I told him it already had.

The good Governor's money troubles are over for New York. What he

urgently needs is an Aspartame Death Tax in New York. I though about

$1 million per consumer paid for by the manufacturers. The State of

New York would get $500,000 and the family of the deceased would get

$500,000. That way the family of the deceased would have money for

burial, funds for lost income from the deceased to raise the

children, and to pay off medical bills which may be in the hundred of

thousands. You see the aspartame manufacturers lie to the public and

fund the professional organizations to push their poison and defend

it. So physicians have no way of knowing how to treat aspartame

disease or correlate all the fatal diseases with this addictive

excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with virtually all

drugs and vaccines because of damage to the mitochondria. That's why

Dr. wrote the 1000 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An

Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com Dr. is a diabetic

specialist and took care of aspartame victims in the trenches of

medical practice from the time it was marketed until he retired.

Some of the ways aspartame kills. Here are two reports from Doctors

H. J. and Blaylock, neurosurgeon on sudden cardiac

death from aspartame. This is why so many athletes are dropping

dead. http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_msg_scd.htm and

http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_and_arrhythmias.htm To say this in

brief, aspartame triggers an irregular heart rhythm and interacts

with all cardiac medication, damages the cardiac conduction system

and causes sudden death. Don't forget they are already pre-embalmed

compliments of the aspartame manufacturers. European

Parliamentarians several years petitioned WHO to call it sudden death

syndrome so they could figure out why so many people are simply

dropping dead. Here is Dr. Blaylock's Aspartame Pilot Alert which

also goes into sudden death: http://www.mpwhi.com/pilot_aspartame_alert.htm

Aspartame is also an abortifacient and violates Title 18 of the

Domestic Genocide

law: http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_murders_infants.htm Now here is

really where the Governor and rake in the dough for New York. Some

women have lost as many as 8 babies who have used aspartame. I take

particular offense at murdering babies, so I think the manufacturer

should in this case pay $2 million for each baby lost. Don't worry

about the manufacturers checkbooks, they are bottomless. Don't

forget aspartame is addictive. It's like having cocaine or heroin on

the market. That's why we have an Aspartame Information List to help

the victims through withdrawal and detoxification. Here is Dr.

Blaylock's program: What to Do If You Have Used Aspartame:

www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame.htm There are also Aspartame

Detoxification Centers to take care of the sick and dying.

Aspartame is also a teratogen causing birth defects and mental

retardation. Today Autism is 1 in 10 worldwide. They need to pay up

on this. One woman used Diet coke through three pregnancies and has

3 autistic children. She and her husband have to work two jobs so

there will be a trust fund to take care of these children after they

are gone. That's not fair, the manufacturer should pay up again,

another $2 million per autistic child. Don't forget aspartame

interacts with the vaccines so they don't have a chance.

New York will be rich and I haven't even got started well. Oh, as to

obesity, of course its being caused by aspartame. Here is a report on it:


Position Statement from Dr. Cabot

Mission Possible Australia

<http://www.liverdoctor.com>http:// www.liverdoctor.com

I have been a medical doctor for over 25 years and have clinical and

research interests in the liver and metabolism. I have authored

several best selling health books including the " Liver Cleansing

Diet " , " The Body Shaping Diet " , " Don't Let Your Hormones Ruin Your

Life " , " Women's Health " , " Menopause and Natural Hormone Replacement

Therapy " and I lecture internationally on these subjects. I have been

consulted by thousands of patients with weight problems, hormonal

imbalances, fatty liver, sluggish metabolism and chronic ill health.

I have been an advocate and practitioner of nutritional methods of

healing for 30 years. I regularly appear on national television and

broadcast on many radio stations to educate people about the

importance of a healthy liver in achieving good health and weight control!

In the interests of public health I am making a position statement

concerning the use of the artificial sweetener called aspartame and

sold most commonly under the names of NutraSweet and Equal. One must

ask, " why do millions of people ingest a toxic chemical like

aspartame everyday " ? To me it appears ridiculous and I believe that

it is because people have been brainwashed into thinking aspartame

will keep their weight down and is good for health. It also shows me

that we have lost touch with our own natural senses and instincts.

After having been consulted by thousands of overweight people

suffering with problems concerning the liver and/or metabolism I can

assure you that aspartame will not help you in any way, indeed it

will help you to gain unwanted weight. This has been my experience,

and there are logical reasons to explain the fattening and bloating

effects of aspartame. When you ingest the toxic chemical aspartame it

is absorbed from the intestines and passes immediately to the LIVER

where it is taken inside the liver via the liver filter. The liver

then breaks down or metabolizes aspartame to its toxic components -

phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. This process requires a

lot of energy from the liver which means there will be less energy

remaining in the liver cells. This means the liver cells will have

less energy for fat burning and metabolism, which will result in fat

storing. Excess fat may build up inside the liver cells causing

" fatty liver " and when this starts to occur it is extremely difficult

to lose weight. In my vast experience any time that you overload the

liver you will increase the tendency to gain weight easily.

Aspartame also causes weight gain by other mechanisms ---Causes

unstable blood sugar levels, which increases the appetite and causes

cravings for sweets/sugar. Thus it is particularly toxic for those

with diabetes or epilepsy. Causes fluid retention giving the body a

puffy and bloated appearance. This makes people look fatter than they

are and increases cellulite.

To discover more about the liver look up my web site -

<http://www.liverdoctor.com>http:// www.liverdoctor.com , and to

learn more about natural sugars that are better for the liver and

weight, read my books " The Liver Cleansing Diet " and " Boost Your

Energy " . To order see your book store, or call Ten Speed Press or

call 1-888-75-Liver


Also with regard to obesity and aspartame, the Trocho Study in

Barcelona in l998 showed that the formaldehyde converted from the

free methyl alcohol accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with

most toxicity in the liver but substantial toxicity in the adipose

tissue or fat cells. Further a recent epidemiological study by Sharon

Fowler at the University of Texas in 2005 linked diet drinks with obesity.

In the Congressional Record, Senate, S - 5511, May 7, l985, and part

of the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn, now American

Beverage, is this Statement:

" Aspartame has been demonstrated to inhibit the carbohydrate-induced

synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin (Wurtman affidavit).

Serotonin blunts the sensation of craving carbohydrates and this is

part of the body's feedback system that helps limit consumption of

carbohydrate to appropriate levels. Its inhibition by aspartame could

lead to the anomalous result of a diet product causing increased

consumption of carbohydrates. "

So as far as product liability is concerned you have companies

marketing an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug to the

population as a sugarfree diet product knowing full well this is

causing obesity. They also know that aspartame is addictive and that

the methanol component is classified as a narcotic. Aspartame

liberates free methyl alcohol causing chronic methanol poisoning.

This affects the dopamine system of the brain causing the addiction.

Dr. Betty i, D.Hum

Founder, Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097





Aspartame Toxicity Center:




Now if you read the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored

Epidemic, by Dr. and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by

Dr. Blaylock you will also understand how aspartame is triggering

neurodegenerative diseases. The molecule breaks down to

diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent and in the secret trade

information revealed in Congress, Searle admitted in the last

paragraph that they had to consider complete conversion to DKP, the

brain tumor agent, and if they told the FDA they wouldn't get it

approved. So you see the manufacturers have always known the gun was

loaded and they are the responsible people for the obesity and death.

Here is an admission by the FDA to Congress that it has always been

known aspartame causes cancer and violates the Delaney Amendment

which forbids putting anything in food you know will cause cancer.

On August 1, l985 the FDA's own toxicologist, Dr. Gross, told

Congress at least one of Searle's studies " has established beyond ANY

REASONABLE DOUBT that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors

in experimental animals and that this predisposition of it is of

extremely high significance. ... In view of these indications that

the cancer causing potential of aspartame is a matter that had been

established WAY BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT, one can ask: What is the

reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food

additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic

Act? "

The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow any residues of

cancer causing chemicals in foods. In his concluding testimony Gross

asked, " Given the cancer causing potential of aspartame how would the

FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame

as constituting an allowable daily intake or 'safe' level of it? Is

that position in effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for

this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA

itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health

of the public? " Congressional Record SID835:131 (August 1, l985)

The Ramazzini Study in 2005 proved that aspartame is a multipotential

carcinogen and confirmed what the FDA knew all along It was peer

reviewed by 7 world experts. The second Ramazzini has now been

accepted for peer review and shows it only takes a small amount to

cause cancer and if a mother uses it during pregnancy and the baby

survives it can be passed on.

I could probably go on for another 50 pages on the problems that

aspartame triggers like, for instance, Gulf War

Illness: http://www.wnho.net/aspartameandgulfwar.htm Don't forget

blindness as the free methyl alcohol converts to formaldehyde and

formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve.

In fact, the more I think about it, this idea should be adopted by

Congress and this country can get rid of the national debt. There

are all kinds of possibilities.

One other thing leaders of the free world need to get off of Diet

Coke. President Clinton uses it, but Hillary got off. I faxed the

Report For Schools to her six offices and I think she found out she

didn't want to use something to destroy her

brain: http://www.mpwhi.com/report_on_aspartame_and_children.htm

President Bush also uses it and unfortunately Obama was seen drinking

a Diet Coke! This country will never get out of trouble until they

stop using it.

The New York Times did ask the FDA why they didn't ban


http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all & address


Notice they said they didn't want to hurt the finances of the

manufacturer!! They get the lunacy award. It's okay for the

aspartame manufacturers to destroy the human race but don't bother

their checkbook. Even the FDA originally tried to have the

manufacturer indicted but both US Prosecutors hired on with the

defense team and the statute of limitations expired. Then they

revoked the petition for approval, but I told you the manufacturers

have money and influence. Don Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle and through

political chicanery got aspartame markets. From the aspartame

documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, www.soundandfury.tv here

is how he did it: http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld2.html

Governor Paterson, I'm sending you a copy of this through your web

site and hope you get it. If you have any more financial problems

for New York just give me a call and I'll tell you more about

aspartame and ways to collect from the manufacturers instead of the

consumers. Consider they have been misled. Putting Diet in front of

Coke or Pepsi has caused consumers to think they would lose weight or

prevent weight gain. Because they were lied to it's not their fault

it made them fat. So I think Coke and Pepsi ought to help pay. They

knew the gun was loaded right from the

beginning: http://www.mpwhi.com/open_letter_dick_adamson.htm

Incidentally, attorneys in New York are taking aspartame brain tumor

cases for New York and New Jersey!

Check out sudden death in New York from aspartame and soon New York

will be debt free. Be sure to include the SIDS deaths from aspartame

like this one: http://www.wnho.net/sweetened_horror_story.htm

Incidentally, I have to give credit where its due. The idea of an

aspartame death tax was in a forum. I've just elaborated. See

below. One other suggestion, after you have paid off all New York

debt, kindly ban aspartame from your state and save the people. They

deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Here is the text

of the resolution we are using for states who already want aspartame

banned. This one will be reintroduced in Hawaii this legislature.

Text of Senate Resolution:

Requesting the Department of Health and the National Academy of

Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to Aspartame,

and Requesting the United States Food and Drug Administration to

Rescind Approval for United States Markets, carried by Hawaii Senator

Suzanne Chun Oakland

Whereas, aspartame was originally developed as a drug to treat peptic

ulcers; and Whereas, manufacturers state that aspartame is made up of

forty per cent aspartic acid, fifty percent phenylalanine, and ten

per cent methanol; and

Whereas, aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid that is used by

the body to initiate apoptosis or cell death in aging cells, and that

excess aspartic acid from aspartame consumption causes apoptosis in

health cells that can destroy healthy tissue, especially in the brain; and

Whereas, phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found naturally in

protein but when isolated becomes neurotoxic, lowers the seizure

threshold, depletes serotonin triggering psychiatric and behavioral

problems, and interacts with depressants and other drugs; and

Whereas, methanol is a severe metabolic poison classified as a

narcotic that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, and can

embalm living tissue and damage DNA; and

Whereas, aspartame metabolites include formaldehyde, a class A

carcinogen, diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent, and formic acid, and

Whereas, in 1974, the United States Food and Drug Administration

approved aspartame as an artificial sweetener, but asked its

manufacturer Searle to hold back from selling it on the market until

further tests could be made with regards to its safety; and

Whereas, scientific data revealed that there was a problem with

aspartame safety date and the United States Food and Drug

Administration withdrew its approval; and

Whereas, in 1975, the United States Food and Drug Administration

initiated an investigation into Searles laboratory practices and

discovered fraud in scientific experiments as well as manipulated

data giving favorable results proving aspartame to be safe; and

Whereas, the results of this investigation are included in what is

called The Bressler Report by Jerome Bressler; and Whereas, in 1980,

Dr. Olney submitted scientific data to a United States Food and

Drug Administration Public Board of Inquiry showing that aspartic

acid, the excitotoxic ingredient in aspartame, caused holes in the

brains of mice; and

Whereas, Dr. Olney stated that it warranted special emphasis

that excitotoxins act by an acute but silent mechanism, requiring

only a single exposure for CVO neurons to be quietly destroyed, that

clearly Searle failed to establish the safety of their product,

aspartame, for use in children's food, and that all age comparative

data support the following conclusions: (1) orally administered

excitotoxins destroy CVO neurons at any age; (2) immature animals are

most vulnerable; and (3) the toxic threshold increases only gradually

between birth and adulthood; and

Whereas, in 1980, the Public Board of Inquiry unanimously voted

against aspartame approval, but was overruled by a new United States

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Dr. Arthur Hull ,

against the advice of Food and Drug Administration scientific

personnel and advisers; and Whereas, the United States Food and Drug

Administration approved aspartame use in sodas, despite the fact that

the National Soft Drink Association argued vehemently against

aspartame in these quotes from their protest:

(1) The present record does not contain date which demonstrate that

the use of APM in soft drinks will not result in the adulteration of

the beverages under Section 402(a)(3) of the FDC Act 21 U.S.S. 342

(a)(3), which provides that a food is adulterated if it contains, in

whole or in part, a decomposed substance or it is otherwise unfit for food);

(2) An important decomposition product of aspartame, aspartic acid,

cannot be detected at all using TLC;

(3)G.D. Searle and Company has not demonstrated to a reasonable

certainty that the use of aspartame in soft drinks, without

quantitative limitations, will not adversely affect human health as a

result of the changes such use is likely to cause in brain chemistry

and under certain reasonably anticipated conditions of use; and

(4) Specifically, Searle has not met its burdens under section 409.

To demonstrate that aspartame is safe and functional for use in soft

drinks. Collectively, the extensive deficiencies in the stability

studies conducted by Searle to demonstrate that aspartame and its

degradation products are safe in soft drinks intended to be sold in

the United States, render those studies inadequate and unreliable.

Senate Congressional Record, May 7, 1985, S5507-5511: and

Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration has compiled

a list of ninety-two symptoms attributed to aspartame consumption

including four types of seizures, coma, and death; and

Whereas, the Ramazzini Studies by the European Foundation for

Oncology in Italy conducted exhaustive studies over three years with

thousands of rats, and proved aspartame to be multipotential

carcinogen, thus confirming the United States Food and Drug

Administrations original findings; and

Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration admitted that

aspartame caused cancer over two decades ago when the Administrations

toxicologist, Dr. Gross, told Congress at least one of Searles

studies has established beyond any reasonable doubt that aspartame is

capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals and that

this predisposition of it is of extremely high significance. In view

of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame

is a matter that had been established way beyond any reasonable

doubt, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by

the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney

amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act? Given the cancer

causing potential of aspartame, how would the FDA justify its

position that it views a certain amount of aspartame as constituting

an allowable daily intake or safe level of it? Is that position in

effect not equivalent to setting a tolerance for this food additive

and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to

violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?

Congressional Record, August 1, 1985, SID835: 131: and

Whereas , aspartame is linked to sudden death, multiple sclerosis,

lupus, and many neurodegenerative diseases, as cited in may medical

texts, most notably: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H.J.

, M.D., and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, By

Blaylock, M.D., and

Whereas, on November 3, 1987, Dr. Louis Elsas told Congress: I am a

pediatrician, a Professor of Pediatrics at Emory and Have spent

twenty-five years in the biomedical sciences, trying to prevent

mental retardation and birth defect caused by excess phenylalanine,

and therein lies my basic concern, that aspartame is in fact a well

known neurotoxin and teratogen which, in some as yet undefined dose,

will irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain, produce

adverse effects: and

Whereas, there are tens of thousands of case histories and anecdotal

accounts from victims of aspartame poisoning who have come forward to

make their case histories known; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature of the

State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of

Representatives concurring, that the Department of Health is

requested to create, within their existing budget, an evidentiary

repository accessible to the public for patients and physicians to

submit of the next year their cases involving victims of aspartame

poisoning; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Health is requested to

report to the Legislature on the status of the evidentiary repository

during periodic interim meetings with the Chairs of the Hawaii State

Senate Committees on Health and Human Services and Public Housing,

the House of Representatives Committees on Health and Human Services

and Housing, and the state Attorney General; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to

review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and related

literature on aspartame, including clinical studies, differentiating

each study by its funding source, and submit a report to the

Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the

2008 Regular Session; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nation Academy of Sciences is

requested to review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and

related literature on aspartame, including clinical studies,

differentiating each study by its funding source, and that, if

funding is required to undertake this extended evaluation, that the

appropriate funding be sought from various foundations and from Congress;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that given the enormous amount of evidence

that has been compiled concerning the neurodegenerative harm it can

cause, that the United States Food and Drug Administration is

requested to rescind approval of aspartame immediately on a phase-out

basis over six months to one year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be

transmitted to the members of Hawaii's Congressional Delegation, the

Commissioner of the Untied States Food and Drug Administration, the

Executive Director of the National Academy of Sciences, the Director

of Health, the Director of Human Services, the Attorney General, and

the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.


Contacts for Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder, Mission Possible


<mailto:BettyM19@...>BettyM19@... and

Fox, <mailto:stephen@...>stephen@...

For more information on aspartame:




Aspartame Toxicity Center:


Aspartame Information List: <http://www.mpwhi.com>http://www.mpwhi.com


Think of how much toxic waste we could rid of. You see, aspartame is

genetically engineered. Dr. Bill Deagle explains:

" Most people when asked how Aspartame is made do not have the first

step of understanding. While an E.R. doctor and primary care

physician in Augusta, GA in 1987 and 1988, I was told a number of

interesting facts about the adjacent Aspartame factory. Bacteria with

genes inserted generate a sludge which is centrifuged to remove the

aspartame and many hundreds of contaminant organic and amino acids

are present. We were told not to report illness or worker's

compensation issues for fear of being fired by the hospital, now the

Augusta Regional Medical Center. Many of their employees presented

with psychiatric, neuropathy conditions, chronic fatigue and organic

cases of loss of cognitive function. This powder from the dried

sludge was then transported for packaging in factories elsewhere in

the US, before sale as Equal and now the myriad of names of this

neurotoxin. " Bill Deagle, M.D., 888-212-8871

All my best,

Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599

www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com, www.wnho.net

Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame

Governor Paterson proposes 'Obesity Tax,' a tax on non-diet sodas



Sunday, December 14th 2008, 11:37 PM

Related News


<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Albany>ALBANY - A can of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Coca-Cola+Classic>Coke could soon

cost New Yorkers more than just calories.

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/+Paterson>Gov. Paterson, as

part of a $121 billion budget to be unveiled Tuesday, will propose an

" obesity tax " of about 15% on nondiet drinks.

This means a <http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Diet+Coke>Diet Coke

might sell for a $1 - even as the same size bottle of its

calorie-rich alter ego would go for $1.15.

Paterson's budget also calls for a 3% cut in education spending, a

$620-a-year tuition hike at


and a $600 increase at


- and about $3.5 billion in health care cuts, a source said.

The Democratic governor will not call for a broad-based income tax

boost, but he will push to restore the sales tax on clothing and footwear.

The drastic belt-tightening comes as lawmakers struggle to close a

$15 billion deficit this year and next.

" It's painful to make these decisions, " Paterson said Sunday.

State employees again will be asked to forgo their 3% raises next

year and defer five days' pay until they leave their jobs, the source

said. In all, Paterson will propose about $9 billion in cuts, $4

billion in new taxes and fees, and $1.5 billion in nonrecurring

revenue, a second source said.

The so-called obesity tax would generate an estimated $404 million a

year. Milk, juice, diet soda and bottled water would be exempt from the tax.

" I'll just buy less, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Victor+>Victor , 55, of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Manhattan>Manhattan, as he drank a

Coke at a midtown Subway store.

" I don't like to buy Diet Coke, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Amaury+>Amaury , 16,

who works at a flower shop in

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Penn+Station>Penn Station. " I'll

just not buy any sodas if it goes up. "

Public health advocates welcomed news of the tax, saying it would

help the fight against childhood obesity.

" Raising the price of this liquid candy will put children and teens

on a path to a healthier diet, " said

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Elie+Ward>Elie Ward of the


Academy of Pediatrics of

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/New+York>New York State.

The Paterson administration also announced steps yesterday to expand

the state's social services net, including a 30% increase in welfare

payments over three years starting January 2010, increased money for

food banks and expanded access to the state's Family Health Plus program.

Paterson also hopes to make it easier for people to enroll in

<http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Medicaid>Medicaid by eliminating

face-to-face interviews and fingerprinting requirements.


'Obesity Tax'? No!

-ColaNEW YORK GOVERNOR Paterson this week proposed to impose a

new tax on the purchase of non-diet sodas.

Levy on sugary drinks an example of too-big government

Before you add a new tax, prove diet sodas are safe

To the Editor:

Are you kidding me? Can this government prove diet soda is safe?

I get a bad taste in from any diet product. Associates who worked for

soda companies explain there may be hidden problems with artificial

sweeteners. Anybody remember saccharine? Didn't that cause cancer?

If my fearless state leader wants to help, end the wasted millions

from Empire Zone tax-credit abuses. Eliminate programs or agencies

that abuse the original intent of their own creation.

The state Thruway was supposed to be paid for already, yet it

continues to charge more and cost money to run.

Taxes and fees are great, to a point. But aren't New Yorkers already

taxed enough? Florida is sure looking good right now -- and not just

for the sun!

Mike Zmudosky

East Syracuse

How about proposing a 'death tax' on Aspartame?

To the Editor:

Before Gov. Paterson's proposal to tax non-diet soda goes any

further, I hope he proposes a " death tax " on diet soda.

A few years ago, I developed ventricular tachycardia from drinking

Diet Pepsi. I was a large consumer of the stuff. I knew drinking Diet

Pepsi was bad for me, but I was addicted. I had no pain associated

with the tachycardia. It felt like my heart was in a spasm for six

seconds, and that I wasn't going to make it. The cardiologist told me

to stay away from caffeine.

Even after switching to non-caffeinated Diet Pepsi, I experienced the

tachycardia. Feeling scared and hopeless, I did some research on the

Internet under " Ventricular Tachycardia and Diet Pepsi. "

I was in absolute shock. You see, I was being poisoned by Aspartame

(the artificial sweetener in Diet Pepsi). I also was experiencing

other complex symptoms, such as joint pain and hearing loss. My arms

would feel like rubber at night during sleep.

I have learned there are 92 other health-related symptoms, from

vision loss to seizures and sudden death. Wonderful books on

Aspartame include " Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. " An excellent

Web site -- www.dorway.com -- tells more.

Aspartame is in everything from chewing gum to light ice cream. I

hope I can educate just one other person about this

government-approved, carcinogenic, neurotoxic, synthetic sweetener.

Donia Mrozek

Onondaga Hill

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