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VaX NewZ

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From: karla walsh <faerie1952@...>Subject: VaX NewZno-forced-vaccination Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 8:47 PM

How about a Hypertension Vaccine???

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601085 & sid=ant2B0klO4IE & refer=europe

How about a nasal powder for Bird Flu? Start hording those cute little snuff boxes.

http://www.marketwa tch.com/news/ story/delsite- files-ind- nasal-powder/ story.aspx? guid=%7BD5D8EB68 -1E75-4C46- 9848-029A470A266 C%7D & dist=hppr

Want to be a Travel Vaccine Saleman in the UK? Good Pay!! Ugh

http://www.pharmati mes.com/Jobs/ Vacancy.aspx? id=766126

How about a vaccine for Chronic HepB PATIENTS?

http://www.canada. com/edmontonjour nal/news/ business/ story.html? id=fdb49ec3- 030d-4e3d- b43f-31af5e956b3 5

Critics question cervical cancer vaccine. VERY disturbing news in this article!

http://seattletimes .nwsource. com/html/ nationworld/ 2008125815_ cancer20. html

Nano technology and nanoVaccines (this one HepB) a very scary, highly, not researched, junk science. Did you know, those permanent creases in yer tan Khaki's, are NanoPleats? Get right into yer skin!!

http://www.technolo gytransfertactic s.com/content/ 2008/08/20/ u-of-michigan- needle-less- nano-vaccine- for-hepatitis- b-shows-promise- for-third- world/

Merck the Hero, offering reimbursement program for Gardisil. Terrible article to read!

http://pharmexec. findpharma. com/pharmexec/ Online+Only/ Merck-Vaccine- Market-Takes- Center-Stage/ ArticleStandard/ Article/detail/ 543115?contextCa tegoryId= 43753

Bill and Melinda tossing out their tootsie roll billions again.,,, to *6* Missoula biotec employees?

http://blog. seattlepi. nwsource. com/thelifescien cesblog/archives /146579.asp

Vaccine Awakenings

http://vaccineawake ning.blogspot. com/2008/ 08/by-barbara- loe-fisher- www.html

Air Force 2008-2009 Influenza Immunization Program Guidance PUSHING FluMist !!!!

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ 1209AF%20Influen za%20Guidance% 2008-09.pdf

Drugs.com list autism as Side Effect of DTap Vaccine!

http://debstake. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/20/drugscom- lists-autism- as-side-effect- of-dtap-vaccine/

On that note........ .. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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From: karla walsh <faerie1952@...>Subject: VaX NewZno-forced-vaccination Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 8:47 PM

How about a Hypertension Vaccine???

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601085 & sid=ant2B0klO4IE & refer=europe

How about a nasal powder for Bird Flu? Start hording those cute little snuff boxes.

http://www.marketwa tch.com/news/ story/delsite- files-ind- nasal-powder/ story.aspx? guid=%7BD5D8EB68 -1E75-4C46- 9848-029A470A266 C%7D & dist=hppr

Want to be a Travel Vaccine Saleman in the UK? Good Pay!! Ugh

http://www.pharmati mes.com/Jobs/ Vacancy.aspx? id=766126

How about a vaccine for Chronic HepB PATIENTS?

http://www.canada. com/edmontonjour nal/news/ business/ story.html? id=fdb49ec3- 030d-4e3d- b43f-31af5e956b3 5

Critics question cervical cancer vaccine. VERY disturbing news in this article!

http://seattletimes .nwsource. com/html/ nationworld/ 2008125815_ cancer20. html

Nano technology and nanoVaccines (this one HepB) a very scary, highly, not researched, junk science. Did you know, those permanent creases in yer tan Khaki's, are NanoPleats? Get right into yer skin!!

http://www.technolo gytransfertactic s.com/content/ 2008/08/20/ u-of-michigan- needle-less- nano-vaccine- for-hepatitis- b-shows-promise- for-third- world/

Merck the Hero, offering reimbursement program for Gardisil. Terrible article to read!

http://pharmexec. findpharma. com/pharmexec/ Online+Only/ Merck-Vaccine- Market-Takes- Center-Stage/ ArticleStandard/ Article/detail/ 543115?contextCa tegoryId= 43753

Bill and Melinda tossing out their tootsie roll billions again.,,, to *6* Missoula biotec employees?

http://blog. seattlepi. nwsource. com/thelifescien cesblog/archives /146579.asp

Vaccine Awakenings

http://vaccineawake ning.blogspot. com/2008/ 08/by-barbara- loe-fisher- www.html

Air Force 2008-2009 Influenza Immunization Program Guidance PUSHING FluMist !!!!

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ 1209AF%20Influen za%20Guidance% 2008-09.pdf

Drugs.com list autism as Side Effect of DTap Vaccine!

http://debstake. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/20/drugscom- lists-autism- as-side-effect- of-dtap-vaccine/

On that note........ .. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

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Ted, I sent you two private mails asking you to refrain from forwarding posts from this list which are the copyrighted property of their authors and the no-forced-vaccination list archive to non-members or other lists without the express permission of the original author. If you continue violating the rules of this list, you will be banned from this forum.

Ingrid Blank


VaX NewZno-forced-vaccination Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 8:47 PM

How about a Hypertension Vaccine???

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601085 & sid=ant2B0klO4IE & refer=europe

How about a nasal powder for Bird Flu? Start hording those cute little snuff boxes.

http://www.marketwa tch.com/news/ story/delsite- files-ind- nasal-powder/ story.aspx? guid=%7BD5D8EB68 -1E75-4C46- 9848-029A470A266 C%7D & dist=hppr

Want to be a Travel Vaccine Saleman in the UK? Good Pay!! Ugh

http://www.pharmati mes.com/Jobs/ Vacancy.aspx? id=766126

How about a vaccine for Chronic HepB PATIENTS?

http://www.canada. com/edmontonjour nal/news/ business/ story.html? id=fdb49ec3- 030d-4e3d- b43f-31af5e956b3 5

Critics question cervical cancer vaccine. VERY disturbing news in this article!

http://seattletimes .nwsource. com/html/ nationworld/ 2008125815_ cancer20. html

Nano technology and nanoVaccines (this one HepB) a very scary, highly, not researched, junk science. Did you know, those permanent creases in yer tan Khaki's, are NanoPleats? Get right into yer skin!!

http://www.technolo gytransfertactic s.com/content/ 2008/08/20/ u-of-michigan- needle-less- nano-vaccine- for-hepatitis- b-shows-promise- for-third- world/

Merck the Hero, offering reimbursement program for Gardisil. Terrible article to read!

http://pharmexec. findpharma. com/pharmexec/ Online+Only/ Merck-Vaccine- Market-Takes- Center-Stage/ ArticleStandard/ Article/detail/ 543115?contextCa tegoryId= 43753

Bill and Melinda tossing out their tootsie roll billions again.,,, to *6* Missoula biotec employees?

http://blog. seattlepi. nwsource. com/thelifescien cesblog/archives /146579.asp

Vaccine Awakenings

http://vaccineawake ning.blogspot. com/2008/ 08/by-barbara- loe-fisher- www.html

Air Force 2008-2009 Influenza Immunization Program Guidance PUSHING FluMist !!!!

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ 1209AF%20Influen za%20Guidance% 2008-09.pdf

Drugs.com list autism as Side Effect of DTap Vaccine!

http://debstake. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/20/drugscom- lists-autism- as-side-effect- of-dtap-vaccine/

On that note........ .. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 3267 (20080714) __________The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.http://www.eset.com

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Ted, I sent you two private mails asking you to refrain from forwarding posts from this list which are the copyrighted property of their authors and the no-forced-vaccination list archive to non-members or other lists without the express permission of the original author. If you continue violating the rules of this list, you will be banned from this forum.

Ingrid Blank


VaX NewZno-forced-vaccination Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 8:47 PM

How about a Hypertension Vaccine???

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 20601085 & sid=ant2B0klO4IE & refer=europe

How about a nasal powder for Bird Flu? Start hording those cute little snuff boxes.

http://www.marketwa tch.com/news/ story/delsite- files-ind- nasal-powder/ story.aspx? guid=%7BD5D8EB68 -1E75-4C46- 9848-029A470A266 C%7D & dist=hppr

Want to be a Travel Vaccine Saleman in the UK? Good Pay!! Ugh

http://www.pharmati mes.com/Jobs/ Vacancy.aspx? id=766126

How about a vaccine for Chronic HepB PATIENTS?

http://www.canada. com/edmontonjour nal/news/ business/ story.html? id=fdb49ec3- 030d-4e3d- b43f-31af5e956b3 5

Critics question cervical cancer vaccine. VERY disturbing news in this article!

http://seattletimes .nwsource. com/html/ nationworld/ 2008125815_ cancer20. html

Nano technology and nanoVaccines (this one HepB) a very scary, highly, not researched, junk science. Did you know, those permanent creases in yer tan Khaki's, are NanoPleats? Get right into yer skin!!

http://www.technolo gytransfertactic s.com/content/ 2008/08/20/ u-of-michigan- needle-less- nano-vaccine- for-hepatitis- b-shows-promise- for-third- world/

Merck the Hero, offering reimbursement program for Gardisil. Terrible article to read!

http://pharmexec. findpharma. com/pharmexec/ Online+Only/ Merck-Vaccine- Market-Takes- Center-Stage/ ArticleStandard/ Article/detail/ 543115?contextCa tegoryId= 43753

Bill and Melinda tossing out their tootsie roll billions again.,,, to *6* Missoula biotec employees?

http://blog. seattlepi. nwsource. com/thelifescien cesblog/archives /146579.asp

Vaccine Awakenings

http://vaccineawake ning.blogspot. com/2008/ 08/by-barbara- loe-fisher- www.html

Air Force 2008-2009 Influenza Immunization Program Guidance PUSHING FluMist !!!!

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ 1209AF%20Influen za%20Guidance% 2008-09.pdf

Drugs.com list autism as Side Effect of DTap Vaccine!

http://debstake. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/20/drugscom- lists-autism- as-side-effect- of-dtap-vaccine/

On that note........ .. Glad Day ~ Karla in IL

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 3267 (20080714) __________The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.http://www.eset.com

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  • 2 months later...

Why Is The HPV Vaccine Required Of Immigrants But Not U.S. Citizens? http://guanabee.com/2008/11/why-is-the-hpv-vaccine-required-of-immigrants-but-not-us-citizens.php Wyeth vaccine plant cuts 124 http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/Stock%20News/2038010/ NEW vaccine for Shingles PAIN? http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081120/LIFE/811200301 MS/Multiple Sclerosis Vaccine???? http://news.smh.com.au/national/ms-could-be-prevented-with-vaccine-20081120-6bst.html Skin Cancer Vaccine? http://www.manhuntdaily.com/2008/11/skin-cancer-vaccine-on-horizon.html Phase II Meningococcal B Vesicle Vaccine Trial in New Zealand Infants http://adc.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/adc.2007.132571/?precisblog Tom Daschle: Friend to Many Autism Families http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/tom-daschle---friend-to-m_b_145004.html HPV vaccine prevents genital warts in Males?? When everybody knows it is Causing genital warts in females! What gives?? Dang Merck Liars....anything to sell the nasty soup to even more people. Sickening. http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C11%5C20%5Cstory_20-11-2008_pg18_4 PharmAthene signs deal with Israeli firm to market biodefense drugs. PPPTTTTTT http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/stories/2008/11/17/daily37.html Georgia Supreme Court rules that couple can sue vaccine company http://www.jerebeasleyreport.com/2008/11/georgia-supreme-court-rules-that-couple-can-sue-vaccine-company/ BIT's 1st annual World Vaccine Congress, China - 2008 http://www.bitlifesciences.com/wcv2008/ Merck Plans Big In The Indian Vaccine Market http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/Stock%20News/2027748/ Vaccines PREVENT Health

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Why Is The HPV Vaccine Required Of Immigrants But Not U.S. Citizens? http://guanabee.com/2008/11/why-is-the-hpv-vaccine-required-of-immigrants-but-not-us-citizens.php Wyeth vaccine plant cuts 124 http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/Stock%20News/2038010/ NEW vaccine for Shingles PAIN? http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081120/LIFE/811200301 MS/Multiple Sclerosis Vaccine???? http://news.smh.com.au/national/ms-could-be-prevented-with-vaccine-20081120-6bst.html Skin Cancer Vaccine? http://www.manhuntdaily.com/2008/11/skin-cancer-vaccine-on-horizon.html Phase II Meningococcal B Vesicle Vaccine Trial in New Zealand Infants http://adc.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/adc.2007.132571/?precisblog Tom Daschle: Friend to Many Autism Families http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/tom-daschle---friend-to-m_b_145004.html HPV vaccine prevents genital warts in Males?? When everybody knows it is Causing genital warts in females! What gives?? Dang Merck Liars....anything to sell the nasty soup to even more people. Sickening. http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C11%5C20%5Cstory_20-11-2008_pg18_4 PharmAthene signs deal with Israeli firm to market biodefense drugs. PPPTTTTTT http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/stories/2008/11/17/daily37.html Georgia Supreme Court rules that couple can sue vaccine company http://www.jerebeasleyreport.com/2008/11/georgia-supreme-court-rules-that-couple-can-sue-vaccine-company/ BIT's 1st annual World Vaccine Congress, China - 2008 http://www.bitlifesciences.com/wcv2008/ Merck Plans Big In The Indian Vaccine Market http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/Stock%20News/2027748/ Vaccines PREVENT Health

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