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8 Ways to Prosperity

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8 Ways to Prosperity

1. Forgive yourself and others for any financial trespasses

If you are gripped by the past or still upset by financial indiscretions, you

are not allowing yourself to move forward. A great deal of this is about

boundaries. Have you consciously decided what kinds of financial behaviors you

are wiling to accept from yourself and others? How far you are willing to go for

someone and how far you are willing to let someone go for you,

financially-speaking? The harder it is to create a boundary, the more important

it is to create it.

2. Take Extreme Physical Care of yourself. If you're not well cared for, your

ability to prosper suffers. Are you getting enough exercise, sleep and healthy

foods into your week?

How about making a conscious effort to eat foods that are not only yummy but

best of all have what I consider to be, " medicinal effects " ? (You can call me

" Flax Seed Queen " now.. I finally admitted that as much as I want to, I just

don't have the time to get to the gym or yoga studio on a consistent basis and

needed to come up with something that suits my lifestyle. Enter " Sneaky

Fitness " , a great program for busy people created by Berrnadette Penotti. No

matter where I am, I can always manage to sneak in 10-30 min of some simple

aerobic and core strengthening exercises that elevate my heart and lenghthen my


Do you know the brain scientist, Jill Bolte - the one who wrote " A Stroke

of Insight " and not only lived to share the process of her stroke and her

recovery with us, but to tell us that " living in the right brain " or " Nirvana "

as she puts it, is only moments away for all of us? She credits sleep as one of

the most important reasons her body was able to recover from her stroke. I know

that when I don't feel my best, it impacts by moods and energy levels which

impacts my ability to maintain the standard I need to sustain wealthy thoughts

and actions.We've got to respect the wisdom of our body; it never lies.

3. Understand that Money has no power (only the power that you give it)

The source of your supply comes from within. You are your re-Source. Until this

very basic principle is learned and accepted life will give you plenty of

opportunities to master this. The greater your sense of consciousness the bigger

the receptacle into which money will flow towards and from you.

4. Research your future

Put real numbers to everything you want in your life, even if the money hasn't

shown up yet. Get your " dream life " out of your thinking mind. Stir your pots.

For example, if you dream about buying real estate find out just what your dream

house costs. Consult with real estate agencies; find out what kind of mortgage

you would get, how much down payment you need, what it would cost to run it....

The more specific and directed you are towards growing and maintaining your

wealth, the faster you will receive it. By doing this, you show yourself that

you are serious. Money loves clarity.

5. Keep a Spending Diary in order to understand your Triggers.

(I know, I know. You've heard me say this a lot - but have you tried it : )? A

few days after you track everything you buy, go through the list of items bought

and ask:

1. Does this have the same value today that I thought it would when I purchased


2. What mood was I in when I bought this? 3. Have I used this yet?

This exercise has helped a lot of my clients learn about some of their financial

triggers and helps you learn to be proactive, not reactive.

6. Track your Time, Energy and Money

Many sabotaging behaviors that prevent us from prospering come from unawareness

of how we spend our Time + Energy (see last newsletter article here). Try

tracking all your activities from the moment you wake up to the moment your head

hits the pillow. Then ask yourself these questions about every activity; 1. How

much time did this take? 2. How much energy did it require of me and what was

the quality of energy I received in the doing of it? 3. How much did it cost or

did I make? 4. On a scale from 1-5, was it worth the Time, Energy and Money

spent and/or made? I have said time and time again (no pun intended) that

fogginess of how we use our time and energy is a huge culprit re: thriving your

wealthy self. I've noticed how successful entrepreneurs whom I admire respect

Time; they show up on time, they deliver on time, they stick to the agreed to

amount of time. This is so huge I've invited Organizing Guru Morgenstern

to join me on " Conscious W ealth " (www.HayHouseRadio.com) as we talk about

decluttering our lives in order to have enough time to create wealth (and

remember it's a call in show, so we would love to answer your questions!). Money

allows us to do what we want with our time and energy.

7. Understand that everything, every situation, is temporary.

Whether you have more than or less than enough money to cover your needs and

desires right now, your financial situation is temporary. Money, like your

breath, needs to flow in AND out.

8. Keep in touch with your money.

Show up for your money. Stealing a line from Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire, " Help

it help you " . Visit with it consistently. Financial Expert Galia Gaichon

recommends we set aside 15 minutes/week - that's all! I have incorporated that

into my lifestyle now and find it ends up saving me time in addition to staying

close to my financial pulse.

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