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Re: silymarin/Milk Thistle: Miracle or Malarky?

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From Hepatitis Neighborhood


Milk Thistle: Miracle or Malarky?

Herbs are selling like hotcakes these days; and why

shouldn't they be? In an age of modern medicine,

modern conveniences, and modern lifestyles, something

inside all of us longs to find answers buried deep

within ancestral secrets. Searching for the cure

ourselves feels like a relentless and passionate

pursuit...especially when " they " are telling us there

is just no cure. The burning question for all of us

remains: is milk thistle one such miracle herb, or

just more hype from suppliers who are seeking consumer


Milk Thistle: Miracle or Malarky?

By Heidi Genarro, RD, Your Hepatitis Neighborhood


....Milk thistle is one such herbal remedy touted as a

liver disease wonder drug.

But is it really? In Germany they think so. In fact,

the rather tall and prickly-leaf plant has been used

for centuries to treat liver ailments up until about

the twentieth century. According to Varro Tyler, PhD,

noted American authority on herbal remedies, and

author of The Honest Herbal and Herbs of Choice, it

was German scientists who began an intensive study of

the fruits of this plant just 25 years ago. What they

discovered was a mixture of three different

flavonolignans as the active ingredient, which they

collectively named silymarin.

Silymarin was found to exert potent liver protectant

properties. One such property is liver cell membrane

protection from the entry of toxic substances. In

other words, silymarin acts like a potent antioxidant,

preventing free radical and toxic damage to the liver

(see Food Market nutrition article, Aisle 1). In fact,

the silymarin in milk thistle is many times more

potent than Vitamin E in terms of protective

antioxidant activity!

The second most exciting property of silymarin is the

regeneration of new liver cells. What that means is

that there is an increase in production of new liver

cells to replace the old damaged ones. Today, because

of this research, milk thistle is often prescribed by

German doctors as a supportive treatment for

hepatitis, usually along with interferon.

As far as human study trials go, silymarin has

demonstrated positive health effects in people

suffering from chronic hepatitis, as well as

cirrhosis, fatty liver infiltration, liver damage

resulting from alcoholism of exposure to liver toxic

chemicals, and bile duct inflammation. In fact, the

only antidote for poisoning from the deadly mushroom

called Amanita (death cap) is silymarin.

Many of these studies were conducted by European

scientists, and have passed the scrutiny of American

scientists as well. According to Piscitelli,

MD, despite a few study limitations, such as small

sample sizes, " silymarin does appear to be more

effective than placebo for viral hepatitis, as well as

hepatitis caused by toxins and alcohol. "

That's the good news. What is the downside to taking

milk thistle? First, the assurance that what you buy

from your local health food store, pharmacy, or

grocery store really contains what it claims on the


Unfortunately, because of loose government

regulations, many are getting away with selling

supplements that don't contain any or all of the

”marker compound " that makes the herb effective (in

regard to milk thistle, it must contain 70% to 80% of

silymarin). Some supplement brands have been tested in

independent laboratories and found to contain none of

the herb or marker compound! That's scary. Know what

brands you can trust.

According to a July 1999 article in Environmental

Nutrition, their thorough research and discussion with

experts allowed them to compile the following list for

reputable herbal supplements: Celestial Seasonings;

Eclectic Institute; Enzmymatic Therapy/Phyto Parmica;

Gaia Herbs, Inc.; Herbalist & Alchemist; Herb Pharm;

Indena; Lichtwer Pharma; Nature's Herbs (Twin Lab);

Nature's Way; Pharmaton; Warner-Lambert;

Whitehall-Robins (American Home Products). I highly

recommend also that you check with www.consumerlab.com

to find out the results of their independent

laboratory tests on various herbs and supplements

before you buy.

Another downside is possible mild allergic reaction to

milk thistle. According to Nurses Drug Alert,

23(7):51, 1999, M.J. Powers & Co. Publishers, a 57

year-old woman was found for two months to be

suffering from weakness, watery diarrhea, nausea, and

abdominal pain shortly after she would take her

self-prescribed capsules of milk thistle. The symptoms

stopped after she stopped taking the herb. Whether or

not it was an allergic-type reaction, a contaminant in

the supplement, or the side-effect of the herb itself

is not known. No serious side effects of deaths have

ever been reported with humans taking milk thistle. A

few cases of intestinal upset with larger doses has

also been reported.

Can milk thistle interfere with other drugs?

Unfortunately, that question remains unanswered. At

this present time, no negative interactions have been

reported. Other herbs such as St. 's Wort, willow

bark, dandelion, ginseng, yohimbe, chamomile, gingko,

ma haung, natural licorice, and more have reported

drug-herb interactions with certain medications. As

always, your best bet is to inform your physician of

any and all herbs and dietary supplements you may


What's the final fair wind on milk thistle? It's

probably safe to take, and can likely work along with

your primary treatment for hepatitis as a supportive

treatment. Just be sure you purchase milk thistle from

a reputable source. Above all, remember to avoid the

temptation into " magical thinking”. Milk thistle is

NOT a cure for hepatitis C. However, it does appear to

be another good weapon in the fight.

--- " JeeKim.com " <ung@...> wrote:


> Doesn't milk thistle extract protect liver?



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Guest guest

From Hepatitis Neighborhood


Milk Thistle: Miracle or Malarky?

Herbs are selling like hotcakes these days; and why

shouldn't they be? In an age of modern medicine,

modern conveniences, and modern lifestyles, something

inside all of us longs to find answers buried deep

within ancestral secrets. Searching for the cure

ourselves feels like a relentless and passionate

pursuit...especially when " they " are telling us there

is just no cure. The burning question for all of us

remains: is milk thistle one such miracle herb, or

just more hype from suppliers who are seeking consumer


Milk Thistle: Miracle or Malarky?

By Heidi Genarro, RD, Your Hepatitis Neighborhood


....Milk thistle is one such herbal remedy touted as a

liver disease wonder drug.

But is it really? In Germany they think so. In fact,

the rather tall and prickly-leaf plant has been used

for centuries to treat liver ailments up until about

the twentieth century. According to Varro Tyler, PhD,

noted American authority on herbal remedies, and

author of The Honest Herbal and Herbs of Choice, it

was German scientists who began an intensive study of

the fruits of this plant just 25 years ago. What they

discovered was a mixture of three different

flavonolignans as the active ingredient, which they

collectively named silymarin.

Silymarin was found to exert potent liver protectant

properties. One such property is liver cell membrane

protection from the entry of toxic substances. In

other words, silymarin acts like a potent antioxidant,

preventing free radical and toxic damage to the liver

(see Food Market nutrition article, Aisle 1). In fact,

the silymarin in milk thistle is many times more

potent than Vitamin E in terms of protective

antioxidant activity!

The second most exciting property of silymarin is the

regeneration of new liver cells. What that means is

that there is an increase in production of new liver

cells to replace the old damaged ones. Today, because

of this research, milk thistle is often prescribed by

German doctors as a supportive treatment for

hepatitis, usually along with interferon.

As far as human study trials go, silymarin has

demonstrated positive health effects in people

suffering from chronic hepatitis, as well as

cirrhosis, fatty liver infiltration, liver damage

resulting from alcoholism of exposure to liver toxic

chemicals, and bile duct inflammation. In fact, the

only antidote for poisoning from the deadly mushroom

called Amanita (death cap) is silymarin.

Many of these studies were conducted by European

scientists, and have passed the scrutiny of American

scientists as well. According to Piscitelli,

MD, despite a few study limitations, such as small

sample sizes, " silymarin does appear to be more

effective than placebo for viral hepatitis, as well as

hepatitis caused by toxins and alcohol. "

That's the good news. What is the downside to taking

milk thistle? First, the assurance that what you buy

from your local health food store, pharmacy, or

grocery store really contains what it claims on the


Unfortunately, because of loose government

regulations, many are getting away with selling

supplements that don't contain any or all of the

”marker compound " that makes the herb effective (in

regard to milk thistle, it must contain 70% to 80% of

silymarin). Some supplement brands have been tested in

independent laboratories and found to contain none of

the herb or marker compound! That's scary. Know what

brands you can trust.

According to a July 1999 article in Environmental

Nutrition, their thorough research and discussion with

experts allowed them to compile the following list for

reputable herbal supplements: Celestial Seasonings;

Eclectic Institute; Enzmymatic Therapy/Phyto Parmica;

Gaia Herbs, Inc.; Herbalist & Alchemist; Herb Pharm;

Indena; Lichtwer Pharma; Nature's Herbs (Twin Lab);

Nature's Way; Pharmaton; Warner-Lambert;

Whitehall-Robins (American Home Products). I highly

recommend also that you check with www.consumerlab.com

to find out the results of their independent

laboratory tests on various herbs and supplements

before you buy.

Another downside is possible mild allergic reaction to

milk thistle. According to Nurses Drug Alert,

23(7):51, 1999, M.J. Powers & Co. Publishers, a 57

year-old woman was found for two months to be

suffering from weakness, watery diarrhea, nausea, and

abdominal pain shortly after she would take her

self-prescribed capsules of milk thistle. The symptoms

stopped after she stopped taking the herb. Whether or

not it was an allergic-type reaction, a contaminant in

the supplement, or the side-effect of the herb itself

is not known. No serious side effects of deaths have

ever been reported with humans taking milk thistle. A

few cases of intestinal upset with larger doses has

also been reported.

Can milk thistle interfere with other drugs?

Unfortunately, that question remains unanswered. At

this present time, no negative interactions have been

reported. Other herbs such as St. 's Wort, willow

bark, dandelion, ginseng, yohimbe, chamomile, gingko,

ma haung, natural licorice, and more have reported

drug-herb interactions with certain medications. As

always, your best bet is to inform your physician of

any and all herbs and dietary supplements you may


What's the final fair wind on milk thistle? It's

probably safe to take, and can likely work along with

your primary treatment for hepatitis as a supportive

treatment. Just be sure you purchase milk thistle from

a reputable source. Above all, remember to avoid the

temptation into " magical thinking”. Milk thistle is

NOT a cure for hepatitis C. However, it does appear to

be another good weapon in the fight.

--- " JeeKim.com " <ung@...> wrote:


> Doesn't milk thistle extract protect liver?



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